CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Analysis of compliance with the 50 Percent Law (ECS 84362) Annual Financial and Budget Report The Current Expense of Education SUPPLEMENTAL DATA S11 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Academic Salaries Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO Activity (ECSA) Activity (ECSB) Activity (ECSX) ECS 84362 A ECS 84362 B Excluded Object Instructional Salary Cost Total CEE Activities Code AC 0100-5900 & AC 6110 AC 0100 - 6799 AC 6800 - 7390 Total Instructional Salaries Contract or Regular 1100 11,925,986 11,925,986 11,925,986 Other 1300 8,687,509 8,687,509 8,687,509 20,613,495 20,613,495 0 20,613,495 Total Instructional Salaries Non-Instructional Salaries Contract or Regular 1200 4,361,489 114,195 4,475,684 Other 1400 707,708 11,472 719,180 0 5,069,197 125,667 5,194,864 20,613,495 25,682,692 125,667 25,808,359 9,403,687 285,289 9,688,976 Total Non-Instructional Salaries Total Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Non-Instructional Salaries Regular Status 2100 Other 2300 Total Non-Instructional Salaries 686,952 288,400 975,352 0 10,090,639 573,689 10,664,328 Instructional Aides Regular Status 2200 1,151,415 1,151,415 1,151,415 Other 2400 313,533 313,533 313,533 Total Instructional Aides 1,464,948 1,464,948 0 1,464,948 Total Classified Salaries 1,464,948 11,555,587 573,689 12,129,276 6,225,651 12,680,009 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 Other Operating Expenses 5000 Equipment Replacement 6420 Total Expenditures Prior to Exclusions 808,546 12,680,009 1,455,656 139,301 1,594,957 6,277,159 689,494 6,966,653 29,867 29,867 29,112,640 57,680,970 Page 2 1,528,151 59,209,121 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Analysis of compliance with the 50 Percent Law (ECS 84362) Annual Financial and Budget Report The Current Expense of Education S11 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Exclusions Activities to Exclude Name: CABRILLO Activity (ECSA) Activity (ECSB) Activity (ECSX) ECS 84362 A ECS 84362 B Excluded Instructional Salary Cost Total CEE Activities AC 0100-5900 & AC 6110 AC 0100 - 6799 AC 6800 - 7390 Total TOP Code Instructional Staff–Retirees’ Benefits and Retirement Incentives 5900 0 Student Health Services Above Amount Collected 6441 0 Student Transportation 6491 0 Noninstructional Staff-Retirees’ Benefits and Retirement Incentives 6740 0 Objects to Exclude Rents and Leases Object Code 5060 15,271 Academic Salaries 1000 1,249,578 Classified Salaries 2000 0 Employee Benefits 3000 0 Supplies and Materials 4000 16,883 32,154 Lottery Expenditures 1,249,578 Software 4100 0 Books, Magazines, & Periodicals 4200 0 Instructional Supplies & Materials 4300 0 Noninstructional, Supplies & Materials 4400 0 Total Supplies and Materials Other Operating Expenses and Services 0 0 5000 0 0 0 Page 3 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Analysis of compliance with the 50 Percent Law (ECS 84362) Annual Financial and Budget Report The Current Expense of Education S11 GENERAL FUND - UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 Capital Outlay District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO Activity (ECSA) Activity (ECSB) Activity (ECSX) ECS 84362 A ECS 84362 B Excluded Object Instructional Salary Cost Total CEE Activities Code AC 0100-5900 & AC 6110 AC 0100 - 6799 AC 6800 - 7390 Total 6000 Library Books 6300 Equipment 6400 Equipment - Additional 6410 Equipment - Replacement 6420 15,245 15,245 4,415 4,415 0 Total Equipment 0 4,415 0 4,415 Total Capital Outlay 0 19,660 0 19,660 Other Outgo 7000 Total Exclusions Total for ECS 84362, 50% Law Percent of CEE (Instructional Salary Cost / Total CEE) 0 0 1,284,509 16,883 1,301,392 29,112,640 56,396,461 1,511,268 57,907,729 51.62% 100.00% 50% of Current Expense of Education 28,198,230 Nonexempted (Remaining) Deficiency from second preceeding Fiscal Year Amount Required to be Expended for Salaries of Classroom 29,112,640 56,396,461 1,511,268 57,907,729 29,112,640 57,680,970 1,528,151 59,209,121 4,415 68,614 Instructors Reconciliation to Unrestricted General Fund Expenditures Total Expenditures Prior to Exclusions Capital Expenditures 6000 Equipment Replacement (Back out) 6420 Total Unrestricted General Fund Expenditures 29,117,055 Page 4 68,614 (29,866) 0 (29,866) 57,719,718 1,528,151 59,247,869 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 10 General Fund — Combined (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 11 12 10 CA General Fund General Fund General Fund (Object) Unrestricted Restricted COMBINED ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 0 24,599,152 (3,376,880) 21,222,272 0 30,000 30,000 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 2,977,919 1,704,639 4,682,558 Due from Other Funds 9140 1,957,183 6,951,476 8,908,659 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 TOTAL ASSETS 0 (2,069) (2,069) 1,189,158 54,212 1,243,370 30,751,343 5,333,447 36,084,790 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 3,959,392 97,293 4,056,685 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 163,204 11,985 175,189 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 788,675 Due to Other Funds 9540 9,655,066 Temporary Loans 9550 0 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 0 Deferred Revenues 9570 TOTAL LIABILITIES 788,675 101,824 9,756,890 2,863,894 4,546,099 7,409,993 17,430,231 4,757,201 22,187,432 Page 5 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 10 General Fund — Combined (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 11 12 10 CA General Fund General Fund General Fund (Object) Unrestricted Restricted COMBINED FUND BALANCE (NON-GASB 54) Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 4,282,000 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 3,647,778 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 0 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 0 Assigned/Committed 9754 2,675,547 2,675,547 Unassigned 9790 2,715,787 2,715,787 Total Fund Balance Fund Balance (GASB 54) 0 0 13,321,112 576,246 4,858,246 3,647,778 576,246 13,897,358 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 0 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 0 Committed Fund Balance 9753 0 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 0 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted Fund Balance 0 0 0 9790 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 13,321,112 576,246 13,897,358 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 30,751,343 5,333,447 36,084,790 Page 6 