EnviroScience , Inc. An Environmental Consulting and Industrial Hygiene Company PATH OF CONSTRCUTION INSPECTION & SAMPLING REPORT FOR SUSPECT ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS & LEAD-CONTAINING PAINTS AT CABRILLO COLLEGE — BUILDING 1400 6500 Soquel Drive • Aptos, Ca 95003 1.0 INTRODUCTION The undersigned representative of EnviroScience, Inc. (ESI), an independent industrial hygiene (IH) consulting firm representing Cabrillo Community College, hereby presents the findings of the limited Site inspection and sampling conducted at the location referenced below (Site). The purpose of ESI’s limited Site investigation and sampling was to determine the extent of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), and lead-containing paints (LCPs) present (if any) in the path of constrcution of a new HVAC upgrade project at Building 1400 of the Cmapus. This survey and sampling does not cover any other buildings on Cmapus, and it’s limited to path of construction for the upcoming HVAC upgrade project, only. 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION SITE LOCATION Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive • Aptos, CA 95003 BUILDING SURVEYD Building 1400 — Path of construction for the new HVAC project SAMPLING DATE REPORT DATE February 24, 2016 March 3, 2016 ON-SITE INSPECTOR Alfredo Rocha III PROJECT MANAGER Hooman Sotoodeh, Ph.D., PE SIGNATURE EPA-Certified Building Inspector/Contractor Supervisor Cal/OSHA-Certified Site Surveillance Technician (#00-2806) CDPH-Certified Lead Inspector (#20474) EPA-Certified Building Inspector/Project Designer Cal/OSHA-Certified Asbestos Consultant (#93-1097) CDPH-Certified Lead Inspector/Assessor/Project Designer (#1820) H. Sotoodeh 2220 S. Bascom Avenue • Campbell, California 95008 • (408) 371-4181 • Fax (408) 371-4186 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Site inspected is Building 1400 building at the Cabrillo College campus in Soquel, CA. This survey and sampling was limited to the areas of the building, which were going to be affected by the proposed HVAC upgrade project. At the time of our Site inspection and sampling, Building 1400 was fully occupied and in operation. ESI’s inspection & sampling was limited to visible and accessible areas identified herein, and the findings presented in our report do not apply to unsampled materials or other parts of the Site, which were inaccessible or not related to the upcoming HVAC project (i.e., flooring materials, etc.). The photos below depit the mechanical room and the main level of the building inspected by ESI. MECHANICAL ROOM Photo #1 — Interior view of the mechanical room (Wallboard joint compound confirmed to be ACM) Photo #2 — Interior view of mechanical room (Wallboard joint compound confirmed to be ACM) Photo #3 — Interior view of the mechanical room Showing bare sheet metal ducts (Wallboard joint compound confirmed to be ACM) Photo #4 — Interior view of the mechanical room (Wallboard joint compound confirmed to be ACM) Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 2 EnviroScience, Inc. Photo #5 — Grills and vents being inspected At the main level of building 1400 Photo #6 — Joint tape on sheet metal air ducts above ceiling tiles Photo #7 — Vibration damper material on certain air ducts above ceiling tiles Photo #8 — Wallboard joint compound above ceiling tiles (Wallboard joint compound confirmed to be ACM) Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 3 EnviroScience, Inc. 4.0 METHODS 4.1 ACM Sample Collection Procedures Samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were collected by coring or by carefully scraping a small portion of a surface. In areas where sampled material posed a high risk of dust release, a half-face type H respirator equipped with a HEPA filter was worn by the inspector for respiratory protection. The sampled material was immediately contained in plastic ziplock bags. The sampling information was recorded in a bound field notebook. Samples were then properly labeled with a unique sample identification umber, and delivered via overnight to a NVLAP-certified, independent laboratory (EMSL Testing, Inc., of San Leandro, California) for 24-hour RUSH analysis along with the appropriate chain-of-custody documentation. 4.2 ACM Sample Analysis Procedures All ACM samples were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) techniques at a state-certified independent laboratory. Samples were examined for homogeneity and percent composition of fibrous versus nonfibrous components using a 20x stereoscopic microscope. A small portion of the material was placed in refractive index liquid on a microscope slide and examined for the presence of asbestos species utilizing a polarized light microscope at a magnification of 100x to 200x. Crystallographic and dispersion-staining techniques were employed for positive characterization. If the presence of asbestos was confirmed, the percentage of asbestos versus non-asbestiform materials was visually estimated. 4.3 Paint Chip Sampling for Lead Samples of suspect lead-based paints (LBPs) were collected by carefully scraping approximately 1 gram or about 1 teaspoon-full of the paint from the substrate. The paint was either peeled from the substrate or scraped to the substrate, avoiding dust. ESI's onsite inspector tried to minimize the amount of substrate submitted with the paint, as this would affect the true concentration of lead in the paint. The sampling information was recorded in a bound field notebook. The paint samples were then properly labeled and delivered to the independent laboratory for analysis along with the appropriate chain-of-custody documentation. 