This article was downloaded by: [Kansas State University Libraries] On: 09 October 2012, At: 10:14 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Interspecific Comparisons and the Potential Importance of Nutrient Excretion by Benthic Fishes in a Large Reservoir Keith B. Gido a a University of Oklahoma, Biological Station, Department of Zoology, Norman, Oklahoma, 73019, USA Version of record first published: 09 Jan 2011. To cite this article: Keith B. Gido (2002): Interspecific Comparisons and the Potential Importance of Nutrient Excretion by Benthic Fishes in a Large Reservoir, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 131:2, 260-270 To link to this article:<0260:ICATPI>2.0.CO;2 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:260–270, 2002 q Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2002 Interspecific Comparisons and the Potential Importance of Nutrient Excretion by Benthic Fishes in a Large Reservoir KEITH B. GIDO*1 Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 University of Oklahoma, Biological Station and Department of Zoology, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA Abstract.—Fishes can provide an important link between benthic and pelagic habitats by removing nutrients from sediments and excreting them into the water column. The relative importance of nutrients excreted by fishes to ecosystem productivity may vary among species and with abiotic conditions. I measured excretion rates of three benthic feeding fishes, gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum, smallmouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus, and river carpsucker Carpiodes carpio, to examine the potential contribution of these species to the nutrient budget of a large southern reservoir. All species showed a significant relationship between log excretion rate and log body mass but no differences among species in the slopes or intercepts. For all species combined, the slope of the relationship was less than 1, suggesting a less than proportional increase in excretion rate with size. Using mean standing crop estimates from published cove rotenone surveys in Oklahoma, the nutrient loading to Lake Texoma by these fishes was estimated to be 0.0096 kg · ha21 · d21 for phosphorus and 0.3580 kg · ha21 · d21 for nitrogen. These values exceeded external nutrient-loading rates from the watershed 12% and 43% of the time for phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively. Numerous studies in aquatic systems have shown that fishes can have important effects on ecosystem processes. Fishes can directly affect primary productivity through control of grazer populations (e.g., Carpenter et al. 1985; Power 1990) or through transport and recycling of nutrients (Hurlbert et al. 1972; Lamarra 1975; Andersson et al. 1978; Persson 1997). In particular, benthicfeeding fishes can provide a link between benthic and pelagic processes by transporting materials between the two regions. For example, they can enhance primary productivity in the water column by resuspending phytoplankton from sediments to surface waters (Breukelaar et al. 1994) or by increasing nutrient regeneration through resuspending sediments and associated microbes (Shormann and Conter 1997). Benthic fishes also have the ability to release bioavailable nutrients derived from sediments into the water column through excretion (Lamarra 1975; Brabrand et al. 1990; Schaus and Vanni 2000). Estimating the relative importance of fishes in regulating water column productivity can help managers interested in the use of these organisms to improve water quality or to enhance sport fish production (e.g., through biomanipulation; Carpenter et al. 1987; Drenner et al. 1998). Moreover, estimating the degree of * E-mail: 1 Present address: Kansas State University, Division of Biology, Ackert Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA. Received August 21, 2000; accepted September 13, 2001 interspecific differences in species effects can aid in modeling the effects of individual species or of a suite of species on ecosystem processes. The ability of a species to regulate ecosystem processes depends on its abundance (Power et al. 1996; Power 1997), population size structure (Schaus et al. 1997; Mehner et al. 1998), trophic level (Carpenter et al. 1992; Schindler et al. 1993), and mode of feeding (Matthews 1998; Gido 2001). In addition, abiotic conditions often mediate the magnitude of a species’ effect in an ecosystem (Brabrand et al. 1990; Power et al. 1996). For example, the effect of omnivorous fish on chlorophyll biomass in experimental tanks was shown to be greatest when nutrients were added (Drenner et al. 1998). In natural lakes and