SLO Assessment Review Committee 2011 Annual Report Respectfully Submitted by: Marcy Alancraig, Dennis Bailey-Fournier, Alicia Beard, Tama Bolton, Jean GallagherHeil, Paul Harvell, Craig Hayward, Renee Kilmer, Brian King, Susan Nerton, Veronica Lundquist, Margery Regalado, Georg Romero, Chris Steele (student representative) Introduction and Background In response to the change in accreditation standards in 2002, the Cabrillo Faculty Senate, working closely with the Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator and with administrators, designed a comprehensive SLO assessment plan: assessment of student learning outcomes occurs in all sectors of the college as part of on-going Program Planning (departmental review) processes. Departments in each assessment sector of the college—Transfer and Basic Skills Instruction, Career Technical Education, Library, Student Services, and Administration— measure their contributions to students' mastery of the college’s core competencies. Each sector of the college creates its own method to assess student success. See the SLO website for a detailed description of the methods used in each area ( Programs and services undergo Program Planning on a rotating basis; only a few departments complete the process each year. Because of the number of programs within its purview, the Instructional component began by phasing in SLO assessment. Now that this phase is complete, the full scope of assessment, called The Revolving Wheel, has been implemented. All Instructional departments are now in the process of assessing students’ mastery of course, certificate, and degree SLOs within the on-going Program Planning process. See the SLO website for a detailed description of each stage of the Revolving Wheel of Assessment ( Student Services has also been phasing in SLO assessment, first by writing and then revising their departmental SLOs, and developing assessments for them. A grant received by the college, the Bridging Research Information and Culture Technical Assistance Project, (sponsored by the Research and Planning Group and funded by the Hewlett Foundation) provided needed training in Student Services assessment methods during Spring 2011. Prior to the training, a few departments had piloted some assessment measures, but most began this activity in earnest after last spring’s sessions. Student Health Services, Student Employment, Student Affairs/Student Activities and Government and Vice President of Student Services are almost done with writing their Program Plans that include the assessment of one SLO. All other departments expect to have each assessed at least one departmental SLO as well as completed a Program Plan by June 2012. 1 Administration (composed of departments or administrative offices in the President’s component, Administrative Services, Student Services and Instruction) has spent the last four years discussing how their departments contribute to student mastery of the college core competencies and how to measure it. Because they provide a wide range of services that enable teaching and learning to occur, but are not directly involved in the formal learning process, their role in assessing SLOs has been difficult to define. At a fall 2011 accreditation training held by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Dr. Jack Pond revealed that the Commission expects Administration to write and assess Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs) or goals as part of an on-going Program Planning Process. This shift away from SLOs is new, but fits with the tenor of Cabrillo’s discussions. The extensive dialog has provided an opportunity for Administration to create a more sustainable, data-defined Program Planning process, though actual AUOs and assessment measures have yet to be developed. A Program Plan written by the Instructional Office in 2010 has been adopted as a template for all of Administration. The President’s Office, The Vice President of Student Services’ office and the Vice President of Administrative Services’ office expect to have a Program Plan completed by January 2012. In addition, Duplications and the Bookstore are completing Program Plans within Administrative Services. No matter the assessment sector, all college departments that write a Program Plan by June in a given year forward their assessment reports to the SLO Assessment Review Committee. This committee is chaired by the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator and is designed to include representatives from the Student Senate, Faculty Senate, CCEU, CCFT, and a manager along with representatives from Administration, Student Services, Library, and Instruction (both Transfer & Basic Skills and CTE). The Campus Researcher and Accreditation Liaison Officer serve as ex officio members of the committee. The function of the SLO Assessment Review Committee (ARC) is to read and analyze the assessment reports submitted, looking for student needs and issues that may be occurring across the campus and also scanning