Measuring the Impact of ICTs on Climate Change 4 December, 2008 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Japan Basic Idea for the Impact of ICTs on Climate Change ICT itself produces CO2 emissions through consumption of electric power to operate equipment / systems. On the other hand, ICT usage can contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions through: - Improvement of energy efficiency - Improved efficiency in production and consumption of products - Reduction of movement of people and products Environment measurement and predictions using ICT are also possible. Examples Energy efficiency • ITS(Intensive control of ETC, VICS, and traffic lights) • BEMS(Building energy management system) • HEMS(Household energy management system) Reduction of movement of people and products • Online shopping, online trading • Telework, TV conferencing • Music, video, and software distribution • e-application (tax declaration, online receipt) Efficiency in production and consumption of products • Supply chain management • e-publication and distribution • Paperless office Measurement and predictions of environment • Radar for measuring CO2 • Sensing network • Global simulator We can contribute to tackling global warming issues by promoting spread of ICT use Study group on ICT policies to tackle global warming issues As global warming issues become ever more serious, the MIC has set up a “Study group on ICT policies to tackle global warming issues”. The group's purpose is to investigate how ICTs can have a positive impact in global warming issues. Subjects (1) Estimation of possible effects of ICTs on CO2 emissions and power consumption in the near future (2) Deliberation on ways to realize further CO2 emissions reduction through ICTs (3) ICT research and development that contribute to CO2 emissions reduction. (4) International contributions in the ICT field, as a response to global warming. 2 Estimation of total reductions in CO2 Emissions by utilizing ICT Method of Evaluation Total reduction in CO2 emissions by utilizing ICT = Effects of reductions in CO2 emission by utilization of ICT Effect (1)Consumption of products (2)Power consumption/energy consumption (3)Movement of people (4)Movement of goods (5)Improved efficiency of office space (6)Storage of goods (7)Improved work efficiency (8)Wastes Effects of reductions in CO2 emissions by utilization ICT – CO2 emissions by ICT Subject of power Consumption calculation Businesses User Fixed communication Mobile communication Internet Telephone Fax FAX O NU etc.) Modems (ONU, Switchboard, airconditioner Mobile terminal Base station, switchboard, air-conditioner LAN switch Router, LAN PC, PC server Storage Printer Data center aircondition er Estimation of total reductions in CO2 Emissions by ICT (2)-1 Power Consumption in ICT Field (Telecommunication) Game RFID Financial terminals machines, etc.RFI readers/Writer s D / 600 60 500 50 1% Non-countermeasured LAN Power Consumption (billion kWh) Measures 400 40 2% LAN switch 7% 7% 0.1% Fixed telecommunicatio n carriers 6% 6% Router Fixed telecommunication user system 14% 14% Storage 1% Mainframe 2% 300 30 200 20 Mobile phone telecommunic 10% ation carriers 10% KWh Wh 57 570 billion kWh Data center air-conditioners Server s 100 10 6% 18% 00 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 <Power consumption in telecommunication field> Printers PC PC ‘s(for 10% commercial use) 10% Mobile phone telecommuni 0.2% cation user machine 6% PC 3% ) PC (for household 3% <Breakdown of power consumption in telecommunication field in 2012 (Non-countermeasured cases)> Power consumption in the telecommunications field in 2012 is estimated to be 57 billion kWh (However, estimated at 44 billion kWh when energy saving measures are implemented) 4 Estimation of total reductions in CO2 Emissions by ICT (2)-2 Power Consumption and CO2 Emissions in ICT Field <CO2 emissions of overall ICT field> <Power consumption of overall ICT field> 1,100 000 3,500 Broadcasting field Telecommunications Information and communication field field (Non-countermeasured case) (Non-countermeasured case) 3,000 t-Ct-CO O 22 10000 billion kW kWh h 800 80 600 60 Broadcasting field Telecommunications field field Information and communication (Non-countermeasured case) (Non-countermeasured case) 2,500 2,000 1,500 400 40 1,000 200 20 500 0 00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year ItItisisestimated 73billion billionkWh kWhpower powerwill willbe beconsumed consumedand and300 300million million estimatedthat thatin in2012, 2012,73 tons tonsof ofCO CO22will willbe beemitted emittedin inthe thewhole wholeICT ICTfield fieldcombining combiningtelecommunication telecommunication field fieldas aswell wellas asbroadcasting broadcastingfield. field. (Equivalent (Equivalentto to2.4% 2.4%of ofCO CO22emissions emissionsin inJapan Japan in in1990) 1990) * For the conversion from power consumed to CO2 emitted, the CO2 emissions basic unit values announced by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan each year are used. Between 2007 and 2012, the 2006 value of 0.410 kg–CO2/kWh is used. 5 Estimation of total reductions in CO2 Emissions by ICT (3) Reduction in CO2 Emissions by utilizing ICT ICT areas and examples of ICT exploitation that we selected for calculating CO2 emissions reduction Areas Examples of ICT exploitation e-trade for individuals Online shopping / Issuance of online air tickets / Purchase of tickets at convenience store / Installation of automatic Cash Dispensers e-trade for corporate business Online transactions / Supply chain management / Reuse market e-digitization of substances Music content / Visual content / PC software / Newspapers and books Movement of people Telework / TV conferences / Remote control Advanced road traffic system ITS e-government and emunicipality e-tenders / e-applications (tax filing) / e-applications (online receipt) Energy control BEMS, HEMS Estimation of reductions in CO2 Emissions by utilization of ICT (8) Results 3.0 Percentage in respect to CO2 emissions in Japan for 1990 “ ñ2 Ž _0 ‰ »0 ’ Y5 ‘ f” N ‘ “x ” r‚ Ì o“ ú — Ê– { ‚ É‚ Ì ‘Î ‚· ‚é Š„ ‡ “ 2.2% 2.1 2.0 2.3% 2.2 2.4% 2.3 303000 million tons 1.0 0.0 2006” “x 2006N 2010” “x 2010N 2012” “x 2012N 1.0 Subtract Contributes to CO2 emissions reduction of 38 million tons (3.0%) 2.0 686800 million tons 2.5% 2.4 3.0 4.0 5.0 CO emissions (Broadcast+information CO2” ro — Ê• iú ‘—{• îñ ’ÊM ) communication) CO reduction CO2 Œ í¸ —Ê 2 2 6.0 5.0% 5.0 5.4% 5.4 In 2012, 30 million tons of CO2 are expected to be emitted in the ICT field, but the use of ICT will produce CO2 reduction effects of 68 million tons, contributing to CO2 emissions reduction of 38 million tons (Equivalent to 3.0% of 1990 CO2 emissions in Japan) * This calculation includes “reduction potentials” which do not appear immediately, and efforts are required to realize these potentials. 7 Thank you.