Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date _____5/14/14____________ Department __Health Science______

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _____5/14/14____________
Department __Health Science______
Division ___HAWK___________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from In
Goal Met
(identify source
six-year plan
Not Met
of funding)
Identify and remodel classroom
large enough to accommodate
department course needs. Improve
technological resources within
Launch Community Health Worker
Certificate Program--5 TU’s @
Offer HS 24--Environmental Health
using existing departmental TU’s
Update curriculum resources--A/v,
Posters, Books, DVD's
Hire full-time Contract Faculty
$92,158 annually less backfill from
existing adjunct salaries ($52,500)
The department is currently using room 514 and some ALH
classrooms when available. 514 is small--a full HS class feels quite
crowded. It has very poor ventilation.
This goal has been tabled due to funding challenges at the college.
This course has been quite successful.
Faculty have met with Library staff during the past two FLEX
weeks and continue to upgrade course resources.
The program pursued this process last Fall but were not successful
in gaining a priority spot.
This loss has had an enormous impact on the morale of department
adjuncts who have worked overtime to support the department in the
The HS program has been highly successful in the past semesters
and additional sections have been added to meet demand.
With the addition of a second contract faculty position the
department could address some of the unmet needs including
website upgrade, meeting with community partners, CHW launch,
Revised December 9, 2013
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
Update and upgrade Health Sciences website. 1-2 TU
The department website is outdated and desperately needs an upgrade.
Given the fact that the department faculty are primarily adjuncts who
contribute their time above and beyond the scope of their positions,
there are no personnel to do this.
With an additional TU or faculty grant to underwrite this effort, one or
two adjuncts could take on this project.
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel
contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why.
The HS department continues to follow the schedule outlined in the past Instructional Plan. Due to time constraints with the adjuncts in the
department we were unable to discuss the assessment outcomes for HS 15. This May we were able to "catch up" and review both Hs 15 and
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
HS 15 SLO #1
Revised December 9, 2013
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
1. Faculty will create an event where they will share their assignments that
represent the student learning outcomes.
2. Faculty will share examples of student works that meet the criteria of
3. Faculty will create rubrics for evaluating student learning and create a
resource binder for the materials presented, discussed, and developed during
this faculty event.
HS 12 SLO #2
Revised December 9, 2013
Review and revise lecture on creative problem solving, perhaps
incorporating a hands-on activity to apply the information and repeating
material more than one class session.
Increase in-class discussions and activities about this project so they can
share with and support each other through the process
Identify students earlier who don’t have very developed ideas and followup with them individually before the presentation date.
Course SLO Departmental Assessment Analysis Form
Health Science
Meeting Date
Number of Faculty/Staff
participating in dialogue
Number of Faculty/Staff sharing
Assessment Results
Total number of faculty/staff in
Course SLOs measured
HS 15, Human Sexuality
List the courses SLOs whose
assessment results were
discussed in this meeting
At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze
current research data of human sexuality, and to draw
conclusions that support healthy choices and reduce
disease risk.
Writing Assignment #7 ~ Rewriting school-based sex
After reading Chapter 12 “Sexuality During Childhood and
Adolescence”, think about what your primary and
secondary (K-12) school-based sexual education was like.
What was useful and not useful about your sexual
education in school? Was there anything you felt was
Assessment Tools
(Give examples of major
assignments your faculty used to
measure the course SLOs)
Assessment Results
Revised December 9, 2013
How would you design sexual education for primary and
secondary schools (K-12) if you could write the state
standards? (Some ideas for consideration: At what age
would it start? What key information would be included at
each level? Who should teach it? , etc.) Describe your
version of the ideal school-based sex education program,
being as specific as possible. Use the research in your
textbook chapter to help support your response.
A grading rubric was used to score the writing assignment.
(Summarize the overall results of
your department)
In general, how did students do on
the assignment?
What student needs and issues
were revealed?
Were there any areas where
student performance was
Any areas where it can be
Revised December 9, 2013
The highest score is 2 points = “The student has explored
the issues and has reinforced his/her points with what
was discussed in class, in the text, or learned by doing a
little more research/reading”.
85% of the students who completed this writing
assignment got the total 2 points possible. 13% of the
students earned 1 point (1 point = “Student is minimally
meeting the criteria of the assignment”).
2% of the students did not turn in their assignment,
receiving 0 points. This is an issue. Perhaps the format of
the assignments is challenging to some students.
Collaborating with the Cabrillo College writing center
might be something that could help students feel more
able to meet the criteria of this assignment.
This question is an effective sample of an evaluation tool
because students incorporate what they have learned
during the semester into their own development of a
sexuality curriculum for adolescents. It reveals the topics
that the students feel are the most salient to gaining an
understanding, an awareness of, an appreciation of, and an
increase in knowledge and communication about human
sexuality. It demonstrates what the students believe is
important in terms of teaching the information to others. It
is one measure of the student -learning outcome because
the students include curriculum about making healthy
choices and reducing disease risk, as well as
communication and building relationships.
A small % of students did not meet the criteria of the
assignment and all students did not complete the writing
assignments. It might be helpful to student success to
have a discussion of the specific writing assignment in
class and then have students begin an outline of their
thoughts and ideas that they can fully develop for
homework. Also, helping students use college resources,
like the writing center could improve student success by
increasing their skills in the area or writing and using
research to support their ideas and assertions.
