FOR INTAKE OCTOBER 2015 OR LATER Legal Notice 24 of 2006 - Malta Government Gazette No. 17,874 - 3 February 2006 Amended by: Legal Notice 80 of 2007 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,058 – 30 March 2007 Legal Notice 222 of 2008 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,309 – 16 September, 2008 Legal Notice 119 of 2009 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,404 – 17 April, 2009 Legal Notice 211 of 2009 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,458 – 24 July, 2009 Legal Notice 287 of 2011 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,782 – 22 July, 2011 Legal Notice 387 of 2011 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,812 – 30 September, 2011 Legal Notice 388 of 2012 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,987 – 13 November, 2012 Legal Notice 94 of 2013 – Malta Government Gazette No. 19,227 – 28 March 2014 Legal Notice 341 of 2014 – Malta Government Gazette No. 19,316 – 26 September 2014 Legal Notice 450 of 2014 – Malta Government Gazette No. 19,356 – 12 December 2014 EDUCATION ACT (CAP. 327) Bye-Laws of 2006 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2004 for the Degree of Bachelor of Education (Honours) - B.Ed. (Hons) under the auspices of the Faculty of Education IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by sections 30(5) and 31(6) of the Education Act (Cap. 327), the Chancellor of the University of Malta has promulgated the following bye-laws made by the Board of the Faculty of Education in virtue of the powers conferred upon it by section 37 (1) of the said Act and which have been approved by the Senate of the University of Malta as required by section 37 (2) of the said Act: Citation and Interpretation 1. (1) These bye-laws may be cited as the Bye-Laws of 2006 in terms of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2004 for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Honours) - B. Ed. (Hons.) - under the auspices of the Faculty of Education. (2) In these bye-laws, unless the context otherwise requires "the Board" means the Board of the Faculty of Education; "the Course" means the programme of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor of Education (Honours) - B.Ed. (Hons); 1 "the Degree" means the degree of Bachelor of Education (Honours) - B.Ed. (Hons); "the Faculty" means the Faculty of Education; and "the Principal Regulations" means the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2004. Applicability 2. These bye-laws shall be applicable to courses commencing in October 2004 or later. Areas of Study 3. (1) The Degree may be awarded under the auspices of the Faculty in Early Childhood Education and Care, Primary Education or Secondary Education as an area of specialisation. (2) (a) For the Primary and the Early Childhood Education and Care areas of specialisation, the Board shall recommend to Senate the number of applicants that may be allowed to register in these areas of specialisation, depending on the number of school placements available. The number of available places shall be announced when this information is made available to the University by the relevant authorities. (b) If there are more eligible applicants than the number of places available, applicants shall be selected after an interview by an interviewing board appointed by the Board for the purpose and which shall be composed of at least 3 members. Applicants shall be rank ordered in accordance with criteria approved by Senate. 4. (1) Applicants who choose Secondary Education as their area of specialisation shall also be required to choose one or two teaching areas. (2) The teaching areas for the Secondary Education area of specialisation shall be chosen as follows: two teaching areas from Group A, or one teaching area from Group B, or one teaching area from Group C, or any teaching area or combination of teaching areas as approved by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board. In any year, teaching areas shall be offered depending on the availability of resources and the number of applicants who choose them. 2 5. (1) The teaching areas in Group A shall be the following: Art, English, French, Geography, German, History, Italian, Maltese, Music Studies, Religious Education, Spanish. (2) The following combinations of teaching areas from Group A are not normally offered: - Art and French - English and Music Studies - Geography and either Maltese or Religious Education - German and History - Maltese and Religious Education - Spanish and English - Spanish and Music Studies. 6. The teaching area in Group B shall be Science, with specialisation in either Biology, or Chemistry, or Physics. 7. The teaching areas in Group C shall be the following: Computing, Nutrition, Family and Consumer Studies, Mathematics, Personal and Social Development, Physical Education, and Technical Design and Technology. 