4.4 LCP Sample Analysis Procedures Samples of suspect paint were analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 7420, analysis by flame Atomic Absorption (AA) spectroscopy, direct aspiration, and results were reported in percent by weight. AA spectroscopy is a laboratory analytical technique that provides precise determination of specific inorganic elements. These elements are more commonly referred to as “metals.” There are approximately 65 metallic elements including lead, aluminum, tin, silver and copper. AA refers specifically to the reaction of metal atoms to heat. When these atoms are exposed to very high heat or are atomized in other ways, they absorb light. Each element absorbs light of a specific wavelength and the absorption of light is directly proportional to the concentration of atoms in solution. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 4 EnviroScience, Inc. 5.0 ANALYTICAL DATA & RESULTS 5.1 Bulk Samples for Asbestos Sample Number Sampled Material Sample Location Asbestos Concentration Recommendation MECHANICAL ROOM (Upper Level) 1400-L1 Drywall joint compound E. Wall of mechanical room Drywall Joint Compound ND* <1%C*** N/A** Abate as ACM Drywall joint compound S. Wall of mechanical room Drywall Joint Compound ND <1%C N/A Abate as ACM Drywall joint compound W. Wall of mechanical room Drywall Joint Compound ND <1%C N/A Abate as ACM Vibration damper Mechanical room furnace Black Damper Vibration damper Mechanical room air ducts Black Damper Air duct joint tape Around air ducts of mechanical room White Tape Furnace tape Around furnace in mechanical room White Tape Caulking material Around furnace of mechanical room Gray Caulking ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L3 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L4 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L5 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L6 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L7 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L8 ND N/A ND N/A GROUND LEVEL (around ceiling registers and grills) 1400-L9 Ceiling tile material SE side next to the entry way White Tile Vibration damper SE side next to the entry way White Damper Ceiling tile material Next to the assistant office White Tile Vibration damper Next to the conference room White Damper Air duct joint tape Around air ducts conference room Tan Tape Drywall joint compound Above ceiling tiles of main classroom Air duct joint tape Around air ducts NE side ducts ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L10 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L11 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L12 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L13 ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L14 Joint Compound Drywall 2%C ND Abate as ACM N/A ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L15 Gray Tape * None Detected * * None Applicable * * * Chrysotile-type Asbestos Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 5 EnviroScience, Inc. 5.1 Bulk Samples for Asbestos Sample Number Sampled Material Sample Location Asbestos Concentration Recommendation GROUND LEVEL (around ceiling registers and grills) 1400-L16 Wall texture Ceiling of asst office Ceiling tiles SW side of main classroom White Texture ND* N/A** ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L17 White Tile ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L18 Drywall joint compound Ceiling of the Joint Compound computer Tech office Drywall 2%C*** ND Abate as ACM N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L19 Wall texture Ceiling of the White Texture computer Tech office ND N/A ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-L20 Roofing material Roof of Building 1400 Black Roofing ND N/A * None Detected * * None Applicable * * * Chrysotile-type Asbestos Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 6 EnviroScience, Inc. 5.2 Paint Chip Samples for Lead Sample Number Painted Surface (Color) Paint Location Lead Concentration Recommendation 1400-P1 Furnace paint (Green) Furnace in the mechanical room 0.33 % or 3,300 ppm* Treat all interior surfaces painted this color as lead containing ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-P2 Compressor tank paint (Silver) Air compressor in the mechanical room 0.46 % or 4,600 ppm Same as 1400-P1 Interior wall paint (White) Interior wall of the student assistant office <0.010 % or <LOD** None Interior wall paint (White) Interior wall of the main classroom <0.010 % or <LOD None ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-P3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1400-P4 * ** Parts Per Million Limit of Detection Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 7 EnviroScience, Inc. 6.0 REGULATIONS The National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations is part of the Clean Air Act and is found in 40 CFR 61 part M. NESHAP requires that building owners inspect a building (regardless of age) for asbestos prior to renovation or demolition. The EPA must be notified in advance of all demolitions and when more than a listed amount of Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM) are going to be disturbed during a renovation or demolition. Furthermore, construction work disturbing RACMs by unlicensed and non-registered asbestos abatement contractors are prohibited by California and Federal laws. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) considers a material to be asbestos-containing if at least one homogeneous sampling material confirms presence of asbestos fibers greater that one percent (>1%). Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are regulated by federal, state, and local agencies. EPA classifies ACMs into the following three (3) categories: • Friable ACM — Asbestos-containing materials which can be pulverized into dust by hand pressure (definition of friability); • Category I non friable ACM — Asbestos-containing asphalt roofing products, vinyl floor tiles, gaskets, sealants, and other packing material; • Category II non friable ACM — All asbestos-containing materials other than Category I non-friable, that when dry, cannot be pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure. The above-referenced ACM categories can become Regulated-Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM) under certain conditions (i.e., demolition or renovation). These conditions are: • Friable ACM; • Category I non friable ACM which has become friable; • Category I non friable ACM which has been, or will be subjected to cutting, grinding, sanding, or other abrasive contact; • Category II non friable ACM which has, or will be, pulverized, crumbled, or reduced to powder under mechanical forces exerted during demolition or renovation operations. