Instructional Planning Yearly Update Department ____Early Childhood Education____ Date _________12-9-13________________ Division ______HASS_______________ Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met? A continuing concern for the ECE Department is how to recuperate the vigor and former success of our Watsonville program serving students whose home language is Spanish. The momentum that was built over 20 years, resulting in consistently high numbers of Latino graduates (e.g. 21 of the 41 ECE AS degrees in 2013) is imperiled. Recent restrictions have caused our Watsonville enrollments to plummet and therefore, we are failing to adequately serve the needs of our community’s work force. Goals / Recommendations from In progress Goal Met (identify Comments source of funding) six-year plan Since writing the Program plan, we have had two full time # 1: Staffing -­‐ Hiring a faculty retirements. One was planned and the second Bilingual Contract faculty occurred 2 weeks prior to the Fall semester. Because the member: $39,062 College committed to hiring so few contract faculty for 14 (Salary + benefits subtracting 15 year, we opted to wait another year before electing to the 30 adjunct faculty units that use the retirement points we had for one retirement. In the would be saved) round for 15-16 we will have points from two retirements. # 2: Staffing -­‐ Hiring a Bilingual Contract faculty member: $39,062 (Salary + benefits subtracting the 30 adjunct faculty units that would be saved) # 3: Staffing -­‐ Hiring part-­‐time We have hired two We are continually looking for adjunct faculty because adjunct faculty including some new adjunct faculty, serving the instructional needs for the early childhood who are bilingual ($1,735/TU) each of whom workforce in our Santa Cruz community requires a faculty taught in FA13 with a broad and diverse set of competencies and experience. Our courses necessarily have tremendously varied and specific content. For example, we have faculty who are uniquely qualified to teach: Health, Safety and Nutrition for Early Childhood, faculty who are uniquely qualified to teach: Children with Special Needs, and faculty who are uniquely qualified to teach: Infant/Toddler course content. #4Facilities and Equipment-­‐Copy The following was Revised September 28, 2012 Machine: # 5: Facilities and Equipment – Furniture: Tables with wheels (durable), foldable (flip & roll style) for classroom 1508: 16 tables @ approx. $450 each+ Tax = $7,850 New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation Classified Staffing: A request to increase our Program Specialist position from 50% to 100%. Revised September 28, 2012 included as an “update” in our final program plan: “UPDATE: The ECE Department has been given the HR copy machine, since they are getting a new copier...” We are appreciative of having this machine and have had minimal issues with it to date. The tables we currently have in 1508 are a safety concern. The table legs sometimes do not lock into place and when this happens, these tables have been known to collapse. The furniture in this classroom is used every day and several times each day and for a variety of classes, which necessitates having tables that are both durable and have wheels. These tables will serve as an essential infrastructure for delivering courses and by extension they relate to supporting student learning outcomes in all of our courses and Certificates. List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need Rationale for this request: The ECE Department is a CTE program and as such we offer both degrees and certificates, and we are also responsible for supporting students in completing the requirements for their CA Child Development permits. We have many grants, as well as classes with materials fees. All of these require the support of an office assistant. We currently have a 50% program specialist position. In previous years we had a 100% program specialist position. We have been creative in using one of our grants to support a small increase in hours for our current program specialist, but we Apple I-Pads for full time faculty (currently 2) Video Camera - “Hero3+ Black Edition” Upgrade of 1508 to become a truly “smart classroom” Revised September 28, 2012 IPad-2 = $399 Or IPad Air = $499 Case = $30 keyboard = $69 Total: IPad-2 + accessories X 2 = $996 Or IPad Air + accessories X2 = $1196 Hero3+ Black Edition = $399. Rechargeable battery = $19.99 Wall Charger = 39.99 Memory card = $49.99 Skeleton Housing = $49.99 Total = $558.96 Multimedia lectern to house a computer, and other multimedia equipment. Cost: $3-4,000 Possibly upgrading the computer (the truly need someone full time or two 50% employees. She currently works mornings (9-­‐1:00). Most of our classes are taught in the evening, so along with supporting the budget components, grants, and permits, having a program specialist in the ECE office to respond to student’s questions prior to the start of evening classes (2:30-­‐6:30) would be a tremendous support for our ECE students. So either having another 50% position, or a full time employee would be a true asset to supporting ECE students and our program as a whole. Finally, The number of ECE students whose first language is Spanish is truly significant. Over fifty percent of ECE students are Hispanic and our estimates indicate that most of those students are English Learners. We would like to have a bilingual classified support staff person in the ECE Office. Improved student support (potential enrollment and retention) would follow if our Spanish-­‐speaking students had an easier time obtaining information and receiving assistance both in person and by telephone communication. As Contract faculty, we regularly attend college wide meetings and having an I-Pad rather than paper notes, or carrying a computer, would be a tremendous support. As a CTE program, we also regularly attend meetings across the county and having the I-Pad for notes and to have needed materials accessible. One of the most successful tools for teacher training is videotaping. We would like to begin using this method with our Interns and also with student teachers. It provides a very direct feedback loop to the student about how they are/are not implementing the promising teaching practices in their practicum experiences. We would also use the video camera to videotape the Children’s Center classrooms for use in ECE courses: child-child interactions, problem solving interactions, adult-child interactions, environments, and more. We use this classroom every