SLO Assessment Report for CAT Communities

SLO Assessment Report for CAT Communities
The purpose of Student Learning Assessment is to provide a continuous improvement process through meaningful
assessment of student learning. Results from assessment of student learning guide collective actions for curricular change,
better learning opportunities for students, improvement of teaching, and more effective academic support services.
This semester, the instructors of each CAT Community course will submit a completed SLO Assessment Report for the
students in their course by January 11th, 2016 to Don Saucier at
CAT Community (course number and title):
Please select a one student learning outcome from below that you have assessed in your course this semester. Please
circle or highlight the selected SLO. Your responses that follow will report brief descriptions of the assessment
assignment, evaluation procedures, and results for the students in your course.
Critical Thinking: identify interdisciplinary connections between two courses and explain their overlapping
thematic questions or issues.
Communication: express their own understanding of course content in respectful dialogue with others and with
engagement, imagination, and self-reflection.
Community Building: Interact effectively with faculty and peers both inside and outside of the classroom.
Application of Learning: use the skills and knowledge learned in the CAT Community courses to solve new
problems, answer questions, or identify areas for further investigation.
Brief summary of assessment assignment (e.g., oral presentation on…, research report on…):
Brief summary of assessment evaluation procedure (e.g., description of the grading rubric):
Brief summary of assessment results:
Number of students achieving performances of 0 to 59.99%:
Number of students achieving performances of 60 to 69.99%:
Number of students achieving performances of 70 to 79.99%:
Number of students achieving performances of 80 to 89.99%:
Number of students achieving performances of 90 to 100%:
Number of students failing to complete the assignment:
Thank you for completing and submitting your SLO Assessment Report. Your course results will be combined with all
other courses assessing the same outcome to create an aggregate report of student learning for each student learning
outcome. Any questions may be submitted to Don Saucier via email ( or phone (532-6881). You may
submit additional supplemental information of your assignments, evaluation procedures, and/or results if you desire.