INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION AD HOC GROUP ON COST RECOVERY FOR SATELLITE NETWORK FILINGS Document 10-E 23 February 2004 English only F-1 GENEVA, 24-26 FEBRUARY 2004 France PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF COST RECOVERY Background Decision 482 (mod Council 2002) contains the provisions under which the cost recovery procedure for satellite network filings is implemented by the administrations and the Radiocommunication Bureau. Pursuant to this Decision, invoices are issued upon receipt of the filing and, as appropriate, upon publication of the special section of a satellite network. The time limit for the payment of any of these invoices is six months from the date it was issued. For an administration, the number of submitted filings and the total amount of the associated invoices may reach, in both cases, high values (tens of filings and hundreds of kCHF). In this case, the administration may wish to be able to manage, as far as possible, the payment of the invoices in the most appropriate manner during the six-month period, which frequently runs over two successive years, taking into account the connexion with its financial plan. Proposals As the actual amounts of the invoices is unknown in most cases when filings are transmitted to the BR, it is proposed, so as to assist administrations in their management, to introduce the following aspects in the implementation of the cost recovery process (irrespective of the fee schedule decided by the Council): Invoices shall be emitted by the BR in the order of complete reception or publication of the corresponding filing or special section, as appropriate. Invoices shall be issued by the BR not later than [1 month] after the complete reception of the filing, and not later than [1 month] after the publication of the special section, if applicable. The BR shall provide, in addition to the information already made available on the ITU website1, the reference of the special section corresponding to the invoice. ____________________ 1