Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services Program Planning Assessment Report, 2012-13 I. PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW The Administrative Services component of Cabrillo College strongly encourages and supports the college mission, ensuring that Cabrillo College is a dynamic, diverse and responsive educational community dedicated to helping all students achieve their academic, career and personal development goals. Our purpose is to promote better understanding and participation of the college community in the District’s institutional and budget planning processes, provide the effective use of District resources through its functional units (see organizational chart) Human Resources, Information Technology, Purchasing, Risk Management, Budget, Fiscal Services, Payroll, Auxiliary Services (Food Services, Duplications, Vending Bookstore), Maintenance & Operations, Facilities Development Office,) and to provide administrative support services that promote effective delivery of education and support services to students, faculty and staff. The Vice President’s Office schedules and facilitates the Administrative Services Council, Bookstore, Facilities Planning Advisory Committee meetings and negotiations with faculty and classified bargaining units. The Vice President of Administrative Services serves as a member of Cabinet, Administrative Council, the College Planning Council, and is the Chief Negotiator for the college. It should be noted that The Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services was moved from the upper campus where it was co-located with the President and the Vice President of Instruction to the lower campus near Facilities Planning and Plant Operations in January 2012. The location has created some challenges in terms of visibility and communication with the campus community Individual Department/Programs and Services directly under the Office of Administrative Services: A. Office of Administrative Services Benefits Bond/COC Management/ Staff Recruitment Program review B. Business Office Budget support, Planning and Development o Preliminary and Final Budgets o Year-end closure Budget Planning Committee and Task Force Meetings Contract Administration Fiscal Support o Accounts Payable o Accounts Receivable o Bond Presentations and Town Hall Meetings College-wide planning Financial reports o 311 (State MIS) o Monthly financial statements to the Board o Annual/Quarterly Emergency preparedness Union Relations/Negotiations Student ServicesCollege Bank Processes student payments & financial aid distributions. Payroll Accurately processes paychecks for all college employees. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 1 of 9 o District wide Audit Accounting C. Human Resources Recruitment Classification Compensation reports to funding agencies o Sales and use tax reports Compliance/Reporting Benefits Administration Processes all accounts receivable transactions for the college Labor/Collective Bargaining Orientation Evaluation D. Facilities Planning and Development Capital Outlay Maintenance & Operations Energy Management Emergency Preparedness E. Information Technology Academic Computing Administrative Computing F. Purchasing, Warehouse, Risk Management and Auxiliary Services Purchasing Risk Management Warehouse Mail Services Bookstore Food Services Compliance reporting to STRS/PERS & other agencies. Remits tax & retirement payments to state, federal and local agencies Legal Staff Development Custodial Services Bond Construction College-wide Network Services and Support Duplications Vending Staffing The Vice President’s Office includes two full-time equivalent employees: the Vice President and the Confidential Executive Assistant. II. Administrative Unit Outcomes The Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services utilizes Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUO) to measure what the users of our services know, or understand after interacting with our office. Our AUO states: Cabrillo College staff, faculty and managers will be able to make critical budget decisions that are informed by adequate financial information provided by the Administrative Services Office. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 2 of 9 While the main customers of our services are the entire college and local community, students benefit from our services directly and indirectly, and are our most important customers. The Office the Vice President, Administrative Services has direct interaction with students through the annual Student Senate retreat, individual meetings with students, presentations to the student senate, and various other activities throughout the year. The primary services to students are through services provided to college faculty, staff, and administration and to the broader outside community the college serves. The Office of Administrative Services created a Budget Information Center web page to keep the Cabrillo community informed about the college's response to the state budget crisis. The Vice President’s Office updates the webpage with the most-up-to-date information locally and from Sacramento. The Vice President develops and delivers presentations to the college community and the Governing Board on the status of the budget and funding for college programs and services. The Vice President prepares budget projections and the timeline for the accurate, timely completion of the Preliminary and Final Budget documents. Board agenda items are prepared for the Governing Board on all financial and budgetary matters as well. The Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services engages in ongoing assessment of operations and administrative activities on the main Aptos campus as well as the two satellite education centers in Watsonville and Scotts Valley in order to continuously improve support of Cabrillo’s overall mission. The chart below summarizes the activities that are used to measure our AUO. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 3 of 9 Service/Activity AUO Provides the college community with adequate, accurate and understandable communications regarding financial planning. Goal to Achieve Outcome Effectively plan and prepare budget updates and presentation for the college community Outcome Measurement Board Agendas and minutes: ations/governingboard/201213 %20Minutes%20and%20Agen das.html Goal Timeline Conduct budget training: College Planning Council and the Governing Board Budget information webpage: Cost 2013-14: Session I budget training with CPC conducted on 9/18/13. al/adminservices/budgetcenter/ CPC webpage: es/president/Governance/CPC/ CPC.html Directs college services and support functions including but not limited to Business Operations Human Resources Technology Facilities Planning Campus Safety Purchasing, Risk Mgmt, Contract Admin Auxiliary Svcs Coordinate and organize individual and committee meetings to plan and implement service plans. Survey to review effective, timely development and distribution of agendas and minutes Facilitator of collegial and productive meetings Increase efficiency by partnering with Purchasing to purchase a new copier/scanner. Paperless delivery of budget materials, agendas and minutes to the college. Resources: Hire student help as needed to help the Confidential Executive Assistant during peak production work times. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 4 of 9 2013-14 Cyclical student support will be added during peak periods $11-12,000 split between Purchasing and VPA Service/Activity AUO Goal to Achieve Outcome Outcome Measurement Goal Timeline Serves as the chief negotiator with the faculty-classified employee unions Serves as contract administrator Plans & directs employee benefit programs Develop timeline and process for effective negotiation of contracts Timely development of o Agendas o board items o negotiations timeline o meetings and o documentation of contracts Provides ongoing support to the unions for the resolution of bargaining unit issues Expand college facilities and oversee bond expenditures Develop agendas and serve as a resource for the Citizens’ Oversight Committee Bond Oversight Committee webpage: rnal/facilities/measured/ Develop Budget Model to fund Total Cost of Ownership Model for Facilities & FMP for facilities maintenance 2013-14 TBD Responds to information requests; Disseminate and/or refer accurate information in a timely manner Coordinate and facilitate the compilation of information with appropriate department. Timely submission of data and/or responses to information requests/surveys Survey to review effectiveness Develop a system within the office to track information requests and responses Ongoing TBD Maintain positive union relationships M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 5 of 9 Ongoing Cost TBD Service/Activity AUO Remain accessible to the campus community. Maintain positive rapport with depts, faculty, staff, students and the public. The Vice President serves as the chair for the Benefits Committee Facilities Planning Advisory Committee Bookstore Administrative Services Managers Council Co-Chair of Goal Area B implementation team Goal to Achieve Outcome Strengthen process for effective internal communications Develop agendas and serve as a resource Outcome Measurement Relocate the VPAS office to a centralized location with the president and other members of the executive administrative leadership. Solicit feedback, meet with other offices on a regular basis. Goal Timeline Increase visibility The Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services will increase visibility on campus by o attending division and department meetings, o hosting annual component staff meetings or open houses. Relocate the Vice President’s Office back to upper campus to a more prominent location. The office should be collocated with other members of the executive administrative leadership. Ongoingmeetings events will be calendared. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 6 of 9 October 3 component, Staff meeting scheduled. TBD- a location has not been identified. Cost TBD— hospitality funds may be used to host events Survey and Feedback The Office of Administrative Services gathered data and information in 2012-13 via a college-wide feedback survey in the fall of 2012. The survey was taken at the height of the state budget crisis and in the midst of concession bargaining with all employee groups. This survey response group provided input, including assessment of performance feedback in many key areas. In consideration of these customers, and the types of services provided, the Office of Administrative Services asked for feedback regarding: 1. Staff accessibility 2. Ability to obtain information in a timely manner 3. Referrals for assistance as appropriate 4. Provides adequate and understandable communications regarding financial planning 5. Organization of committees and other meetings in an effective and timely manner 6. Confidentiality 7. Accuracy of information 8. Essential information in a timely manner 9. Positive rapport 10. Transparency of process 11. Neutral and objective information 12. Usefulness of webpage The feedback from the survey was used to develop broad based goals for improvement. Staff/Faculty Survey for Program Review, Fall 2012 Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services Summary of OpenāEnded Written Comments A total of 115 staff and faculty responded to an online survey September 7 – 14, 2012, for the purpose of program review and evaluation of the Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services. Of a total of 115 respondents, 46 (40%) answered the last question, below, which provided space for open ended written comments. The following is a summary of those verbatim comments, by topic, followed by the survey instrument used. What suggestions would you offer to improve the working relationship of the Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services with the campus community? M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 7 of 9 Areas for Review: Summary of Open Ended Questions by Topic 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Employee Employee Relations/ Relations/ Communications Communications Related to Budget Accolades Suggestions for improvements Haven't Miscellaneous Used/Not Familiar with OAS All areas of disagreement or strong disagreement responses within the survey were reviewed. These areas will be reviewed in more detail, and future surveys and follow-up from the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services will include the solicitation of specific ideas on how to streamline or improve the following: 11.8% of respondents disagreed that the information received from the Office of Vice President, Administrative Services is accurate. 14.2% of the respondents disagreed that the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services staff is accessible. 14.2% of the respondents disagreed that information may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services in a timely manner. 16.8% of respondents disagreed that the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services maintains a positive rapport with departments, faculty, staff and the public. 19.8% of the respondents disagreed that the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services provides the college community with adequate and understandable communications regarding financial planning. 20.4% of the respondents disagreed that the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services communicates new essential information that affects my department in a timely manner. 24.5% of respondents disagreed that the Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services process are transparent. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 8 of 9 Additional Comments: It should be noted that the State of California and the California Community Colleges have been in the midst of one of the worst fiscal crises in recent times. The Vice President (CBO) has developed the fiscal reduction strategies for the college and led the negotiation process during this difficult cycle. The workload for the office during the reduction cycle was unprecedented. It is unknown how these factors impacted survey results for this office. Two themes emerged within the additional feedback section of the survey: Several comments noted the desire for the Office of the VPAS to be more accessible and/or “visible,” (e.g. on campus, in meetings, at Division meetings, open office hours, travel to other locations). The need for improved communication – specifically the need for it to have consistency, transparency (as it pertains to processes), clarity and timeliness. M:\Bachuretz,Tatiana\Tatianas connections\internal\adminservices\Admin Services Prog Reviews\2013-14 VPAS Program Plan Report tb.docx Page 9 of 9