8. (1) The Board shall announce the teaching areas offered within the Secondary Education area of specialisation as approved by Senate, before the beginning of each Course. (2) In teaching areas where the number of school placements is limited, the Board shall recommend to Senate the number of applicants that may be allowed to register in these teaching areas, depending on the number of school placements available. The number of available places shall be announced when this information is made available to the University by the relevant authorities. (3) If there are more eligible applicants than the number of places available, applicants shall be rank ordered in accordance with criteria approved by Senate. The University Admissions Board, after seeking the advice of the Faculty Admissions Committee, shall first consider eligible applicants whose qualifications were obtained in the Matriculation Certificate Examination or from another examining board, if the Faculty Admissions Committee is satisfied that the qualifications presented are comparable in content and equivalent in standard to the Matriculation Certificate Examination in the same subject/s. For the purpose of selection, applicants whose qualifications and the special course requirements as stipulated in bye-law 9, were obtained by 31 August preceding the commencement of the Course shall be considered first. If vacant places are still available, applicants who obtain all necessary 3 qualifications and fulfil all special course requirements as stipulated in bye-law 9 after the 31 August and before the 30 September shall be considered to take up the remaining places. Special Course Requirements for Admission 9. (1) To be registered as regular students in the Course, applicants shall, apart from satisfying the general requirements for admission as specified in the Admission Regulations, be in possession of the special course requirements listed in this bye-law. (2) If Early Childhood Education and Care or Primary Education is chosen as the area of specialisation, applicants shall have: (a) Advanced Matriculation Level passes at Grade C or better in any TWO of the following subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, French, Geography, German, History, Home Economics and Human Ecology, Information Technology, Italian, Maltese, Mathematics (Applied or Pure), Music, Philosophy, Physics, Religious Knowledge, Sociology and Spanish; and (b) Intermediate Matriculation Level passes at Grade C or better in English and Maltese, if applicants have not already offered these subjects at Advanced Matriculation Level; and (c) a certificate showing a pass in the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Standard Certificate. (3) Applications for the Early Childhood Education and Care area of specialisation shall also be accepted from persons who are not in possession of the general requirements for admission as specified in the Admission Regulations but have obtained the following: (a) a pass at SEC level at Grade 5 or better in Mathematics; and (b) the MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Early Years or MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children's Care Learning and Development or MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Child’s Play Learning and Development or the Certificate in PreSchool Education (Education Division - Further Studies and Adult Education Department) or the Certificate in Childcare (Education Division - Further Studies and Adult Education Department); and (c) Advanced Matriculation Level passes at Grade C or better in any two of the following subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, French, Geography, German, History, Home Economics and Human Ecology, Information Technology, 4 Italian, Maltese, Mathematics (Applied or Pure), Music, Philosophy, Physics, Religious Knowledge, Sociology and Spanish; and (d) Intermediate Matriculation Level passes at Grade C or better in English and Maltese, if applicants have not already offered these subjects at Advanced Matriculation Level; and (e) a certificate showing a pass in the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Standard Certificate. (4) In accordance with the provisions of regulation 8.1.1 of the Admission Regulations of the University, the Admissions Board, acting on the advice of the relevant Board of Studies, may admit applicants for the Early Childhood Education and Care area of specialisation, into any year of the Course if in possession of the following: (a) MCAST–BTEC Higher National Diploma in Advanced Studies in Early Years; and (b) passes at SEC level at Grade 5 or better in English Language, Maltese and Mathematics and; and (c) passes in proficiency tests in English and Maltese, approved by the Faculty. Applicants shall be exempted from sitting for the proficiency test in English if they are in possession of a pass at SEC level at Grade 3 or higher, or an Intermediate Matriculation Level pass at Grade C or higher, or an Advanced Matriculation Level pass at Grade C or higher in English. Applicants shall be exempted from sitting for the proficiency test in Maltese if they are in possession of a pass at SEC level at Grade 3 or higher, or an Intermediate Matriculation Level pass at Grade C or higher, or an Advanced Matriculation Level pass at Grade C or higher in Maltese; and (d) a certificate showing a pass in the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Standard Certificate, provided that such applicants shall be required to follow a programme of study as directed by the Board, over two years of full-time study. (5) If Secondary Education is chosen as the area of specialisation, applicants shall have: (a) for two teaching areas from Group A: passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in each of the two subjects chosen as teaching areas; (b) for a teaching area from Group B: 5 (i) for Science with specialisation in Biology: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Biology