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 20 Debt Service Funds: 21 Bond Interest and Redemption Fund 22 Revenue Bond Interest and Redemption Fund COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 29 Other Debt Service Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Description Name: CABRILLO 21 22 29 Bond Interest Revenue Bond CA and Interest and (Object) Redemption Fund Other Debt Redemption Fund Service Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 TOTAL ASSETS 3,821,461 11,069,859 30,969 346,500 11,069,859 377,469 3,821,461 0 0 0 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 TOTAL LIABILITIES Page 7 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 20 Debt Service Funds: 21 Bond Interest and Redemption Fund 22 Revenue Bond Interest and Redemption Fund COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 29 Other Debt Service Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Description Name: CABRILLO 21 22 29 Bond Interest Revenue Bond CA and Interest and (Object) Redemption Fund Other Debt Redemption Fund Service Fund FUND BALANCE (NON-GASB 54) Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 Assigned/Committed 9754 Unassigned 9790 377,469 3,821,461 11,069,859 377,469 3,821,461 0 0 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 11,069,859 377,469 3,821,461 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 11,069,859 377,469 3,821,461 Total Fund Balance Fund Balance (GASB 54) 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 Committed Fund Balance 9753 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted Fund Balance 11,069,859 9790 Page 8 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 30 31 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Special Revenue Funds: Bookstore Fund 34 Farm Operation Fund 32 Cafeteria Fund 35 Revenue Bond Project Fund 33 Child Development Fund 39 Other Special Revenue Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 31 32 33 34 35 39 Farm Operation Revenue Bond Other Special Cafeteria Fund Child Development Fund Fund Project Fund Revenue Fund CA Description (Object) Bookstore Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 TOTAL ASSETS 60,979 101,959 0 0 162,938 0 0 0 0 0 0 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 TOTAL LIABILITIES 47,042 62,308 8,923 0 0 118,273 Page 9 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 30 31 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET Special Revenue Funds: Bookstore Fund 34 Farm Operation Fund 32 Cafeteria Fund 35 Revenue Bond Project Fund 33 Child Development Fund 39 Other Special Revenue Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 31 32 33 34 35 39 Farm Operation Revenue Bond Other Special Cafeteria Fund Child Development Fund Fund Project Fund Revenue Fund CA Description (Object) Bookstore Fund FUND BALANCE (NON-GASB 54) Fund Balance Reserved 9710 0 0 0 0 0 0 NonCash Assets 9711 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 0 0 44,665 0 0 0 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assigned/Committed 9754 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unassigned 9790 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44,665 0 0 0 Total Fund Balance Fund Balance (GASB 54) 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 0 0 0 0 0 0 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 0 0 0 0 0 0 Committed Fund Balance 9753 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 0 0 44,665 0 0 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 0 0 162,938 0 0 0 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted Fund Balance 9790 Page 10 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 40 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description Capital Projects Funds: 41 Capital Outlay Projects Fund 42 Revenue Bond Construction Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 41 42 43 CA Capital Outlay Revenue Bond General Obligation (Object) Projects Fund Construction Fund Bond Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 TOTAL ASSETS 5,845,545 1,917,443 (20) 7,762,968 0 0 0 0 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 429 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 190 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 TOTAL LIABILITIES 514,681 25,346 540,646 Page 11 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 40 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description Capital Projects Funds: 41 Capital Outlay Projects Fund 42 Revenue Bond Construction Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 41 42 43 CA Capital Outlay Revenue Bond General Obligation (Object) Projects Fund Construction Fund Bond Fund FUND BALANCE (NON-GASB 54) Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 Assigned/Committed 9754 Unassigned 9790 Total Fund Balance 7,222,322 7,222,322 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 7,222,322 0 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 7,762,968 0 0 Fund Balance (GASB 54) 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 Committed Fund Balance 9753 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted Fund Balance 9790 Page 12 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 50 Enterprise Funds: 51 Bookstore Fund 53 Farm Operations Fund 52 Cafeteria Fund 59 Other Enterprise Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 51 52 53 59 Farm Other CA Bookstore Cafeteria Operations Enterprise (Object) Fund Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 Fixed Assets 9310 Site Improvements 9320 Buildings Accumulated Depreciation Buildings 63,778 61,215 13,333 1,977 9321 9330 9331 Library Books 9340 Equipment 9350 645,142 9351 528,337 Accumulated Depreciation Equipment Work in Progress Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS 84,633 9300 Sites Accumulated Depreciation Site Improvements 1,547,129 9360 116,805 0 0 0 1,725,149 77,111 0 86,610 Page 13 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 50 Enterprise Funds: 51 Bookstore Fund 53 Farm Operations Fund 52 Cafeteria Fund 59 Other Enterprise Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 51 52 53 59 Farm Other CA Bookstore Cafeteria Operations Enterprise (Object) Fund Fund Fund Fund LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 Total Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue Long-Term Liabilities 25,979 41,260 3,426 0 0 3,426 100,000 0 0 0 141,260 0 0 3,426 9600 Bonds Payable 9610 Revenue Bonds Payable 9620 Certificates of Participation 9630 Lease Purchase of Capital Lease 9640 Compensated Absences Long