Recording strengths, areas for improvement, evidence and next steps

Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Recording strengths, areas for improvement, evidence and next steps
The Self-Reflection Record includes the following tables which you can use and edit
to suit your needs.
Page 2: Connections across learning – all stages
Page 3: Pre-school & lower primary – sciences
Page 4: Pre-school & lower primary – technologies
Page 5: Middle & upper primary – sciences
Page 6: Middle & upper primary – technologies
Page 7: Secondary – sciences
Page 8: Secondary – technologies
The tables include statements as they appear on the cards in the self-reflection activity. You can use the tables to record any evidence to support your
decisions about level of performance for each statement. You can also note ideas for next steps to improve delivery of the topic. Delivering any of the
topics in the Enterprising Sciences and Technologies project will help staff contribute to pupils’ outcomes and experiences for Curriculum for Excellence.
However, there is no suggestion that any or all of the sciences and technologies outcomes will be ‘overtaken’.
If you added or altered statements on the cards in the self-reflection activity, you will need to make the same changes to the statements as they appear in
the table. Additional rows can be added to the tables by using the ‘insert’ option from the menu. Additional tables can be added by copying and pasting
the appropriate table into a new page.
The record can be used to share experiences where a number of topics are delivered across stages, sectors or subject areas. This will enable individual
educational establishments and clusters to begin to generate a holistic picture of interdisciplinary topic development. It can also be used to review
progression, differentiation and coverage of pupil knowledge, skills and experiences.
If an educational establishment or cluster plans to use the self-reflection activity and records to review progress towards collective delivery of outcomes
and experiences, it may be appropriate to consider first how best to file, save and share the results.
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Connections across learning: all stages
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
The topic makes links between curricular areas, adding value by
building upon prior learning within subjects and curriculum areas
Activities support application of skills and reinforce and deepen
learning within subjects and curriculum areas
The topic contributes to progression across the curriculum and key
transition stages
Learners are involved in choosing activities and outcomes and
encouraged to learn and develop in ways that meet their needs
The topic provides teachers and others with opportunities to engage in
professional enquiry and work collaboratively in planning and delivery
Teaching and learning methods help learners to develop enterprising
skills, attitudes and creative approaches to learning right across the
Evaluation features throughout the topic and includes self, peer,
formative and summative approaches at key points
Learners enhance their skills, behaviours and attitudes necessary for
life and work through learning in real life contexts
Learners are able to experience the personal qualities, careers, roles
and structures of the workplace through work-based and enterprise
There are opportunities for learning in the wider school community with
employers, parents and others who can support the topic
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Pre-school & lower primary: sciences
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Through purposeful, creative play, learners make sense of the world
around them
Learners share observations that they have made about the natural
and physical world, developing and extending their language skills
Learners develop problem solving skills through active involvement in
enterprising tasks
Learners develop curiosity about their world through working
independently and with others
Learners develop skills of scientific inquiry by observing, exploring,
experimenting and testing
Learners recognise that science affects their lives and the world
around them, and can give examples
Learners demonstrate responsible use of resources, considering the
impact of their actions on the environment
Learners make connections between experiences in science and skills
for learning, life and work, supported by the practical contexts and
tasks in the topic
Through partnerships with parents, employers and outside agencies,
learners develop their understanding of the role and influence of
science in society
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Pre-school & lower primary: technologies
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Through purposeful play, learners enjoy technologies and explore what
technologies can do and how they can help us
Learners develop creativity, innovation and problem solving skills through
active, enterprising learning, independently and with others
Learners develop skills in using tools, equipment, hardware, software and
Learners gain confidence and develop skills helping them to use
technologies now and in the future – in school, home or the wider
Learners take responsibility for and accept the consequences of their own
Learners develop an understanding of the role and impact of technologies
in changing and influencing societies
Through learning in practical, real-life contexts, learners make connections
between the specialist skills they have developed and skills for life
Learners demonstrate a growing awareness of how ideas in numeracy and
science are used in the technologies
Learners demonstrate a growing awareness of how their skills in literacy
help them develop and express their ideas about technologies
Teaching and learning approaches enable learners to develop enterprising
skills and attitudes right across the curriculum
Through partnerships with parents, employers and outside agencies,
learners develop their understanding of the role and influence of technology
in society
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Middle & upper primary: sciences
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Learners develop problem solving skills through involvement in active and
enterprising tasks
Learners develop skills of scientific inquiry by carrying out experiments,
