Our Curriculum Journey Duloch Primary and Nursery

Our Curriculum Journey
Duloch Primary and Nursery
What needed to change?
 Resource
driven curriculum
 Staff confidence
 Lack of continuity
 Expectations for pupils
 Clear targets and tracking progress
 Quality feedback to bring about
 Support and challenge
Our starting point
 Developing
a culture of self evaluation
 Recognising what ‘good’ or ‘very good’
looked like
 Building on current good practice
 Developing a collegiate approach
 Refreshing rationale and developing
programmes and courses
 Difficult conversations
What did we want to achieve?
Curriculum fit for purpose relevant to our
Clear rationale and structure
Shared understanding of what we wanted to
Shared understanding of best practice
High expectations
Motivated, engaged learners
Raised attainment and opportunities for
How we achieved it
 Whole
school approaches
 Effective transitions
 Rigorous, effective self evaluation
 Professional dialogue
 Staff ownership
 Recognising progress and celebrating
 Revisiting and revisiting!
Who was involved?
What did Curriculum for Excellence mean to
Involvement in their own learning
Understanding of curriculum
How it impacts on classrooms
Taking responsibility for their own learning
Planning for their own learning
Who was involved?
 Whole
staff workshops / in service
 TLC groups
 Campus expertise / working together
 Leading Learners
 Professional Dialogue sessions
 Mentor support
Who was involved?
Working groups
 Consultation
 Show case weeks
 Learning logs
 Questionnaires
 Use of multimedia
 Workshops
Who was involved?
Partners – consultation, collaboration
and feedback
 Cluster
 High
 Key Professionals
 Community
 PLC’s
Literacy, Numeracy and
Health and Wellbeing
 Progressive
pathways to support
 Key focus on learning experiences and
contexts for learning
 Planning for progression within and
across levels
 Structured but not prescriptive
 Responsibility of all - leadership
From there………………..
 Evaluating
 Learner’s experiences
 Further curriculum development
 Discrete subjects and IDL
 Staff knowledge and confidence
 Quality Improvement / self evaluation
Where are we now?
and quality of curriculum
 Totality of the curriculum
 Confidence of staff
 Assessment framework
 Review of curriculum rationale
 Revisiting effective pedagogy
How has it made a difference?
"I feel that I have a better understanding of
the progression of my pupils as this is shown
clearly in the new planning formats and I am
confident that the contexts for learning I
plan are supporting development of knowledge
and skills for all pupils."
Class Teacher
How has it made a difference?
‘Our professional dialogue sessions have
really developed my thinking around
curriculum and I feel we have all
contributed to the positive changes
that have taken place.’
Class Teacher
How has it made a difference?
"CfE gives us the freedom to be creative
with what we teach whilst still providing
us with clear targets to work towards."
Class Teacher
How has it made a difference?
‘It’s great to hear my child come home
and speak enthusiastically about their
learning and the different activities
that are planned to help them progress.’
How has it made a difference?
‘There is a very clear focus on progression,
breadth and continuity in learning.
Programmes and courses effectively balance
the progressive development of knowledge
and skills. This is helping to raise attainment
and help staff to focus very clearly on pace
and challenge for children.’
Education Scotland
Clear progression and continuity in learning
Raised attainment across the school
Pupils planning their own learning
Pupils motivated to learn through a range of
relevant contexts
Pupils speaking confidently about their
learning and targets
Deeper understanding of the curriculum and
relevant teaching approaches