4(2&3) : 197-205, 2010 N LIMNOLOGY OF TWO SPRINGS ADJACENT TO CHATTHA NULLAH JAMMU PART III. ZOOPLANKTON Save Nature to Survive QUARTERLY S.P.S.DUTTA, M. KHULLAR* AND J. SHARMA Department of Environmental Sciences, Jammu University, Jammu -180 004 E-mail: khullarmridhu@gmail.com ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Zooplankton, a very dynamic portion of total plankton, has a greater species diversity and their composition varies with seasonal production of meroplankton such as eggs, larvae and juveniles of benthos, nekton etc. Functionally, the zooplankton includes detritivores, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. These excrete dissolved and particulate inorganic and organic materials that can serve as nutrient for saprovores, phytoplankton and caprovores. Zooplankton influences ionic composition and nutrient quality, either by removal of material as food or addition of fecal matter and excretory products. These, after death, sink and form rich organic deposits i.e. detritus. Zooplankton is also recognized as the biological indicator of water. (Das and Pandey, 1978; Vasisht and Sra, 1979; Sladeck, 1983; Narayana and Somashekhar, 2002; and Mishra, 2005). Role of zooplankton as prey and predators of fish is also well-known (Nikolsky, 1999). Earlier, except the reports of Slathia et al., (2001), and Dutta et al., (2006), there is no published work on this aspect of limnology for Jammu springs. Taking into consideration the importance of zooplankton in aquatic environment, present study was undertaken in two springs and has been described. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of zooplankton in two springs was undertaken and has been described. Zooplankton, qualitatively, comprising of fifty six species have shown the presence of thirty seven species of protozoans, seven species of rotifers, three species of copepods and their three larvae, three species of miscellaneous insects, five species of annelids and water nematodes. Quantitative study has shown the dominance of Protozoa (190-1362), followed by Rotifera (0-937), Copepod (0-456), Insecta (0-173), water Nematoda (0-63) and Oligochaeta (012). Analysis of coefficient of correlation of zooplankton, Sorenson’s index of similarity and species diversity index has also been calculated. Species diversity index above 1 indicates clean water conditions of these springs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Topography Chattha nullah, an important perennial tributary of the Behlol nullah, is fed by a large number of seasonal and perennial limnocrene and rheocrene springs. For the present one year limnological study, the two limnocrene springs, located on the sides of Chattha nullah, near village Gadigarh, were selected. Water of these springs is used for bathing, washing and drinking purposes. Monthly zooplanktonic samples, at each spring, were collected by filtering two litres of water through a planktonic net (No. 25). Samples were preserved in 5% formaldehyde solution in labelled glass tubes and were identified (Ward and Whipple, 1959; Arora, 1965; Nair et al., 1971; Battish, 1981; Dutta, 1983; Adoni, 1985 and Kudo, 1986) and counted in Sedgewick Rafter counting cell. The results are expressed as number/L. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of zooplanktonic analysis of two experimental springs and their mean have been tabulated in Tables 1 to 3. Qualitative composition Qualitatively, zooplankton, comprising of 56 species, has shown the dominance of Protozoa (Volvox sp., Euglena deses, E.gracilis, E.spirogyra, E.viridis, Phacus acuminata, P.oscillans, Peranema trichophorum, Lepocynclis sp., Entosiphon 197 KEY WORDS Zooplankton Seasonal change Diversity Dominance Received : Revised : Accepted : 04.02.2010 24.06.2010 27.07.2010 *Corresponding author S. P. S. DUTTA et al., Table 1: Monthly variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring I, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Organisms PROTOZOA Volvox sp. Euglena deses Ehren. Euglena gracilis Klebs Euglena spirogyra Ehren. Euglena viridis Ehren. Total Euglena Spp. Phacus acuminate Stokes P. oscillans klebs Total Phacus spp. Peranema trichophorum (Ehren.) Lepocynclis sp. Entosiphon sulcatum (Dujardin) Amoeba gorgonian Penard A. proteus (Pallas) Total Amoeba spp. Pelomyxa sp. Arcella Vulgaris Ehren. A. discoides Ehren. Total Arcella spp. Difflugia corona Wallich Centropyxis aculeata (Ehren.)stein C. ecornis (Ehren.) leidy C. constricta (Ehren.) lenard C. aerophila Deflandre C. arcelloides Penard Total Centropyxis spp. Actinophrys sp. Lacrymaria sp. Nassula sp. Chilodonella sp. Paramecium Aurelia Ehren. P. coudatum Ehren. P. bursaria (Ehren.) P. trichium Stokes Total Paramecium spp. Clopoda sp. Colpidium sp. Uronema marina Dujardin Stentor sp. Stylonychia sp. Euplotes patella (Muller) Vorticella microstoma Ehren. Carchesium polypinum (Linnaeus) TOTAL PROTOZOA ROTIFERA Brachionus quadridentatus(Hermann) Euchlanis dilatata Myers Colurella obtuse Gosse Lecane (Monostyla) bulla Gosse Cephalodella sp. Philodina sp. Lepadella ovalis Muller TOTAL ROTIFERA ARTHROPODA CRUSTACEA COPEPODA Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) Eucyclops serrulatus Fischer Paracyclops fimbriatus Fischer Nauplius Metanauplius Copedodid larvae Total larval stages Feb. Mar. Apr. 10 10 20 - 72 18 28 46 118 26 24 24 6 6 71 32 103 6 6 165 24 12 12 36 38 105 105 105 15 263 19 19 18 18 19 28 47 66 28 94 28 76 282 21 46 46 46 34 80 34 181 85 42 127 68 68 127 322 225 30 255 45 45 30 15 15 15 15 338 75 22 97 390 150 278 1613 43 12 34 89 12 12 12 26 26 544 170 170 442 170 1465 17 17 34 34 9 9 34 34 8 34 26 50 85 9 17 274 22 40 40 80 50 130 1140 1352 115 115 310 310 51 51 26 26 765 765 697 19694 - 39 39 - 15 21 36 66 66 - 17 85 102 30 30 17 17 111 17 128 120 120 550 150 550 230 1720 23 17 40 18 27 27 13 19 20 - - - 2 - 85 21 42 42 84 - - 93 136 60 196 100 50 50 102 2 - 198 LIMNOLOGY OF TWO SPRINGS cont....Table 1: Monthly variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring I, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Total Copedoda Insecta Diptera Chironomus sp. Coleopterans Insecta unidentified Total insecta Annelida Oligochaeta Aeolosoma hemprichi (Ehren.) Nais communis Piguet Dero digitata (Muller) Chaetogaster orientalis Steph Stylaria fossularis Leidy Total oligochaeta Nematoda Water Nematodes Total zooplankton 45 33 - - - 2 190 - - 289 150 104 9 9 19 19 - - 47 47 161 161 - 110 110 - - 20 20 60 60 - 13 13 - 15 15 - - - - 9 9 - - - 172 269 36 324 395 344 614 1753 30 1521 34 725 100 3342 2168 sulcapum, Amoeba gorgonian, A.proteus, Pelomyxa sp., Arcella vulgaris, A.discoides,Difflugia corona, Centropyxis aculeate, C.ecornis, C.constricta, C.aerophila, C.arcelloides, Actinophrys sp., Lacrymaria, sp., Nassula sp., Chilodonella sp., Parmecium aurelia , P.caudatum, P.bursaria , P.trichium, Colpoda sp., Colpidium sp., Uronema sp., Stentor sp., Stylonychia sp., Euplotes patella, Vorticella microstoma and Carchesium polypinum) followed by Rotifera (Brachionus quadridentatus, Euchlanis dilatata, Colurella obtusa ,Lecane(monostyla) bulla, Cephalodella sp., Philodina sp. and lepadella ovalis) Copepoda (Mesocyclos leuckarti, Eucyclops serrulatus and Paracyclops fimbriatus) and their larvae (nauplius, metanauplius and copepodid), Insecta (Chironomus sp., coleopterans and unidentified insects), Oligochaeta (Aeolosoma hemprichi, Nais communis, Dero digitata, Chaetogaster orientalis and Stylaria fossularis) and water nematodes. When compared to the observations of some earlier workers, present zooplanktonic composition is different. Jana and Sarkar (1971) reported Protozoa, Nematoda, Crustacea and Rotifera (Brachionus sp., Lecane sp. and Dipolis sp.) from Swetganga spring, Bakreswar. Jana (1973) documented the presence of nematodes (Torbrilus sp.), copepods (Cyclopas sp. and nauplius larvae) and rotifers (Lecane sp. and Brachionus sp.) from thermal springs of Bakreswar, Birbhum. Tanti and Saha (1992) noticed one species each of Nematoda, Insecta and Protozoa from thermal springs of Rajgir, Bihar. Saha (1993) worked out the association of protozoans (Arcella discoides, Lesquereusia spiralis, Euglypha sp. and Vorticella sp.) rotifers (Monostyla sp., Lecane sp. and Brachionus sp.), nematodes (Monunchus macrostoma and Trilobus gracilis), crustaceans (Cyclops sp. and nauplius larvae) and insects (Chiromomus sp.) from Bhimbandh thermal springs, Bihar. Slathia et al., (2001) analyzed zooplankton of of Rehtari spring and observed the presence of fifteen species of protozoans and four species of rotifers; Dutta et al., (2006) made zooplanktonic analysis of Bhilan spring water and documented the association of seven species of protozoans and one species of crustacean. Limnocrene nature of springs, optimum range of temperature and chemical characteristics of water, may explain present quantitative richness of zooplankton in these springs. An overall zooplanktonic analysis has shown the dominance of protzoans and is in agreement with the observations of Saha (1993), Slathia et al., (2001) and Dutta et al., (2006). Qualitative zooplanktonic analysis has shown irregular presence of various groups of zooplankton in these springs. Among the various genera of protozoans, Volvox is seen five times (May, June, July, August and October), Euglena eight times (July, September, October and December to April). Among various species of Euglena, E.viridis is seen only once (December), E.spirogyra twice (December and January), E.gracilis thrice (January, March and April) and E. deses six times (July, September, October, January, February and March). Among the various species of Phacus, P.oscillans is observed twice (October, November) and P. acuminata six times (June, September, October, November, January and April), Pernema trichophorum, Lepocynclis and Entosiphon sulcatum, among flagellates, are observed only once in October, January and March, respectively ( Table 3). Among Rhizopoda, Pelomyxa sp. is seen once (December) and Amoeba sp. four times (August, December, February and March). Arcella remined almost perennial, except in October and January. Among its various species, A. discoides is noticed five times (May, July, August, September and November) and A.vulgaris is noticed eight times (June, July, August, September, December, February, March and April). Genus Difflugia, represented by D.corona, is observed only once in October (Table 3). Genus Centropyxis, which showed its absence in the month of September, October, November, recorded maximum qualitative diversity in May and August. Among its various species, C. constricta (August and March), C. aerophila (July and August) and C. arcelloides (May and August) are noticed twice, and C.aculeata (May, June, December, January, March and April ) and C.ecornis (May, June, August, December, January and February) six times . Qualitatively, among various genera of ciliates, Colpidium (January), Stentor (December), Nassula (January), Chilodonella (December) and Carchesium (November) are seen only once; Uronema twice (January, February); Lacrymaria (June, January, February) and Colpoda (June, August, September) thrice; Stylonychia four times (June, July, December and February); 199 S. P. S. DUTTA et al., Table 2: Monthly variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Organisms Protozoa Volvox sp. Euglena deses Ehren. Euglena gracilis Klebs Euglena spirogyra Ehren. Euglena viridis Ehren. Total Euglena Spp. Phacus acuminate Stokes P. oscillans klebs Total Phacus spp. Peranema trichophorum (Ehren.) Lepocynclis sp. Entosiphon sulcatum (Dujardin) Amoeba gorgonian Penard A. proteus (Pallas) Total Amoeba spp. Pelomyxa sp. Arcella Vulgaris Ehren. A. discoides