reservoirs, the effects of nutrient enrichment by fishes (e.g., Schindler et al. 1996; Vanni 1996) are thought to be important only during times when nutrient loading from the watershed (Brabrand et al. 1990) or when nutrient regeneration by plankton (Hudson et al. 1999) is relatively low. Therefore, species effects in ecosystems must be examined in the context of variable biotic and abiotic factors (Power et al. 1996; Power 1997). That fishes have the potential to affect ecosystem properties by excreting limiting nutrients has been well documented (e.g., Lamarra 1975; Brabrand et al. 1990; Schaus et al. 1997). However, few studies have compared excretion rates across taxa to examine the capacity of different species to regulate ecosystem processes. In this study, I examined interspecific differences in nutrient excretion rates 260 Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 NUTRIENT EXCRETION BY BENTHIC FISHES among three benthic omnivorous fishes (smallmouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus; gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum; and river carpsucker Carpiodes carpio). All species are facultative detritivores that forage benthically but differ in the relative proportions of detritus, algae, and invertebrates in their diets. Gizzard shad primarily consumes detritus and algae along with large amounts of inorganic sediments, whereas smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker consume cyclopoid copepods and detritus with little inorganic sediments (Dalquest and Peters 1966; Gido 2001). These species are very common in reservoirs in the Mississippi River Basin and contributed approximately 50% of the offshore fish biomass captured during gill-net surveys of Lake Texoma (Gido and Matthews 2000; Gido et al. 2000), where this study occurred. In addition to interspecific comparisons of excretion rates, I used the measured values to estimate nutrient loading by this guild of fishes and compared this outcome with nutrient loading from tributary rivers to assess the relative importance of these fishes in the overall nutrient budget of the reservoir. Study Area Lake Texoma is a 36,000-ha impoundment (mean depth 5 8 m) of the Washita and Red rivers on the Oklahoma–Texas border. Secchi depth transparency typically ranges from 100 to 125 cm but can decrease to 15 cm during turbid inflow episodes (Matthews 1984). The gross primary productivity at my study site, determined by light– dark bottle reactions (Wetzel and Likens 1991), was measured biweekly between June and August 1998 at 0.5 m below the surface and ranged from 98.7 to 191.8 mg (mean 5 149.8 mg) of carbon m23 · h21. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 3.1 to 43.7 mg/L and total phosphorus in the reservoir ranged from 20 to 110 mg/L (Gibbs 1998). Amounts of both phosphorus and light appear to limit primary production in the reservoir as suggested by a positive association of total phosphorus and a negative association of turbidity with chlorophyll a concentration (Gibbs 1998). Reservoir surface temperature rarely exceeded 328C during summer. Fish were collected approximately 35 km uplake from Denison Dam, within the Red River arm of Lake Texoma. Methods Measurement of excretion rates.—Excretion rates for ammonia (NH3-N) and total reactive phosphorus (TRP) were measured in the field for each species by using methods similar to those of 261 Mather et al. (1995) and Schaus et al. (1997). Most fish were collected by seine; however, because of difficulty capturing smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker this way, several individuals were captured with gill nets, which were checked at 15– 30-min intervals. Gill nets sampled this frequently did not appear to cause undo stress to the fish, probably because of their large size. All fish collections were made between 1400 and 1600 hours, when nutrient excretion rates were likely to be greatest (e.g., Pierce et al. 1981; Schaus et al. 1997). Fish were immediately placed in Styrofoam coolers lined with polyethylene bags and filled with prefiltered (Whatman GF/F filters) water collected from Lake Texoma. Water samples (250 mL each) were taken immediately after a fish was placed in the cooler and again after 1 h. These samples were placed on ice immediately after collection and analyzed within 24 h. Extreme care was taken to minimize stress to fishes by minimal handling, placement in dark chambers (coolers), and provision of sufficient volumes of water to avoid oxygen depletion. Although stress caused by capture may affect nutrient excretion rates, Mather et al. (1995) showed no difference in excretion rates between field fish and laboratory-raised