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 8 EnviroScience, Inc. 7.0 FINDINGS 7.1 Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Based on the analytical findings of the 25 sample layers collected from the mechanical room and ground level of Building 1400 and analyzed for asbestos, it is confirmed that the following building material contains asbestos above the 0.1% limit regulated by Cal/OSHA, and above the 1.0% limit regulated by EPA. 7.1.1 7.2 The wallboard joint compound throughout the entire Building 1400 (below and above ceiling surfaces) contains <1-2% Chrysotile-type asbestos. All wallboard surfaces should be treated as ACM in this building. Lead-Containing Paint (LCPs) The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA), considers any paint with any concentration of lead above the limit of detection (LOD) of the analytical procedure, to be considered as lead-containing paint (LCP). All construction or renovation work where employees may be occupationally exposed to LCP shall be conducted in compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 1532.1 "Lead in Construction." Based on the analytical findings of the 4 paint chip samples collected from various paints throughout Building 1400, and analyzed for lead, it is confirmed that the following painted surfaces contain lead above the LOD of the analytical procedure, and are thus considered to be LCP per OSHA’s definition. 7.2.1 The green-colored furnace paint in the mechanical room of building 1400 contains 3,300 parts per million (ppm) lead; and 7.2.2 The silver-colored paint on the compressor tank in the mechanical room of building 1400 contains 4,600 parts per million (ppm) lead. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 9 EnviroScience, Inc. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 ACMs This survey was conducted in anticipation for installation of a new HVAC system in Building 1400. If disturbing or removing more than 100 sq. ft. of asbestos-containing material (even below 1%), the California State License Board (CSLB) requires that the contractor be licensed as C-22 (Asbestos Abatement), and be registered by DOSH as an asbestos abatement contractor. Under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)'s National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations, all asbestos-containing materials shall be properly abated and disposed of, prior to disturbance or demolition. According to the OSHA Construction Industry Standard for Asbestos (29CFR 1926.1001), and the general industry asbestos standard (29CFR 1019.1001) workers performing asbestos abatement must be trained, equipped with respirators and full body protection, and be medically fit to wear respirators. Furthermore, all removal shall be performed using wet abatement procedures and waste containing greater than 1% asbestos shall be packaged in accordance with EPA's NESHAP regulation (40 CFR Parts 61 and 763) and according to California Department of Health Services (DHS), California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 30, Section 66699 and Health and Safety Code 25179.3 et. Seq. During the site inspection, ESI’s field inspector determined that the following homogeneous material contains asbestos above EPA and OSHA levels. 8.1.1 Wallboard Joint Compound The compound and textured skim coat applied to the surface of all interior walls throughout Building 1400 contains <1-2% Chrysotile-type asbestos. If any wallboard throughout Building 1400 is scheduled for disturbance or cutting during the upcoming HVAC renovation project, ESI recommends that a Statelicensed and DOSH-registered asbestos abatement contractor perform the removal and disposal of these ACMs, under proper regulatory guidelines, and under the supervision of the Owner’s IH consultant. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 10 EnviroScience, Inc. 8.2 LCPs Any construction-related demolition or cleanup where employees may be occupationally exposed to lead shall be conducted in compliance with the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 1532.1 and 5216 "Lead in Construction", and in accordance with Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) section 29 CFR 1926.62. In compliance with Cal/OSHA and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) regulations, ESI requires that an RRP-certified contractor using CDPH-certified lead workers and supervisors conduct any demolition or debris cleanup activity that may involve either of the following two lead containing paints: 8.2.1 The green-colored paint on the furnace of the Mechacnical room, which contains 3,300 ppm lead; and 8.2.2 The silver-colored paint on the compressor tank in the mechanical room, which contains 4,600 ppm lead. Any demolition or debris cleanup shall be conducted using wet methods for dust suppression, and work practices by the CDPH-certified lead personnel shall be such that the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) permissible exposure limit (PEL) shall not exceed 50 µg/m3 . If any worker’s 8-hr TWA exposure exceeds the action level of 30 µg/m3 , work practices causing elevated lead levels shall cease or be modified under the directive of the IH consultant. In addition, the contractor must continue to conduct daily personnel air monitoring, and institute medical surveillance and training programs. If the Cal-OSHA permissible exposure level (PEL) of 50 µg/m3 for lead is exceeded, more stringent and additional requirements such as engineering controls, respiratory protection, regulated work areas, and warning signs in lead work areas, become effective, as