Categorizing student performance levels GEOL3036 Biodiversity and Macro-evolutionary Patterns Excellent is the performance expected of students gaining a First class honours (MSci) or Distinction (MSc). Typical is the performance currently expected of students at the Lower/Upper Second class boundary (MSci) or 60% (MSc). Threshold is the minimum performance currently required to gain an honours degree (MSci) or master’s degree (MSc). Definitions Intellectual skills -knowledge and understanding Practical skills Communication skills Excellent performance Knowledge base extending well beyond that experienced through the programme of set problems, plus evidence of strong critical evaluation of complex evidence. Highly developed ability to tackle open-ended palaeobiological research questions. Thorough understanding of the resources (data-bases, analytical methods etc.) available to palaeobiologists, and a clear perception of when these resources are relevant to a question. Detailed understanding of key analytical methods and principles, especially taxonomy, phylogenetic analysis, diversity reconstruction, morphometrics, biomechanics and biogeography Strong familiarity with the use of museum collections, online and library databases and the use of the research literature. Typical performance Knowledge base extending beyond that experienced through the programme of set problems. Threshold performance Knowledge base largely derived from experience of the programme of set problems. Ability to tackle open-ended palaeobiological research questions. Basic ability to tackle open-ended palaeobiological research questions. Basic understanding of the resources (data-bases, analytical methods etc.) available to palaeobiologists. Understanding of the resources (data-bases, analytical methods etc.) available to palaeobiologists. Understanding of key analytical methods and principles, especially taxonomy, phylogenetic analysis, diversity reconstruction, morphometrics, biomechanics and biogeography Familiarity with the use of museum collections, online and library databases and the use of the research literature. Ability to write critically, Ability to write efficiently efficiently and effectively. and effectively. Strong ability to work as an Ability to work as an Basic understanding of key analytical methods and principles, especially taxonomy, phylogenetic analysis, diversity reconstruction, morphometrics, biomechanics and biogeography Basic familiarity with the use of museum collections, online and library databases and the use of the research literature. Ability to write effectively. Basic ability to work as individual, in groups and in individual, in groups and in a ‘whole class’ setting. a ‘whole class’ setting. an individual, in groups and in a ‘whole class’ setting.