individuals accustomed to handling. Although the potential bias of increased excretion rates caused by handling (in the laboratory and field) must be considered, direct measurement of excretion from naturally feeding fishes in the field is likely to give more realistic results than simulating field conditions in the laboratory (Schaus et al. 1997). Ammonia nitrogen concentration was determined by the phenate method and TRP was determined by the ascorbic acid method (APHA et al. 1992). In a preliminary study, measurements of dissolved reactive phosphorus (i.e., filtered through 0.45-mm pore-size membrane filters) gave values about the same (,2% difference) as for TRP, suggesting that little particulate phosphorus was suspended in the water. Thus, values of TRP are close approximations of the soluble reactive phosphorus that has been measured in previous studies (e.g., Schaus et al. 1997). Because nutrient concentrations in holding chambers could potentially be taken up by microorganisms egested by the fishes (e.g., Meyer and Schultz 1985), occasionally water samples (n 5 9) were taken 1 h after fish were removed from coolers to test for nutrient uptake. Although mean nutrient concentrations were lower 1 h after fish were removed from coolers than at the time of removal (294.2 [SE 5 201.0] and 22.2 [SE 5 4.76] mg/ 262 GIDO TABLE 1.—Estimates of standing crop (kg/ha) for all fishes and three omnivorous fishes based on cove rotenone surveys in reservoirs. Smallmouth buffalo Gizzard shad River carpsucker 276 227 187 351–934 52.7a 27 21.3 20–1,200 24.2 (37.6) 117.6 195 137 103–798 417 118.5 (177.0) Reservoir All fishes Oklahoma reservoirs Clear Lake Lake Catherine West Point Reservoir Acton Lake NRRP database b 9.2 (22.4) Source Jenkins 1976 Lambou and Stern 1959 Mathis and Hulsey 1959 Timmons et al. 1979 Schaus et al. 1997 NRRP, unpublished data a Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 All buffalofishes. b Mean (SD) standing crop estimates (cove rotenone surveys) from 360 reservoirs across the United States compiled by the National Reservoir Research Program (NRRP). L for NH3-N and TRP, respectively), the differences were not significant (t-test, P . 0.05). Thus I assumed uptake by microbes was negligible and made no adjustments to the data. Estimates of whole lake effects.—Nutrient excretion rates were extrapolated to estimate areal nutrient loading by fishes (L) to Lake Texoma. Nutrient loading (L; kg · ha21 · d21) was defined as: LS 5 ES · SCS · DS where E is the per capita NH3-N or TRP excretion rate (kg of N or P kg21 · h21) described above, SC is standing crop (kg/ha wet mass), and D is a coefficient between 0 and 1 to account for diel variation in excretion rates (see below). The subscript S denotes species. Because the amount of standing crop probably varies across space and time within Lake Texoma, nutrient loading was estimates across a range of standing crop estimates. I calculated the combined nutrient-loading rate for these three species, assuming relative densities of 61.1, 27.5, and 11.1% for gizzard shad, smallmouth bass, and river carpsucker, respectively (values that were based on cove rotenone surveys of 20 Oklahoma reservoirs, including Lake Texoma; Jenkins 1976). As reference points, L was calculated for standing crop estimates of 192 kg/ ha, the mean for Oklahoma reservoirs (Jenkins 1976), and 1,200 kg/ha, which represents a maximum loading rate to the system based on values reported from cove rotenone surveys of 360 North American reservoirs (see Table 1 for examples). Because standing crop values can vary within and among reservoirs, I felt that using an average estimate across reservoirs in the region (192 kg/ha) would be more reliable than an estimate from a single period of time, which might be subject to a high degree of seasonal and annual variation. Because nutrient excretion rates are likely to vary over a 24-h period, loading rates were adjusted to account for a decline in excretion associated with diel changes in feeding activity (D). D was estimated by examination of gut fullness across daylight hours. I assumed that a significant decline in gut fullness (a 5 0.05) indicated cessation of feeding. To measure this, fishes were collected with monofilament gill nets with mesh sizes from 25 to 102 mm bar measure at 4-h intervals: from 0800 to 1200 hours, from 1200 to 1600 hours, and from 1600 to 2000 hours. This sampling was conducted monthly at nine locations from May through August in 1997 and 1998. The alimentary canals from a maximum of 6 individuals (mean 5 3.8 [SD 5 6 1.7] individuals for gizzard shad, 4.5 [SD 5 6 1.3] individuals for smallmouth buffalo, and 2.4 [SD 5 6 2.3] individuals for river