Mathematics, Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Coding Instructions Effective for Academic Years 2015-16 forward Six Washington community colleges currently participate in MESA. These colleges are: Olympic, Edmonds, Seattle Central, Highline, Yakima and Columbia Basin. Beginning September 2015 an Unusual Action code will be applied to identify students served by these and any future MESA programs. Instructions MESA students are identified through the Unusual Action code. You must first add the new unusual action code to the Unusual Action Code table in SMS (SM5021). Use unusual-action value “M!”. Enter the value for the student on the Student Unusual Action screen (SM5003) including the YRQ of their enrollment in the program. NOTE: The students will need to be coded with the Unusual Action code each quarter they are served in the MESA program. MESA students must be coded as “B” Intent in a degree-seeking academic program. If you have any question on the use of this code please contact the SBCTC Data Services at