Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date ____05/15/14_____________________ Department __Physics_____________

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date ____05/15/14_____________________
Department __Physics_____________
Division ___NAS______________________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source of
Increase the PLC tutor budget from $16,000/yr to
In progress.
Schedule additional courses and additional
sections of impacted courses.
Purchase new laboratory and demonstration
equipment for the PHYS 4 and PHYS 2 series.
In progress.
Hire Student Lab Assistants to help students
during lab and expand our Laboratory Technician
contract to 100%.
In progress.
Create and fund a Cabrillo Foundation
endowment to pay for travel and other meeting
costs for faculty and staff.
In progress.
New Goals and Recommendations
Replace the existing white boards in rooms
802, 804, and 806.
Need $9000
per year
We received $6000 one-time money to increase the PLC tutor
budget for the 2013-14 academic year. We are continuing to look
for funding to permanently increase to the tutor budget.
Goal currently
met for impacted
We have scheduled additional sections of Physics 4B and Physics
11 in the fall. We have also scheduled Physics 11 for summer
2014 (for the first time ever).
Need $15000
one time
We are in the process upgrading the data acquisition system
(and software) that we use in the all of the physics labs. This
is an expensive and time-consuming upgrade that we expect
to complete by fall 2014. Once we complete the upgrade, we
will continue to purchase new laboratory and demonstration
(updated from
Need $13,500
per year
Need $35,000
one time
There is currently no money available to fund this goal.
There is currently no money available to fund this goal.
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
The white boards that were installed in rooms 802, 804, and 806 do not work
well for the physics department. They were supposed to be magnetic (so we
can show in-class demonstrations that attach to the boards) and they are not.
In addition, the white boards can not be erased with a normal white board
eraser. One must use the spray and a rag which wastes valuable class time.
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 13\Annual Updates May 2014\Physics Instructional Planning Yearly Update - 2013 Rcvd 051514.doc
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If not every thing was completed, explain why.
Our department is currently in year two on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment. In Fall 2012, we assessed all of the SLOs from the following
courses: Physics 4B, Physics 4D, Physics 11, Physics 2A, and Physics 10. The results of these assessments were discussed in our department
meeting during Flex week of Spring 2013. In Fall 2014, we are assessing all of the SLOs from Physics 4C, Physics 2B, Physics 10, and Physics
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
All course SLOs for Physics
All course SLOs for Physics
All course SLOs for Physics
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
Department Meeting
Department Meeting
Department Meeting
All course SLOs for Physics
Department Meeting
All course SLOs for Physics
Department Meeting
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
As a department, continue to develop and improve the grading rubrics for
the formal labs reports in the Physics 4 series.
Make sure that students in all physics classes have detailed grading rubrics
for research papers.
Increase guidance for students as they work on assignments. Provide
outside support for students who need help writing lab reports. Encourage
students who are struggling to get help outside of class.
Increase in-class discussions and activities that help students develop a
conceptual understanding of the material. Create a bibliography of sample
lab reports for students to reference.
Revise the content of assignments to include more writing.
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 13\Annual Updates May 2014\Physics Instructional Planning Yearly Update - 2013 Rcvd 051514.doc