carpsucker) of each species were taken from each time period and immediately placed on ice. In the laboratory, the gut contents were cleared from the entire length of the intestine and dried to a constant weight at 608C (for approximately 48 h). The mean weight of the dried gut contents was used to determine differences in feeding activity across time periods. Because nutrient excretion continues into the night (between 2000 and 0800 hours) but possibly at a lower rate, I estimated nighttime excretion to be 20% less than that measured during midday. Schaus et al. (1997) reported nighttime excretion rates for gizzard shad were 82% of maximum daily rates. To quantify the relative importance of nutrient excretion by fishes, I compared the nutrient loading by fishes to estimates of external loading from the watershed. External loading was derived from daily inflow data for Lake Texoma (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Denison Dam, unpublished report) and nutrient concentrations taken from monthly sampling at U.S. Geological Survey gauging stations on the Washita River near Dickson, Oklahoma NUTRIENT EXCRETION BY BENTHIC FISHES 263 Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 (Gage U07331000), and the Red River near Gainsville, Texas (Gage U07316000). Because the total phosphorus concentration and the discharge of these tributaries were not related (r2 5 0.03, P 5 0.25, df 5 52), external loading was calculated by multiplying mean nutrient concentration by daily inflow volume during summer (May–August) 1995–1998. In contrast, the total nitrogen concentration in tributary rivers did show a significant positive relationship with discharge (r2 5 0.11, P 5 0.01, df 5 52); thus, daily total nitrogen concentration was predicted from the equation: total nitrogen (mg/L) 5 0.0046 inflow(m 3 /d) 1 1.079. Frequency histograms for daily nutrient-loading values for this period were generated and used for comparison with estimates of nutrient loading by fishes. Data analysis.—Interspecific differences in NH3-N, TRP excretion, and the N:P ratio were determined by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with body weight as the covariate. The relationship between log body mass and log nutrient excretion rate was determined with leastsquares regression analysis for individual species and for all species combined. To examine diel differences in gut fullness, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to detect differences among the main effects of month, time of day, and their interactions. Results Nutrient excretion was measured for fishes during summer (May–August) 1998 when surface water temperature ranged from 25.58C to 30.58C. All three species showed a significant (P , 0.02) positive association between log body mass and log excretion rate for NH3-N and TRP but not for N:P ratio (Figure 1; Table 2). The slope coefficient of the relationship between log body mass and log nutrient excretion rate for both NH3-N and TRP did not differ from 1 (i.e., within the 95% confidence interval) for smallmouth buffalo and gizzard shad (Table 2). The same relationship for river carpsuckerhad a slope coefficient of less than 1. However, ANCOVA with body mass as a covariate revealed no significant difference among species for rates of NH3-N excretion (F2,39 5 0.837, P 5 0.44), TRP excretion (F2,39 5 1.604, P 5 0.21), or molar N:P ratio (F2,39 5 2.038, P 5 0.14). Because I found no interspecific difference in the slopes of the relationship between log body mass and log excretion, FIGURE 1.—Relationship between body mass and nutrient excretion (NH3-N, TRP, and N:P ratio) for three benthic fishes in Lake Texoma. Least-square regression lines are drawn for each species. I performed a separate regression with all species combined. In contrast to individual regression analyses for gizzard shad and smallmouth buffalo, the slope of this overall relationship was less than 1, suggesting a less than proportional increase in excretion rate with body mass. For example, the mean weight of smallmouth buffalo (1.88 kg) measured in this study was 8.1 times that of gizzard shad (0.23 kg) but the smallmouth excretion rates for NH3-N and TRP averaged only 2.8 and 3.1 times, respectively, that of the shad. No significant differences in gut fullness were found among times of day for any species (P . 0.09), which suggests continuous feeding through- 264 GIDO TABLE 2.