Ehren. Total Arcella spp. Difflugia corona Wallich Centropyxis aculeata (Ehren.)stein C. ecornis (Ehren.) leidy C. constricta (Ehren.) lenard C. aerophila Deflandre C. arcelloides Penard Total Centropyxis spp. Actinophrys sp. Lacrymaria sp. Nassula sp. Chilodonella sp. Paramecium Aurelia Ehren. P. coudatum Ehren. P. bursaria (Ehren.) P. trichium Stokes Total Paramecium spp. Clopoda sp. Colpidium sp. Uronema marina Dujardin Stentor sp. Stylonychia sp. Euplotes patella (Muller) Vorticella microstoma Ehren. Carchesium polypinum (Linnaeus) Total protozoa Rotifera Brachionus quadridentatus(Hermann) Euchlanis dilatata Myers Colurella obtuse Gosse Lecane (Monostyla) bulla Gosse Cephalodella sp. Philodina sp. Lepadella ovalis Muller Total Rotifera Arthropoda Crustacea Copepoda Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) Eucyclops serrulatus Fischer Paracyclops fimbriatus Fischer Nauplius Metanauplius Copedodid larvae Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 72 54 54 34 34 93 93 1377 1630 26 24 24 8 8 16 16 8 40 32 72 120 160 144 8 586 24 12 12 48 60 108 36 36 12 204 12 408 30 28 28 57 9 66 47 38 19 28 132 38 19 321 19 19 18 18 60 60 97 21 46 46 46 34 80 34 46 57 57 115 115 514 85 42 127 13 138 278 225 225 38 38 20 38 38 10 10 20 133 19 152 12 95 123 95 818 43 12 36 91 12 12 12 12 36 48 24 24 240 240 420 871 17 17 23 23 8 8 8 8 8 608 83 755 10 10 20 22 44 44 22 22 55 44 207 115 115 310 310 81 81 230 230 23 759 - 64 64 12 12 24 9 9 - 23 333 356 - 19 19 96 76 84 256 8 36 9 53 110 44 154 23 58 81 - - - - - 195 115 - 487 234 - - - - 44 132 132 121 66 50 42 - 200 - LIMNOLOGY OF TWO SPRINGS cont....Table 2: Monthly variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Total larval stages Total Copedoda Inecta Diptera Chironomus sp. Coleopterans Insecta unidentified Total Insecta Annelida Oligochaeta Aeolosoma hemprichi (Ehren.) Nais communis Piguet Dero digitata (Muller) Chaetogaster orientalis Steph Stylaria fossularis Leidy Total Oligochaeta Nematoda Water Nematodes Total Zooplankton - - - - - 310 234 721 - - - 319 495 92 17 17 24 24 2 2 - 24 24 184 184 6 3 4 13 19 2 21 2 1 3 38 38 22 22 - - 8 8 24 24 - - 11 11 - 9 9 - - - - 458 333 121 1375 1012 867 878 932 1642 682 Euplotes eight times (May, June, July, August, October, December, February and March) and Paramecium (May, June, ,August, September, October, December, January, February and April) nine times. Vorticella however, remained almost perennial, except in May. An overall protozoans analysis has shown January highest and November lowest diversity. 96 1226 846 July, August, October, December and January minimum diversity in these springs. Water nematodes made their presence in January, February and March only. Qualitatively, zooplankton recorded tetramodal viz. June, August, October and March peaks. These observed March maximum and May and September minimum diversity (Table 3). Seasonally, among the rotifers, Lepadella ovalis and Brachionus quadridentatus are seen once in March and October, respectively, Lecane (Monostyla) bulla twice (March and April); Cephalodella sp. thrice (July, August and March) and Euchlanis dilatata (January, February, March and April) and Colurella obtusa (November, January, February and March) four times, and Philodina sp. recorded it’s May absence. An overall rotifers study has shown January, February, April qualitative increase. March highest June lowest qualitative count and May total absence (Table 3). Quantitative variations The order of quantitative dominance of total zooplankton, protozoans, rotifers, copepods, insects, oligochaetes and water nematodes in these two springs is seen as 247-2110n/L> 190-1362n/L> 0-937n/L> 0-456n/L> 0-173n/L> 0-12n/L and 0-63n/L, respectively (Table 3). Quantitative dominance of protozoans, observed presently is in accordance with the earlier observation of Saha (1993) from Bhimbandh thermal springs, Slathia et