Cabrillo College ADN Program Multicriteria Application Process

Cabrillo College ADN Program Multicriteria Application Process
Cabrillo College ADN Program Enrollment Prescreening Criteria
Cabrillo Student ID #
Are you currently a Cabrillo Nursing Program Waitlisted Student? Yes  No 
Current wait list students WILL BE REMOVED from the Cabrillo Nursing Program Wait List when choosing to apply by the Multi-Criteria Screening Process (MCSP). Exception: if your wait list number was 150
or below as of the 3/2/15 notification only, you may apply by the MCSP while remaining on the Cabrillo Nursing Program Wait List.
ATI TEAS test completion with grade 62% or higher
Score of 62% or higher on ATI TEAS taken within two years
of application.
Yes 
No 
Yes 
Students who have taken ATI TEAS are asked to submit an unofficial copy of the test result with their
application in order to receive the 5 points. If you are selected for entry to the program, you must
provide official results by going to online store, and request that your official ATI
TEAS results be sent to Cabrillo. There is a fee for this service.
Official transcript from regionally accredited U.S. colleges or universities with degree posted. For courses taken OUTSIDE of
Cabrillo College, official/sealed transcripts are required. Transcripts from colleges or universities outside the United States must
be evaluated by a NACES approved foreign transcript evaluation service.
No 
Relevant Health Care Certification and Experience - MAXIMUM 5 POINTS
Currently licensed LVN, Radiology Technologist, Dental
Hygienist, Paramedic, Respiratory Therapist, Occupational
Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapy Assistant, CNA,
EMT, Psych Technician, Medical Assistant, Veterinary
Yes 
No 
Previous Academic Degrees - MAXIMUM 5 POINTS
BA/BS degree or higher
Required Supporting Documents
For health care certification and work experience:
1) Copy of your current California License or certificate with your license number, date of issue, and date of expiration OR
2) Letter from employer on official letterhead verifying work experience in the area of certification.
Items listed are examples only and are not an exhaustive list of certifications/licenses that MAY be accepted. The admissions
committee will make the final determination of acceptance of certifications and work experience.
Grade Point Average - Science – MAXIMUM 30 POINTS
Minimum GPA 2.5 in “Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology
(Bio 4), Physiology (Bio 5), & Microbiology (Bio 6)” to receive
points in this area.
 GPA = 3.75 - 4.00 (30 points )
 GPA = 3.50 - 3.74 (25 points)
 GPA = 3.25 - 3.49 (20 points)
 GPA = 3.00 - 3.24 (15 points)
 GPA = 2.75 - 2.99 (10 points)
 GPA = 2.50 - 2.74 (5 points)
For prerequisite courses taken OUTSIDE of Cabrillo College, official/sealed transcripts are required. All transcripts from outside
the United States must be evaluated by a NACES approved foreign transcript evaluation service. All prerequisite courses must
be completed with a grade of “C” or better and final grades must be posted on transcript.
5 - 30
It is required that all science prerequisites (BIO 4, BIO 5 and BIO 6) be completed within six years of
application to the program. Applicants are permitted to repeat prerequisites for a better grade provided the
course was completed more than six years ago. A repeat petition must be signed by the Dean of the
Division in which the course is offered before the course can be repeated.
All prerequisites and nursing courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.0 GPA) or better, except BIO
4, BIO5, and BIO 6. These courses must be completed with a combined GPA of 2.5 or better.
Prerequisites must be completed before applying to the program. In process courses
will be not be considered.
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Cabrillo College ADN Program Enrollment Prescreening Criteria (Work Sheet)
Grade Point Average - Non-Science - MAXIMUM 15 POINTS
Non-science GPA in English (ENGL 1A)
For prerequisite courses taken OUTSIDE of Cabrillo College, official/sealed transcripts are required. Transcripts from colleges
or universities outside the United States must be evaluated by a NACES approved foreign transcript evaluation service. All
prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better and final grades must be posted on transcript.
 GPA = 3.7 -4.0 A (15 points)
 GPA = 2.7-3.69 B (10 points)
5 – 15
 GPA = 2.0-2.69 C (5 points)
Life Experiences or Special Circumstances - MAXIMUM 5 POINTS – May Only Select One. See Required Documentation List.
 6(a) Disabilities
Proof of eligibility for college course work from Cabrillo Accessibility Support Center (ASC, formerly DSPS).
 6(b) Low family income
Proof of eligibility for financial aid, e.g. Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW), Cal Grant, Pell Grant or other federal grant,
 6(c) First generation to attend college
Explain background, situation or circumstances. Submit form, ADN Admission Supporting Documentation for Criteria 6,
 6(d) Need to work
Signed letter from employer on letterhead stationary verifying dates of employment while completing prerequisites.
 6(e) Disadvantaged social or educational
Participation or eligibility for Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) or signed letter as in 6 (c)
 6(f) Difficult personal or family situation/
Signed statement explaining background, situation or circumstances, such as death in family on the previous 6 months,
medical problems, or similar difficult personal or family circumstances. Submit form, ADN Admission Supporting
Documentation for Criteria 6.
 6(g) Refugee status
Documentation of United States Citizens Immigration Service (USCIS).
Veteran Status – MAXIMUM 5 POINTS – See Required Documentation.
Veteran Status or eligible spouse status
Submit Copy of Defense Form DD-214 Honorable Discharge per Veterans and Eligible Spouses
Yes 
No 
Proficiency or Advanced Level Coursework in Languages Other than English – MAXIMUM 5 POINTS – See Verification of Proficiency ADN Criteria 7
Proficiency in a language other than English
Yes 
No 
Total Score (Criteria #1-8)
Applicants who score below 45 will not be
Official transcript from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university verifying four (4) semesters of foreign language – OR –
the language proficiency verification form
Applicants who score 45 or above will be placed in a lottery for random selection.
Applicants who are selected from the lottery and who have not taken the ATI TEAS, move
to criteria 9.
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Approved Diagnostic Assessment Tool, Test of Essential Academic Skills ATI TEAS
Cabrillo College uses the ATI Test of Essential
Academic Skills (TEAS). The minimum adjusted
individual score required for admission is 62%.
If you have been selected to enter the Cabrillo Nursing Program and have not taken the ATI TEAS test it will be offered at
Cabrillo prior to enrollment. The test MUST be passed with a score of 62% to enroll in the Cabrillo program.
While students who have not achieved a minimum total score of 62% on the ATI TEAS are disqualified, a subsequent
passing score will be considered, upon completion of a documented remediation plan that has been approved by the Student
Success Coordinator and/or the Director of Nursing. Students may not re-test until cleared to do so by the Director of
Note that a remediation plan may take up to one year to complete, depending on identified needs. The applicant may repeat
the ATI TEAS only once for admission into the Cabrillo nursing program. If the student is successful in passing the ATI TEAS
after completing their remediation plan they will be enrolled in the Cabrillo Nursing program.
For currently waitlisted students only: by choosing the Multicriteria Screening Process (MCSP) I understand I WILL BE
REMOVED from the Cabrillo Nursing Program waitlist, unless my number was 150 or below as of the 3/2/15 notification
only, in which case I understand that I may apply by the MCSP while remaining on the Cabrillo Nursing Program waitlist.
I certify that the statements in this application are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: __________________________________
Date: _______________________________
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