—Coefficients and P-values from regression analyses relating log body mass to log nutrient excretion rates (ammonia nitrogen [NH 3-N] and total reactive phosphorus [TRP]) and molar N:P ratio for three benthic fishes examined separately and for all three species combined. Coefficient Lower 95% confidence point Upper 95% confidence point P-value Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 River carpsucker NH 3-N Intercept Slope TRP Intercept Slope Molar N:P Intercept Slope 1.593 0.698 0.794 0.410 2.393 0.986 20.401 0.683 20.977 0.476 0.176 0.891 113.186 0.178 2145.661 293.015 372.034 93.371 0.9965 0.0005 ,0.001 Smallmouth buffalo NH 3-N Intercept Slope TRP Intercept Slope Molar N:P Intercept Slope 1.094 0.809 20.049 0.457 2.236 1.162 0.0002 21.554 1.017 24.151 0.216 1.043 1.818 0.0165 202.470 227.176 2497.523 2243.121 902.463 188.768 0.791 Gizzard shad NH 3-N Intercept Slope TRP Intercept Slope Molar N:P Intercept Slope 0.762 1.060 20.465 0.534 1.988 1.585 0.0006 21.186 1.086 22.528 0.509 0.156 1.664 0.0004 91.291 24.404 2169.183 2116.015 351.765 107.208 0.934 All species NH 3-N Intercept Slope TRP Intercept Slope Molar N:P Intercept Slope 1.858 0.585 1.594 0.490 2.123 0.679 ,0.0001 0.101 0.515 20.322 0.364 0.524 0.666 ,0.0001 24.671 27.608 278.479 29.191 127.821 64.407 out daylight hours (Figure 2). Thus, because I assumed excretion rates to be maximal during the day (D 5 1.0 for 12 h) and to decline by 20% during the night (D 5 0.8 for 12 h), for the full 24-h period, D 5 0.9. Inflow from tributaries of Lake Texoma ranged from 2.4 3 105 to 4.7 3 108 m3/d during summer 1995–1998. Median nutrient loading from the watershed was 0.435 kg · ha21 · d21 (range, ,0.01– 344.06 kg · ha21 · d21) for total nitrogen and 0.081 kg · ha21 · d21 (range, 0.002–3.895 kg · ha 21 · d21) for total phosphorus (Figure 3). Assuming a stand- 0.137 ing crop of 192 kg/ha, nutrient loading by benthic fishes was predicted to be 0.358 kg · ha21 · d21 for nitrogen and 0.0096 kg · ha21 · d21 for phosphorus. Nitrogen loading by fishes exceeded nutrient loading from tributary rivers on approximately 43% of the days modeled in this analysis, whereas phosphorus excreted by fishes exceeded external loading 12% of the time (Figure 3). Given a maximum standing crop estimate of 1,200 kg/ha, loading by fishes was greater than that from the watershed for 78.2% and 39.2% of the days modeled for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 NUTRIENT EXCRETION BY BENTHIC FISHES 265 F IGURE 2.—Mean gut fullness for three omnivorous fishes during three time periods. Gut fullness is represented as dry weight of gut contents as a percentage of body weight (wet weight) of each fish. Vertical bars represent 1 SE. Discussion Interspecific Differences in Nutrient Excretion Nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates were positively associated with body mass for all three species. Although the slope of these relationships did not differ among species, the large variance in excretion rates combined with a limited range of body sizes measured within species limited the statistical power to detect interspecific differences or give precise slope estimates for these relationships. For example, when species were examined separately, the slope of the relationship between log body mass and log excretion rate did not differ from 1 for smallmouth buffalo and gizzard shad. This contrasts with the predicted slope of less than 1, which is expected because of a typical per capita decrease in metabolic rate with body size (Gerking 1955; Brett and Groves 1979). Although low statistical power may have led to the discrepancy between my results and predicted values, some evidence suggests the measured slopes for smallmouth buffalo and gizzard shad may be near 1 for the size range of individuals measured in this study. For example, in a study of the metabolic rate of smallmouth buffalo (Adams and Parsons 1998) weighing between 0.6 and 2.3 kg, the slope coefficient of log active metabolic rate and log body mass was approximately 1.08 (S. R. Adams, Southern Illinois University, personal communication), which is consistent with the measured slope of log NH3-N excretion and log body mass (1.09) found in this study. Whereas Schaus et al. (1997) found a slope of less than 1 for the relationship between the excretion rate of NH3-N and soluble reactive phosphorus and the body mass ofgizzard shad, the average size of individuals measured was five times smaller than those I measured in this study (42.6 versus 222.7 g). Thus, excretion rate possibly does scale proportionally with body mass in larger individuals. In contrast to the separate analyses of these species, pooling all data gave an overall relationship between log body mass and log excretion rate for both NH3-N and TRP of less than 1. Because there GIDO Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 266 FIGURE 3.