al., (2001) from Rehtari springs Udhampur and Dutta et al., (2006) from Bhilan springs. Rich algal growth, optimum physico-chemical conditions and presence of fish may explain quantitative dominance of protozoan in these springs, under study. Brown and Austin (1973) attributed protozoan dominance to the rich Copepods, among crustacean zooplankton, also remained seasonal. Among various species of Copepods, Paracyclopes fimbriatus is observed thrice (October, November and March) Mesocyclops leuckarti four times (May, June, March and April) and Eucyclops serrulatus four times (October, November, February and April). Larval stages viz. nauplius, metanauplis and copepodid recorded their presence in May, June, November, February and March (Table 3). Copepods maximum qualitative diversity is seen during November and March and minimum during May, June, October and April. These recorded total absence in July, August, September, December and January (Table 3). algal growth and alkaline pH. Quantitatively, protozoan recorded May, December, January and April increase. Protozoan count remained low in the month of July, august and September. Annual highest and lowest record of protozoan count is seen in the month of April and September, respectively. Analysis of coefficient of correlation (r) of protozoan, with water quality parameters, has shown significant correlation with water temperature (r =0.6284*) and phosphate (r=-0.6893*) in these springs. Quantitatively the order of dominance of various genera of Protozoa has been seen Euplotes (0-689n/L) > Paramecium (0-498n/L) > Vorticella (0-360n/L) > Phacus (0-310n/L) > Uronima (0-304n/L) > Nassula (0-272n/L) > Stylonychia (0243n/L) > Euglena (0-240n/L) > Colpidium (0-221n/L) > Chilodonella (0-169n/L) > Volvox (0-72n/L) > Carchesium (069n/L) > Centropyxis (0-67n/L) > Arcella (0-66n/L) > Colpoda Among the various miscellaneous forms, Chironomus recorded absence in July, August and January. Coleopteran were seen during July, November and January and unidentified insects in the month of December. Among the various species of Oligochaeta, Dero digitata, Chaetogaster orientalis and Stylaria fossularis are seen only once in January, June and October, respectively. Aeolosoma hemprichi (July and December) and Nais communis (June and August) are observed twice. Qualitatively, oligochaetes recorded June maximum and 201 S. P. S. DUTTA et al., Table 3: Monthly mean variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring I and spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months Organisms May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Protozoa Volvox sp. Euglena deses Ehren. Euglena gracilis Klebs Euglena spirogyra Ehren. Euglena viridis Ehren. Total Euglena Spp. Phacus acuminate Stokes P. oscillans klebs Total Phacus spp. Peranema trichophorum (Ehren.) Lepocynclis sp. Entosiphon sulcatum (Dujardin) Amoeba gorgonian Penard A. proteus (Pallas) Total Amoeba spp. Pelomyxa sp. Arcella Vulgaris Ehren. A. discoides Ehren. Total Arcella spp. Difflugia corona Wallich Centropyxis aculeata (Ehren.)stein C. ecornis (Ehren.) leidy C. constricta (Ehren.) lenard C. aerophila Deflandre C. arcelloides Penard Total Centropyxis spp. Actinophrys sp. Lacrymaria sp. 0Nassula sp. Chilodonella sp. Paramecium Aurelia Ehren. P. coudatum Ehren. P. bursaria (Ehren.) P. trichium Stokes Total Paramecium spp. Colpoda sp. Colpidium sp. Uronema marina Dujardin Stentor sp. Stylonychia sp. Euplotes patella (Muller) Vorticella microstoma Ehren. Carchesium polypinum (Linnaeus) Total protozoa Rotifera Brachionus quadridentatus(Hermann) Euchlanis dilatata Myers Colurella obtuse Gosse Lecane (Monostyla) bulla Gosse Cephalodella sp. Philodina sp. Lepadella ovalis Muller Total Rotifera Arthropoda Crustacea Copepoda Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) Eucyclops serrulatus Fischer Paracylops fimbriatus Fischer Nauplius Metanauplius Copedodid