Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies... February 2015. Present:

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies held on Tuesday 10th February 2015.
Professor R Leng (in the Chair), Mr P Brown, Professor C Jenainati, Dr G Martin, Dr F
McKay, Ms M Mirza, Dr J Pearson, Dr J Robinson, Mr E Stewart, Dr D Wood,
In Attendance: Mr D Brandist, Dr J Taylor, Ms S Tuersley and Ms J Gretton (for item 19(b)/14-15).
Dr A Broome, Professor P Corvi, Dr C Melville, Professor L Roberts.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2014 be approved.
Matters Arising on the Minutes
(a) Postgraduates as Teachers (minute 6(b)/14-15 refers)
That the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, at its meeting on 3rd
December 2014, had resolved:
That confirmation be sought from the Boards of Undergraduate and
Graduate Studies that the development of the Policy was aligned to the
development of TeachHigher and policies on pay and conditions for
postgraduate students who teach by Human Resources.
That consideration is given to the impact of the policy proposed on small
That a statement on equality of opportunity be included in the Policy.
(AQSC minute 31/14-15)
An oral report from the Chair, that he was shortly to meet the Chair of the Board of
Graduate Studies to discuss (i)-(iii) above.
That in the view of the Board the Policy could be implemented flexibly and
would not impose an inappropriate burden on small departments;
That the Policy should adopt and refer to the University’s Equal
Opportunities Policy (published at:
(b) BA in Liberal Arts (minute 8(f)/14-15 and 8(g)/14-15 refers)
Revised formal proposals from the Academic Director for the BA in Liberal Arts,
including the new module proposals and the illustration of particular module
pathways, papers BUGS 10/14-15 and BUGS 10a-d/14-15, it being noted that
the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, at its
meeting on 4 February 2015, recommended to the Board of Undergraduate
Studies that the proposal be approved (AUSC minute 32(b)/14-15);
(ii) Oral reports from the Academic Director, Ms S Tuersley and Ms J Gretton.
That the revised formal proposals from the Academic Director for the BA in Liberal
Arts, including the new module proposals and the illustration of particular module
pathways, be approved as set out in papers BUGS 10/14-15 and BUGS 10a-d/14-15,
it being noted that further pathways would be developed and presented for
approval in due course.
(c) Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports 2013/14 (minute 9/14-15 refers)
That the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, at its meeting on 3rd
December 2014, had noted the issues brought to its attention by the Board
and resolved that they be referred to the next meeting of the Quality
Assurance Working Group ((AQSC minute 32/14-15 refers);
That the Quality Assurance Working Group considered the issues identified
at its meeting on 12 January 2015, and was overseeing actions being taken
(d) Amendments to Regulation 8.10 (Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical
Sciences (BMedSci)) (minute 10/14-15 refers)
That the Senate, at its meeting on 28th January 2015 had approved the amendment
to Regulation 8.10 (Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci))
(Senate minute S XX/14-15))
(e) Amendment to Regulation 11 (Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of
Suspected Cheating in a University Test) (minute 11/14-15 refers)
That the Senate, at its meeting on 28th January 2015 had approved the amendment
to Regulation 11 (Procedure to be adopted in the event of suspected heating in a
University test).
(Senate minute S XX/14-15))
(f) Amendment to Regulation 8.13 (Regulations for the Part-time Degree of BEng in
Applied Engineering) (minute 12/14-15 refers)
That the Senate, at its meeting on 28th January 2015 had approved the amendment
to Regulation 8.13 (Regulations for the Part-time Degree of BEng in Applied
(Senate minute S XX/14-15)
(g) Ramadan (minute 12/12-13 refers)
That, in accordance with the Board’s previous resolution under minute 12/12-13,
the following advice statement for students (amended below as resolved by the
Board at the meeting) be included on the University website:
In 2015, Ramadan overlaps with the University’s main Summer Term
examination period for one day (Thursday 18th June) and in future years the
amount of overlap will increase.
It has been suggested that Muslim students undertaking the Ramadan fast may
not be best placed to take examinations, perhaps especially in the afternoons,
and the University’s Board of Undergraduate Studies, following consultation
with the University Muslim Chaplain, has considered what advice should be
given on the issue.
