Meeting of the Management Advisory Board

Meeting of the Management Advisory Board
A Meeting of the Management Advisory Board was held on Monday 3 September
2012 at 10.30am in the Board Room, Denholm House, Livingston
Alan Armstrong
Anna Boni
Sir Andrew Cubie
Alastair Delaney
Kate Dunlop
Michael Ewart
Bill Maxwell (Chair)
Kenneth Muir
Craig Munro
Graeme Ogilvy
Stuart Robinson
Caroline Stafford
Welcome and Apologies
Noted 1:
Bill welcomed everyone to the inaugural meeting of the
newly formed Management Advisory Board. He
extended a particular welcome to Mike and Kate who
were joining as new Non-Executive Directors, to Craig
who was joining as the new Strategic Director for
Strategy, Performance and Corporate Resources and
Anna Boni in her new role as Lead Officer for corporate
Minute of the previous meeting held on 28 June 2012 and Action
Noted 1:
The Minute of the previous meeting of Education
Scotland’s Transitional Management Board were
approved with all actions having been progressed or
Action 1:
Caroline to arrange for the Minute and Action Log to
be published on the Education Scotland website,
subject to any FOI exemptions.
Management Advisory Board: Minutes
3 September 2012
Matters arising
Noted 1:
There were no matters arising which did not feature on
the agenda of the meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Noted 1:
No declarations were made.
Terms of reference and governance structure
Noted 1:
Members reviewed draft terms of reference for the reconstituted Management Advisory Board. They also
discussed how it relates to the next levels of the
governance structure and reviewed draft terms of
reference for the Review Boards and So What? Board
which form key elements of the governance structure,
reporting to CMG. The business planning cycle and the
role of the strategic priorities were also discussed.
Agreed 1:
MAB should annually discuss progress against each of
the strategic objectives and in due course consider and
approve coherent high-level strategies relating to each of
Action 1:
Craig will ensure this is planned in the calendar of
business for the Management Advisory Board.
Action 2:
Ken agreed to provide Members with a copy of a draft
Inspection policy and code of practice at the next
meeting in December.
Action 3:
Anna to cross reference the agenda business
planners for both the Management Advisory Board
and the Audit and Risk Committee.
Action 4:
The terms of reference for the Management Advisory
Board were agreed subject to some minor revisions
which Anna will make prior to re-circulating a final
Management Advisory Board: Minutes
3 September 2012
Corporate Risk Register
Agreed 1:
Members reviewed the corporate risk register which had
been inherited from the transitional Management Board.
Agreed 1:
All agreed that this was a good summary of the corporate
risks and that this should continue to be a standing item at
future meetings.
Action 1:
Stuart will provide the Non-Executive Directors
with a session around risk and will use the planned
session with Audit & Risk Committee colleagues to
do so.
Finance Report
Noted 1:
The Board noted the finance report as at 31 July 2012, in
particular noting the progress being made to anticipate
the further budget reduction planned for 2013/14.
Noted 2 :
Work is underway to integrate finance reporting into the
business planning tool.
Noted 3:
A note has gone out to all staff advising that they can
apply for another tranche of voluntary exit but making it
clear only in exceptional circumstances will this be
Report from Audit & Risk Committee – 22 August 2012
Noted 1:
The Board noted Sir Andrew’s update from the previous
Audit & Risk Committee, in particular that the committee
approved the internal audit programme and had some
further discussions around the Framework Document.
The Framework Document is at an advanced stage of
drafting, but finalisation of a higher level paper on
relationships between DGs and Executive Agencies,
which Leslie Evans has requested, is awaited before our
own Framework can be signed off in final form.
Management Advisory Board: Minutes
3 September 2012
Action 1:
Glow Update
Noted 1:
Bill to send Board Members a copy of the current
draft of the Framework document.
Members noted the governance structure relating to
Glow, the four projects being taken forward by Education
Scotland and the progress being made in each of them.
Noted 1:
Preparation for Scottish Learning Festival 2012 is going
well with this years theme being Creative thinking, Creative
Noted 2:
An away day has been planned for the Management
Advisory Board on Friday 5 October at the MacDonald
Holyrood Hotel in Edinburgh to provide an opportunity for
the Board to spend some focused time on Strategic
visioning and planning. The outcomes of the away day will
feed directly into the development of the Corporate Plan
Date of Next Meeting
Noted 1:
The next meeting is scheduled to take place at
10.30am on Tuesday 18 December in Denholm
House, Livingston.
Management Advisory Board: Minutes
3 September 2012