larvae Total larval stages Total copepoda Apr. 72 27 27 9 14 17 40 47 47 689 875 26 24 24 7 7 44 16 60 4 23 16 39 60 80 72 4 376 24 12 12 24 30 54 18 18 6 102 6 222 38 14 14 29 5 33 24 19 10 14 67 53 53 53 19 17 294 19 19 18 18 10 14 24 63 14 77 14 38 190 21 46 46 46 34 80 34 23 29 29 58 58 348 85 42 127 34 34 70 69 300 225 15 240 42 42 25 27 27 5 13 18 169 104 21 125 6 243 137 186 1216 43 12 35 90 12 12 12 6 31 37 12 12 272 205 205 221 210 85 1168 17 17 17 12 29 8 8 21 21 4 4 17 13 30 304 43 46 9 515 10 10 20 22 22 22 31 31 40 25 65 598 22 780 115 115 310 310 66 66 13 13 383 115 498 360 1362 - 52 52 6 6 12 8 15 23 33 33 11 167 178 8 43 51 25 25 48 38 51 137 59 18 13 90 60 60 330 75 247 115 937 23 29 9 61 9 14 14 34 7 10 10 17 - - - 98 58 156 286 11 138 21 159 456 - - - - 47 68 30 98 144 72 66 91 61 33 185 323 76 22 98 202 LIMNOLOGY OF TWO SPRINGS Table 3: Monthly mean variations in zooplankton (number/litre) at spring I and spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Months Organisms Insecta Diptera Chironomus sp. Coleopterans Insecta unidentified Total Insecta Annelida Oligochaeta Aeolosoma hemprichi (Ehren.) Nais communis Piguet Dero digitata (Muller) Chaetogaster orientalis Steph Stylaria fossularis Leidy Total Oligochaeta Nematoda Water Nematodes Total Zooplankton May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 13 13 22 22 1 1 - 36 36 173 173 3 3 6 10 55 65 1 1 19 19 21 21 30 30 - 7 4 11 12 12 8 8 - 6 6 - 5 5 5 5 - - - 911 476 247 325 259 861 813 1311 63 1374 17 785 50 2110 1551 Table 4: Coefficient of correlation (r) between the zooplankton and physico-chemical parameters of spring I and spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Parameters Water pH temp. ºC Electrical DO conductivity -0.6284* -0.2808 -0.2865 -0.0766 0.4990 0.5054 -0.7052* -0.4580 -0.0184 -0.4480 0.2423 0.5105 -0.2889 0.5653* Organisms Protozoa Rotifera Copepoda Insecta Oligochaeta Nematoda Total zooplankton 0.0012 0.4543 -0.0363 0.1883 0.0013 0.7116* 0.42010 Free CO2 0.3755 -0.0256 0.2252 -0.1620 0.0557 -0.7965** -0.0142 -0.5562* -0.5318* 0.7428** -0.3306 -0.7232** 0.1756 -0.6498* HCO3- Cl- -0.1894 -0.0076 -0.3473 -0.1380 -0.5765* -0.3810 -0.0014 -0.1552 -0.5755* 0.5200 -0.3678 -0.3922 -0.4565 -0.0407 Ca++ Mg++ Total PO43hardness -0.2432 -0.0238 0.6604* 0.5562* 0.0934 -0.1831 -0.0005 -0.4756 -0.3080 0.3196 0.3556 -0.0027 -0.4626 -0.4223 -0.4060 -0.1264 0.3050 0.4413 -0.0729 -0.1346 -0.2669 NO 3- -0.6893* -0.0802 -0.1077 -0.1656 -0.2203 -0.1460 -0.1175 -0.1666 0.5039 0.5077 -0.0093 -0.1776 -0.3446 -0.1895 SiO2 -0.1272 -0.1495 -0.1873 0.2424 0.1934 -0.1835 -0.2384 *Significant correlation at 0.05 level (p<0.05); ** Significant correlation at 0.0 1level (p<0.01) 22n/L) > Lepocynclis, Lacrymaria and Actinophrys (0-12n/L) and > Stentor (0-6n/L). Table 5: Student’s ‘t’ test (significance test) of zooplankton with various abiotic factors Parameters Zooplankton Water temperature pH Electrical conductivity DO Free CO2 HCO3ClCa++ Mg++ Total hardness Nitrate Phosphate Silicate 1.6360 1.6656 1.3724 1.674 1.6534 1.0306 1.6400 1.5585 1.6344 1.1803 1.6770 1.6780 1.6781 Quantitatively, total rotifers, fluctuating between 0-937n/L, recorded March highest and July lowest count and total absence in the month of May. The order of quantitative dominance of various genera of rotifers has been seen as Lecane (0-330n/L) > Philodina (0-247n/L) > Lepadella (0115n/L) > Cephalodella (0-75n/L) > Euchlanis and Colurella (0-60n/L) and > Brachionus (0-12n/L). Rotifera, in these two springs, have shown in significant correlation (r) with various physico-chemical parameters of water (Table 4). Quantitatively, Copepods, both adult and larval stages, ranging between 0-456n/L, recorded November and March peaks. These observe November highest and June lowest count and remained absent in July, August, September, December and January. The order of quantitative dominance of various