This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. COMMUNICATIONS POLICY 1. INTRODUCTION Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education (HMIE)’s communications policy aims to support successful achievement of its core objective to promote sustainable improvements in standards, quality and achievements for all learners in a Scottish education system which is inclusive. Effective communication is the responsibility of all staff within HMIE, a two way flow of information effectively sent and received. Through effective communication HMIE will ensure that: - HMIE staff are well informed about their own work and the work of the organisation, thus enhancing staff effectiveness and morale; - key messages are conveyed clearly and timeously to all HMIE stakeholders; and - we promote learning internally throughout the organisation. It will also ensure that HMIE delivers its strategic priorities effectively. For the period 2004-2007, Ministers have agreed four strategic priorities for HMIE against which its performance will be measured. These are: Through inspection and reporting, promote public accountability for the delivery of high quality education to all learners in Scotland; Work with other organisations to build capacity to provide education and services for children of the highest quality for all users; Support informed policy development by providing high quality, independent, professional advice drawn from inspection and review evidence and knowledge of the system; and Develop and manage HMIE as a best value organisation. The communications policy will be supplemented by a communications strategy. The strategy will outline clearly what HMIE will do to develop and improve communications over a specific period of time, usually the same three-year period as current strategic priorities. Priorities in the communication strategy will be identified through: current strategic priorities; staff surveys; and Version 704081 1 This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. discussions in HMIE’s Management Board (MB), Senior Management Group (SMG) or other key HMIE groups. The communications strategy will be supported by detailed annual action plans. 2. COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES Appendix 1 sets out examples of what HMIE means by communication. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. HMIE’s communications will reflect its core values of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality. Communications will be: honest, fair, open and accurate; appropriate for the audience and the situation; clear, simple and user-friendly, in line with plain English standards; high quality; in line with legislative requirements; consistent with HMIE’s role, image and corporate identity; monitored and evaluated regularly; and cost effective. We shall aim to: maximise the contribution that ICT and new media make to communications; and ensure that communication activity is in line with HMIE’s environmental policy. 3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Appendix 2 defines the contexts for internal communication within HMIE and lists HMIE’s external stakeholders. It is the responsibility of all staff to communicate clearly and effectively with all relevant staff within the organisation and all external stakeholders. It is the responsibility of all staff to be proactive in reading all relevant communications and keeping themselves well informed. Version 704081 2 This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. The Chief Inspector, Directorate 5Corporate Services Director has responsibility for the strategic planning of communications. S/he will chair the Communications Group which is responsible for the formulation, implementation and review of the communications policy and strategy. S/he will report regularly to MB and SMG. The Corporate Services DirectorAssistant Director, Directorate 4 has operational responsibility for communications. S/he will be responsible for drawing up annual action plans to support the communications strategy and for implementing these plans, in collaboration with other Directorates where appropriate. 4. OTHER RELEVANT OR RELATED POLICIES OR STRATEGIES The following policies/strategies are of direct relevance to communications and will be taken into account where relevant. - Inspection and reporting policy Environmental policy Equality strategy Human resources strategy Management planning principles Records management policy Promoting good practice policy 5. IMPLEMENTATION, QUALITY ASSURANCE and REPORTING PROCEDURES The Communications Group will meet three times annually to ensure effective formulation, implementation and review of the policy and strategy. Clear success criteria will be established for the communications strategy and the Communications Group will review progress towards their attainment. The Corporate Services Director Chief Inspector, Directorate 5 will report (by exception) to SMG twice a year and provide a full report to MB once a year. The Corporate Services Director Assistant Director, Directorate 4 will ensure that timescales in the annual action plan are adhered to and will report (by exception) to the Communications Group and SMG. 6. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS, INCLUDING DATE OF NEXT FORMAL REVIEW This policy will be reviewed in 2008-09. The communications strategy arising from this policy will cover the period 2006-10 and will take account of any amended or additional strategic priorities arising from the development of HMIE’s new corporate plan for 2007-10. 7. CONTACT DETAILS Version 704081 3 This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. Any comments or queries on this policy should be addressed to: Business Management and Communications Team, HM Inspectorate of Education, 2nd Floor, Denholm House, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. telephone: 01506 600265 and Communications Team Version 704081 e-mail: HMIE Business Management 4 This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. APPENDIX 1 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY COMMUNICATION? - - - one-to-one discussions/meetings group discussions oral feedback to those being inspected telephone o one to one o conference calls use of e-mail use of Blackberry use of videoconferencing website, including portal facility giving presentations writing letters sharing draft reports publications o reports on establishments o aspect and other reports o self-evaluation guides o newsletters o leaflets recruitment adverts use of HMIE logo use of “pop-ups”/backdrops/folders etc at conferences videos and DVDs presentation of statistics social interactions and events joint inspection activities with other agencies The above may be used: - externally and internally - formally and informally Version 704081 5 This policy came into effect on 20 September 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It was adjusted to reflect changes in directorate responsibilities wef October 2008. It supersedes all previous versions. APPENDIX 2 STAKEHOLDERS Contexts for internal communication within HMIE : - within and across Directorates within and across offices with office-based staff with staff out in the field with part-time staff with Assistant Inspectors with Associate Assessors with Lay Members with line managers and with those whom we line manage HMIE’s external stakeholders include: - staff in educational establishments people attending conferences and training events local authorities other organisations and agencies Scottish ExecutiveGovernment Ministers and MSPs prospective HMIE employees parents learners wider Scottish society Scottish media relevant agencies and bodies in other countries HMIE suppliers and contractors Version 704081 6