Students are reminded that presenting themselves for a University examination
is taken to imply fitness to undertake the examination. If, however, a student
feels that observance of the Ramadan fast has had a significant adverse health
effect on their examination performance and can provide confirmatory medical
evidence, they may request that this be considered as potential special evidence
by the relevant Board of Examiners (in the same way as for claims of other
special factors), should their academic performance be borderline and/or be
significantly below the expected level for that student on the basis of their
overall academic record at the University.
In this case, a student must notify the Board of Examiners in accordance with
their department’s instructions regarding the notification of special
Consideration of this evidence and the determination of any consequence it may
have for the student’s academic results will then be a matter for the Board of
Chair’s Business
An oral report from the Chair concerning the Moderation Working Group, which is
to be re-convened to consider further the practice of scaling.
That the Secretary to the Moderation Working Group be informed that the following
members of the Board would be willing to participate, if required: Dr C Jenainati, Dr
G Martin, Dr J Robinson, Mr E Stewart, Dr D Wood.
Annual Course Review Summary Reports
(a) The annual course review summary report for the Faculty of Social Sciences,
paper UFSS 20/14-15.
(b) The resolution of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the
Faculty of Social Sciences, at its meeting on 20th January 2015, that the Facultylevel summary of undergraduate annual course review reports, as set out in
paper UFSS 20/14-15, be approved. (UFSS minute 28/14-15.)
That the annual course review summary reports for the Faculty of Arts (paper AUSC
18/14-15), the Faculty of Science (paper SUGS 14/14-15), the Diploma in
Orthodontic Therapy (MUSC 20/14-15) and the MB ChB (paper BUGS 15/14-15) be
considered by the Board at its next meeting, together with the relevant minutes
from the Undergraduate Studies Committees for the Faculties of Arts, Science and
New Courses of Study
(a) The recommendation from the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of
the Faculty of Social Sciences, from its meeting on 20th January 2015, that the
proposal from the Centre of Applied Linguistics to introduce the following new
undergraduate degree courses, as set out in paper UFSS 25-27/14-15, be approved:
(i) BA Linguistics with French (with optional year abroad);
(ii) BA Linguistics with Spanish (with optional year abroad);
(iii) BA Linguistics with German (with optional year abroad);
(iv) BA Linguistics with Italian (with optional year abroad);
(v) BA Linguistics with Chinese (with optional year abroad);
(vi) BA Linguistics with Arabic (with optional year abroad);
(vii) BA Linguistics with Russian (with optional year abroad);
(viii) BA Linguistics with Portuguese (with optional year abroad);
(ix) BA Linguistics with Japanese (with optional year abroad).
(UFSS minute 32(a)/14-15)
(b) The recommendation from the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of
the Faculty of Social Sciences, from its meeting on 20th January 2015, that the
proposal from the Centre of Education Studies to introduce a new course variant
entitled ‘BA Education Studies (Intercalated Year)’, as set out in papers UFSS 33ae/14-15, be approved (UFSS minute 32 (b)/14-15).
(c) The recommendation from the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of
the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 4th February 2015, that the proposal from
the School of Modern Languages and Cultures to introduce the following new BA
Honours degree courses to commence in October 2016, as set out in paper AUSC
20/14-15, be approved:
(i) French Studies and Linguistics;
(ii) French Studies with Linguistics;
(iii) German Studies and Linguistics;
(iv) German Studies with Linguistics;
(v) Italian Studies and Linguistics;
(vi) Italian Studies with Linguistics;
(vii) Hispanic Studies and Linguistics;
(viii) Hispanic Studies with Linguistics;
(ix) Modern Languages and Linguistics;
(x) Modern Languages with Linguistics.