Term 9650 Post-Employment Benefits Long Term 9660 Other Long-Term Liabilities 9670 Total Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 15,281 968 100,000 Page 14 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report COMBINED BALANCE SHEET 50 Enterprise Funds: 51 Bookstore Fund 53 Farm Operations Fund 52 Cafeteria Fund 59 Other Enterprise Fund For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Description District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 51 52 53 59 Farm Other CA Bookstore Cafeteria Operations Enterprise (Object) Fund Fund Fund Fund FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 Assigned/Committed 9754 Unassigned 9790 1,597,630 73,385 1,597,630 73,385 0 46,234 0 0 0 0 (13,741) 3,726 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 1,583,889 77,111 0 83,184 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 1,725,149 77,111 0 86,610 Total Reserved Fund Balance Fund Balance (GASB 54) 46,234 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 Committed Fund Balance 9753 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted(Unrestricted) Fund Balance 9790 Other Equity 9800 Contributed Capital 9810 Retained Earnings 9850 Investment in General Fixed Assets 9890 36,950 Page 15 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 60 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Internal Service Funds: 61 Self-Insurance Fund 69 Other Internal Service Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 61 69 CA Description (Object) Other Internal Service Self-Insurance Fund Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 Student Loans Receivable 9150 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 Fixed Assets 9300 Sites 9310 Site Improvements 9320 Accumulated Depreciation Site Improvements Buildings Accumulated Depreciation Buildings 9321 9330 9331 Library Books 9340 Equipment 9350 Accumulated Depreciation Equipment Work in Progress Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS 9351 9360 0 0 0 0 Page 16 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 60 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Internal Service Funds: 61 Self-Insurance Fund 69 Other Internal Service Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 61 69 CA Description (Object) Other Internal Service Self-Insurance Fund Fund LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 Total Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue Long-Term Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 9600 Bonds Payable 9610 Revenue Bonds Payable 9620 Certificates of Participation 9630 Lease Purchase of Capital Lease 9640 Compensated Absences Long Term 9650 Post-Employment Benefits Long Term 9660 Other Long-Term Liabilities 9670 Total Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 0 968 Page 17 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 60 COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 Internal Service Funds: 61 Self-Insurance Fund 69 Other Internal Service Fund District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 61 69 CA Description (Object) Other Internal Service Self-Insurance Fund Fund FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 Assigned/Committed 9754 Unassigned 9790 Total Reserved Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 0 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 0 0 Fund Balance (GASB 54) 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 Committed Fund Balance 9753 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted(Unrestricted) Fund Balance 9790 Other Equity 9800 Contributed Capital 9810 Retained Earnings 9850 Investment in General Fixed Assets 9890 Page 18 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Trust Funds COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 71 Description 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 Associated Student Student Body Student Scholarship CA Students Representation Center Fee Financial Aid and Loan Investment Compensation Deferred Other (Object) Trust Fund Fee Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund ASSETS Cash, Investments, and Receivables 9100 Cash: Awaiting Deposit and in Banks 9111 In County Treasury 9112 Cash With Fiscal Agents 9113 Revolving Cash Accounts 9114 Investments (at cost) 9120 Accounts Receivable 9130 Due from Other Funds 9140 Student Loans Receivable 9150 Inventories, Stores, and Prepaid Items 9200 Inventories and Stores 9210 Prepaid Items 9220 Fixed Assets 9310 Site Improvements 9320 Buildings Accumulated Depreciation Buildings 9350 TOTAL ASSETS 125,995 699,478 123,961 398,270 17,000 12,362 50,621 74,240 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230,283 97,183 211,753 513,177 125,995 0 0 716,485 43,203 17,368 9331 Equipment Work in Progress 40,667 9330 9340 Total Fixed Assets 37,171 9321 Library Books Accumulated Depreciation Equipment 84,821 9300 Sites Accumulated Depreciation Site Improvements 169,712 9351 9360 Page 19 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Trust Funds COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 71 Description 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 Associated Student Student Body Student Scholarship CA Students Representation Center Fee Financial Aid and Loan Investment Compensation Deferred Other (Object) Trust Fund Fee Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund LIABILITIES Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 9500 Accounts Payable 9510 Accrued Salaries and Wages Payable 9520 Compensated Absences Payable Current 9530 Due to Other Funds 9540 Temporary Loans 9550 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 9560 Deferred Revenues 9570 Total Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue Long-Term Liabilities 14,970 236,690 10,116 865 22,001 252,145 3,775 44,790 865 22,001 488,835 3,775 0 0 (6,821) 8,590 54,906 9600 Bonds Payable 9610 Revenue Bonds Payable 9620 Certificates of Participation 9630 Lease Purchase of Capital Lease 9640 Compensated Absences Long Term 9650 Post-Employment Benefits Long Term 9660 Other Long-Term Liabilities 9670 Total Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 441 968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,590 865 22,001 488,835 3,775 0 0 54,906 Page 20 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Trust Funds COMBINED BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended June 30, 2015 District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO 71 Description 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 Associated Student Student