INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION AD HOC GROUP ON COST RECOVERY FOR SATELLITE NETWORK FILINGS Document 3-E 4 December 2002 English only GENEVA, 20 – 21 JANUARY 2003 Radiocommunication Bureau TIME SURVEY FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF OVERALL COST OF PROCESSING SATELLITE NOTICES IN THE BUREAU The Report of the Ad-hoc Group on cost recovery for satellite network filings, which met on 23-25 July 2002, recommended that the 2001 time survey be used as the basis for setting the Decision 482 (modified) charging schedule. It was separately noted in the Report that a new time survey was urgently required that was based on a daily, or at most weekly, recording of time, and that the results of the time survey should be made freely available to members, including identification of survey participants. It is necessary to firstly define clearly the objectives of such a survey. Essentially, the Bureau carries out a time survey in order to derive an overall cost of processing satellite notices over a period of three years preceding the Council meeting at which fee revisions are to be considered. This objective is established in annex B, to Decision 482 (modified C2002). In addition to the method for establishing the overall costs, the methodology also defines (in paragraph 3) those costs to be covered by the cost recovery charges. The types of activities for which costs are to be recovered are subject to further consideration by the ad hoc group (as noted in its term of reference). The costs so determined should be recovered by the cost recovery fees. It should be noted that the charges for individual cost recovery categories are not derived directly from the results of the time survey. The fees for individual categories are derived by apportioning the overall costs derived from the time survey with the number of publications done over the period concerned and the relative weighting factors between the categories. The fees for individual notices are calculated based on the number of units for the satellite network covered by that notice. As noted above, the time survey is carried out solely for the purpose for establishing an overall cost figure over a period of time. However, the Bureau is concerned about the extent of the time and effort required for the time survey relative to the accuracy and application of the results to establish the costs over a 3 year period as required. The following factors are relevant to the consideration of a methodology and frequency for a time survey for the purposes required. 1. The time survey conducted annually on previous occasions has been part of the overall ITU time survey to establish parameters for the ITU budget presented to annual council meetings. 2. The past surveys have established only a differentiation of tasks between those that are subject to cost recovery and those that are not subject to cost recovery (rather than a list of particular types of activity) as defined in Decision 482. 3. For staff within the Space Services Department (SSD), it is easy to establish their responsibilities and whether these activities are (or are not) subject to cost recovery. In most cases a staff member is either totally involved in cost recovery activities, or is not. If the Ad Hoc Group agrees to propose widening the list of activities to be included, the identification of staff roles will be even more readily apparent. 4. There are relatively few staff in SSD that are involved in a mixture of cost recoverable/non cost recoverable activities. . In the above circumstances, a time survey could be conducted as follows: A. Annually for identifying those staff that are involved in cost recoverable activities. a) In SSD either totally or not at all. b) In Departments of the General Secretariat, to identify the percentage of those involved in cost recoverable activities (re-allocated costs). c) In other BR Departments, to identify the extent of involvement in cost recoverable activities e.g. in IAP for development of software relevant to processing of space notices and activities for the production of such space notices. B. Weekly for staff in SSD that are involved in a mixture of cost recoverable/non cost recoverable activities. The results of the weekly survey could be relatively easily automated to enable an annual total to be determined for types of activities surveyed. The results of the above surveys will be consolidated within the BR and by the Finance Department in order to enable them to be presented to Council in accordance with the requirements of Decision 482(modified). The individual surveys and the subsequent consolidation will be subject to review by the external auditor prior to finalization.