for possible issues for campus-wide dialog. In addition to analyzing the collective contents of the assessments submitted each year, ARC critically analyzes and evaluates its own function and all assessment processes on campus. ARC writes a report about its analysis, submitting it to campus governing bodies authorized to act upon ARC’s recommendations, including the Governing Board, the Master Planning Committee, the College Planning Council, the Faculty and Student Senates and both unions, CCFT and CCEU. For more detailed information on ARC’s charge, membership and duties, please see the SLO website ( This report reflects ARC’s review of the assessment results for those departments that completed Program Planning in the 2010-2011 academic year. 2 Assessment Process: Facts and Figures Participating in this year’s assessment were twelve instructional departments, eight serving Transfer and Basic skills and four in CTE. Assessment Sector Area Transfer and Basic Skills All 8 scheduled departments submitted Program Plans All 4 scheduled departments submitted Program Plans Report not due until 2012 Work is in progress and will be submitted in 2012 Work is in progress and will be submitted in 2012 Career Technical Education Programs Library Student Services Administration Participation The charts below capture the participation of Cabrillo faculty in assessment activities. Since this assessment took place over a number of years, an average rate was calculated. Basic Skills/Transfer Department % of full time presenting assessment results Adaptive PE 50% Art Studio 90% Dance 100% English 63% * Health Science 100% History 100% Learning Skills 100% Reading 91% *Several sabbatical leaves affected assessment results. % of adjunct % of full time % of adjunct presenting discussing discussing assessment results results results 0 100% 0 50% 100% 81% 50% 100% 50% 22% 83% 42% 60% 100% 60% 57% 100% 57% 66% 100% 33% 42% 91% 88% the overall percentage of full time faculty presenting 3 Figure 1. Basic skills/Transfer Assessment: Full time and part time faculty assessment presentation rates *Several sabbatical leaves affected the overall percentage of full time faculty presenting assessment results in the English Department. Figure 2. Basic skills/Transfer Assessment: Full time and part time faculty assessment discussion rates 4 CTE Departments Department % of full time presenting assessment results Accounting and 100% Finance Digital Media 75% CIS 100% CEM 0 % of adjunct presenting assessment results 0 % of full time % of adjunct discussing discussing results results 100% 0 40% 67% 0 100% 67% 0 50% 50% 0 Figure 3. CTE Assessment: Full time and part time faculty assessment presentation rates 5 Craig Hayward 12/5/11 4:35 PM Comment: I noticed you took the Basic Skills/Transfer table out. It is “good form” to present both a table and a figure, as some people prefer one or the other. But I’ll leave that to your discretion, as format concerns are sometimes more important. Figure 4. CTE: Full time and part time faculty assessment discussion rates Like last year, ARC notes with concern the uneven participation of adjunct faculty. As the charts demonstrate, more adjuncts participated in the discussion of assessment than those who undertook the assessment itself. In part, this is because the discussions occur during Flex week, when adjuncts have more opportunity to participate and collaborate with members of their department. The actual assessment and its analysis takes place during the course of the regular semester. But since so many of our courses are taught by adjuncts, ARC continues to be concerned by this lack of full participation, particularly in some smaller departments. 6 Assessment Progress • Transfer and Basic Skills and Instructional Support Department Adaptive PE All Core 4 Assessed 3 out of 4 assessed Art Studio Dance Health Science History Learning Skills Reading None None 2 out of 4 assessed English Course SLOs Assessed SLOs for 11 courses assessed All course SLOs assessed None All course SLOs assessed 1 out of 4 assessed 2 course SLOs assessed According to the Revolving Wheel of Assessment, all transfer and basic skills departments were to have assessed each of the Core 4 and all of their course SLOs. ARC is heartened that more course level assessment occurred this year compared to last, but notes with concern that less assessment of the Core 4 was completed. One of the departments that did not complete assessment of the Core 4 has only two full-time faculty and many adjuncts; dates on the assessment analysis forms indicate that assessment occurred before and after the chair’s extended medical leave. Learning Skills assessed one of the Core 4 and was then moved to Student Services where that assessment is not required. 7 • Career Technical Education Dept Wrote Assessment Plan Accounting and Finance Certificate SLOs Assessed None Digital Media None Computer Information Systems Construction Energy Management One certificate was assessed though analysis forms were not submitted to ARC and CIP None Course SLOs Assessed 1. Assess the effect of business decisions on the income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flow 1.Analyze and evaluate DM project content to communicate ideas visually. 