November 12, 2013 President’s Office Foundation Listening Tour: Business Engagement and Innovation 1. What partnerships should Cabrillo be looking for with businesses? a. Peter Shaw/Horticulture/working ag (Driscoll) i. Driscoll and the Horticulture Center – the agriculture industry is underserved b. International Business (students) i. International businesses in the community/international students – international students pay their own way. It is good to have the diversity on the campus. c. Labor pool/skills set/what does the industry need? i. Cabrillo should be meeting with businesses to determine if their labor needs meet what we are putting out. i.e. the labor pool does not meet some business needs d. Connect local business as a source of employment (students) i. business connection to Cabrillo for student employment (certificated) e. Across high tech industry for training/employment f. Career path within local industry (connection with local occupations) i. perhaps a career center or job fair to create student awareness of career needs in the community. g. Local water industry/conservation 2. Can Cabrillo be instrumental in providing the community innovative ideas and entrepreneurial opportunities? What would those be? a. Ag and entrepreneur opportunities/Horticulture Center is underutilized. b. Health/wellness/obesity/nutrition/healthy eating i. Nutritional health­organic farming c. Center for entrepreneurship, business incubator work with alumni i. We do not have an outreach mechanism perhaps a Cabrillo College alumni center d. Ask business community what they need i. Round table discussions or seminars ii. are we asking the businesses what they need when Cabrillo employees meet members of the community through their Rotary or other clubs. And are we open to listening? e. Green tech f. Organic farming 3. What type of technology use would you like to see at Cabrillo? a. Tractor maintenance/repair, equipment repair b. Survey county founding and prepare degrees for that c. Think about future technology/fill future voids i. Determine what the industry is in our community and back out what needs there are from that. i.e. tractor repair/auto repair is computerized and relies on gps d. Bridge the digital divide, rapid ESL e. Evolving Technology; i. continue to visit technology in the classroom in the ever changing ii. technology landscape teach the student how to use technology to get a job 4. Are there areas of business where Cabrillo can provide more employees or future workers? a. have discussions with the following groups to determine employer need i. Ask business council ii. Farm bureau (strawberry companies) iii. Trade groups iv. Major employers v. Chambers vi. Realtors vii. Financiers/banks viii. County government ix. Hospitality (Hotel association, etc) x. CA Certified Organic