genera of copepods has been seen as Eucyclops (0-286n/L) > Mesocyclops (0-76n/L) and > Paracyclops (0-66n/L). Among Critical value of ‘t’ test at 5% level is 2.201 (0-60n/L) > Amoeba (0-42n/L) > Peranema (0-34n/L) > Pelomyxa (0-25n/L) > Difflugia (0-23n/L) > Entosiphon (0- Table 6: Coefficient of correlation (r) between the zooplankton and phytoplankton of spring I and spring II, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu Zooplankton Phytoplankton Protozoans Rotifers Copepods Insects Oligochaetes Nematodes Zooplankton Chlorophyceae Bacillariophyceae Cyanophyceae Phytoplankton 0.4772 0.4276 0.4122 0.5417* 0.1890 -0.0784 0.2086 -0.1863 0.6711 0.3400 0.0666 0.0830 -0.0831 -0.0379 -0.1473 -0.0042 -0.6647* -0.4276 -0.5552* -0.3694 0.1246 -0.1190 0.3324 -0.0668 0.6089* 0.3612 0.4262 0.4210 *Significant correlation at 0.05 level (P<0.05); **Significant correlation at 0.01 level (P<0.01) 203 S. P. S. DUTTA et al., as Aeolosoma (0-12n/L) > Nais (0-8n/L) > Stylaria (0-5n/L) and > Cheatogaster (0-4n/L). Table 7: Sorenson’s index of similarity for Zooplankton Months Spring I and Spring II May June July August September October November December January February March April Mean 0.2000 0.4545 0.0000 0.2352 0.3076 0.1538 0.3333 0.8000 0.1538 0.4800 0.4827 0.4705 0.3392 Water netmatodes recorded their irregular presence, with January and March highest count (Table 3). Statistical analysis of water nematodes, with different physico-chemical parameters of water has shown significant correlation with pH (r = 0.7116**) & free carbon dioxide (r = 0.7232**). An overall study of total zooplankton has shown October, January and March peaks. These recorded March highest and July lowest count (Table 3). Monsoon (July, August, and September) absence/ low count of various zooplankton species may be attributed to the effect of floods. Analysis of coefficient of correlation (r) of total zooplankton with various physico-chemical characteristics of water has shown significant correlation with water temperature (r = -0.7052**), electrical conductivity (r = 0.5653*) and free carbon dioxide (r = -0.6498*) only. Student’s‘t’ test of zooplankton with abiotic factors is also insignificant (Table 5) Table 8: Diversity index of zooplankton at spring I and spring II and mean, adjacent to Chattha nullah, Jammu. Months Spring I Spring II Mean May June July August September October November December January February March April Mean 2.3718 2.6700 0.0000 0.5111 3.8775 0.2330 2.9567 2.4525 2.2921 3.3696 3.0098 2.3460 2.1716 0.9928 3.001 2.7338 3.2769 1.8243 3.4631 1.5722 2.0781 2.7988 0.5508 1.9276 2.6524 2.2393 1.6823 2.8355 1.3669 1.894 2.8509 1.8331 2.2645 2.2653 2.5455 1.9602 2.4687 2.4992 Among various phytoplanktonic groups, total zooplankton have shown significant coefficient of correlation (r) with Chlorophyceae (r = 0.6089*) and insignificant with Bacillalriophyceae (r = 0.3612), Cyanophyceae (0.4210*) and total phytoplankton (r = 0.4210) (Table 6). Among different groups of zooplankton, protozoans, rotifers, crustaceans, insects generally have shown insignificant correlation. Sorenson’s index of similarity Analysis of Sorenson’s index of similarity for zooplankton at spring I and II has shown annual mean range between 0 (July) -0.8000 (December), which indicates incomplete similarity (Table 7). Index of similarity remained low during May, July, August, October and January. Effect of rains, may explain July and August low records of zooplankton similarity of index in these springs. the larval stages of copepods, the order of quantitative dominance has been seen as nauplius (0-138n/L) > metanauplius (0-61n/L) and > copepodid (0-33n/L). Different physico-chemical parameters of water, when correlated with the number of copepods, have shown significant correlation with free carbon dioxide (r = -0.7965**), bicarbonate (r = 0.5765*) and calcium (r = 0.6604*) only (Table 4). Species