Information Technology Program review & annual update Institutional goals & department objectives Spring 2014 Updated June 10, 2014 Information Technology Department Program Review 2014 annual update Prepared by: Dan Borges IT Director & CISO This report was prepared on 4/28/2014 and is the second annual plan prior to the 2012 Technology Plan and Program Review. This report looks specifically at the changes in the IT department throughout 2013 and the beginning of 2014. The first two sections cover department objectives; section 3 covers IT accomplishment over the previous year, and the last 3 sections cover institutional goals relating to technology. The goal of this document is to cover the two primary duties of IT: maintenance & support and project delivery providing value and benefit to the College. Table of Contents 1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................. 3 A) COURSE WORK AND CONFERENCES IN PREVIOUS YEAR......................................................................................................3 2. IT STAFF CHANGES & MODIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 5 A) THE 2013 IT STAFF CHANGES ...............................................................................................................................................5 B) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION CHART ........................................................................................................6 C) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEW IT POSITIONS .....................................................................................................................7 3. IT ACCOMPLISHMENT IN 2013........................................................................................................................ 8 A) TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................8 B) NETWORK & SERVER ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN ............................................................................................................8 C) CLIENT SERVICES & SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................................9 D) APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, DATA ANALYSIS, & WEB DESIGN ................................................................................... 10 E) STAFF DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 4. ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT PROGRAM PLAN & INSTITUTIONAL GOALS ....................................... 12 5. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 14 6. IT PROJECT FUNDING ..................................................................................................................................... 15 7. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................................................... 17 June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 1 Executive Summary The objective of the Information Technology department at Cabrillo College is to meet the technical demands and integration requirements through the efficient use of district resources for technology. This report covers both department objectives and intuitional goals relating to technology. The department includes four functional teams; Application, Network, Client Service, and Academic which support the technical needs of Students, Faculty, and Staff. The Tech Committee, which is based on the collegial principles of shared governance, assists the Information Technology department by providing advice and direction. Members from each of the three components sit on the Committee and provide valuable input. This document is an annual update process that started with the more comprehensive Technology Plan and Program Review of 2012. The primary areas for change included Professional development of IT staff, staff changes, accomplishments for the previous year and the department’s strategic direction based on key future projects. During the year, IT management worked collaboratively with other organizations throughout the state. The IT Director joined two boards, CISOA as the northern representative and 3cDUG as vice chair. The Manager of Network & Applications joined the 3cDUG board on the MIS team. Cabrillo hosted the 3cDUG conference in January 2014 where over 120 attendees joined the 2 day event. Lastly, the IT department received a commendation from the visiting Accreditation team based on the successful visit that took place in October 2013. In an effort to provide value for Cabrillo two inexpensive applications were provided for staff and faculty, both of which were related to Google applications. Lucidchart was configured for Cabrillo employees in early 2014 at no cost. In addition, a video conferencing application was evaluated by IT in response to the 2014 Visioning Day outcome. The application proved to be both functional and easy to use and could bring significant value to the College as it is rolled out. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 2 1. Professional Development A) Course work and conferences in previous year A significant amount of professional development including both conferences and training for the IT department took place throughout the year. The following list indicates each member of the department and the development opportunity. NAME POSITION Class Athena Locke Info Systems Analyst Staff Development CHUGADUG Ann Schwartz Computer Systems Maint Tech Byron Cornwell Info Systems Analyst Barbara Durland CTC Lab Coordinator Staff Development Tech Talk II Apple Security Solutions for Higher Ed 6/13/2013 Staff Development 6/13/13 6/13/13 Computer Systems Maint Tech Staff Development Dan Borges Director CISOA 2013 3CDUG CISOA Cert Network Administrator Holly Costa Telecom Network Administrator Kyle McCarthy Info Systems Analyst June 10, 2014 3/10/13-3/11/13 7/9/13-7/11/13 5/31/13-6/2/13 SoftDocs 9/23/13-9/26/13 CISOA Cert 9/27/13-9/29/13 CISOA Cert 12/6/13-12/8/13 Google Docs David Gilmore 3/8/14 Staff Development Chyrel Nicholson Rhea Leonard 6/13/13 6/13/2013 4/7/14-4/10/14 Carol Jacobs Instructor/CTC Lab Manager 6/13/2013 7/9/13-7/11/13 Staff Development Ellucian Live Computer Systems Maint Tech Help Desk/Network Support Ben TenCate Dates 1/18/14 3CDUG 1/22/14-1/23/14 CISOA 2014 2/23/14-2/26/14 Ellucian Live 2014 4/7/14-4/10/14 Staff Development 6/13/13 VM World 2013 8/28/13 Staff Development CISOA 2013 Google Docs Chug-a-Dug Ellucian IT annual update: 2014 6/13/13 3/10/13-3/13/13 1/18/14 7/9/13-7/11/13 Page 3 Research Fundamentals Rule Writing Comm. Management Federal Student Aid Softdocs Doc eScan Ellucian FA Softdocs Doc eFill 11/25/13 12/16/13-12/17/13 1/13/14-1/15/14 12/2/13-12/6/13 2/18/14-2/20/14 3/11/14-3/13/14 3/24/14-3/28/14 Kathy Williams Administrative Assistant Staff Development 6/13/13 Mikki Adams Network Administrator Staff Development 6/13/13 Matt Locke Computer Systems Maint Tech Staff Development 6/13/13 Melody Mills Computer Systems Maint Tech Staff Development 6/13/13 Marcelo Nogueira Lab Coordinator Marcy Wieland Info Systems Analyst Ray Rider Tech Services Manager Rhea Leonard Steve Wheeler Instructor/CTC Info Systems Analyst Chug-a-Dug Colleague Studio Prog. Fundamentals 11/4/13-11/8/13 Ellucian Live 4/7/14-4/10/14 Google Docs 1/18/14 Chug-a-Dug Ellucian Research Fundamentals Rule Writing Comm. Management Softdocs Doc eScan Ellucian FA Softdocs Doc eFill Wade Gil Systems Administrator Staff Development Spring Andrews Applications Manager Chug-A-Dug 7/9/13-7/11/13 11/25/13 12/16/13-12/17/13 1/13/14-1/15/14 2/18/14-2/20/14 3/11/14-3/13/14 3/24/14-3/28/14 6/13/13 7/9/13-7/11/13 VM World 2013 8/26/13-8/30/13 SoftDocs 9/23/13-9/26/13 Educause CISOA June 10, 2014 7/9/13-7/11/13 10/15/13-10/18/13 2/22/14-2/26/14 Ellucian Live 4/6/14-4/10/14 CACCRAO 4/28/13-5/1/13 IT annual update: 2014 Page 4 2. IT staff changes & modifications The IT department changed significantly in 2013, not only with key positions but also with the strategic direction. Changes were required to adapt to the technological landscape. One of the most significant things included moving four Network & System administrators from the former Technical Services group to the former Technical Applications group. The department was divided into two groups of two teams each: The Client Services group consists of the Client team and the Academic team and the Apps & Infrastructure group consists of the Applications team and the Network team. See the organization chart in section B. IT Organization Chart. There were 7 staff changes in 2013. A) The 2013 IT staff changes Applications team o Replaced retired Colleague analyst Dan Johnson retired in 2013 and was replaced by Kyle McCarthy in 2014 Network team o Replaced departed Network Administrator. Ryan Andres left Cabrillo in 2012 and was replaced by David Gilmore in 2013. o Replaced departed System Administrator. John Mauceri left Cabrillo in 2012 and was replaced by Matt Locke in 2013. Academic team o Replaced departed Computer System Maintenance Technician (CMST) April Hyder left Cabrillo in 2012 and was replaced by Alex Renteria in 2013. o Created new Helpdesk support assistant Jordin Rouch started as HAWK SIM Lab Tech in 2013. o Replaced departed CMST Matt Locke was promoted from CMST on Academic team and was replaced by Greg Garrett in 2013. Client team o Moved CMST position from Library to Client team Ben Ten Cate was moved from the Academic team in Watsonville to the Client team in Aptos using the former Library position. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 5 B) Information Technology organization chart The following organization chart shows the two IT groups and the four teams. The retirement of Ray Rider, Manager of Technical Services, in April 2014 has created a vacancy that should be filled before the Fall 2014 semester. The next significant change, the retirement of faculty member and Lab Coordinator Barb Durland, is expected in June 2014. To fill this vacancy, the faculty member and Lab Coordinator from Watsonville will take the position at the Aptos CTC. A decision was made to replace the vacated Watsonville faculty position with a classified position to better support the facility. Additionally, teaching units will be used to hire an adjunct in Watsonville to perform oversight of the lab. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 6 C) Recommendations for new IT positions IT is a unique department at the Cabrillo with wide-ranging responsibility over all aspects of the College with the knowledge, skill, and expertise to deliver productivity, efficiency, and value. Investment into IT has proven to directly benefit the entire College. The following new positions are important and could enhance the College at a core level using the specific skill sets indicated. 1. Applications Programmer 1 The Apps team has wide ranging responsibility over systems and applications related to the Colleague ERP and related systems. In the administration of system and applications, the Apps team needs assistance on project implementation with other business units on campus. This position would enable the team to bridge some of the gaps that exist between the system interface requirements, the IT department and the business unit. 2. IT Project Manager A Project Manager position would assist IT with the objective of running projects and delivering value to the College, especially with Instruction classroom deployment. The recent Tech Refresh project proved that having a central contact with responsibility and coordination assignments greatly enables the department’s ability to foster improvements quickly at the College. The position would help IT to quickly adapt to business unit requirements thus helping to enable business unit productivity and student success. 3. Instruction Support Technician In 2013 the SIM lab tech position was created and grant funded. This has proven valuable for the complex SIM lab tests that take place each semester. Recently the VAPA division has defined a similar need specifically in the Music department but generally additional support requirements apply throughout VAPA. This position would assist Instruction with focused IT support that would promote student success. 4. Network Administrator 1 The IT department has many functional lines of responsibilities. Many of the areas overlap each other with skill, knowledge, and experience. In the administration of system and network duties, the network team interfaces with the server team, the desktop team and the service desk. The department and the college could gain significant benefit by creating a position that can coordinate projects with these different groups. 5. Data Analysis & Auditor MIS data is now tied closely to budget. The College has a need for a person who understands data as it relates to data systems as well as requirements applicable with Cabrillo’s regulatory agencies. This duty and responsibility for IT now falls under the Manager of Network & Applications. Since many hours are spent with research and analysis, the department and the college require a data auditing expert. This position would provide satisfaction that Cabrillo data requirements are adhered to. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 7 3. IT Accomplishment in 2013 The department was busy in 2013 closing out projects for A) Technology infrastructure & building construction, B) Network & server architecture and design, C) Client Services & support, D) Application development, data analysis, & web design, F) Staff development. A) Technology infrastructure & building construction Four significant construction projects required IT effort throughout 2013. The projects were either infrastructure upgrades or Smart Classroom development. B800 / STEM building redesign: This project was quite extensive considering over 600 network connections were deployed. The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math departments of the NAS division were moved to B800 from many different campus locations. One of those departments included the Computer and Information Systems (CIS) group and their entire data center. This important resource operates in a virtual 24/7 environment for students. Additionally 9 new Smart Classrooms were deployed in the building, a few with dual projectors to enhance the Instructional experience for students. The building was completed in time for the fall semester of 2013. B600 Smart Classroom design: The building 600 project created 4 new Smart Classrooms in place of 15 small rooms. This bond project improved Instructional technology for the NAS division and will be ready for the spring 2014 semester. Using new HDMI switch technology, the Smart Classrooms in B600 (as well as in B800) have simplified the technological controls for Instructors. B100 core infrastructure upgrade: The network core modifications started in October 2013. The primary emphasis for this project included an improved work location for Student Service employees and students. It also included improving the network infrastructure in scope for the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) of the upper campus hub for all buildings. A proper Data Center for all the core switching equipment was designed with environmental monitoring and controls which were previously lacking. Additionally, new fiber runs were deployed for the B300 video surveillance project. B300 video surveillance deployment: To improve the safety and security of Cabrillo staff, faculty, and students an IP video surveillance project was deployed. To limit impacts on the network by increasing bandwidth, direct fiber links were deployed between B300, B350, B400, and B450 and the network core in B100. The heart of the video system includes a Network Video Recorder (NVR) which is housed in the main B1300 MDF and is utilized by the Sheriff. The system was designed to require very little effort by IT staff for service and support requirements. B) Network & server architecture and design This area develops technology to improve IT services & capability by managing or creating better resources, services, and support for the College. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 8 Telecommunication / Voice System: A project to upgrade of the Cisco VOIP (Voice over Internet protocol) has been funded and is planned to be upgraded during the spring 2014 break. The current configuration of five physical servers will be modified as the IT department deploys two new server blades into the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) chassis. All VOIP services will be housed in Cabrillo’s virtual server environment. Additionally, a fault tolerant, fail over solution for the Voice network using the Watsonville network has been designed into the plan. Server Administration: New Counseling schedule, tracking, and student contact system: Application was purchased and designed in 2013 with full deployment scheduled for spring 2014. This system was migrated from a physical to a virtual environment with a Text messaging component to contact students. Stanley security system upgrade project: This project consolidated two disparate physical Stanley servers, each with different target systems, into one virtual combined virtual system. An upgrade of the many dozens of wireless WI-Q access points was performed over the period of a month. Virtual system health check: An outside vendor was brought in to analyze and validate the configuration of Cabrillo’s virtual servers and network. Work order system consolidation: Two physical server applications, Maintenance Tracker and Tech40 were retired in favor of a new Work order tracking system for both IT and FPPO called Trackit. Astra scheduler upgrade: The application was upgraded to gain more advanced features to provide key user data. Full implementation is scheduled for fall 2014. Network Administration: Several improvements were made to increase bandwidth of the trunk lines into and out of the Aptos campus. The connection to the Watsonville campus was more than doubled from 100 megabits to a 250 megabit connection. This helped to improve network traffic and latency between the two sites, especially for the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). The connection to the Scotts Valley campus was upgraded from 1.5 megabits to 100 megabits. This enabled IT to remove an old & failing server from the Scotts Valley MDF that was required for user authentication due to the limited connection. The Bookstore was moved off the Aptos core network as they received their own connection to the Internet as Barnes and Noble took over management of this student resource. The CIS network connection to the Internet was moved from Aptos core resources and rerouted to Cabrillo’s backup 45 megabit circuit decreasing requirements on the Aptos gigabit primary circuit. C) Client services & support This area performs direct technology support and services for faculty, staff, and students. It is comprised of academic technology of the Computer Technology Centers (Watsonville & Aptos) and the administrative support team. Trackit work order & ticketing system: The system was deployed in spring 2013 helped the Administrative Services component provide a consistent interface for all faculty and staff requiring service or support from either IT or FPPO. Training videos for users and June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 9 technicians alike were created to provide employees the knowledge and skills to become proficient in the use of a new resource. The more advanced service desk system has key features that improve the ability to provide user support. Other key features include improving effectiveness with the implementation of workflow improving technician efficiency. Smart