and in any other subject, together with a pass at Grade C or better at Intermediate Level in Chemistry; (ii) for Science with specialisation in Chemistry: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Chemistry and in any other subject, together with a pass at Grade C or better at Intermediate Level in Physics; and (iii) for Science with specialisation in Physics: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Physics and in any other subject, together with a pass at Grade C or better at Intermediate Level in Applied Mathematics or Pure Mathematics; (c) for a teaching area from Group C: (i) For Nutrition, Family and Consumer Studies: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Home Economics and Human Ecology and in any other subject; (ii) for Mathematics: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Pure Mathematics and in any other subject; (iii) for Computing: two passes at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Computing and in any other subject, together with a pass at Intermediate Level at Grade C or better in Pure Mathematics (a pass at Advanced Level in Information Technology or in Pure Mathematics may not be offered instead of Computing); (iv) for Personal and Social Development: a pass at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in either Philosophy or Sociology and a pass at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in any other subject; (v) for Physical Education: (1) a pass at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in any two subjects, a pass in a physical education proficiency test obtained in the same year when submitting the application, a medical fitness certificate, as per prescribed form provided by the Institute of Physical Education and Sport, produced in the same year when submitting the application, and a portfolio demonstrating interest in and commitment to Physical Education and Sport; (2) applications for the Physical Education area of specialisation shall also be accepted from persons who are not in possession of the general requirements for admission as specified in the Admission Regulations but have obtained the following: 6 (a) the MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma (Development, Coaching & Fitness) with DDD (where D signifies Distinction) or DDM (where M signifies Merit); and (b) an Advanced Level pass at Grade C or better in any subject except Physical Education; and (c) passes at SEC level at Grade 5 or better in English Language, Maltese and Mathematics; and (d) a certificate showing a pass in the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Standard Certificate; and (e) a pass in a physical education proficiency test taken in the same year when submitting the application; and (f) a medical fitness certificate, as per prescribed form provided by the Institute of Physical Education and Sport, taken in the same year when submitting the application and present a portfolio demonstrating interest in and commitment to Physical Education and Sport; and (g) a pass in the English proficiency test, approved by the Faculty. Applicants shall be exempted from sitting for the proficiency test in English if they are in possession of a pass at SEC level at Grade 3 or higher, or an Intermediate Level pass at Grade C or higher, or an Advanced Level pass at Grade C or higher in English.” (vi) for Technical Design and Technology: (1) a pass at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in Engineering Drawing or in Graphical Communication, a pass at Intermediate Level at Grade C or better in Physics, and a pass at Advanced Level at Grade C or better in any other subject; or (2) a pass at Advanced Level at grade C or better in Physics, a pass at Intermediate Level at grade C or better in Engineering Drawing and Graphical Communication, and a pass at Advanced Level at grade C or better in any other subject; or (3) five passes at Grade 5 or better in the Secondary Education Certificate Examination, including English Language and Maltese, together with a pass in Systems of Knowledge in the Matriculation Certificate Examination at Intermediate Level, and the Advanced Technicians Diploma of the City and Guilds of London Institute, or the MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering Level 5, or the MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electronic Engineering Level 5, or the MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Level 5, or a qualification considered equivalent by the University Admissions Board on the recommendation of the Board. 7 (d) a pass in the proficiency test in English approved by the Faculty. Applicants shall be exempted from sitting for the proficiency test in English if they are in possession of a pass at SEC level at Grade 3 or higher, or an Intermediate Level pass at Grade C or higher, or an Advanced Level pass at Grade C or higher in English; and (e) a certificate showing a pass in the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Standard Certificate. (6) Applicants admitted under sub-paragraph (a) (iii) of paragraph (2) of regulation 2 of the Admission Regulations must be in possession of those qualifications and/or experience that would satisfy the Faculty Admissions Committee that they have reached the academic standard required to follow the Course with profit. The eligibility of such applicants shall be decided by the Faculty Admissions Committee, following an interview conducted by an interviewing board appointed for the purpose. The interviewing board appointed by the Board shall be composed of at least three persons. (7) Applicants who do not pass the English and Maltese proficiency tests (as applicable) and are not exempted from them in terms of the provisions of these byelaws, and/or are not in possession of the ECDL by the 30 September shall not be admitted to the Course. (8) In the case of English, passes at the same standard in comparable qualifications will also be accepted. 