3 December 2013 Dear Parent/Carer Arnprior Nursery Stirling Council Recently, as you may know, I visited and inspected your child’s pre-school centre. During my visit, I talked to parents and children and I worked closely with the head of centre and staff. I wanted to find out how well children are learning and achieving and how well the pre-school centre supports children to do their best. The head of centre shared with me the pre-school centre’s successes and priorities for improvement. I looked at some particular aspects of the pre-school centre’s recent work, including approaches to planning for children’s learning and how children are developing as learners. As a result, I was able to find out how good the pre-school centre is at improving children’s education. How well do children learn and achieve? Children are fully engaged, extremely motivated and excited about learning. They are very inquisitive as they approach their chosen activities demonstrating a high level of independence as they select the resources which they require. All children enjoy challenge in their learning. Younger children have quickly settled into the nursery. They are enthusiastic and curious as they explore their learning environment. Older children are successfully involved in planning, developing and reviewing their learning. As a result, they are becoming aware of themselves as learners confidently leading their learning. During their play and together times, children promote the values of the nursery as they display a high level of respect for each other and the resources which they use. Through the ‘Money Group’ initiative, they are increasing their skills in working together as a team, an awareness of how a business works and the value of money. Children are very aware of the importance of recycling both in the nursery and at home as they ably sort materials and food waste appropriately. Overall, children are making excellent progress in early language and mathematics. They have a thirst for books using them well to research facts about their interests. They particularly enjoy listening to stories, developing them through role-play by dressing up as characters and with puppets. Almost all children are enthusiastic about mark-making and developing early writing in their play and real-life activities such as making lists and taking notes. A few children are successfully drawing and creating more detailed stories. Children readily initiate conversations with each other and adults confidently talking about their work and prior learning. In early numeracy Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T 01506 600 308 F 01506 600 313 E eyfp@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk Textphone 01506 600236 This is a service for deaf users. Please do not use this number for voice calls as this will not connect. www.educationscotland.gov.uk Transforming lives through learning and mathematics children are developing and applying their skills and knowledge successfully in the playrooms and outdoors. They count naturally while playing games and sorting resources. They use early mathematical language appropriately as they explore and compare height, length and weight. Children are increasing their investigative skills through early science, for example as they explore the universe and planets and the natural world. They are developing a deep understanding of their farming community as they find out about types of tractors used on farms and crop rotation. Children use a variety of technology such as touchscreen televisions and programmable toys to support and capture their learning. Almost all children are developing resilience and confidence in taking risks as they participate in all aspects of nursery life. How well does the pre-school centre support children to develop and learn? Staff work extremely well together as a team in providing a stimulating, exciting environment where the pace of learning is excellent. The support they give children in their learning is outstanding. They effectively use local and national guidance to support children under three providing them with rich learning experiences. Curriculum for Excellence has been fully embraced by all staff. Through the rigorous and skilful approach taken to planning they are successfully providing a child centred curriculum meeting children’s individual needs. Proposed learning experiences are built on high quality discussions with children resulting in depth and challenge in their learning. This is enhanced with skilful observations by staff as they focus on how children learn and their achievements. These are recorded both by staff and children in their portfolios and learning journeys. Transition arrangements for children transferring to P1 are effective. They confidently cope with their new learning environments successfully building on their prior learning experiences. The quality of care provided by staff is excellent. Children who require additional support to their learning are very well supported by the nursery and partner agencies. Parents are readily welcomed into the nursery. There are very good opportunities for them to be involved in their children’s learning, for example ‘Working Groups’ as they share their skills and interests with children. Those who participated in the ‘Literacy Group’ found it extremely informative and useful in supporting their children’s learning. Parents value the high level of care their children receive from all staff. They appreciate the quality of feedback both written and orally about their children’s progress. They are enthused and excited about their children’s learning as staff set such high expectations across all aspects of their development. How well does the pre-school centre improve the quality of its work? The head of the nursery is inspirational. She, along with the depute head, provide highly effective leadership. They have a clear vision which is shared with children, staff and parents about the work of the nursery. Staff are extremely reflective in their practice continually challenging themselves to ensure that children receive quality learning experiences. They are enthusiastic about their responsibilities and initiatives which they are involved in. Children and parents are consulted regularly with their views being valued and acted upon. Overall, as a result of leadership and 2 enthusiasm from all staff, the nursery is well placed to continue to embrace and develop children’s learning. Our inspection of your pre-school centre found the following key strengths. Children who are fully engaged, motivated and excited about their learning. Overall progress children are making in their learning and development. Outstanding teamwork of staff in providing high quality learning experiences. Strong partnership with parents. Highly effective leadership by the head and depute head of the nursery. Inspiration of the head of the nursery in developing its work. I discussed with staff and the education authority how they might continue to improve the pre-school centre. This is what I agreed with them. Continue to develop the work of the nursery, sharing effective practice with others. What happens at the end of the inspection? We are satisfied with the overall quality of provision. We are confident that the pre-school centre self-evaluation processes are leading to improvements. As a result, we will make no further evaluative visits in connection with this inspection. During the inspection, we identified learning and teaching and the breadth and depth of children’s learning as innovative practice which we would like to explore further in order to share the practice with others. As a result we will work with the pre-school centre and local authority in order to record and share more widely the innovative practice. Gordon Buchanan Managing Inspector Additional inspection evidence, such as details of the quality indicator evaluations, for your school can be found on the Education Scotland website at http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/inspectionandreview/reports/school/eyc/Arnprio rNurseryStirlingStirling.asp. If you would like to receive this report in a different format, for example, in a translation please contact the administration team on the above telephone number. If you want to give us feedback or make a complaint about our work, please contact us by telephone on 0141 282 5000, or e-mail: complaints@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk or write to us addressing your letter to the Complaints Manager, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Livingston EH54 6GA. 3