Body Student Scholarship CA Students Representation Center Fee Financial Aid and Loan Investment Compensation Deferred Other (Object) Trust Fund Fee Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved 9710 NonCash Assets 9711 Amounts Restricted by Law for Specific Purposes 9712 Reserve for Encumbrances Credit 9713 Reserve for Encumbrances Debit 9714 Reserve for Debt Services 9715 Assigned/Committed 9754 Unassigned 9790 24,342 122,220 221,693 96,318 189,752 221,693 96,318 189,752 24,342 122,220 0 0 661,579 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 221,693 96,318 189,752 24,342 122,220 0 0 661,579 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 230,283 97,183 211,753 513,177 125,995 0 0 716,485 Total Reserved Fund Balance Fund Balance (GASB 54) 661,579 9750 Nonspendable Fund Balance 9751 Restricted Fund Balance 9752 Committed Fund Balance 9753 Assigned Fund Balance 9754 Total Designated Fund Balance Uncommitted(Unrestricted) Fund Balance 9790 Other Equity 9800 Contributed Capital 9810 Retained Earnings 9850 Investment in General Fixed Assets 9890 Page 21 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Details of General Fund Revenue Annual Financial and Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 District ID: 410 Description Name: CABRILLO Fund S11 Fund S12 Fund S10 Total Object Unrestricted Restricted General Fund Code Actual Actual Actual Federal Revenues 8100 Forest Revenues 8110 Higher Education Act 8120 228,819 228,819 Workforce Investment Act 8130 60,464 60,464 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 8140 28,070 28,070 Student Financial Aid 8150 40,494 23,760 64,254 Veterans Education 8160 1,979 Vocational and Technical Education Act (VATEA) 8170 748,678 748,678 Other Federal Revenues 8190 1,533,828 1,533,828 Total Federal Revnues 8100 2,623,619 2,666,092 State Revenues General Apportionments 0 42,473 1,979 8600 8610 0 Apprenticeship Apportionment 8611 0 State General Apportionment 8612 13,962,780 13,962,780 Other General Apportionment 8613 6,604,376 6,604,376 General Categorical Programs 8620 Child Development 8621 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services(EOPS) 8622 309,234 309,234 Disabled Students Programs and Services(DSPS) 8623 1,269,057 1,269,057 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 8624 28,069 28,069 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) 8625 424,550 424,550 Telecommunications and Technology Infrasturcture Program (TTIP) 8626 Other General Categorical Programs 8627 1,678,355 1,678,355 0 0 Page 22 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Details of General Fund Revenue Annual Financial and Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 District ID: 410 Description Name: CABRILLO Fund S11 Fund S12 Fund S10 Total Object Unrestricted Restricted General Fund Code Actual Actual Actual EPA Proceeds 8630 Reimburseable Categorical Programs 8650 Instructional Inprovement Grant 8651 Other Reimburseable Categorical Programs 8652 State Tax Subventions 9,982,558 9,982,558 0 2,959,243 2,959,243 8670 Homeowners' Property Tax Refief 8671 150,793 150,793 Timber Yield Tax 8672 9,687 9,687 Other State Tax Subventions 8673 6,661 6,661 State Non-Tax Revenues 8680 State Lottery Proceeds 8681 1,249,578 State Mandated Costs 8685 734,196 Other State Non-Tax Revnues 8686 0 Other State Revenues 8690 0 Total State Revenues 8600 32,700,629 364,175 1,613,753 734,196 7,032,683 39,733,312 Page 23 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Details of General Fund Revenue Annual Financial and Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 District ID: 410 Description Name: CABRILLO Fund S11 Fund S12 Fund S10 Total Object Unrestricted Restricted General Fund Code Actual Actual Actual Local Revenues 8800 Property Taxes 8810 Tax Allocation, Secured Roll 8811 19,671,357 19,671,357 Tax Allocation, Supplemental Roll 8812 256,847 256,847 Tax Allocation, Unsecured Roll 8813 423,711 423,711 Prior Years Taxes 8816 60,565 60,565 Education Revenues Augmentation Fund (ERAF) 8817 7,414 7,414 Redevelopment Agency Funds - Pass Through 8818 146,101 146,101 8819 1,172,958 1,172,958 Redevelopment Agency Funds - Residual Redevelopment Agency Funds - Asset Liquidation 8819.1 Contributions, Gifts, Grants, and Endowments 8820 Contract Services 8830 Contract Instructional Services 8831 Other Contranct Services 8832 0 109,586 379,678 489,264 0 0 Sales and Commissions 8840 244,582 244,582 Rentals and Leases 8850 401,683 401,683 Interest and Investment Income 8860 68,001 68,001 Student Fees and Charges 8870 1,110,228 1,110,228 Community Services Classes 8872 Dormitory 8873 Enrollment 8874 0 4,695,483 4,695,483 8874.1 0 Field Trips and Use of Nondistrict Facilities 8875 0 Health Services 8876 Instructional Materials Fees and Sales of Materials 8877 0 Insurance 8878 0 Student Records 8879 0 Nonresident Tuition 8880 Contra Revenue Account 588,315 1,134,768 Parking Services and Public Transportation 8881 Other Student Fees and Charges 8885 122,455 8890 216,920 8800 Other Local Revenues Total Local Revenues Total Revenues 588,315 1,134,768 0 148,627 271,082 29,842,659 1,116,620 30,959,279 62,585,761 10,772,922 73,358,683 216,920 Page 24 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Details of General Fund Revenue Annual Financial and Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 District ID: 410 Description Other Financing Sources Name: CABRILLO Fund S11 Fund S12 Fund S10 Total Object Unrestricted Restricted General Fund Code Actual Actual Actual 8900 Proceeds of General Fixed Assets 8910 0 Proceeds of Long-Term Debt 8940 0 Incoming Transfers -- (8981/8982/8983) 898# Total Other Financing Sources Total Revenues and Other Financing Sources 8900 241,681 11,068 252,749 241,681 11,068 252,749 62,827,442 10,783,990 73,611,432 Page 25 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification Code Instructional Name: CABRILLO Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total Agriculture and Natual Resources 0100 Architecture and Environmental Design 0200 0 Environmental Sciences and Technologies 0300 0 Biological Sciences 0400 1,120,977 33,049 99,949 1,253,975 Business and Management 0500 1,221,338 57,425 3,498 1,282,261 Communications 0600 42,693 4,087 (351) Computer and Information Science 0700 1,480,313 144,420 105,166 Education 0800 2,183,870 532,628 657,643 Engineering and Related Industrial Technology 0900 681,252 268,808 127,440 Fine and Applied Arts 1000 3,488,552 458,866 83,162 Foreign language 1100 1,159,269 40,083 6,192 Health 1200 2,034,990 711,132 