This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by... consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE...

This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
HMIE strives to be a great place to work. To achieve this we will value all our staff and help
them to develop to their fullest potential. We will proactively pursue equality, diversity and
fairness. We will achieve an appropriate balance between meeting organisational and
individual needs.
Our Human Resources (HR) policy is intended to support the mission, and deliver the objectives, of
HMIE. It is aligned with the HMIE Corporate Plan and the HMIE Business Plan.
The policy applies to all corporate services and inspection and review staff in direct employment with
HMIE, and all associated staff such as Associate Assessors and Lay Members. It takes account of
the relationship between HMIE and the Scottish Government (SG) in relation to HR in that a number
of personnel functions are carried out by SG HR. This document in published on the HMIE Intranet
and includes links to relevant documents.
HMIE Corporate Plan
HMIE Business Plan
HMIE Framework Document
The policy sets out agreed principles and aims and details our intentions and commitments.
Its outworking should ensure that HMIE:
has the resources it needs to deliver its objectives
values its people
plans for the future
provides new and existing staff with the skills they need to perform effectively
implements an appropriate balance between business targets and staff working conditions
effectively links business planning, deployment and staff development, and
supports career development and increases employability.
The aims of the HR policy are to:
recruit and retain high quality staff
deliver business objectives to a high standard
create the conditions which will enable HMIE to continue to be a high-performing, learning
organisation which is committed to delivery
meet the right balance between meeting the organisation’s and individuals’ needs
address work-life balance for all staff
promote inclusiveness, equality, fairness, transparency and mutual respect throughout the
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
use the skills and experiences of all staff effectively
recognise achievement
set out clear objectives, structures, roles and responsibilities for all staff
identify relevant opportunities for professional development and career progression
underpin effective succession planning and
build and maintain a culture of openness, creativity and lively debate
The policy covers the following areas:
Workforce planning and development
Continuing professional development
Performance management
Rewards management
Corporate health and wellbeing
Workforce planning and development
Our intention
HMIE should be regarded as an ‘employer of choice’. The selection processes used by HMIE should
identify the highest calibre of candidates and comply fully with all relevant employment legislation.
HMIE should be staffed appropriately to meet current and future strategic priorities and business
Our commitment
HMIE will undertake regular workforce planning exercises to identify staffing resources required to
deliver HMIE’s priorities and objectives. This will usually be done as part of the business and
corporate planning cycles. The recruitment and selection processes for all staff, including assistant
inspectors, associate assessors and lay members, will be consistent, fair and open. For internal
vacancies and secondments, notes of interest will usually be sought from eligible staff and managers
will take these into account in filling posts. Where appropriate, interviews will be conducted.
Our intention
All staff joining HMIE should have the best preparation for the variety of roles within the organisation.
Our commitment
All staff will have a consistent and high quality induction programme relevant to their, and the
organisation’s, needs. Activities will be based upon clear purposes and outcomes for the induction
period. The range of activities will support the development of skills, behaviours and attitudes, taking
full account of prior experience. The structure of the programme will also enable staff to forge
mutually supportive networks.
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
Welcome Pack
Resource Box
Induction Pack for Corporate Services staff
Induction Pack for Lay Members
Induction Pack for Associate Assessors
Induction Pack for Assistant Inspectors
Induction workbook for new Inspectors
Line Managers’ guide to induction
Continuing Professional Development
Our intention
All staff should have opportunities to consolidate existing skills, develop new skills, widen their
experience and plan for their future development. These opportunities should also take account of
the future needs of the organisation and underpin effective succession planning.
Our commitment
Continuing professional development in HMIE will:
enable individuals to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes they need to carry out their
work effectively and to cope with the stresses which may be associated with it
embrace and support an inclusive culture where all staff are able to work together, learn from
each other and share best practice
encourage individuals to play an active part in their own development and seek appropriate
training and qualifications, making effective use of the performance management system
support colleagues moving from one role to another within the organisation as part of
effective succession planning
make use of shadowing, mentoring and coaching, action research awards and secondments
to provide development opportunities
provide programmes that are based on effective planning and build on prior learning
provide training and support to leaders and managers so they are equipped to fulfil their
responsibility for developing human resources effectively
provide appropriate feedback to all staff
CPD Framework
PRAISE Framework
Performance Management
Our intention
All staff should have regular opportunities to get feedback on their performance and be appraised of
the contribution they make to the organisation’s stated objectives/priorities. All staff should be aware
of the link between their performance and their pay.
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
Our commitment
We work within the SG Performance Management system. The system is intended to create a high
performing organisation that is equipped to meet current challenges and those of the future. We are
committed to making this system work as effectively as possible within our own particular context to
ensure we have a skilled and effective workforce. We will encourage staff to focus on delivering
consistently high quality outcomes, to reflect on their own effectiveness and to identify best practice.
