Education Scotland Management Board

Education Scotland
Management Board
A Meeting of the Education Scotland Management Board on Thursday 15 March 2012 at 10.00am in
the Board Room, Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow ,G2 8DU.
Moi Ali (Non-Executive Director)
Alastair Delaney (CMG Member)
Louise Hayward (Non-Executive Director)
Anne Jardine (CMG Member)
Kay Livingston (CMG Member)
Catherine MacIntyre (CMG Member)
Bill Maxwell (Chair) (Chief Executive)
Neil McKechnie (CMG Member)
Kenneth Muir (CMG Member)
Iain Nisbet (Non-Executive Director)
Graeme Ogilvy (Non-Executive Director)
Stuart Robinson (CMG Member)
Alan Armstrong (CMG Member)
Sir Andrew Cubie (Non-Executive Director)
Gill Robinson (CMG Member)
In attendance:
Laura Burman (item 5 only)
Maureen Gore (item 8 only)
Caroline Stafford (Secretariat)
Welcome and Apologies
Noted 1:
Bill welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Management
Board and the above apologies were noted.
Noted 2:
It was noted that Gary Kildare had resigned from his position as a
Member of the Management Board and colleagues formally recorded
thanks for Gary’s contribution as a Non-Executive Director of
Education Scotland.
Minute of the previous meeting held on 13 December 2011 and Action
Noted 1:
The Minute of the previous meeting was approved with all actions
having been progressed or completed.
Action 1:
Caroline to arrange for the Minute and Action Log to be
published on the Education Scotland website, subject to any
FOI exemptions.
Matters Arising
Noted 1:
Management Board
15 March 2012
Bill summarised the national press attention which has been
received lately around Curriculum for Excellence.
Declarations of Interest
Noted 1:
The Register of Interests was tabled at the meeting and there were
no further declarations made.
Business Planning
Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 / 13
Noted 1:
Work is progressing at pace with the population of the
business planning tool nearing completion. Over the coming
weeks Alastair and Stuart will take a focused rationalisation
exercise in order to finalise the content of the tool. It is hoped
to have this complete by the end of March.
Action 1:
Alastair to send the Management Board a copy of the
draft business plan by mid April.
Development of 3 Year Corporate Strategy 2012 / 15
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the approach being adopted
to develop the Corporate Strategy.
Proposals for Governance and Performance Reporting
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted and commented on the draft
proposals for governance and performance reporting.
Agreed 1:
The proposals provide a clear sense of the new structure
that Education Scotland will take and that the focus should
always remain on outcomes and what difference the
organisation can make.
Implications of Post-16 Education Proposals
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the Scottish Government’s response
to the consultation proposal that part of Scotland’s Colleges moves
into Education Scotland and also noted the implications of post-16
developments and decisions more generally on the current future
work of Education Scotland.
Education Scotland’s Duty of User Focus
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the duties under section 112 of the
Public Services Reform Act 2010 and the extent to which Education
Scotland meets the duty.
Agreed 1:
Further discussion is required, specifically around parent
representation and the use of social media.
Action 1:
Education Scotland’s Duty of User Focus to be on the agenda
for a future meeting of the Management Board.
Management Board
15 March 2012
Organisational Development Programme Progress Update
Noted 1:
Bill welcomed Maureen Gore to the meeting and advised that she
has taken over the role of Organisational Development Programme
Manager from Maggie Tierney.
Noted 2:
The programme is on track with winding down of phase one taking
place to allow for commencement of phase two.
Noted 3:
Maureen is working with Bill and the Corporate Management Group
on the following 3 categories within phase 2 of the programme.
Finance Report as at 31 January 2012
Noted 1:
Iain provided the Management Board with a summary of
proceedings at the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee
which was held on 14 February 2012.
Any Other Business
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the report on corporate performance for
the former LTS programmes.
Report from Audit and Risk Committee – 14 February 2011
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the Finance Report as at 31 January
Corporate Performance Report
Noted 1:
People and Culture
Organisational Development and Deployment
The Management Board noted that refurbishment will take place at
Saughton House week commencing 9 April which will see some
Education Scotland staff having to relocate to a different spur within
the premises for up to 8 weeks.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled to take place at 10.30am on Thursday 28 June at Optima
Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DU
Management Board
15 March 2012