92,760 Consumer Education And Home Economics 1300 928,954 370,926 268,743 1,568,623 Law 1400 Humanities(Letters) 1500 4,371,034 127,142 11,291 4,509,467 Library Science 1600 163,877 Mathematics 1700 3,601,989 Military Studies 1800 Physical Sciences 1900 1,824,284 78,776 56,392 1,959,452 Psychology 2000 655,636 8,336 615 664,587 Public Affairs and Services 2100 450,568 279,432 645,371 1,375,371 Social Sciences 2200 2,094,983 84,908 10,595 2,190,486 Commercial Services 3000 Interdisciplinary Studies 4900 Instruc Staff-Retirees' Bnfts & Retire Incents 5900 487,021 104,595 77,561 34,778 703,955 46,429 311,158 2,041,057 3,374,141 73,461 1,150,961 4,030,580 1,205,544 8,877 2,847,759 0 222,549 7,834 171,711 8,104 3,832,642 0 0 1,388,558 198,234 217,141 1,803,933 0 Sub-Total Instructional Activites 29,380,158 3,725,396 2,479,106 428,274 Total Expenditures for GF Activities* 29,418,441 26,966,982 12,385,358 540,929 *Total Expenditures for GF Activities above is the grand total of Instructional and Non-Instructional activities. Page 26 36,012,934 3,500,990 72,812,700 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Non-Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification Code Instructional Name: CABRILLO Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total Instructional Administration and Governance 6000 Academic Administration 6010 4,042,925 1,864,096 5,907,021 Course and Curriculum Development 6020 23,116 46,633 69,749 Academic / Faculty Senate 6030 0 Other Instructional Administration & Governance 6090 0 Total Instructional Admin. & Governance 0 4,066,041 1,910,729 38,283 391,095 31,949 918,382 184,143 0 0 5,976,770 Instructional Support Services 6100 Learning Center 6110 Library 6120 Media 6130 Museums and Gallaries 6140 Academic Information Systems and Technology 6150 0 Other Instructional Support Services 6190 0 Total Instructional Support Services 461,327 51,195 1,153,720 0 66,178 38,283 2,571 68,749 1,375,655 218,663 51,195 0 1,683,796 976,937 73,333 1,050,270 Admissions and Records 6200 Student Counseling and Guidance 6300 Counseling and Guidance 6310 1,924,898 294,108 2,219,006 Matriculation and Student Assessment 6320 433,593 24,866 458,459 Transfer Programs 6330 186,558 10,839 197,397 Career Guidance 6340 105,752 1,862 107,614 Other Student Counseling and Guidance 6390 189,978 26,862 216,840 2,840,779 358,537 Total Student Couseling and Guidance 0 0 Page 27 0 3,199,316 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Non-Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification Code Instructional Name: CABRILLO Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total Other Student Services 6400 Cal Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids * 6410 Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) 6420 508,168 135,815 643,983 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) 6430 325,843 22,169 348,012 Health Services 6440 417,378 149,742 567,120 Student Personnel Administration 6450 716,826 68,861 785,687 Financial Aid Administration 6460 1,080,363 57,010 1,137,373 Job Placement Services 6470 6,740 20,797 27,537 Veterans Services 6480 10,930 523 11,453 Miscellaneous Student Services 6490 48,096 7,211 55,307 3,114,344 462,128 0 49,240 Total Other Student Services Operation and maintenance of Plant 0 0 3,576,472 6500 Building Maintenance and Repairs 6510 1,368,493 795,064 Custodial Services 6530 1,229,096 366,133 1,595,229 Grounds Maintenance and Repairs 6550 302,233 51,501 353,734 Utilities 6570 1,581,146 1,581,146 Other Operations and Maintenance of Plant 6590 Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant 6500 Planning, Policymaking and Coordinations 6600 * 0 2,212,797 0 0 2,899,822 2,793,844 49,240 1,821,216 565,053 5,227 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs). Page 28 0 5,742,906 2,391,496 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Non-Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification General Institutional Support Services Code Instructional Name: CABRILLO Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total 6700 Community Relations 6710 237,991 210,488 448,479 Fiscal Operations 6720 1,550,461 220,909 1,771,370 Human Resourses Management 6730 808,472 81,660 890,132 Noninstruct Staff Retirees' Benefits & Retirement * 6740 Staff Development 6750 13,423 13,423 Staff Diversity 6760 18,534 18,534 Logistical Services 6770 486,076 659,185 Management Information Systems 6780 1,970,469 1,095,083 3,065,552 Other General Institutional Support Services 6790 37,366 79,275 116,641 Total General Institutional Support Services 6700 5,090,835 2,378,557 Community Services & Economic Development 6800 0 6,993 6,993 1,152,254 0 7,476,385 Community Recreation 6810 Community Service Classes 6820 804,370 893,150 1,697,520 Community Use of Facilities 6830 34,850 19,193 54,043 Economic Development 6840 0 Other Community Services & Economic Development 6890 0 Total Community Services * 0 6800 0 0 839,220 912,343 0 Noninstructional Staff Retirees' Benefits & Retirement Incentives. Page 29 0 1,751,563 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Non-Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification Ancillary Services Code Instructional Name: CABRILLO Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total 6900 Bookstore 6910 0 Child Development Centers 6920 0 Farm Operations 6930 0 Food Services 6940 0 Parking 6950 0 Student and Co-Curricular Activities 6960 Student Housing 6970 0 Other Ancillary Services 6990 0 Total Ancillary Services 6900 Auxiliary Operations 7000 216,737 0 216,737 225,142 441,879 225,142 0 0 441,879 Contract Education 7010 0 Other Auxiliary Operations 7090 0 Total Auxiliary Operations 7000 0 0 0 0 Page 30 0 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Expend by Non-Instructional Activity Annual Financial and Budget Report S10 General Fund - Combined SUPPLEMENTAL DATA (Total Unrestricted and Restricted) For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Salaries and Benefits Activity Activity Classification Code Physical Property and Related Acquisitions 7100 Long-Term Debt and Other Financing 7200 Operating Capital Other Non Expenses Outlay Outgo Instructional (4000 - 5000) (6000) (7000) Total 7,923 7,923 Long_Term Debt 7210 0 Tax revenue Anticipation Notes 7220 0 Other Financing 7290 0 Total Long-Term Debt and Other Financing 7200 Transfers, Student Aid and Other Outgo 7300 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 7310 3,368,414 3,368,414 Student Aid 7320 132,576 132,576 Other Outgo 7390 Total Transfers, Student Aid and Other Outgo Sub-Total Non-Instructional Activites Total Expenditures General Fund: activities * * Instructional Name: CABRILLO 7300 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,990 3,500,990 38,283 23,241,586 9,906,252 112,655 3,500,990 36,799,766 29,418,441 26,966,982 12,385,358 540,929 3,500,990 72,812,700 Total Expenditures for the General Fund: Instructional Activities and Non-Instructional Activities. Page 31 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Budget Year: 2015-2016 Gann Appropriations Limit GANN Report DISTRICT NAME: CABRILLO I. 2015-2016 Appropriations Limit: A. 2014-2015 Appropriations Limit: B. 2015-2016 Price Factor: C. Population factor: $63,937,616 1.0382 1. 