—Frequency histogram of external nitrogen (top graph) and phosphorus (bottom graph) loading to Lake Texoma based on estimated inflow and nutrient concentrations in tributary rivers during summer 1995–1998. The dashed line represents the median nutrient loading from the watershed. Arrows represent predicted nutrient loading rates by fishes given standing crop estimates of (A) 192 kg/ha (based on cove rotenone surveys of Oklahoma reservoirs) and (B) 1,200 kg /ha (maximum standing crop estimate for this guild of fishes based on rotenone surveys of 360 North American reservoirs). Loading rates by fishes were based on relative densities of gizzard shad, smallmouth buffalo, and river carpsucker at 61.1%, 27.5%, and 11.1%, respectively. Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 NUTRIENT EXCRETION BY BENTHIC FISHES was little overlap in body size of individuals from different species, this result was largely caused by lower per capita excretion rates of the larger species (e.g., smallmouth buffalo) relative to the smaller species (e.g., gizzard shad). Unfortunately, because of the size differences among species measured in this study, I could not separate whether differences in per capita excretion rates were a function of body size (i.e., slope , 1 for all species) or reflected idiosyncratic differences in nutrient release among species (i.e., slopes differed among species). Nevertheless, estimates of the contribution of this guild of fishes to the nutrient budget of the reservoir may depend on species composition, simply because of the differences in body size of the adults of the three species. Differences in the N:P ratio of excreted materials can affect ecosystem properties, particularly algal species composition (Drenner et al. 1996; Vanni 1996). N:P ratios measured in this study (mean 5 82, range 5 36–160) were greater than those reported in previous studies (e.g., Mather et al. 1995; Schaus et al. 1997). However, the majority of the fish I measured were much larger (mean 5 741 g, range 5 81–2,748 g) than those in the studies listed above and so would be predicted to have greater N:P excretion ratios. Because body N:P declines with increasing fish mass (Davis and Boyd 1978), larger fish should sequester more, and subsequently excrete less, phosphorus relative to nitrogen than would smaller fish (Vanni 1996; Schindler and Eby 1997). Nonetheless, the results of this and other studies suggest that the relationship between body mass and the N:P ratio of excretion within this guild of fishes may differ from the predicted relationship. For example, the slope of the relationship between N:P ratio and log body mass in this study did not differ from zero when individuals from each species were examined separately (but see above comments on statistical power), or when they were combined, regardless of the wide range of body sizes examined. Moreover, although Schaus et al. (1997) reported much lower N:P ratios than in this study, they also found a significant negative rather than positive relationship between N:P and log body mass (slope of24.43) for gizzard shad. Whereas the overall high N:P ratios reported in this study may be due to the large body size of individuals measured, evidence within this guild of fishes was insufficient to suggest a clear relationship with body mass. Are there differences in how these three species might affect ecosystem processes in reservoirs? If 267 nutrient excretion increased proportionally with body mass (i.e., slope 5 1), nutrient loading by fish could be predicted simply by knowledge of the standing crop or biomass of fishes present. However, because of large size difference among species, and the observed slope of less than 1 with all species combined, I chose to control for body size (and species content) by estimating nutrient loading for each species separately and then combining those estimates to get a total loading for this guild of fishes. Under this model, I would hypothesize that an assemblage dominated by the larger-bodied smallmouth buffalo may contribute substantially less, per unit biomass, to the nutrient budget of a reservoir than would an assemblage comprising primarily smaller-bodied gizzard shad. Relative Importance of Nutrient Excretion Results of this study indicate that large-bodied, omnivorous fishes have the potential to contribute to the nutrient budget of reservoirs through transport and recycling of nutrients. However, because of the highly variable reservoir environment and the presence of confounding variables that I could not account for in this study, the role of fish in the nutrient budget of Lake Texoma is somewhat speculative and depends on several factors. First, the importance of fishes in the reservoir nutrient budget depends on other sources of