Appendix L: Administrator’s Evaluation of Faculty (Draft as of 2/17/15) Name:________________________________ Dept./Division_______ Semester:_______ 1. Comments on the faculty member’s past goals and recommendations, if applicable (fillable text box) c. Effective organizational skills and timeliness in the classroom/work site d. Use of teaching/work methods and materials challenging to the student and appropriate to the subject matter, responsive to the needs of students, and consistent with curriculum/job requirements and class coordination and sequencing e. Provision of appropriate class/work site materials, including a course syllabus with course outlines, course objectives, current student learning outcomes (SLOs), relevant texts and other written materials, grading criteria, and classroom policies f. Use of appropriate methods to assess student progress g. Patience, fairness, and promptness in the evaluation and discussion of student work h. Respect for and responsiveness to the needs of a diverse student population and their special circumstances i. Openness to the right of students to voice opinions and concerns, and respect for students’ rights as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook j. Maintenance of regular and timely office hours k. Meeting course objectives Notes, commendations, and comments for the above criteria (fillable text box) NA or no evidence Needs Significant Improvement Needs Some Improvement Meets Contract Requirements Exceeds Contract Requirements Criteria a. Currency and depth of knowledge of teaching field or job duties b. Communication with students in the classroom/work site Excellent 2. Performance with Students: How do you rate the faculty member on the following aspects of classroom teaching or other work with students? a. b. c. d. NA or no evidence Needs Significant Improvement Needs Some Improvement Meets Contract Requirements Exceeds Contract Requirements Criteria Initiation of regular interaction with students to determine that they are accessing and comprehending course materials Availability for at least the same number of instructor contact hours per week that would be available for face-to-face students Provision of clear guidelines for students for instructor-initiated contact and instructor feedback Use of appropriate resources to initiate and maintain contact with students, such as discussion boards, email, announcements in the learning management system, timely feedback for student work, instructor-prepared online lectures, introductions to publishercreated materials (wording to be reviewed by distance ed committee) Notes, commendations, and comments for the above criteria Excellent If the instructor provides online instruction, whether hybrid, fully online, synchronous or asynchronous, rate his or her performance on the following: (performance with students, cont.) (fillable text box) 3. Performance of Professional Responsibilities Does the instructor complete and submit required paperwork, such as grade and census reports, flex forms, and SLO class assessments, in a timely manner? ____Yes ____Needs improvement The following questions are required for contract, temporary contract, and regular faculty and optional for adjunct faculty: a) Has the instructor participated in department activities? ____Yes ____Needs improvement b) Has the instructor participated in collegial governance and campus life? ____Yes ____Needs improvement Notes, commendations, and comments on performance of professional responsibilities: (fillable text box) (performance of professional responsibilities, cont.) Meets Contract Requirements Needs Some Improvement Needs Significant Improvement NA or no evidence Meets Contract Requirements Needs Some Improvement Needs Significant Improvement NA or no evidence d. Exceeds Contract Requirements c. Exceeds Contract Requirements b. Excellent a. Criteria Performance of the duties and responsibilities as described in the Job Description (Appendix AA) and as agreed upon with my appropriate administrator Performance of appropriate recordkeeping, correspondence, coordination and reporting Demonstration of fairness, collaboration, and responsiveness to program faculty and program needs Compliance with college policies and procedures Notes, commendations, and comments for the above criteria Excellent If the instructor is a Program Chair or Academic Specialist Director, rate his or her performance on the following: (fillable text box) 4. Professional Growth & Development: a. b. c. d. Criteria Shows evidence of working toward previously set goals Acknowledges achievements and areas in need of improvement Selects goals that can improve areas in need of improvement Participates in professional activities such as course work, attendance at workshops, seminars, professional meetings, publications, conference presentations, artistic exhibits/performances, classroom research, development of new curriculum, community involvement specific to the academic area, and other appropriate activities Notes, commendations, and comments for the above criteria (fillable text box) NA or no evidence Needs Significant Improvement Needs Some Improvement Meets Contract Requirements Exceeds Contract Requirements Criterion e. Demonstrates clear and effective communication with colleagues f. Acknowledges and defends the free inquiry of associates in the exchange of critique and ideas g. Respects the right of others to express a variety of opinions h. Acts in accordance with the ethics of the profession and with a sense of personal integrity, including crediting work where appropriate i. Acts in a manner that does not disrupt colleagues' performance of duties Notes, commendations, and comments for the above criteria Excellent 5. Performance with Colleagues: (fillable text box) Overall evaluation rating: ____Excellent ____Exceeds Contract Requirements ____Meets Contract Requirements ____Needs Some Improvement ____Needs Significant Improvement. Recommendations: _____Division re-evaluation _____Administrative re-evaluation _____Remediation plan (attach copy of plan) _____Reduced assignment (adjuncts only) _____Loss of reemployment preference (adjuncts only) _____Non-reemployment (adjuncts and non-tenured faculty only) Overall Recommendations and Commendations: (fillable text box) _____Recommended for tenure (tenure track contract faculty in the 7th semester) _____Recommended for reemployment preference (adjuncts in the 7th semester) Administrator’s Signature __________________________________________Date ________ Evaluatee’s Signature_____________________________________________ Date ________ Signature by the person being evaluated only acknowledges that she/he has reviewed this document. It does not mean or imply agreement with its contents. Evaluatee may submit a written response within 6 working days. ______ Evaluatee’s Written Response Attached