2013-2014 Second Period Actual FTES 10,233.11 2. 2014-2015 Second Period Actual FTES 10,887.16 3. 2014-2015 Population change factor (C2/C1) D. 2014-2015 Limit adjusted by inflation and population factors (A * B * C.3) E. Adjustments to increase limit: 1.0639 $70,621,717 1. Transfers in of financial responsibility $0 2. Temporary voter approved increases 0 3. Total adjustments - increase 0 Sub-Total (D + E.3) F. $70,621,717 Adjustments to decrease limit: 1. Transfers out of financial responsibility $0 2. Lapses of voter approved increases 0 3. Total adjustments - decrease G. II. 0 2015-2016 Appropriations Limit (D + E.3 - F.3) $70,621,717 2015-2016 Appropriations Subject to Limit: A. State Aid (General Apportionment, Apprenticeship Allowance, Basic Skills, and Partnership for Excellence) B. State Subventions (Home Owners Property Tax Relief, Timber Yield tax, etc.) C. Local Property taxes D. Estimated excess Debt Service taxes E. Estimated Parcel taxes, Square Foot taxes, etc. F. Interest on proceeds of taxes G. Local appropriations from taxes for unreimbursed State, court, and federal mandates H. 2015-2016 Appropriations Subject to Limit 19,248,348 150,793 20,412,780 0 0 23,563 0 $39,835,484 Page 32 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 10 General Fund REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 General Fund Object Fund: 11 Fund: 12 Fund: 10 Code UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND RESTRICTED SUBFUND TOTAL Actual Description Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 42,473 44,869 2,623,619 2,224,066 2,666,092 2,268,935 State Revenues 8600 32,700,629 33,345,657 7,032,683 17,606,002 39,733,312 50,951,659 Local Revenues 8800 29,842,659 28,691,179 1,116,620 1,644,546 30,959,279 30,335,725 62,585,761 62,081,705 10,772,922 21,474,614 73,358,683 83,556,319 Total Revenues EXPENDITURES: Academic Salaries 1000 25,808,361 26,604,278 2,310,172 2,740,298 28,118,533 29,344,576 Classified Salaries 2000 12,132,489 12,592,901 2,058,409 2,244,453 14,190,898 14,837,354 Employee Benefits 3000 12,680,009 14,170,793 1,395,983 1,985,509 14,075,992 16,156,302 Supplies and Materials 4000 1,594,957 1,153,796 683,524 1,131,338 2,278,481 2,285,134 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 6,966,659 6,371,455 3,140,218 12,595,513 10,106,877 18,966,968 Capital Outlay 6000 68,614 240,238 472,315 412,942 540,929 653,180 59,251,089 61,133,461 10,060,621 21,110,053 69,311,710 82,243,514 3,334,672 948,244 712,301 364,561 4,046,973 1,312,805 407,568 11,068 252,749 407,568 Total Expenditures Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Other Financing Sources 8900 241,681 Other Outgo 7000 2,626,995 6,642,026 873,995 863,601 3,500,990 7,505,627 949,358 (5,286,214) (150,626) (499,040) 798,732 (5,785,254) 12,371,754 13,321,112 726,872 576,246 13,098,626 13,897,358 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 0 12,371,754 13,321,112 726,872 8,034,898 576,246 Page 33 13,098,626 77,206 13,897,358 8,112,104 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 20 Debt service Funds REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Object Code Fund: 21 Fund: 22 BOND INTEREST AND REVENUE BOND INTEREST REDEMPTION FUND AND REDEMPTION FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Fund: 29 OTHER DEBT SERVICE FUND Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 State Revenues 8600 107,558 98,320 Local Revenues 8800 13,900,354 14,439,623 14,007,912 14,537,943 Total Revenues Other Financing Sources Interfund Transfers In 8981 8983 Total Other Financing Sources Debt Retirement (Long Term Debt) 20,600 0 0 17,164 20,600 798,607 1,360,659 1,935,000 3,050,000 1,935,000 3,050,000 1,367,491 1,235,000 8900 Other Incoming Transfers Other Outgo 17,164 0 0 798,607 1,360,659 768,231 1,738,129 7000 7100 Debt Reduction 7110 7,869,832 7,642,826 Debt Interest and Other Service Charges 7120 6,599,449 6,485,278 14,469,281 14,128,104 768,231 1,738,129 1,367,491 1,235,000 (14,469,281) (14,128,104) 30,376 (377,470) 567,509 1,815,000 (461,369) 409,839 30,376 (377,470) 584,673 1,835,600 11,531,228 11,069,859 347,094 377,470 3,236,788 3,821,461 Transfers Outgoing Reserve for Contingencies Total Other Outgo Net Other Financing Sources / (Other Outgo) 7300 & 7400 7900 7000 8900 & 7000 Net Increase/Decrease in Fund Balance BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 11,531,228 11,069,859 347,094 11,479,698 377,470 Page 34 3,236,788 0 3,821,461 5,657,061 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 30 Special Revenue Funds -- Part 1 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Special Revenue Funds Object FUND: 31 FUND 32 FUND 33 Code BOOKSTORE FUND CAFETERIA FUND CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 220,624 185,140 State Revenues 8600 320,721 327,192 Local Revenues 8800 136,746 139,550 678,091 651,882 Total Income 0 0 0 0 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 212,735 187,926 Classified Salaries 2000 100,281 98,706 Employee Benefits 3000 112,326 127,928 Supplies and Materials 4000 29,152 24,634 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 172,870 190,475 Capital Outlay 6000 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 627,364 629,669 Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 0 0 0 50,727 22,213 Other Financing Sources 8900 22 Other Outgo 7000 15,064 15,065 0 35,685 7,148 0 8,980 44,665 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance 0 0 0 Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 35 8,980 0 44,665 51,813 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 30 Special Revenue Funds -- Part 2 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Special Revenue Funds Object FUND: 34 FUND 35 FUND 39 Code FARM OPERATION FUND REVENUE BOND PROJECT FUND OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 State Revenues 8600 Local