(AUSC minute 33(d)/14-15)
(d) The recommendations from the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of
the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 4th February 2015, that the proposal to
establish the following new joint degrees and new modules in Global Sustainable
Development, as set out in papers BUGS 11/14-15 and 11a-11l/14-15, AUSC 27/1415, AUSC 35/14-15, be approved:
(i) GSD with Economic Studies
(ii) GSD and Life Sciences
(iii) GSD and History
(iv) GSD and Philosophy
(v) GSD and Sociology
(vi) GSD and Business Studies
(vii) GSD101 Economic principles of GSD
(viii) GSD102 Environmental perspectives on GSD
(ix) GSD103 Social perspectives on GSD
(x) GSD104 GSD project
(AUSC minute 33 (d)/14-15)
(e) That the proposal from the Centre of Applied Linguistics to introduce the new
undergraduate degree courses in:
BA Linguistics with French (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Spanish (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with German (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Italian (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Chinese (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Arabic (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Russian (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Portuguese (with optional year abroad);
BA Linguistics with Japanese (with optional year abroad)
as set out in paper UFSS 25-27/14-15, be approved.
(f) That the proposal from the Centre of Education Studies to introduce a new course
variant entitled ‘BA Education Studies (Intercalated Year)’, as set out in papers UFSS
33a-e/14-15, be approved.
(g) That the proposal from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures to introduce
the new BA Honours degree courses in:
(i) French Studies and Linguistics;
(ii) French Studies with Linguistics;
(iii) German Studies and Linguistics;
(iv) German Studies with Linguistics;
(v) Italian Studies and Linguistics;
(vi) Italian Studies with Linguistics;
(vii) Hispanic Studies and Linguistics;
(viii) Hispanic Studies with Linguistics;
(ix) Modern Languages and Linguistics;
(x) Modern Languages with Linguistics,
to commence in October 2016, as set out in paper AUSC 20/14-15, be approved.
(h) That the proposal to establish new joint degrees in Global Sustainable Development,
as set out in papers BUGS 11/14-15 and 11a-11l/14-15, AUSC 27/14-15, AUSC 35/1415, be approved, it being noted that the Academic Director for the BA in Liberal Arts
would report to the next meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies regarding
modelling the teaching timetable implications of the new joint degrees and the issue
of residential accommodation for students opting for the study abroad period.
Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2013/14
An oral report from the Chair concerning ongoing consideration of the
Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2013/14.
First Year Board of Examiners’ Conventions
(a) Proposed amendments to the First Year Board of Examiners’ harmonised
conventions, as set out in paper BUGS 9/14-15;
(b) The recommendations of the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards
of the Faculties of Arts, Science and Social Sciences, at their meetings held on 4th
February, 28th January and 20th January respectively, that the proposed
amendments be approved (minutes AUSC 37/14-15, SUGS 24/14-15 and UFSS
26(b)/14-15 refer), it being noted that the Undergraduate Studies Committee of
the Board of the Faculty of Science recorded the proviso that recommendations
from the Committee about the waiving of marks may affect the wording of
convention (6) in BUGS 9/14-15 (minute BUGS 28/14-15 below refers).
That the proposed amendments to the First Year Board of Examiners’ harmonised
conventions as set out in paper BUGS 9/14-15, be approved with effect from the
Summer Term 2015, subject to inclusion of appropriate reference to the proposed
provision for the waiving of assessed module components of low credit weight, as
recorded under minute 28/14-15 below.
Regulations pertaining to Pass degree status
(a) Proposed amendments to Regulation 8, Regulations for First Degrees, pertaining
to Pass degree status, as set out in paper BUGS 8/14-15;
(b) The recommendations of the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards
of the Faculties of Arts, Science and Social Sciences, at their meetings held on
4th February, 28th January and 20th January respectively, that the proposed
amendments be approved (minutes AUSC 37/14-15, SUGS 24/14-15 and UFSS
26(b)/14-15 refer).
That the proposed amendments to Regulation 8, Regulations for First Degrees, as set
out in paper BUGS 8/14-15, be approved with effect from the Summer Term 2015.
HEAR – Section 6.1 Additional Information
An application from the Department of Economics for the inclusion of the Economics
Briefing Project paper BUGS 14/14-15 in Section 6.1 of the HEAR.
That the application from the Department of Economics for the inclusion of the
Economics Briefing Project paper BUGS 14/14-15 in Section 6.1 of the HEAR, be
approved, subject to clarification from the Department of the criteria for inviting
second- and third-year students to act as supervisors.