2.Investigate DM trends to anticipate clients’ needs All SLOs for CIS 103, 90, 192, According to the Revolving Wheel of assessment, CTE programs were to write an assessment plan, and begin to assess some course and certificate SLOs. ARC is pleased that all CTE departments wrote an assessment plan or implemented the one created from their last round of Program Planning, Several assessed some course SLOs and CIS assessed the SLOs for one certificate although the Assessment Analysis forms for this was not submitted with their program plan. ARC notes with concern that two of the departments that did not complete any assessment are small, with only one or two full-time faculty. ARC’s analysis of all of the Instructional assessment results recognizes that SLO assessment has moved from being a new and piloted idea to an on-going institutional process, carried out under the direction of the Program Chairs and Deans. There have been many personnel changes in both groups. Though they are invited to work with the SLO coordinator individually, ARC recommends that more group trainings occur, tailored to the issues these groups face in helping faculty to assess SLOs. 8 • Student Services Currently, departments are using the training they received from the Bridging Research Information and Culture Technical Assistance Project to assess newly revised departmental SLOs. Along with accomplishing this important work, they are also undergoing program planning. Student Health Services, Student Employment, Student Affairs/Student Activities and Government and Vice President of Student Services have assessed one SLO and will complete their program plans in Fall 2011. June 2012 is the date when all other departments in Student Services will have finished their plans along with assessing at least one departmental SLO. • Library The library completed its program planning cycle in 2006-2007 and since then has assessed its services according to its assessment plan. This last year the Library assessed the SLOs for its Library 10 course and also completed its annual survey with questions about two of the college core competencies: Communication and Personal Responsibility and Professional Development. The results of those assessments, along with all others completed since 2006-2007, will be submitted with the Library’s Program Plan to CIP in spring 2012. . • Administration The President’s office, the Vice President of Student Services’ office and the Vice President of Administrative Services’ office expect to have completed a program plan using the newly adopted template from the Instruction office by January 2012. The college Bookstore and Duplications are in the process of completing program plans within Administrative Services. Assessment Results: Emerging Needs and Issues The departments who assessed the college Core 4 competencies and individual course SLOs identified the following key student needs and issues: • A need to improve student reading and writing skills. • A need to continue to experiment with and develop better instructional practices and pedagogy. • A need for faculty to work on improving rubrics. Those departments proposed the following strategies to help meet these needs: • More faculty training and development. • More departmental meeting time devoted to a discussion of pedagogical issues, not just departmental business. • Redesign of course delivery methods. • Rubric writing training. 9 • More training on contextualizing the teaching of basic skills (reading, writing and math) in CTE courses. • Closer work with the writing center. • The History department changed the recommended preparation for their courses from eligibility for English 100 to eligibility to English 1A, making clear their expectation that students need a higher level of writing and reading skills to succeed in their classes. Analysis of Cabrillo’s SLO Assessment Process ARC’s analysis of this year’s SLO assessment process noted issues that arise from the institutionalization of our assessment cycle. While the SLO Coordinator serves as a necessary resource for the entire college, the directors of our assessment efforts within instructional departments are now Program Chairs and Deans, with the Council of Instructional Planning serving in an evaluative capacity. Yet, many Program Chairs are new to the position, and sometimes the college. In addition, the HASS and VAPA divisions have new deans who have come from other schools. Training is clearly needed, focused on how to organize and keep track of the Revolving Wheel of Assessment for individual departments and how to encourage adjunct participation. ARC recommends the following to help deal with these issues: • Provide increased flex training designed especially for Program Chairs, prospective Program Chairs, and