night of the week for classes and it is also used during the day on 5 days for ECE classes and some days it is also used by other departments during the day. It is also used on many Saturdays of the semester by ECE classes and one of our community partners for professional development offerings to Early care Book Binding Machines: Intelli-Bind™ IB300 Comb Binding Machine from Intelli-Zone computer in there is probably 8+ years old). $1,000 professionals. $135 X 2 = $270 In SLO assessments for Curriculum class (ECE53) and Curriculum lab (ECE53L), it was noted and discussed that we are not currently able to provide our ECE students the opportunity to create books for children because our Book binding machine is broken and cannot be repaired. SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why. Our program plan was approved in Spring 2013. We began the revolving wheel of assessment in Spring 2013 (based on courses taught in Fall 2013. We have developed systems for tracking SLO assessment and for encouraging all faculty to complete individual assessments of their classes and coming to our ECE Department meetings during Flex, prepared to discuss those assessments. Noted below are descriptions of some of the systems that have been developed in response to the SLO process and the complexity of assessing the many classes and Certificates in ECE (54 classes and 9 certificates). Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Course Date of meeting where SLO, or CTE Program SLO analysis / dialogue took Assessed. Example: all course place. Example: Department SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Meeting 8/27/10 SPRING 2013 ECE31/131: #1 & 4 Revised September 28, 2012 SLO Meeting and Department meeting: 2/4/13 Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example: Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of class. As a follow up to our program plan work, we began this new program planning cycle with an ECE Instructional Program Planning notebook. It contains 1) ALL of the course outlines for all of our classes 2) A n SLO spreadsheet where we can track SLO assessment for each course 3) ECE Certificate and SLO listings ECE31 discussion included: Discussion of the fact that this class was recently revised for Curriculum Alignment Project (statewide project) and for our AST ECE31/131: #1 & 4 ECE53: #1 & 2 ECE53L: #1 ECE59: #1 & 4 ECE51: #1 ECE135: #1 ECE139: #1 139E: #1 (class has been replaced and this one deleted) ECE146: #1 ECE156C: #1 ECE157A: #1 Revised September 28, 2012 & 2/5/13 discussion of FA12 course SLO’s that were assessed degree. The discussion also addressed the various key assignments and considering revisions that will both address the Writing factor guidelines, and make it reasonable for students with it now being a 3- unit rather than a 4-unit class. Another challenge identified was how to meet all of the course content and objectives within the confines of a three-unit course. And a concern that the analytical writing component is challenging for some students. Some ideas: 1) Better use of the Writing Center, and of ECE tutors 2) Regular meeting of all instructors teaching this class to create a support network and to align our assignments ECE53 & 53L 1) It was noted in both the Curriculum class and the labs that our bookbinding machine is broken and students have therefore not had an opportunity to learn how make books for children using a bookbinding process. 2) Creating opportunities for students to develop curriculum activities for children and to be able to extend the activity, based upon observation and reflection, rather than create new activities. In the general discussion of classes and the SLO assessment some of the highlights were: 1) The importance of developing rubrics for major assignments. This sis a student support and also a faculty support 2) Faculty are interested in visiting each other’s classes to gain insights, ideas, and share feedback. The challenge is time. 3) A common idea that emerged across various classes was the idea of revising activities or assignments that lead up to complex assignments. Faculty shared ideas for scaffolding assignments to encourage greater success on major projects. 4) All faculty continue to share and request ideas for actively engaging students in class and activities that foster student competency. 5) Several faculty talked about the importance of including more opportunities for students to collaborate and conduct peer reviews of work. FALL 2013 ECE31: #1 & #2 ECE32: #1 ECE54: #1 ECE134: #1 ECE137A: #1 ECE139C: #1 ECE145: #1 ECE158: #1 Revised September 28, 2012 As a follow up to our discussion in Spring: 1) We handed out, to all ECE adjunct faculty, the “toolkit” developed to support teachers at Cabrillo at our FA2013 Flex Department meeting. 2) During each semester the ECE Program Chair has begun (FA13) sending out a reminder email to each individual faculty member with the SLO assessment forms (0-99 and/or 100 and above) along with the course outline(s) for any class/classes they are currently teaching. The email serves as a reminder to complete the SLO assessment during the semester, while the ideas are fresh, and also provides all of the information they need (forms and information located in the course outline) to complete the assessment. It also requests that they submit that form to the Program Chair electronically so that it will be available to them at the subsequent SLO/Department meeting during the upcoming Flex meeting (Spring semester). SLO Meeting and Our discussion as a group included: Department meeting: 8/26/13 1) Revising of activities leading up to assignments, to better scaffold & 8/29/13 discussion of SP students for larger course projects. 13 course SLO’s assessed 2) The importance of technology (smart classroom) as a support to Spring 2013 student success. The need to be able to share a power point and then a brief video (DVD) clip, a You Tube video on the Internet, and back to the power point with ease. This is challenging without “smart technology”. Our current ECE classroom technology is not “smart”. 3) The importance of safe and comfortable environment, specifically, chairs that are durable, comfortable and fit a variety of sized individuals and tables that are easily moved without concern that they will collapse. 4) Considering how to incorporate the State of California Desired Results Developmental Profile throughout most classes, scaffolding the introduction of various components. 5) ECE faculty want more time together to share ideas, talk about teaching.