Instructional Planning Yearly Update Department _______MESA____________ Date December 2, 2013 Division ________NAS______________ Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met? Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress Goal Met Comments (identify source of funding) 1.) Respond to assessments to improve access by increasing the physical capacity of the MESA Center. An increase by a factor of four over the existing space would enable the program to serve a much greater number of the 600+ declared science transfer students at Cabrillo. This would also address the problem of noise level and meet the needs for areas for quiet study within the Center. (Major Growth, Increase Effectiveness of Learning Environment, Increase Student Success, Improve Transfer) a. Large central study room with computers and adjoining breakout rooms in line of sight b. Adequate office space for the MESA Director and for the MESA Counselor where confidentiality can be maintained c. Adjoining lab facilities for special summer programs 2.) Respond to assessed needs for more open hours in MESA and to improve interdepartmental student and faculty collaboration of the engineering, engineering technology, physics, computer science and MESA departments by establishing a joint facility. (Increase Student Success, Improve Transfer) a) Collaborate with other departments such as Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Math to design a shared space to increase open hours while maintaining line-of-sight supervision over multiple labs. b) Explore options that would allow earlier opening and later closing of the Center, and additional weekend hours to meet student demand by rearranging existing workload and taking advantage of efficiencies obtained in goal #1 above. 3.) Increase college transfer rates in STEM, especially among underrepresented student groups, by decreasing time to transfer. (Improved Transfer, Career Development, Increase successful transfer course completion) Revised September 28, 2012 Ongoing need Title III STEM grant Foundation donations The new STEM Center that opened this Fall semester has allowed us to meet all of these intended improvements to student access and support. Title III STEM grant Foundation donations The new STEM Center is set up so that the CIS lab and Physics Learning Center faculty can help keep our shared space open and available to students for additional hours each week. There several hours each week of staffing from faculty from Physics, Engineering, CIS and CS as part of their office hours, or designated lab time. A few faculty from the Chemistry and Biology departments have chosen to hold office hours in the Center, also. Not met. This need has gotten even greater since the goal was established in 2008. Since the STEM Center serves over 600 students, 86% of whom are STEM majors, a need for increased hours of a counselor who a) Increase MESA Counselor to 50% FTE to 1. Ensure science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) majors have early, frequent and consistent academic counseling, 2. Assist students in managing a balance between STEM coursework and obligations outside college life, 3. Explore availability of evening counseling hours to accommodate a diversity of student schedules, and 4. Maintain a series of counseling workshops and dissemination of transfer information through website or other multi-media vehicles. 4.) Increase membership in MESA, especially participation by underrepresented population by increasing Outreach efforts: (Improved Transfer, Innovative Scheduling and Delivery, Career Development, Maintenance of Program, Major Growth, Increase successful transfer course completion) a) Work with research office to determine an effective outreach plan informed by data-mining b) Explore options that would allow a regularly funded outreach component utilizing alumni and current MESA students c) Develop printed and multimedia materials to advertise services d) Explore work-study positions to increase outreach to interest potential MESA members 5.) Increase student success in transfer-level math and science courses by increasing tutoring and workshop delivery. (Improved Transfer, Innovative Scheduling and Delivery) a) Explore offering some or all of the 6 Academic Excellence Workshops offered each semester for units, in order to encourage consistent attendance and increase student participation. b) Increase the college contribution to the Student Assistant budget to a level of 50% of the usual cost to reflect the usage of Center services by the general Cabrillo student. c) Explore feasibility of additional support by increasing math LIA contract and creating a science LIA position so that college support for tutoring matches the ratio of MESA to non-MESA members utilization of tutoring services New brochures still pending Ongoing need can help with the transfer issues for students in these majors is even more pronounced. The MESA grant is only able to fund 4-5 units per school year of counselor time, and so only MESA members or students applying to be MESA members are able to meet with the counselor. This leaves a large unmet need, especially with the new Student Success requirements for students to have majors declared, ed plans on file, and demonstrable progress toward their goals in order to get priority for registration. Met using some Membership in MESA has increased from the 80-90 funds from NSF average numbers in 2008 to an average of 150-175 STEEP project, due to the recruitment effect of the activities of the additional grant NSF STEEP grant—both PREP and the Energy obtained by the Academy, and the laptop program known as Chancellor’s California Connects. New brochures are being Office on behalf developed to orient students to the STEM of the MESA Center/MESA partnership and the services available programs. to them. These will be funded by the Title III STEM grant. Workstudy students from UCSC have been used in the Center for the past two semesters, and is working well. The need for an IA, and increased budget for student peer tutors in the STEM Center to represent the nonMESA members that are utilizing services is ongoing, and much greater now because 1. the capacity of the MESA Study Center has expanded from 35 to 175. 2. Students usage has gone from 6,700 hours per semester to 30,000 hours per semester. 3. 3. The number of students served has increased from about 300 to over 600. 92% of students report a STEM major, approx. 550. 4. MESA grant funds are still only 60% of the Revised September 28, 2012 longstanding annual amount. Currently,those funds support a 50% IA, 4-5 units of a STEM Counselor, and what is left for student tutors is $17,000 per year. Student demand for the tutoring services is $45,000, for a shortfall of $28,000. New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need See explanations in #3, #5 above. #3 and #5 from previous goals are still relevant, and the need is greater than ever. SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why. In this last year, we were due to assess students’ familiarity with the California State Teaching Standards in Math and Science within the Math 158T and 158FT class. We completed that assessment. Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Course SLO, or CTE Program SLO Assessed. Example: all course SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Calif Teaching Standards Revised September 28, 2012 Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department Meeting 8/27/10 Sept 24, 2013 Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example: Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of class. Allow additional time for assignment and provide a minimum number of student observations in the assignment.