Deans. • Convene a special meeting for the program chairs of smaller departments (those with only one or two full-time faculty and many adjuncts) to brainstorm organizational strategies for SLO assessment. • Create a web tool that will provide each Program Chair with an individualized schedule of its department’s Revolving Wheel of Assessment, a semester by semester calendar of what assessment should occur at any particular time. The SLO Coordinator will work with the PRO office to create this tool and post it on the SLO web site. • Post examples of a full assessment cycle on the SLO web site for transfer/ basic skills and for CTE, taking the assessment process from the classroom to the department level, with examples of assignments, rubrics and required forms. This will help new faculty and program chairs have a concrete example of what is expected in our SLO assessment process. ARC noted that while important discussion is occurring within transfer and basic skills departments about student mastery of the college core competencies, it might increase student success if we could dialogue across disciplines. ARC recommends that Fall Flex 2012 include interdisciplinary discussions about each of the four core competencies, providing faculty and staff with a chance to discuss how students are faring across the college. 10 As noted earlier, adjunct participation in SLO assessment is still a major concern. One of ARC’s recommendations for last year was to develop a survey to discover the extent of adjunct participation in SLO assessment and to illuminate the roadblocks they may face. As the committee created the survey last spring, ARC decided it would be worthwhile to solicit this information from everyone on campus, to take the “SLO temperature” of the entire college. In order not to compete with the Campus Climate survey and to avoid “survey burnout” as Cabrillo develops others to prepare for writing our accreditation self-evaluation, the Planning and Research Office will distribute the survey during the week after Thanksgiving this fall semester (2011). In the spring, ARC will analyze the results and convene any follow up focus groups, if necessary, to gain more information. Another recommendation from last year’s report was for ARC to explore finding an electronic reporting mechanism for SLO assessment results. Since Instruction is beyond the phase-in stage and all departments are expected to be assessing SLOs, the committee had a concern about how to report our results in a more ecologically sustainable and organized format. We worked with the BRIC (Bridging Research Information and Culture), Technical Assistance Team, who were made available to us as part of a grant from the Research and Planning Group, to discover our options. We discussed the merits of some pre-packaged programs (eLumin, TrakDat, CurricUNet’s program planning module, for example), but could not settle on a satisfactory instrument, in part due to budget constraints. In December 2011, program chairs in Instruction will be required, for the first time, to submit this year’s assessment results along with their annual reports. Though the reports will use an electronic format, housing them in an easily accessible and useful way is still an issue. ARC recommends that the PRO office and the SLO Coordinator work together to create a solution to this problem. Last year’s report directed ARC to explore options for adding a quantitative component to our SLO assessment reporting process. The BRIC Technical Assistance Team provided us with an outside expert’s view on this issue. The BRIC team praised Cabrillo for its great emphasis on dialogue and our reporting mechanism’s ability to capture it. However, they felt it looked as if we were avoiding sharing numerical data in our reports simply because such data was not a required element. ARC recommended to the Faculty Senate that we embark on a pilot process to include numerical data. The Senate endorsed the proposal, with a caution to carefully observe whether dialogue diminishes within departments as a result. There was also some concern that this will require more work for program chairs who will be required to “crunch” the numbers reported by their faculty in order to report a departmental average. The following departments have volunteered to take part in the pilot: Athletics, CABOT, Early Childhood Education, Economics, English, Digital Media, Speech Communication, and the Stroke Center. The discussion of the pilot project also resulted in the Faculty Senate approving a new measure to assess SLOs: pre and post testing. This adds to the two other course embedded methods (using a major assignment or analyzing test questions) that 11 faculty may choose from to measure a course, or core competency SLOs. The SLO web site must be updated to include this new method. Student Services has made great progress in their work with SLO assessment this year. The committee commends them for making such good use of the training offered by the BRIC Technical Assistance