practical scientific investigations and research
Learners take part in planning and experimentation using ‘fair tests’
Learners develop their ability to formulate scientific questions and predictions
by taking active part in experiments and investigations
Learners can use scientific apparatus to make measurements and apply
numeracy in their presentation of experimental results
Learners can use reasoned argument based on scientific research to
express opinion
Learners develop a curiosity of their world and demonstrate knowledge of
scientific ideas through working independently and with others
Through involvement in open-ended experiences and challenges, learners
begin to develop critical thinking skills
Learners demonstrate responsible use of resources, considering the impact
of their actions on the environment
Learners recognise that science affects their lives and the world around them
By analysing the results of relevant experimentation and research, learners
can make links with their own health and wellbeing
Learners make connections between experiences in science and skills for
learning, life and work, supported by the practical contexts and tasks in the
Through partnerships with employers, parents and outside agencies,
learners develop their understanding of the role and influence of science in
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Middle & upper primary: technologies
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Learners use problem solving strategies to meet design challenges
When exploring technologies, learners use what they have learned to help
design or improve their ideas or products
Learners develop skills in using tools, equipment, hardware, software and
By applying science and maths knowledge and skills, learners engineer objects
which demonstrate strengthening, energy transfer and movement
Learners have an understanding of the role and impact of technologies in
changing and influencing societies
Having analysed how lifestyle can affect the environment, learners can make
suggestions on living in a more sustainable way
Learners can contribute to building a better world by taking responsible ethical
Learners develop creativity, innovation and problem solving skills through
active, enterprising learning, independently and with others
Teaching and learning approaches help learners to develop enterprising skills
and attitudes right across the curriculum
Learners gain confidence and develop skills enabling them to use technologies
now and in the future – in school, home or the wider community
Through learning in practical, real-life contexts, learners make connections
between the specialist skills they have developed and skills for learning, life and
Through partnerships with employers, parents and outside agencies, learners
develop their understanding of the role and influence of technologies in society
Learners demonstrate a growing awareness of how ideas in numeracy and
science are used in the technologies
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Secondary: sciences
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Learners develop skills of scientific inquiry by carrying out experiments, practical
scientific investigations and research
Learners develop an ability to use scales, units and to collect more complex
information, by making precise measurements and observations, including using
Learners can analyse procedures in order to minimise hazards and control
potential risks
Through investigations and inquiries, learners can explore the numerical
relationships between variables
Learners demonstrate effective literacy skills in writing scientific reports
Learners develop problem solving skills through involvement in active and
enterprising tasks
Learners develop a curiosity of their world and demonstrate knowledge of
scientific ideas through working independently and with others
Learners can contribute to responsible use of the Earth’s resources by making
social, moral and ethical decisions based on sound understanding
Learners recognise the impact that science makes on their lives, the
environment, society and the economy
Learners make connections between experiences in science and skills for
learning, life and work, supported by the practical contexts and tasks in the topic
Learners understand cause and effect, and can evaluate evidence and comment
on its reliability and relevance
Through involvement in open-ended experiences and challenges, learners
develop critical thinking skills relevant to learning, life and work
Through partnerships with employers, parents and outside agencies, learners
understand the role of science in the workplace and society
Enterprising Sciences and Technologies: Self-Reflection Record
Secondary: technologies
Topic: _________________________________
Aspect for reflection or evaluation
Strength or
area for
Staff involved: _________________________________
Next Steps
Learners develop skills in using tools, equipment, hardware, software and
Learners use problem solving strategies to meet design challenges
When exploring technologies, learners use what they have learned to help
design or improve their ideas or products
Learners develop creativity, innovation and problem solving skills through
active, enterprising learning, independently and with others
Teaching and learning approaches enable learners to develop enterprising
skills and attitudes right across the curriculum
Learners develop their understanding of the relationship between key
scientific principles and technological developments
Learners have a broader awareness of how ideas in maths and science are
used in engineering and technologies
By applying science and maths knowledge and skills, learners engineer 3D
objects which demonstrate strengthening, energy transfer and movement
Learners understand the role, impact and ethical issues of technologies in
changing and influencing societies
Learners can investigate how a product has changed over time, to better
understand the link between scientific and technological developments
Through learning in practical, real-life contexts, learners make connections
between the specialist skills they have developed and skills for learning, life
and work
Through partnerships with employers, parents and outside agencies,
learners understand the role of technologies in the workplace and society