Revenues 8800 Total Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 36 0 0 0 0 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Governmental Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 40 Capital Projects Funds REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Capital Projects Funds Object FUND: 41 FUND 42 FUND 43 Code CAPITAL QUTLAY PROJECTS FUND REVENUE BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 State Revenues 8600 1,639,570 1,264,836 Local Revenues 8800 1,735,092 830,000 5,383 3,374,662 2,094,836 5,383 Total Income 0 0 0 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 87,230 80,684 Employee Benefits 3000 47,042 47,351 Supplies and Materials 4000 327,348 410,908 81,998 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 1,964,043 3,625,113 275,725 Capital Outlay 6000 1,037,835 1,009,992 1,777,393 3,463,498 5,174,048 2,135,116 0 0 0 (88,836) (3,079,212) (2,129,733) 0 0 0 550,000 550,000 0 0 Total Expenditures Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance 3,730,683 461,164 (6,259,895) (2,129,733) 0 6,761,158 7,222,322 2,129,733 0 Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 6,761,158 7,222,322 2,129,733 962,427 0 Page 37 0 0 0 0 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 50 Enterprise Funds Group -- Part 1 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Enterprise Funds Object FUND: 51 FUND 52 FUND 53 Code BOOKSTORE FUND CAFETERIA FUND FARM OPERATIONS Actual Description Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Local Revenues 8800 Other Financing Sources 8900 Total Income Cost of Sales 399,436 422,574 40,007 35,010 399,436 422,574 40,007 35,010 0 0 399,436 422,574 40,007 35,010 0 0 11,281 60,000 5890 Gross Profit or Loss Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 161,850 128,042 Employee Benefits 3000 69,480 66,436 Supplies and Materials 4000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 10,000 50,000 5,517 40,000 Total Expenditures 281,330 209,995 11,281 100,000 0 0 Net Profit or Loss 118,106 212,579 28,726 (64,990) 0 0 131,846 18,366 25,000 (13,740) 194,213 3,726 (64,990) 0 0 1,597,629 1,583,889 73,385 77,111 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 1,597,629 1,583,889 73,385 1,778,102 77,111 Page 38 0 0 12,121 0 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 50 Enterprise Funds Group -- Part 2 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Enterprise Funds Object FUND: 59 Code OTHER ENTERPRISE FUND Actual Description Budget REVENUES: Local Revenues 8800 63 60 Other Financing Sources 8900 139,035 14,500 139,098 14,560 139,098 14,560 Total Income Cost of Sales 5890 Gross Profit or Loss Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 10,700 11,340 Employee Benefits 3000 5,408 6,042 Supplies and Materials 4000 18,584 45,000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 481 362 Capital Outlay 6000 66,975 35,000 102,148 97,744 36,950 (83,184) 36,950 (83,184) 46,234 83,184 Total Expenditures Net Profit or Loss Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 46,234 83,184 0 Page 39 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Proprietary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 60 Enterprise Funds Group REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Internal Service Funds Object FUND: 61 FUND 69 Code SELF-INSURANCE FUND OTHER INTERNAL SERVICES FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Local Revenues 8800 Other Financing Sources 8900 Total Income 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 Net Profit or Loss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 40 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Fiduciary Funds Group -- Part 1 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Fiduciary Funds Group Object FUND: 71 FUND 72 FUND 73 Code ASSOCIATED STUDENTS TRUST FUND REPRESENTATION FEE TRUST FUND Actual Budget BODY CENTER FEE TRUST FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 State Revenues 8600 Local Revenues 8800 Total Income 271,484 287,025 271,484 287,025 0 0 2,187 2,020 2,187 2,020 15,580 19,600 467 3,600 348,748 31,950 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 27,328 14,500 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 215,025 238,695 Capital Outlay 6000 Total Expenditures Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance 18,102 25,017 242,353 253,195 18,102 25,017 364,795 55,150 29,131 33,830 (18,102) (25,017) (362,608) (53,130) 26,379 27,000 109,523 110,000 32,310 33,830 1,847 1,890 74,048 48,358 (3,179) 0 6,430 93 (327,133) 8,512 224,872 221,693 89,888 96,318 516,885 189,752 Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 224,872 221,693 89,888 221,693 96,318 Page 41 516,885 96,411 189,752 198,264 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Fiduciary Funds Group -- Part 2 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Fiduciary Funds Group Object FUND: 74 FUND 75 FUND 76 Code FINANCIAL AID TRUST FUND SCHOLARSHIP & LOAN TRUST FUND Actual Budget INVESTMENT TRUST FUND Actual Description Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 15,679,031 16,150,367 State Revenues 8600 1,176,039 1,101,848 Local Revenues 8800 59 60 857,294 1,033,210 16,855,129 17,252,275 879,069 1,033,210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,855,129 17,252,275 879,069 1,033,210 0 0 16,855,070 17,252,275 773,053 1,033,210 59 0 106,016 0 0 0 24,283 24,342 16,204 122,220 Total Income 21,775 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Total Expenditures Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 24,283 24,342 16,204 24,342 122,220 Page 42 0 0 122,220 0 0 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Fiduciary Funds Group Annual Financial and Budget Report 70 Fiduciary Funds Group -- Part 3 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 410 CABRILLO Budget Year: 2015-2016 Fiduciary Funds Group Object FUND: 77 FUND 79 Code DEFERRED COMPENSATION TRUST FUND OTHER TRUST FUNDS Actual Description Budget Actual Budget REVENUES: Federal Revenues 8100 State Revenues 8600 Local Revenues 8800 Total Income 0 0 1,511,441 1,112,310 1,511,441 1,112,310 Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies and Materials 4000 207,254 176,586 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5000 1,172,995 811,825 Capital Outlay 6000 Total Expenditures 0 0 1,380,249 988,411 Excess /(Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 0 0 131,192 123,899 133,546 162,701 0 (2,354) (38,802) 0 663,933 661,579 Other Financing Sources 8900 Other Outgo 7000 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance 0 Begining Fund Balance: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Prior Years Adustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 9030 Ending Fund Balance, June 30 0 0 663,933 0 Page 43 661,579 622,777 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Interfund Transfer Report Annual Financial and Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: District ID: 410 2014-2015 Fund Name: CABRILLO Fund Fund Name Number In Amount Fund Name Number Out Transferred 12 RESTRICTED SUBFUND 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 11,068 22 REVENUE BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 371,125 29 OTHER DEBT SERVICE FUND 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 1,935,000 41 CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS FUND 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 550,000 22 REVENUE BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND 12 RESTRICTED SUBFUND 427,482 33 CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND 12 RESTRICTED SUBFUND 22 72 STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE TRUST FUND 12 RESTRICTED SUBFUND 26,379 73 STUDENT BODY CENTER FEE TRUST FUND 12 RESTRICTED SUBFUND 109,523 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 51 BOOKSTORE FUND 34,984 59 OTHER ENTERPRISE FUND 51 BOOKSTORE FUND 96,862 59 OTHER ENTERPRISE FUND 52 CAFETERIA FUND 25,000 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 71 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS TRUST FUND 15,000 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 73 STUDENT BODY CENTER FEE TRUST FUND 74,048 11 UNRESTRICTED SUBFUND 79 OTHER TRUST FUNDS 108,627 59 OTHER ENTERPRISE FUND 79 OTHER TRUST FUNDS 17,172 Page 44 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Receipt and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds Annual Financial and Budget Report Lottery Actual Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Activity Classification L10 GENERAL FUND Budget Year: 2015-2016 District ID: 410 Activity Code Name: CABRILLO Unrestricted Restricted Prop 20 Lottery Adjustments and Proceeds: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Adjustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 555,365 9030 0 8681 1,249,578 555,365 Actual Fiscal Year Data State Lottery Proceeds: 364,175 Instructional Instructional & Institutional Materials Unrestricted Instructional Propostition 20 Support Total Support Activities Activities Activities Total Instructional (AC 0100-5900) (AC 6000-6700) (AC 6800-7390) Unrestricted (AC 0100-4900) Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 Employee Benefits 3000 Supplies & Materials 4000 938,598 310,980 938,598 938,598 0 0 310,980 310,980 0 Software 4100 0 Books, Magazines, & Periodicals 4200 0 Instructional Supplies & Materials 4300 0 Noninstructional Supplies & Mtrls 4400 Total Supplies and Materials 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Library Books 6300 Equipment 6400 302,151 0 302,151 302,151 0 225,245 225,245 0 70,000 70,000 0 0 Other Operating Expenses and Services 0 302,151 0 0 0 Equipment - Additional 6410 0 0 Equipment - Replacement 6420 0 0 Total Capital Outlay Other Outgo Total Expenditures 0 0 0 7000 0 70,000 0 0 1,249,578 0 Ending Balance Page 45 70,000 0 1,249,578 597,396 1,846,974 0 322,144 322,144 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Receipt and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds Annual Financial and Budget Report Lottery Budget Report SUPPLEMENTAL DATA For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Activity Classification L10 GENERAL FUND Budget Year: 2015-2016 Activity Code District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO Unrestricted Restricted Prop 20 Lottery Adjustments and Proceeds: Net Beginning Balance, July 1 9010 Adjustments 9020 Adjusted Beginning Balance 322,144 9030 0 8681 1,379,200 322,144 Budget Fiscal Year Data State Lottery Proceeds: 441,775 Instructional Instructional & Institutional Materials Unrestricted Instructional Propostition 20 Support Total Support Activities Activities Activities Total Instructional (AC 0100-5900) (AC 6000-6700) (AC 6800-7390) Unrestricted (AC 0100-4900) Expenditures Academic Salaries 1000 1,379,200 1,379,200 Classified Salaries 2000 0 0 Employee Benefits 3000 0 0 Supplies & Materials 4000 0 1,379,200 Software 4100 0 Books, Magazines, & Periodicals 4200 0 Instructional Supplies & Materials 4300 0 Noninstructional Supplies & Mtrls 4400 Total Supplies and Materials 5000 Capital Outlay 6000 Library Books 6300 Equipment 6400 763,919 763,919 763,919 0 0 Other Operating Expenses and Services 0 763,919 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment - Additional 6410 0 0 Equipment - Replacement 6420 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay Other Outgo Total Expenditures 0 0 0 7000 0 1,379,200 0 Ending Balance Page 46 1,379,200 763,919 0 0 2,143,119 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Details of Education Protection Account Annual Financial and Budget Report For Actual Year: 2014-2015 EPA Revenue TOTAL Name: CABRILLO 9,982,558 Activity Classification Instructional Activities District ID: 410 Salaries and Operating Capital Activity Benefits Expenses Outlay Code (Obj 1000-3000) (Obj 4000-5000) (Obj 6000) 0100-5900 Total 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 Page 47 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Pension Costs Annual Financial and Budget Report For Actual Year: 2014-2015 Budget Year: 2015-2016 STRS District ID: 410 Name: CABRILLO PERS Increase Fiscal Year Amount Rate Amount Rate Total Amount Rate 2013-14 1,694,918 8.25% 1,886,196 11.44% Other 3,581,114 N/A N/A 2014-15 1,877,748 8.88% 1,726,879 11.77% 3,604,627 23,513 0.66% 2015-16 2,037,580 10.73% 1,816,356 11.85% 3,853,936 249,309 6.92% 2016-17 2,506,928 12.58% 1,950,572 13.05% 4,457,500 603,564 15.66% 2017-18 2,976,276 14.43% 2,347,627 16.60% 5,323,903 866,403 19.44% 2018-19 3,445,624 16.28% 2,526,582 18.20% 5,972,206 648,303 12.18% 2019-20 3,914,972 18.13% 2,716,721 19.90% 6,631,693 659,487 11.04% 2020-21 4,161,062 19.10% 2,772,644 20.40% 6,933,706 302,013 4.55% Does the district have a plan to fund these expenses through 2020-21? Yes Explain Yes or No Currently have set aside one-time Funding as well as implemented a budget reduction plan. However, in outer years, the District will need additional funding from the State, in order to cover the increasing costs of STRS and PERS. The district will re-assess and modify plan as needed. Page 48