directed by the IH Consultant. LBP Waste Disposal Rags and paint chips shall be treated as hazardous waste if laboratory results indicate a lead (Pb) concentration of 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L), or greater using the EPA-approved Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test or equivalent, or greater than 1,000 mg/Kg using the total lead assay. Building components with lead-based paint still intact (i.e., not flaking, chipping, or blistered paint) are categorized as “Architectural Components”, and may be disposed of as regular construction waste, as long as the paint remains intact. Extreme care shall be exercised, however, to make sure that the intact paint on these Architectural Components stay tightly adhered to the substrate. If during packaging, disposal, or transport, any lead-based paint chips flake off from the Architectural Component, all such paint chips shall be packaged as stated in the previous paragraph, the waste properly profiled, and then disposed of. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 11 EnviroScience, Inc. 9.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared solely for the use of our client Cabrillo Community College and their designated representatives, only. No part of this report shall be copied or used for any purpose by anyone other than the client, without written consent of ESI. Any reliance on this report by a third party is at such party's sole risk. The content and conclusion provided by ESI in this report are based on information collected during its assessment, which include, but are not limited to visual site inspection and limited sampling and laboratory testing of suspect ACMs, and our professional judgment based on these information. ESI assumes that the samples collected and analytical data presented herein, are reasonably representative of the entire area of the Site inspected, which may not be the case at unsampled areas or materials. The results of the sampling and the recommendations made are applicable to a small window of time on the date, time, and location that sampling was conducted. Any generalization of these recommendations to others dates, times, or locations will not be applicable or accurate. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or its representatives, to ensure that the information contained herein is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agencies, where required by law. Additionally, it is the sole responsibility of the owner to properly dispose of any hazardous substances on site, in accordance with existing laws and regulations. This assessment was performed in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices of environmental engineering and assessment in northern California at the time of the work. This report presents our professional opinion based on our findings, technical knowledge, and experience working on similar projects. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. The limited conclusions presented are based on the current regulatory climate. We are not responsible for the impact of any changes in environmental standards or regulations in the future. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client agrees to limit the liability of ESI, its officers, shareholders and employees, for any acts, errors or omissions or breaches of contract to the greater of $2,500 or the amount of ESI's fees for services rendered under this Agreement. Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold ESI harmless from any loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, in excess of the foregoing limits. In no event shall ESI be liable for, and Client shall indemnify and hold ESI harmless against, any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage. Failure of Client to give written notice to ESI of any claim of negligent act, error or omission within one (1) year of performance shall constitute a waiver of such claim by Client. ESI will retain the records related to this project including lab data for a period of six (6) months from the date of this investigation, only. Thereafter all paper and electronic records will be discarded safely. It will be the responsibility of the client to retain all records related to this project after the 6-month period. ESI assumes no responsibility for document reproduction in legal dispute matters after the 6-month expiration period. There are no third party beneficiaries of this agreement between Client and ESI and no third party shall be entitled to rely upon any work performed or reports prepared by ESI hereunder for any purpose. Client shall indemnify and hold ESI harmless against any liability to any third party for any loss, expense, or damages arising out of or in connection with reliance by any such third party on any work performed or reports issued by ESI hereunder. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 12 EnviroScience, Inc. Appendix A Independent Laboratory Analytical Results for Bulk Material Samples Analyzed for Asbestos Content (EPA Method 600/R-93-116, Visual Area Estimation) Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 13 EnviroScience, Inc. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 14 EnviroScience, Inc. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 15 EnviroScience, Inc. Appendix B Independent Laboratory Analytical Results for Paint Chip Samples Analyzed for Lead Content (EPA Method 3050B/7420) Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 16 EnviroScience, Inc. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 17 EnviroScience, Inc. Appendix C Site Map with Sample Locations At Cabrillo CollegeBuilding 1500 Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 18 EnviroScience, Inc. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 19 EnviroScience, Inc. Limited Site Inspection & Sampling Report for Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials & Lead-Containing Paints at Cabrillo College • Building 1400 • Soquel, California Page 20 EnviroScience, Inc.