Report from the Seymour Replacement Working Group
(a) A report from the Seymour Replacement Working Group, paper SUGS 15/14-15.
(b) The recommendations of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of Board of the
Faculty of Science, from its meeting on 28th January 2015, that:
(i) The proposal in the report (SUGS 15/14-15) regarding the wording of the
current “overcatting” convention be approved;
(ii) That the Board [of Undergraduate Studies] be asked to consider the issue of
resourcing for departments to run exam board grids which can calculate
end-of-year averages for students who have “overcatted”;
(iii) That the Board [of Undergraduate Studies] be asked to consider the
implications for students of an “overcatting” convention that often results in
a calculation that is too complex for the students to be able to calculate
their own average marks.
(SUGS minute 22/14-15)
(c) That the change in wording to the additional credit convention proposal by the
Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, as
detailed in paper SUGS 15/14-15, be approved;
(d) That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science be
asked to discuss the resourcing of the required calculations with the appropriate
team(s) in IT Services and to keep the convention and its practicality under review;
(e) That, in the view of the Board, the matter of the convention often resulting in a
calculation too complex for students to be able to calculate their own average
marks was a matter for departments within the Faculty to consider.
Waiving of assessed module components
(a) A report from the Department of Physics on the waiving of assessed module
components, paper SUGS 18/14-15, together with an oral report from Dr J
Robinson (noting the report had been considered by the Undergraduate Studies
Committee of Board of the Faculty of Science, at its meeting on 28th January
(b) The resolutions of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of Board of the
Faculty of Science, from its meeting on 28th January 2015, that
i. That representatives would contact the Chair of SUGS before the
next meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies on 10 February
2015 if they wished to recommend any amendments to the
maximum credit weighting for waiving an assessment component as
recommended in SUGS.18/14-15;
ii. That the Chair and the Dr J Robinson would provide information to
the meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies on 10 February
2015 explaining the reasoning behind waiving component marks,
and recommendations about the setting of the maximum number of
credits that could be waived.
(SUGS minute 28/14-15)
That the proposals from the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of
Science for the waiving of assessed module components of low credit weight, as set
out in paper SUGS 18/14-15, be approved on the basis of a maximum weighting of 2
CATS for individual pieces of work, subject to a maximum of 4 CATS per module or
20% of the total credit available for the module, whichever is the lesser, and subject
to an overall limit 6 CATS in total per student, per year of study.
Special Examination Arrangements
A paper from the Secretary concerning applications for special examination
arrangements on the grounds of a disability made in accordance with the
University’s Policy on Examination Arrangements for Students with Disabilities,
paper BUGS 13 & 13a/14-15).
That the three proposed measures set out in the final section of the paper, be
approved, subject to the wording “… which it should normally do …” being deleted
from proposal (2).
The Future of Quality Assessment in Higher Education
A consultation document from the HEFCE concerning the future of quality
assessment in higher education, considered by the Academic Quality and Standards
Committee at its meeting on 29th January 2015, paper AQSC 29/14-15.
Position statement on the forthcoming curriculum reform in England
A report from the Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions Strategy group,
regarding the forthcoming curriculum reform in England and its effects on
admissions practice across all undergraduate programmes, paper SRMAS 22/14-15.
Student Staff Liaison Committee Report 2014/15
(a) The annual report from the Undergraduate Staff-Student Liaison Committee for
the Academic Year 2013-2014, paper BUGS 20/14-15;
(b) A report from the Student Union Education Officer on issues raised at
Undergraduate Staff-Student Liaison Committees in Term 1 2014-2015, paper
BUGS 21/14-15.
(c) That the provision for first-year student induction be reviewed by academic
departments and the appropriate agencies within the University;
(d) That academic departments should review the adequacy of induction
arrangements for other years of study, and in particular for students returning
from years abroad;
(e) That academic departments should review the content of module websites to
ensure that these meet University standards for information communicated to
(f) That academic departments should review their practice in setting deadlines for
assessed work in order to avoid unnecessary “bunching” of deadlines.
rl/jat/db 20.02.15