10. Applicants with other qualifications considered to be sufficient may be exempted by the University Admissions Board, on the advice of the Faculty Admissions Committee, from the whole or part of these special course requirements. Course Duration 11. (1) For the Early Childhood Education and Care, Primary and Secondary Education areas of specialisation, the Course shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study. (2) For courses which commenced prior to October 2013, for the Early Childhood Education and Care area of specialisation, the Course shall extend over a period of three years full-time or its equivalent in part-time study. Course Programme 12. Students are required to obtain 60 credits per year, as detailed in the programme of studies (including field placements and a dissertation) approved by 8 Senate, on the recommendation of the Board, and according to the provisions of the Principal Regulations. Special Provision for Field Placement 13. (1) There shall be a Field Placement, comprising a period of observation and/or teaching in schools, under supervision, as determined by the Board as follows: (a) in each of the four years, in the case of the Early Childhood Education and Care, Primary and Secondary Education areas of specialisation; and (b) in each of the three years (or spread throughout the part-time Course for courses which commenced prior to October 2013), in the case of the Early Childhood Education and Care area of specialisation. (2) Field Placements shall be assessed on a Pass/Fail basis in the case of the B.Ed.(Hons) Primary and Secondary Education areas of specialisation. Field placements shall be assessed by grades/marks in the B.Ed.(Hons) Early Childhood Education and Care area of specialisation. (3) Students shall be required to pass all the Field Placements. Students can only do one Field Placement in any year of the Course and shall be allowed to repeat only one failed Field Placement during the following year, so that the final Field Placement is held during an additional year of studies, if allowed in terms of the Principal Regulations. (4) Students whose Field Placement includes the teaching of two teaching areas and who fail to satisfy the examiners in the teaching of one of the teaching areas shall be considered to have failed the Field Placement. Such students shall be required to repeat the Field Placement in terms of paragraph (3) of this bye-law and as provided for in the Principal Regulations. Students may be allowed to repeat the Field Placement in the teaching of the failed teaching area only under those conditions established by the Board. (5) Students shall be required to abide by the Field Placement Code of Ethics as published by the Board. Any breach of this Code of Ethics shall be referred to an ad hoc Disciplinary Board appointed by the Board and may result in a recommendation to Senate for dismissal from the Course. (6) (a) Students who, for health reasons, fail to attend for up to four days should present a medical certificate within 24 hours to the Office of Professional Practice. The medical certificate, drawn up by a Medical Doctor, should clearly state the 9 ailment which is preventing the student from attending school and should include the name and the Medical Registration Number of the Medical Doctor. (b) Where students are away from school for up to four days for any valid reason, including health reasons, as well as in special circumstances for which prior approval would have been given, they shall be requested to make up for any missed teaching duties in accordance with instructions issued by the Office of Professional Practice and the Head of Department concerned. (c) Students who fail to attend five days or more shall have to undergo a full Field Placement during an additional year of studies. (7) The Board shall assign at least two additional examiners to each student. The main additional examiner is requested to present the assessment reports for the consideration of the Field Placement Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners shall, in terms of the University Examinations Regulations, determine the procedure to be adopted for the conduct of the Field Placement assessment and may themselves conduct assessment visits to particular students as they deem fit. Classification of the Award 14. The Final Weighted Average Mark for the classification of the Degree shall be based on the results obtained in each year of the Course, each of which shall receive equal weighting. 15. In the case of assigning the classification of First Class Honours, the Degree Classification Board shall take into consideration the students’ record of performance during the Field Placements. 16. The Degree classification shall be published according to the provisions of the Principal Regulations for Honours degrees. last updated 4th April 2015. /rs 10