diversity index An observation of the Table 8 reveals annual mean record of Shannon and Weaver diversity of zooplankton as 2.1716 and 2.2393 at spring I and II, respectively. Its annual mean variation for two springs has been calculated as 1.3669 (July) and 2.8355 (June). This value above 1 indicates clean water characteristics of these springs (Ransom and Dorris, 1972; Wilhm and Dorris, 1968 and Zutshi, 1992). Seasonally, diversity index recorded monsoon low record and is caused by floods. Insects in these two springs recorded October, December and April increase. These showed October and December highest count. Insect count remained low during May, July, January, and November, with lowest count in July and complete absence in August. Among the various insects, quantitative analysis has shown the dominance of Chironomus (0-173n/L) followed by unidentified insects (0-55n/L) and Coleoptera (o3n/L). Analysis of coefficient of correlation (r) has indicated that any of the physico-chemical parameters, except free carbon dioxide (-0.5562*) and calcium (r=0.5562*), does not appear to be strong determinant for abundance of insects in these springs. 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MEMBERSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION Any graduate having interest in environmental conservation and protection of nature and natural resources can be the member of the association. 6. The recognition award : It is awarded to those senior scholars who have contributed to the subject through their continued research . To be the member of the association the application form given below should be duly filled up and sent to the Secretary of the association along with a demand draft of Rs. 500/- for annual membership and Rs. 5000/- for life membership. 7. The environmental awareness award : It is awarded to those who, apart from their research contribution, have done commendable extension work for environmental betterment. FELLOWSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION The number of recipients of award in each category will vary depending upon the recommendation of the panel of judges and the executive committee. The association has the provision to institute awards in the name of persons for whom a with desired sum is donated in consultation with the executive body. The Association is awarding FELLOWSHIP to deserving academicians / researchers /scientists who are LIFE MEMBERS of the Association after reviewing their biodata by the Fellows and the Executive Members of the association. The Fellows are privileged to write F.N.E.A. after their names .The prestigious Fellowship also includes a citation in recognition of their contribution to society in general and the endeavour for the noble cause of environment in particular. PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATION In order to provide a platform to a vast group of researchers to express their views and finding of research as well as to promote the attitude of quality research among the scholars of younger generation the association publishes two journals 1.THE BIOSCAN (ISSN:0973-7049) - an international quarterly journal of Life Science 2. THE ECOSCAN (ISSN: 0974-0376) -an international biannual journal of Environmental Science. For the benefit of the potential contributors instructions to authors is given separately in this journal. However, the details regarding the journal and also the association can be seen on our website www.thebioscan.in. Cont. ....... P 212 AWARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association in its Seminars and Conferences provides the following category of awards on annual basis. 1. The young scientists award : It is given to the researchers below the age of 35 years. 2. The senior scientists award : It is awarded to the academicians above the age of 35 years. 3. The best paper award: It is awarded to the contributor 206