Team and moving forward with both SLO assessment and program planning. ARC looks forward to seeing the results of this effort next year. In addition, ARC recommends that the SLO Coordinator hold more workshops and trainings especially for Student Services staff (such as the Admissions and Records and Financial Aid retreat that she will participate in during January 2012). ARC notes that these workshops should not be scheduled during Flex Week (when workshops are held for faculty), because many Student Services staff are so busy working with students that they are not free to attend. Administration continues to make progress on its assessment efforts, with some program plans expected to be completed by January 2012, despite a necessary focus on the on-going budget crisis. As noted in last year’s ARC annual report, the Program Planning template being used for those plans is an excellent one and promises assessment, though none has occurred so far. The program plan template noted above does include "outcomes" section; however, an assessment instrument that can be used by all departments in administration still needs to be developed. In keeping with new suggestions from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (see page 2), ARC recommends that each department or office within Administration write Administrative Unit Outcomes or goals which can then be measured. ARC also notes that there has been discussion but no progress in creating a venue for review of all Administration Program Plans. Currently, Administration Program Plans are reviewed at the component level.. While it is up to Administration to decide the composition of that reviewing body, ARC encourages consideration of a broad participation model, like the one used at CIP. CIP has found it very beneficial to have input from those in other campus areas outside Instruction, and Administration may feel the same way if campus representatives are included in their oversight group. ARC will continue to help the college meet the ACCJC’s 2012 deadline for Proficiency on their SLO rubric and to prepare for our 2013 Accreditation, serving as readers for the chapter written about our SLO efforts. We will also continue to support all of the offices and functions in the college to sustain ongoing and creditable planning cycles that tie student learning to budget decisions. 12 Commendations ARC salutes the Computer Information Systems department for assessing all of its courses and one certificate in such a thoughtful and thorough manner. ARC commends the English Department for using the resulting dialogue to better align sections of the same course, including working to create a departmental rubric for the research paper in English 1A, and for assessing all course SLOs and the Core 4. ARC lauds the History Department for the design of its course SLOS, providing consistency across the department and for assessing each of them along with the Core 4. Recommendations New Recommendations for Teaching and Learning The Faculty Senate has primary responsibility for providing leadership in teaching and learning, particularly in areas related to curriculum and pedagogy. The recommendations below will be put into affect by Faculty Senate and college shared governance committees. Recommendation Responsible Party Time Line Provide sustained faculty development for the improvement of pedagogy and the sharing of best practices. Urge departments to use flex hours, though not necessarily during Flex Week, to do this. Staff Development committee and Program Chairs Spring and Fall 2012 flex 13 New recommendations for SLO Assessment Processes Recommendation Responsible Party Time Line Provide training about organizing and facilitating departmental SLO assessment to Program Chairs and Deans. SLO Coordinator Spring 2012 Flex Convene a meeting of Program Chairs of smaller departments to brainstorm organizational strategies for SLO assessment Create a web tool that lists the calendar for every Instructional department’s SLO assessment schedule. Post examples of a full assessment cycle on the SLO web site for transfer/ basic skills, CTE and Student Services Facilitate interdisciplinary discussions about student mastery of each of the four core competencies Write Administrative Unit Outcomes for each department in Administration SLO Coordinator Spring 2012 SLO Coordinator and PRO office Spring 2012 SLO Coordinator and PRO office Spring 2012 ARC members and SLO Coordinator Fall 2012 Flex Administration Develop an Assessment Instrument and reporting format for Administration Program Planning that can be used by all the departments in this area Provide on-going training and workshops in SLO assessment to Student Services staff Serve as readers for the chapter on the college’s SLO efforts that will be included in the 2012 Accreditation Self-Evaluation. Revise and update SLO web site Administration & PRO Incorporate this activity into the rotating Program Planning Process beginning in Fall 2012 Fall 2012 SLO Coordinator Spring 