Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date 12/07/2012 Department Computer Science Division NAS Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met? Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress Goal Met Comments Curriculum: Fund the scheduling of three new courses and two revised courses. 12 TU @ $1700.00 = $20, 400 plus $2,000 software/hardware support every other year or $11,200.00 annually. Student Support and Student Success: Fund tutor support. (40 hrs/week; $12/hr- Student Assistant 4; 34 weeks, includes summer if courses offered) annually. Student Support and Student Success: Fund database project to identify present CS majors and alumni. $4000.00 one-time, $200.00 annually. Student Support and Student Success: Fund course support materials for under-funded students, annually. Equipment and Supplies: computer hardware and software upgrades for CS faculty, annually. New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation (identify source of funding) No Faculty Grants for Student Success $1850.00 Equipment for CIS 160MPA Mobile Platforms-iPhone and Android spring 2013 which is taught by CS faculty but offered through the CIS department. This course takes the place of another we have decided to not offer. Yes CTC-IT We continue to have one student tutor in the CTC funded by IT to help CS programming students 19.5 hours per week. We have one tutor available through Tutorials who was hired to tutor math, but can also tutor computer science. This may be completed through the STEM grant. No No No This may be completed through the STEM grant. List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need SLO Assessment: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. (See Revolving Wheel of Assessment for recommended schedule). Core Competency, Course SLO, or CTE Program SLO Assessed. Example: all course Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example: Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\CS\CS Annual Update Fall 2012.docx SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Meeting 8/27/10 Fall 11 Course SLOs for Department Meeting, 2/3/2012 CS 1, CS 19 Fall 11 AA and AS Computer Department Meeting, 2/3/2012 Science (1-2) Spring 12 Core Competency 1 Communication Department Meeting, 8/23/2012 Spring 12 Course SLOs for CS12GP, CS 20J Department Meeting, 8/23/2012 Program SLOs for Cert of Department Meeting, 8/23/2012 Achievement Web Programming (1-3) and Skills Cert Web Fundamentals(1-3) class. CS 1- Encourage students to become more interested in computer technology; not just as a user but as an inventor. Programming CS 19- Provide more frequent or fuller feedback on student progress; encourage students to begin program designer earlier. A.A. & A.S Computer Science (SLOs 1–2) The AA and AS degrees in Computer Science are equivalent in terms of majors courses; the AS requires less GE. SLO 1: The courses that comprise the AA and AS degrees articulate with similar courses at CSU and UC. They meet industry standards (ACM) and 4-year university standards. SLO 2: All final projects in courses supporting the two degrees require the integration of hardware with software engineering. Students must successfully complete these projects in order to successfully complete the courses. Core Competency: Communication- Complex programming projects require clear user communication and the correct use of vocabulary. Suggested improvements were to increase the number of points assigned to clear written communication with the user and to introduce the design of effective graphic user interfaces earlier in the courses. Game Programming CS 12GP- 76% of students successful completed the assignment/assessment. The assignment is a good one (piano visualize) but students needed more lead-up exercises to do well. Suggested improvement: Add a drill section to previous assignments via CodeLab or weekly quizzes. Encourage students to begin earlier on this assignment and add weekly progress checks. Programming CS 20J- With 100% success no improvements necessary. Programming Cert of Achievement Web Programming(1-3) Programming Skills Certificate Web Fundamentals(1-3) For both certificates all SLOs were assessed through the analysis of the required final projects in the courses that comprise each degree. Eighty percent of students completing the final projects met the goals of the three SLOs. Of the 20% who did not, time management was the problem: starting too late and running out of time. o Improvements: The project assignments themselves do not need modification. Requiring students to submit progress reports (and code) for the final project earlier will be implemented the next time the courses are taught. O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\CS\CS Annual Update Fall 2012.docx