We will support personal and professional development. We will support managers to manage
Link to relevant SG pages
Link to HMIE exemplars
Rewards Management
Our intention
All staff should be rewarded financially through the performance management system as individuals
and, where appropriate, as individuals and teams through, for example, the application of the Special
Bonus Scheme. Staff should also be rewarded in non-financial ways.
Our commitment
HMIE is part of the Scottish Government Main bargaining unit (SGM) and as such, all pay issues are
negotiated and agreed centrally by SGM with the Council of Scottish Government Unions (CSGU).
Within that context, HMIE is committed to ensuring that staff are rewarded fairly for their performance.
As part of this process we will continue to monitor rewards management. HMIE is committed to the
development of the non-financial recognition of individual and team contributions through schemes
such as the Excellence Awards.
Link to relevant SG pages
Deployment and Planning
Our intention
Planning should incorporate as wide a range of staff activities as possible. It should provide an
appropriate balance between meeting the business targets of HMIE, and enabling individuals to
experience job satisfaction and have an appropriate life balance, and support development and career
progression. Management planning should take account of, and support effective succession
Our commitment
Planning will be used as a tool to ensure fair and realistic allocation of work, accurately time-costed. In
developing plans there will be effective and ongoing three-way communication between line
managers, individuals and the Inspection Planning Team. It will have sufficient flexibility to address
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
short notice demands and unforeseen circumstances as well as planning for longer term objectives
such as succession plans. The business planning process and performance management cycle will
be more closely aligned to enable effective links between individuals’ needs and interests and their
deployment in tasks and projects. Planning will take into account the needs of all staff involved,
including associate assessors, assistant inspectors and lay members.
Management Planning Principles
Business Planning Tool
Corporate health and wellbeing
Our intention
All staff should enjoy a positive climate of health and wellbeing, dignity and respect. They should feel
supported and be supported by the organisation as needed. Staff should have equality of opportunity
and should work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination.
Our commitment
We will seek to ensure this by:
consistently promoting a positive culture where the input, contribution and commitment of
individuals is recognised and valued
consistently reviewing our practice and adapting as necessary
fostering mutual respect and teamwork by involving all staff in developing HMIE
actively promoting good work-life balance
recognising that different staff have different strengths and development needs, and
responding accordingly
demonstrating our duty of care to all staff
addressing any harassment and intimidation experienced by staff in the course of their duties
taking steps to protect and promote our physical and psychological health
providing clear formal and informal procedures for staff to express concerns in confidence
providing effective support for colleagues experiencing professional or personal difficulties
liaising with professional/union organisations
taking account of the issues which concern staff emerging from feedback
Link to SG Employee Assistance Programme
Link to Health and Wellbeing webpage.
All HMIE staff have a role in ensuring the successful implementation of this policy.
Consequently, “our” policy implies responsibilities and entitlements for all permanent staff, seconded
staff, assistant inspectors, associate assessors and lay members at corporate, directorate and
individual levels within the organisation.
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
Responsibility for the management of HR within HMIE sits with the Chief Inspector and Assistant
Chief Inspector in Directorate 1 and with the Director of Corporate Services.
The HR Policy Group includes representatives from across the organisation. It aims to reflect the staff
profile of HMIE and provide continuity for the effective functioning of the group. The purpose of the
group is to provide professional advice, scrutiny and support for the work of the HR team. In order to
do this effectively, members of the group will engage with colleagues across the organisation and
guage opinion on the HR policy. The Policy Group will make recommendations to SMG in respect of
HR policy and monitor the effective implementation of strategy.
HR Policy Group (membership)
HR Team (roles and responsibilities)
Links with other relevant policies/procedures/guidance are accessible via the intranet edition of this
The following Scottish Government policies/procedures/guidance are directly relevant to HMIE.
leavers (retirements, resignations etc)
attendance management
grievance/dignity at work
Employee Assistance Programme
pay and leave
travel management/relocation
employee relations
management information
The following HMIE policies/guidance are directly relevant to HMIE:
Communications policy
Equalities action plans: race, disability, gender.
This policy is supported by an action plan. Outcomes from the action plan are regularly monitored
and reviewed by both the HR Team and the HR Policy Group. The HR Team is responsible for the
day-to-day delivery of the policy and making sure that required improvements take place. It meets at
least once a month to monitor progress and plan future actions. The HR Policy Group is
representative of all staff within the organisation and will advise and oversee developments and
progress. It meets three times a year. The Senior Management Group and the Management Team
maintain an overview of HR issues and get regular updates as needed from the HR Team. The HR
This policy came into effect on 8 May 2007 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions
Team conducts regular staff surveys to gather information on the impact of the HR policy, reports
these findings to staff and acts to improve where improvements are needed.
Annual SG and HMIE Staff survey results
HR Action Plan
HR Policy Group minutes.
This policy, and related guidance, will cover the period 2006- 2009 and will take account of additions
or amendments to HMIE’s strategic priorities as identified in the 2007-2010 Corporate Plan. It will be
reviewed in 2009/10.
Any comments or queries on this policy should be addressed to:
HR Team, HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA
Telephone: 01506 600 270/332/481