Dennis Bailey-Fougnier X Joe Nugent Dan Borges

May 17, 2013
Dennis Bailey-Fougnier
Dan Borges
Bobby Buckter
Rick Graziani
Karen Groppi
Victoria Lewis
Graciano Mendoza
X Joe Nugent
X Rock Pfotenhauer
X Nikki Oneto
Ray Rider
X Michele Rivard
X Michael Robins
Kathie Welch
Victoria opened the meeting at 2:03 pm. The committee introduced themselves.
Review Agenda: Bobby asked to consider a proposal for a kiosk.
Approve Minutes: The minutes of March 22, 2012 were approved (Nugent/Groppi) with
one abstention.
Review Facilities Master Plan (FMP)
Joe reviewed the Maas FMP timeline. A draft FMP is anticipated next week; the committee
will be sent a link via email. The Educational Master Plan informs the Facilities Master
Plan; but it also attempts to maximize funding. As required for accreditation, a draft will go
to CPC 5/29/13, a college-wide email will be sent to the community for comments and will
go to the board June 10th. There is interest from Community TV to lease space in Building
200, the former theater building. Although Measure D funds were set aside to renovate
Building 200, the funds allocated were not enough given the major HVAC issues.
The committee discussed total cost of ownership. Rock noted that the Educational Master
Plan (EMP) suggests that we are overbuilt and are likely to be overbuilt for some time.
Should space be freed up to generate revenue? The committee discussed current leases,
such as with Precision, OASIS and that total cost of ownership data will help inform
decisions about whether to free up space for leases. Joe noted that we are always trying to
consolidate or take space off line to streamline maintenance.
Rock stated that the dilemma we face is that that we approve a plan to meet an accreditation
deadline, but don’t take the time to wrestle with important questions. Shall we approve the
plan and discuss another time? That should not prevent us from taking the opportunity to
reflect on the FMP. It is clear Cabrillo will not be a big growth district for some time to
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come; what size does Cabrillo need to be to serve the community needs? We haven’t taken
the time to have that conversation as a college.
If total cost of ownership is taken away, is there any big project that has not been addressed?
Classroom renovations and facilities maintenance are the biggest issues. There is no
mechanism in the funding formula to staff and maintain the facilities now that they are built.
It will not come from state revenue.
Update on Other Facilities Projects
Building 600: The preconstruction meeting was held this morning. The bid is within the
engineer’s estimate. There will be three classrooms shared by chemistry and biology.
Building 800: The building is anticipated to be completed at the end of June. Budget is
in good shape and will be ready for fall. Furniture and equipment will be installed soon.
Building 100: Demolition and exploratory work currently underway. Expected to be
complete spring 2014.
VAPA remediation: Some HVAC repairs still to be made, but many have been
completed. VAPA 1000 heating repairs were done.
o We are negotiating a new one year lease with OASIS. Building 350 renovation is
very costly. If we can’t renovate the space, it may be better to lease it.
o SOS and PVUSD Adult Ed leases in Watsonville will continue for one more year.
o Precision Wellness will continue for one more year; they are reevaluating the lease.
o Community TV is interested in exploring the former theater space and partnering
with Cabrillo to train volunteers who staff the station and create a volunteer
coordinator position. They have broadcast capability, high speed internet
connections and streaming, are funded by the county and city of Santa Cruz. What
do we want to be as a smaller college? Building 200 is a space designated for those
types of programs. Staff should check with IT.
o Climate Initiative Task Force. Karen Groppi noted that there is interest in getting
solar at Cabrillo. The Monterey Bay Regional Climate Compact has a carbon fund
to do green or sustainable projects. Karen proposed considering using students to
draft a mock proposal for solar at Cabrillo and draft a power purchase agreement
with Cabrillo. This idea could fit in with a larger energy management plan as a pilot
program as the college moves toward a more sustainable campus. We need to gather
the data to position ourselves to apply for such grants as they become available.
Action items
1. Send link to history of bond projects to committee:
Tatiana (sent via email 9/23/13)
Next meeting: TBD.
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm.
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