Curriculum links Severe weather

Curriculum links
Severe weather
This document provides examples of how studying severe weather in the context of Emergency Planning and Resilience Education can contribute to a range of educational
outcomes across the curriculum.
Outcome code
Outcome content (paraphrased)
1-04a - 4-04a
I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending
upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to
understand my own behaviour and the way others behave.
Learners reflect on how the weather can have an impact on their mood and how
they feel.
1-16a - 4-16a
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and
others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.
On reflection learners consider the impact of severe weather on their life, the
lives of others, the environment and society and discuss possible action to
reduce adverse effects.
1-17a - 4-17a
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and
how to respond in a range of emergency situations.
Learners complete the Ready Scotland Home Emergency Plan.
1-18a - 4-18a
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.
Learners can identify the differences in their journeys to and from school during
the different seasons of the year.
LIT 1-05a
As I listen or watch, I am learning to make notes under given
headings and use these to understand what I have listened to or
watched and create new texts.
Learners can research and report on the impact of severe weather on daily life in
LIT 2-05a
As I listen or watch, I can make notes, organise these under suitable
headings and use these to understand ideas and information and
create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.
Learners can research and report on the impact of severe weather on daily life in
LIT 3-05a - 4-05a
As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to develop
thinking, help retain and recall information, explore issues and create
new texts, using my own words as appropriate.
Learners can research and report on the impact of severe weather on daily life in
Curriculum links
Severe weather
Outcome code
Outcome content (paraphrased)
LIT 1-24a
I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and
attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other
Learners use the context of severe weather to develop skills in factual writing.
LIT 2-24a
I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can
combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader.
Learners use the context of severe weather to design a pamphlet on the dangers
of frozen water.
LIT 3-24a
I can consider the impact that layout and presentation will have on
my reader, selecting and using a variety of features appropriate to
purpose and audience.
Learners use the context of severe weather to design their own online resource.
MNU 2-03a
Having determined which calculations are needed, I can solve
problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods,
sharing my approaches and solutions with others.
Learners use digital mapping and other information sources to work out how
much salt is required to help clear and area of snow.
MNU 2-11b
I can use the common units of measure, convert between related
units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving
Learners use digital mapping and other information sources to work out how
much salt is required to help clear and area of snow.
MNU 3-11a
I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of
measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for
the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when
Learners use digital mapping and other information sources to work out how
much salt is required to help clear and area of snow.
Curriculum links
Severe weather
Outcome code
Outcome content (paraphrased)
SCN 3-05b
Impact of atmospheric change on survival of living things
Learners consider how climate change influences changes in the atmosphere
and then how this impacts on living things.
SCN 3-20b
Outcome encourages children to evaluate media items, in terms of
scientific content
Learners review sites visited or accuracy of scientific content i.e. weather
SOC 3-08a
I can identify the possible consequences of an environmental issue
and make informed suggestions about ways to manage the impact.
Learners investigate how severe weather can affect daily life in short, medium
and long term, considering impact on social, economic and cultural life.
SOC 1-12a
By using a range of instruments, I can measure and record the
weather and can discuss how weather affects my life.
Learners create and use their own rain gauge as part of a project monitoring and
analysing the weather in their local area. They could also create anemometers
to measure wind speed.
SOC 2-12a
By comparing my local area with a contrasting area out with Britain, I
can investigate the main features of weather and climate, discussing
the impact on living things.
Learners compare weather forecasts from a number of different areas and
consider the impact severe weather can have on the communities involved. The
ability of a country to respond to such events could also be analysed considering
factors such as infrastructure and economics.
SOC 3-12a
I can investigate the relationship between climate and weather to be
able to understand the causes of weather patterns within a selected
climate zone.
Learners could link the frequency of severe weather conditions to the climate
zone under consideration.
SOC 3-14a
I can use a range of maps and geographical information systems to
gather, interpret and present conclusions and can locate a range of
features within Scotland, UK, Europe and the wider world.
Learners create and present their own weather forecasts based on their own
Curriculum links
Severe weather
Outcome code
Outcome content (paraphrased)
SOC 4-14a
I can use specialised maps and geographical information systems to
identify patterns of human activity and physical processes.
Learners create and present their own weather forecasts based on their own
1-03a - 2-03a
As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types
of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and
access information, I can apply what I learn in different situations.
Learners create and present their own weather forecasts based on their own
TCH 1-03b
I can access, retrieve and use information from electronic sources to
support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts.
Learners investigate the impact of severe weather on people, place and the
economy. This may be done on a local, national or international level.
TCH 4-03b
I can use ICT effectively in different learning contexts across the
curriculum to access, select and present relevant information in a
range of tasks.
Learners investigate the impact of severe weather on people, place and the
economy. This may be done on a local, national or international level.