Instructional Planning Yearly Update Digital Media Digital Publishing Program & Web Media Program 8 May 2014 Division VAPA Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan Goals / Recommendations from 2010 five-year plan In progress Goal Met (identify source of funding) Comments 1) Address the inadequate conditions that currently exist in 1303. Relocating to 1097 and 317 Yes SIE • Both rooms will accommodate 30 students 2) Maintain the currency of software and equipment needed for quality of programs. No Yes Base/Lottery • All College Adobe CC software will be replacing CS software 3) Increase Distance Education Offerings. In progress • DM 4 still needs to be developed for online delivery; cuts to TUs has made it difficult to offer degree/cert classes in sequence 4) Faculty Software Upgrades for Course Planning Yes • Faculty now have access to work at home licenses for all Adobe software 5) Strengthen course sequences and transferability Yes • Web Publishing sequence • Special studies for Video approved, DM 190V; exploring Extension options for advanced video • DM 134A is has been updated to DM34 5/8/14: DM 36 added to replace DM 190V (alternate years offering DM 35 and DM 36) 6) Develop high school ROP articulation agreements. Yes • DM 1 articulates with 6 HS ROP classes. • DM 34 articulates with 4 HS ROP classes. 7) CTE Basic Skills Contextual Teaching and Learning communities Yes BSI addressed in SLO assessment • Program faculty have identified major deficiencies that need to be addressed; contextualized basic skills instruction. • Explore learning communities with course combinations that foster intensive comprehensive, integrated instruction. 8) Develop the business side of graphic design and communication arts in K-14 curriculum. Yes 9) Advisors recommend “boot camps,” in entertainment media arts; internships Yes New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation 1) Embed digital design core competencies Creative Arts Entrepreneurship is seen as the way to help students start their own design businesses. Use SPICE initiative as a way to launch program Internships in progress Instruction in mobile applications through CIS Department; DM teaches design aspects of mobile delivery. Seek mentors and internships for students. Creative entrepreneurship project addresses some of these needs. List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need None Second year students need reinforcement in typographic principles, color, and design. throughout curriculum; encourage portfolio development for both print and web Faculty sharing rubrics across courses. 2) CSUMB articulation agreement for BS in Communication Design None This was developed in collaboration with CSUMB and approved 11/19/13. 3) Encourage faculty participation in the Academy of Art University Teacher Grant Program $100 pp application fee Faculty can enroll in one online class or one online and one on-campus class for just the cost of the application fee. 4) Increase opportunities for faculty skill development in new software releases $1,500 annually Four premium memberships to training resources with unlimited access to all videos and project files. SLO Assessment: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and analyses completed in the last two semesters. (See Revolving Wheel of Assessment for recommended schedule). Core Competency, Course SLO, or CTE Program SLO Assessed Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment Core 4 and Course SLOs evaluated. 8-26-11, 10-7-11, 114-11, 2-4-12, 10-512, 11-7-12 (Advisory mtg), 12-7-12 DM Meetings • DM SLO assessment current in all but 4 courses. Those are scheduled for spring 2013 flex week • Information about Program and Certificate SLOs is explained. • DM faculty become involved with checking and editing the revised outlines. Ongoing discussion of course effectiveness and possibilities of learning communities and linked courses to meet SLOs. 8-26-11, 10-7-11, 114-11, 2-4-12, 10-512, 11-7-12 (Advisory mtg), 12-7-12 DM Meetings • Second year students need reinforcement in typographic principles, color, and design. • Faculty sharing rubrics across courses. • Faculty team teaching courses provides opportunity for cross-training and calibration of core competencies Ongoing discussion of course effectiveness and possibilities of learning communities and linked courses to meet SLOs. 2-6-13, 5-3-13, 10-413, 11-8-13, and 1213-13 DM Meetings. Advisory meeting 1114-13. • Continue to include writing competency in assessments; reinforce typographic principles, color and design • DM 1 & 4: Course calibration Problem: Activities and exercises can vary between courses depending on who is teaching the class. Challenge: Calibrating what is taught while respecting a faculty member’s academic freedom. Strategy: Wally will provide his updates for DM4 for Margaret to review/compare. Beth will provide her documents for DM4. Most issues were worked out last semester, and this is a good time to make sure what we are asking students to learn/do is aligned with DM’s competencies in both typography and design. Wendy will work with group on DM1 pre-req testing. • DM 1 & 4: Pre-requisite challenges Scenarios to address this semester. Continuity in how we handle students who want to skip DM1, skip both DM1 and DM4, or skip DM4 and go directly to DM12.