nutrients, such as those from the watershed. In Lake Texoma, phosphorus is positively associated with chlorophyll a concentrations, suggesting that phosphorus is a limiting nutrient (Gibbs 1998). Figure 3 suggests that phosphorus excreted by fish, even at high densities (1,200 kg/ha), is of little importance during periods when nutrient loading from tributaries exceeds 0.06 kg · ha21 · d21, an event that occurred approximately 60% of the days on which nutrient loading was modeled. Although external nitrogen loading is probably more complex than phosphorus loading (e.g., because of atmospheric deposition), benthic fishes may contribute more to the nitrogen budget of the reservoir than they contribute to the phosphorus budget. For approximately 43% of the days modeled, nitrogen loading by fishes exceeded that from tributaries to the reservoir (assuming a standing crop of 192 kg/ha). Apparently, internal loading of nitrogen by fishes is potentially important during periods of low inflow, not only because the external loading is minimal, but because receding water levels will concentrate the fish, which will in turn cycle a greater proportion of nutrients into the system. Other internal sources of nutrient regeneration Downloaded by [Kansas State University Libraries] at 10:14 09 October 2012 268 GIDO also are important in regulating primary producers, even during periods of low inflow from the watershed. Recently Hudson et al. (1999) reported a strong linear relationship between total phosphorus concentration and phosphorus regeneration rates by plankton. They further suggested that nutrient regeneration by fishes (i.e., through excretion) is relatively small compared with phosphorus regeneration by plankton. Using their equation and given a range of total phosphorus concentrations between 20 and 110 mg/L in Lake Texoma (Gibbs 1998), I calculate the phosphorus regeneration rate in Lake Texoma should range between 2,581 and 14,359 ng · L21 · d21. By converting my areal estimates of phosphorus loading to their volumetric regeneration rates (using an estimated mean depth of 8 m for Lake Texoma), phosphorus loading by fishes is about 120 ng · L21 · d21, assuming a fish density of 192 kg/ha. Although this is a small fraction of the predicted regeneration rate of phosphorus by plankton, nutrients provided by benthic feeding fishes are more likely to increase productivity if they transport nutrients from benthic sediments to the water column than if they simply recycle nutrients in the water column by foraging on suspended phytoplankton or zooplankton (Brabrand et al. 1990; Kraft 1992; Mehner et al. 1998). Thus, by moving nutrients from sediments, they increase the total phosphorus content in the water column (e.g., Shormann and Conter 1997; Schaus and Vanni 2000). In conclusion, this study provides a specific example of the potential for large-bodied benthic fishes to contribute to the nutrient budget of a large southern reservoir in a context-dependent manner. Several studies have focused on the importance of gizzard shad in these systems (e.g., Stein et al. 1995; Vanni 1996; Schaus et al. 1997), but other large-bodied fishes such as smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker also are abundant in reservoirs and may have similar functional roles in the ecosystem. However, because of differences in body mass among species, their relative effects may differ among species. Future research that accurately models the nutrient loading by fishes and directly compares this to other sources of nutrients (e.g., atmospheric deposition and nutrient regeneration by plankton) across a range of spatial and temporal scales will clarify the importance of fishes in regulating primary production in reservoirs. Acknowledgments Field and laboratory assistance was provided by D. Cobb, A. Marsh, D. Lutterschmit, and J. Schae- fer. J. Pigg provided data on nutrient concentrations in the Red and Washita Rivers and S. Miranda provided data on standing crop estimates from the National Reservoir Research Program. This manuscript benefited by critical reviews by L. Canter, C. Hargrave, M. Kaspari, W. Matthews, J. Schaefer, W. Shelton, C. Vaughn, M. Weiser, and three anonymous reviewers. The University of Oklahoma Biological Station provided logistic and financial support. Thoughtful discussions concerning design and analysis were provided by E. MarshMatthews, B. Narin, M. Schaus, G. Wellborn, T. Wissing, and B. Ziebro. This manuscript was submitted as partial fulfillment of a Ph.D. to the faculty of the Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma. References Adams, S. R., and G. R. Parsons. 1998. 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