Next Step in the Classroom
to Improve Student Learning
How might student performance be
Go through list. Highlight what
items faculty felt would help them
address the needs and issues that
were revealed by the assessment.
Delete the rest.
Next Step in the Department
to Improve Student Learning
Go through list. Highlight what
items faculty felt would help them
address the needs and issues that
were revealed by the assessment.
Delete the rest.
Priorities to Improve Student
(List the top 3-6 things faculty/staff
felt would most improve student
(List the departmental plans to
implement these priorities)
Timeline for Implementation
(Make a timeline for
implementation of your top
Revised December 9, 2013
State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more
Revise activities leading up to and/or supporting
Increase in-class discussions and activities
Increase student collaboration and/or peer review
Increase guidance for students as they work on
As an instructor, increase your interaction with
students outside of class
Encourage faculty to share activities that foster
Write collaborative grants to fund departmental
projects to improve teaching
Create bibliography of resource material
Have binder available for rubrics and results
1. Faculty will create an event where they will share
their assignments that represent the student learning
2. Faculty will share examples of student works that
meet the criteria of excellence.
3. Faculty will create rubrics for evaluating student
learning and create a resource binder for the
materials presented, discussed, and developed during
this faculty event.
We will be scheduling a flex meeting with all of the
faculty to discuss these priorities and to plan our
agenda and our event.
We will share our activities that have been successful
in our classes during the 13-14 academic year.
August- discussion and agenda planning
October/November- participate in the first event
February- Gather feedback and create the next event
April- participate in the second event
Create a binder or resources, rubrics and other ideas
related to the faculty collaborative participation
Revised December 9, 2013
Course SLO Departmental Assessment Analysis Form
Health Science
Meeting Date
May 12, 2014
Number of Faculty/Staff
participating in dialogue
Course SLOs measured
List the courses SLOs whose
assessment results were
discussed in this meeting
Number of Faculty/Staff sharing
Assessment Results
Total number of faculty/staff in
Design and implement a personal stress management
plan for the future.
Assessment Tools
(Give examples of major
assignments your faculty used to
measure the course SLOs)
Creativity Project
Students are asked to use the creative problem solving model to solve a problem that causes stress for
them; They implement and evaluate their solution.
Instructor provides consultation to small groups of
students to support their problem solving, proposed
solution, and ways to evaluate. Finally, the students
present their project to the class.
Assessment Results
(Summarize the overall results of
your department)
For Spring 2013, 65 students were taking HS12 and
assigned the Creativity Project. The range of scores was
(Summarize the overall results of
your department )
In general, how did students do on
the assignment?
What student needs and issues
Revised December 9, 2013
from 28 to 40 (out of 40) with a mean of 35.5 (or 88.7%).
Six students did not complete the project. Nineteen
students completed the project with outstanding scores of
100%. The students have very creative ways of addressing
the problem they’ve identified. Some of the solutions were
common, based on the stress management tools provided
in class, but they addressed different problems. For
example, S13 three students created recipe books- one
was to memorialize a grandmother that had passed, one
were revealed?
was for a student wanting to eat healthier quickly made
meals, and the third was to build a bond with her mother.
Were there any areas where
student performance was
Needs that were revealed were that some students
procrastinate on the project, with many of those not
achieving a satisfactory outcome for themselves. Their
reflections commonly mention they wished they had
started on the project sooner.
Any areas where it can be
Also, they may benefit from meeting in-class/completing
activities to check-in and support one another in their
progress. Finally, even after lecturing on the creative
problem solving model, some students continued to
struggle with concepts.
Next Step in the Classroom
to Improve Student Learning
How might student performance be
Go through list. Highlight what
items faculty felt would help them
address the needs and issues that
were revealed by the assessment.
Delete the rest.
Next Step in the Department
to Improve Student Learning
Go through list. Highlight what
items faculty felt would help them
address the needs and issues that
were revealed by the assessment.
Delete the rest.
Priorities to Improve Student
Revised December 9, 2013
State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more
Revise activities leading up to and/or supporting
Increase in-class discussions and activities
Increase student collaboration and/or peer review
Provide more frequent or more comprehensive
feedback on student progress
Increase guidance for students as they work on
Collect more data
o Offer/encourage attendance at seminars, workshops
or discussion groups about teaching methods
o Have binder available for rubrics and results
o Analyze course curriculum, so that the department
can build a progression of skills as students advance
through courses
Review and revise lecture on creative problem solving,
(List the top 3-6 things faculty/staff
felt would most improve student
perhaps incorporating a hands-on activity to apply the
information and repeating material more than one
class session.
Increase in-class discussions and activities about this
project so they can share with and support each other
through the process
Identify students earlier who don’t have very
developed ideas and follow-up with them individually
before the presentation date.
(List the departmental plans to
implement these priorities)
Timeline for Implementation
(Make a timeline for
implementation of your top
Revised December 9, 2013
All health science faculty meet to discuss challenges,
strategies, and ideas for continued improvement.
Flex week retreat Fall 2014
Revised December 9, 2013