CSU General Education-Breadth Certification List for The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Last updated April, 2016 1 1 Course GNST 1000 GNST 1010 GNST 1020 GNST 1040 GNST 1050 GNST 1150 GNST 1170 GNST 1200 GNST 1220 GNST 1230 GNST 1230 GNST 1250 GNST 1300 GNST 1330 GNST 1350 GNST 1400 GNST 1400L GNST 1420 GNST 1430 GNST 1500 Title Art Studies in Color and Form English Composition I English Composition II English Composition Public Speaking Art History History of Costume History of 20th Century Designers Drawing I Ascent of Man Color and Design Theory Introduction to Political Science Color Theory Principles of Accounting Creative Writing Survey of General and Organic Chemistry Survey of General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory Historic Textiles Contemporary American Social History General Psychology GNST 1560 GNST 1580 GNST 1600 GNST 1650 History of Jewelry Introduction to Literature Effective Speaking Critical Thinking A trailing zero was added retroactively to every course number in 2005. 1 Area(s) C1 A2 A2 A2 A1 C1 C1 C1 C1 D7 C1 D8 C1 B4 A2 B1 B3 C1 D6 D9 E C1 C2 A1 A3 Date Approved F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 S05 F91 F91 F91 F91 F91 F96 F13 F91 F91 F10 F91 F91 F91 Date Removed F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 CSU General Education-Breadth Certification List Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising April, 2016 Course1 GNST 1660 GNST 2000 GNST 2020 GNST 2100 GNST 2120 GNST 2200 GNST 2220 GNST 2250 GNST 2320 GNST 2380 GNST 2420 GNST 2450 GNST 2460 GNST 2500 GNST 2510 GNST 2520 GNST 2550 GNST 2570 GNST 2630 GNST 2650 GNST 2700 GNST 2720 GNST 2750 GNST 2760 GNST 2780 GNST 2800 GNST 2870 Title Applied Logic Film: History and Development Survey of Western Art I Communication Practices Ethics Human Relations History of Design Introduction to Philosophy Modern Art World Art Survey of Western Art II Introduction to Sociology Major Artists General Economics Economics I Economics II Telecommunications Microeconomics Principles of Chemistry Career/Life Planning Conversational Spanish Contemporary Economic and Political Development Seminar in the Arts Principles of Biology Major Art Movements Money, Banking and Investments Macroeconomics 2 Area(s) A3 C1 C1 A2 C2 E C1 C2 C1 C1 C1 D0 C1 D2 D2 D2 D7 D2 B1 E C2 D6 C1 B2 C1 D2 D2 Date Approved F91 F91 F03 F91 F91 F91 F09 F91 F91 S05 F03 F91 S05 F91 F91 F91 F91 F06 F06 F91 F91 F03 F91 F07 F09 F91 F06 Date Removed F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 F01 CSU General Education-Breadth Certification List Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising April, 2016 Course1 GNST 2960 GRPH 1230 INTD 1150 INTD 1220 INTD 1350 INTD 1650 MCOM 2600 MMKT 2640 VCOM 1850 Title American Political and Economic History Color & Design Concepts (formerly GNST 100, Art Studies in Color and Form) Elements of Design Design Process Survey of Architecture & Interior Design I Survey of Architecture & Interior Design II Photography International Business Trends, Past, Present and Future 3 Area(s) D6 C1 Date Approved F06 F00 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 D2 C1 F91 F13 F09 F13 F91 F03 F10 Date Removed S05 F01