2012 ARC Fall 2012 SLO Coordinator with Fall 2012 the help of the PRO office 14 Completed Recommendations from the 2010 ARC Report Past Recommendation Action Taken Any Next Steps? Develop recommendations for making the SLO reporting process electronic Exploration of options; project tabled due to budget constraints Explore adding a quantitative component to SLO reports Pilot created; several departments volunteer Work with PRO office to make electronic copies of current forms easily accessible Undertake pilot; SLO Coordinator revises reporting form and works with program chairs to report results Recommendations in Process from the 2010 ARC Report Past Recommendation Actions Undertaken Next Steps Survey adjunct faculty to assess their awareness of Cabrillo’s SLO process Survey created and expanded to include everyone on campus; administered November 2011 Survey not yet administered so no action taken Analyze survey results Inform potential hires of Cabrillo’s SLO process and participation expectations in new faculty trainings, mentorships and in the Faculty Handbook No action taken Convene meeting with Human Resources; write a section for the Faculty Handbook Create a venue or reporting mechanism for Administration’s Program Plans Discussions within Cabinet Continue discussion Based on survey results, brainstorm ways to include more adjuncts in SLO assessment; create a plan for sharing those ideas with the college 15 Develop follow up if necessary after survey results are analyzed Past Recommendations that are now Institutional Practices Date of Recommendation 2008 Past Recommendation Actions Taken Offer an intensive SLO Assessment workshop for all faculty in instructional departments two years in advance of Program Planning Support ongoing, sustained staff development in the assessment of student learning, including rubric development. Annual Spring Flex Workshop 2009 Share effective practices and methods for modeling strategies for assignments Ongoing Flex Workshops 2009 Provide support for faculty as they On-going Flex workshops; confront challenges to academic creation of Student Honor Code ethics, such as plagiarism and other forms of cheating Provide sustained faculty On-going Flex workshops development for addressing student learning needs in reading, research and documentation, and writing 2009 2009 2009 Communicate to the college at large the importance of maintaining and documenting a college-wide planning process that systematically considers student learning, including noninstructional areas. 16 Ongoing Flex Workshops “Breakfast with Brian” flex workshops; development of the Faculty Inquiry Network; Bridging Research Information and Culture Technical Assistance Project; discussions about Student Success Task Force Recommendations; campus wide focus on Student Success Emerging Trends 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Emerging Needs and Issues Recommendations for Teaching and Learning Recommendations for SLO Assessment Processes Students need stronger skills in writing, reading, and college readiness; The longer a student is enrolled at Cabrillo, the more positive their association with the Library Increase emphasis on class discussions and student collaboration; More tutorial assistance for students Encourage greater adjunct involvement; Continue to educate the Cabrillo community about the paradigm shift Teachers want more frequent Encourage greater adjunct collegial exchange; Improved involvement. SLO workshop facilities/equipment needed. for programs two years in advance of Instructional Planning and for non instructional programs; Develop system of succession and dissemination of expertise in SLOAC across campus. Students need more Provide ongoing, sustained Encourage greater adjunct instruction in reading, faculty development; share involvement. Communicate to research and effective practices and the college the importance of documentation, and strategies for modeling maintaining and documenting a writing; Concerns about assignments. planning process that plagiarism systematically considers student learning. Some students need more Provide faculty Encourage greater adjunct instruction in basic training in new pedagogies, involvement. Embed SLO academic skills and technology, and assessment expectations in college survival skills. contextualized instruction. faculty hiring, new hire training Support the teaching of and mentoring practices. college survival skills across Develop an electronic means the curriculum. for SLO assessment result reporting. Explore adding a quantitative component. Students need to improve Provide faculty development Provide training to Deans and their reading and writing to improve pedagogy and Program chairs on organizing skills. sharing of best practices. Use SLO tasks. Revise web site and flex hours, but not add web tools to assist necessarily during flex week, organizing the process. Hold to do this. campus-wide discussions on Core 4 assessment results. Undertake pilot for numerical reporting. 17