Classrooms and Multimedia: Many additional Smart Classrooms were completed in 2013 & added to the 13 mentioned above. Full classroom upgrades included room 712 for NAS, 450 & 1606 for HASS, and 1093 &1094 for BELA. Projector upgrades included 2105, 2113, 2210, 2212, and 2214 for HAWK. An IP networking projector project has been developed to more easily monitor projector resources throughout the campus. One third of the campus projectors (about 50-60 units) have been networked are being tracked. Technology Refresh: Planning took place to evenly divide both restricted and nonrestricted budget across all parts of the campus. As many of the items were received in December 2013, the deployment will take place in spring of 2014. The equipment in the pipeline includes: 190 computers, 115 zero clients, 16 carts, 25 projectors, 18 visualizers, and 9 mobile Smart Boards that will benefit 110 faculty & staff, 30 Smart Classrooms, and 7 labs. Labs & Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): The VDI system is now two years old and has paid significant dividends by having diminished service and support requirements in virtualized labs. In spring 2013 an additional 270 zero clients were deployed in room 318, 516, and the Writing Center (BELA), Transfer Center & EOPS for Student Services, the CTC, the Library, and A214, A210, and A310 in Watsonville. In fall 2013 124 more zero clients were setup in 507, 513, 515, and the ESL lab & the Puente lab. To support the growing infrastructure, investments were made in additional memory for the server blades. From a support and maintenance requirement, the Unidesk software application was purchased to more easily manage the virtual infrastructure with more efficient use of resources and better standards and methods for virtual pool deployment. Future deployments will include the Reading center, the Assessment center, Math center, and the Watsonville CTC. D) Application development, data analysis, & web design This area covers the development aspect of the department and covers the Colleague Enterprise Resource & Planning (ERP) system and other college based applications including web development and maintenance. Student Planning: A web tool for students and counselors used to develop an Education plan that is integrated with Colleague ERP. This tool is informed by the students' program of study and displays progress toward reaching their goal by evaluating past and current courses as well as their planned courses up to 3 years into the future. After students have planned courses, they can register by a click of a button on their plan. Beginning in spring June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 10 2013 counselors will be able to archive an approved plan and staff working in areas that require Education Plans will be able to access these plans online. Accreditation team: The IT department developed an Intranet site using Google Sites that was referenced and used by the visiting team during the site visit in October. The evidence that was posted helped the visiting team get a good perspective on IT department goals, objectives, and accomplishments. Data Management Advisory Team: The goal of this project was to redefine the reporting procedures, processes, and activities for Cabrillo to improve reporting practices. MIS reporting is tied to SB1456, data accuracy is critical for Cabrillo. After establishing a single point of contact for reporting & creating a data task team the annual timeline with specific college reporting requirements. Lastly data management roles and responsibilities were established. SQL Data Warehouse: Advances in the College’s SQL-DW took place during the year. As the IT department teamed up with the Planning and Research department, many SQL reports were developed showing data from the single definitive source which is Colleague via Export Transform, and Load (ETL) procedures. The most recent phase of the SQL-DW included the formation of data cubes that can be used to more easily extract complex data. E) Staff development This section covers the development of the department based on people resources and requirements. Staff Changes: Many staff were new to the IT department at Cabrillo or were new to their new positions. Two system administrator positions were filled (one via an internal candidate) and three Computer Systems Maintenance Technicians were filled (two via former student hourly workers). Two new positions came into the department; one from the Library and the other being a new grant funded SIM tech position. One position was moved from the academic side due to the need on the administrative side. It was further made possible by the maintenance and support savings experienced by the labs that have migrated to VDI. Staff Training: In 2013 the emphasis of training has been placed on the changing ERP environment to the new SQL based data in a Microsoft .net framework. The classes that staff has taken have included: Colleague Studio: ELF Programming & Programming Fundamentals and Self Service Customization. In addition to the K-alliance software training subscription application, the Colleague ‘Just in Time’ subscription library has proven to be valuable resources for the Applications team. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 11 4. Administrative Unit Program Plan & Institutional Goals Name of Unit: Information Technology Date: 5/6/2014 College Mission Statement: Cabrillo College is a dynamic, diverse, and responsive educational community dedicated to helping all students achieve their academic, career, and personal development goals. Unit Mission Statement: The objective of the IT department at Cabrillo College is to align department objectives with Institutional goals thus meeting the technical demands and integration requirements through the efficient use of district resources for technology. Support & project delivery are the 2 primary duties to provide value and benefit to the College. Key Responsibilities 1. Provide network and infrastructure for Cabrillo College 2. Design and implement Instructional technology 3. Ensure secure and valid data for enrollment and reporting purposes 4. Develop proficient and productive desktop application environment 5. Provide cost effective service to the college both with one time and annual funding Administrative Unit Outcomes or Goals AUO Assessments Students at Cabrillo College will access Wireless network has technology to enhance their learning improved access for environment and contribute to their students. academic success. Cabrillo faculty and staff will utilize Access to electronic technology and services to support resources for all faculty and their efforts to encourage a successful staff has provided value for college environment college employees Status Bandwidth and user metrics will validate The number of Smart Classrooms increased by 35 in 2013 Multiple year objectives The following list itemizes the IT projects that are needed to meet institutional goals with both short term and long term impact sorted by priority. All items have a budget requirement component: Budget source Project Reason Cost When 2012 Tech Plan 1 College Virtualize Colleague EOL: Sun box $25,000 14-15 Page 52: Applications long term goal #4 2 College Windows XP replacement EOL: Microsoft $95,000 14-15 Page 57: Client Service goal #1 3 College Firewall Service Mod EOL: failed recently $155,400 14-15 Page 55: Operations goal #5 June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 12 4 IT Professional development institutional effectiveness $42,000 14-15 Page 57: Client Service goal #3 5 College Identity Management improve security $70,000 14-15 Page 53: Operations goal #2 6 College IPAM for DNS, DHCP EOL: appliance $36,000 14-15 Page 53: Operations goal #2 7 College RADIUS Server ID engines $37,000 14-15 Page 53: Operations goal #2 8 College Video surveillance protect infrastructure $27,000 14-15 9 College Fiber 600, 1000, 1050 bad infrastructure $27,000 14-15 10 College Cisco Prime NCS licences for network devices $10,000 14-15 11 College Voice Gateway EOL $51,825 15-16 Page 55: Operations goal #5 12 College VDI for Staff promote efficiencies $35,000 14-15 Page 57: Client Service goal #1 13 College Emergency phones phase 3 $34,000 14-15 Page 55: Operations long term goal #3 14 College Fire Suppress protect MDF $65,000 15-16 Page 55: Operations goal #5 15 College Move 450 IDF hot shared FPPO space $20,000 15-16 Page 55: Operations goal #5 16 College Syslog system + IDS $25,000 15-16 17 College Move 700 IDF upgrade fiber $52,000 15-16 Page 55: Operations goal #5 18 SIE or Lottery Replace Projectors help instruction $155,000 14-15 Page 55: Operations long term goal #2 19 SIE or Lottery WIFI upgrade improve coverage $52,000 14-15 Page 55: Operations long term goal #1 20 SIE or Lottery Repl UPS batteries EOL: power off issue $55,000 14-15 Page 55: Operations goal #5 21 SIE or Lottery Premises switches EOL $78,000 14-15 Page 55: Operations goal #5 22 SIE or Lottery Colleague to SQL effective data environment $210,000 15-16 Page 52: Applications long term goal #4 23 SIE or Lottery Student Portal student success $135,000 15-16 Page 52: Applications long term goal #4 June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 55: Operations goal #5 Page 13 5. Strategic Objectives The Cabrillo IT department follows a specific strategy when new requirements develop. They can come from any of the areas of the College and are specifically identified and discussed at the monthly Tech Committee. There are many project priorities which are documented in the IT Priorities Smartsheet. The following list contains the key projects divided by the responsible area and were reported in the previous year. The status of the project is indicated to have been either recently completed, currently in process, planned to start soon, or need budget to begin. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 1 Support Student Success: Ed Plans, Matric, etc. 2 Develop Reporting strategy: SQL cubes, DMAT 3 Virtualize Colleague 4 Migrate Colleague to SQL 5 Implement Colleague Requisition process 6 Design integrated student portal In process In process Complete 8/14 Start 10/14 Not started Not started Applications 1 Complete SARS migration 2 Complete Astra implementation 3 Implement CCCapply & Shiboleth 4 Authentication processes and protocol: Identity Mgmt 5 Develop integrated Email & Calendar Complete 8/14 Deploy 8/14 Finish 6/14 Need budget Not started Planning 1 Annual Tech Plan update 3 Academic & Administrative IT procedures 4 Electronic & Physical security Complete 5/14 In process In process Infrastructure 1 Implement VOIP 2 Upgrade IPAM & ID engines 3 Install SAN Shelf Completed 3/14 Evaluation In process Client Services 1 Tech Refresh 2 Deploy faculty/staff VDI 3 IT Student Worker Academy In process Start 6/14 In Process June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 14 6. IT Project Funding The following items have been identified through equipment end-of-life, system analysis, and advice or recommendations from the Tech Committee for the 14-15 and 15-16 fiscal years. The categories are consolidated into related areas and are sorted by current priority. Team Budget source Project Reason Cost When 2012 Tech Plan Client services 1 IT-CS College Windows XP replacement EOL $95,000 14-15 Page 57: CS #1 2 ITOps College VDI for Staff promotes efficiencies $35,000 14-15 Page 57: CS #1 Academic services 1 ITNet SIE or Lottery Repl IDF UPS EOL power off issue $55,000 14-15 Page 55: Ops #5 2 ITNet SIE or Lottery Replace Projectors Tech Refresh phase 2 $155,000 14-15 Ops LT #2 3 ITNet SIE or Lottery Premises switches EOL Solve wiring needs $78,000 14-15 Page 55: Ops #5 4 ITNet SIE or Lottery WIFI upgrade improve coverage $52,000 14-15 Page 55: Ops LT #1 Infrastructure 1 ITNet College EOL and failed recently $155,400 14-15 Page 55: Ops #5 College Firewall Service Modules Repl fiber to 600, 1000, 1050 2 ITNet Infrastructure failing $29,000 14-15 Page 55: Ops #5 3 ITOps College Cisco Prime NCS Licenses all network devices $10,000 14-15 4 ITNet College Voice Gateway EOL $51,825 15-16 Page 55: Ops #5 5 ITNet College Repl Emer phones Phase 3 $34,000 15-16 Page 55: Ops LT #3 6 ITNet College 1300MDF Fire Suppress Protect infrastructure $65,000 15-16 Page 55: Ops #5 7 ITNet College Move 450 IDF & rewire CAT6 Hot shared space $20,000 15-16 Page 55: Ops #5 June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 15 8 ITNet College Syslog troubleshoot IDS $25,000 15-16 9 ITNet College Move 700 IDF Upgrade fiber $52,000 15-16 Page 55: Ops #5 Improve electronic security $70,000 14-15 Page 53: Ops #2 Security 1 ITOPS College Identity Management 2 ITNet College Video surveillance Protect infrastructure $27,000 14-15 Page 55: Ops #5 3 ITOps College IPAM for DNS, DHCP failing EOL appliance $36,000 14-15 Page 53: Ops #2 4 ITOPS College RADIUS Server ID engines $37,000 14-15 Page 53: Ops #2 Applications 1 ITApps College Virtualize Colleague move from EOL Sun box $90,000 14-15 Page 52: Apps LT #4 2 ITApps Title V Colleague to SQL effective data environment $210,000 14-15 Page 52: Apps LT #4 3 ITApps Title V Student Portal Student Success $135,000 14-15 Page 52: Apps LT #4 $42,000 14-15 Page 57: CS #3 Professional Development 1 June 10, 2014 ITDept IT IT Professional development Skills required for institutional effectiveness IT annual update: 2014 Page 16 7. Conclusion There were significant changes in the IT Department in 2013. There was a lot of attrition due to layoffs, retirements, and filling positions. Staff training effort was extensive throughout the year. Many tangible benefits were realized with the use of more advanced techniques to not only deliver complex and technical projects to the users of Cabrillo College but also with more advanced technology such as the VDI and SQL environments. Many projects have successfully raised and transformed the IT environment to the cutting edge of technology. The Desktop support area is a vital concern for both the Client team and the Academic team. Microsoft Windows XP is now end of life and there are over 150 XP clients still resident on the campus that need to be replaced. Also as Smart Classroom requirements techniques have become more complex and critical in the classroom; the IT department has modified Academic technology methods needed to stay current with technology due in a large part to the Tech Refresh project that began in late 2013. A significant part of the Cabrillo infrastructure is aging at a rapid rate. This includes the Firewall Service Modules, connection points to specific upper campus buildings, the UPS environments for the IDFs, switches, access points, but especially the Colleague platform. These areas need to be addresses to ensure a reliable and responsive network. June 10, 2014 IT annual update: 2014 Page 17