Minutes +Committee Name: Administrative Services Managers Council Minutes Date: 10/7/2014 Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: Conference room 2030 Attendees: Guests: X X X X X Spring Andrews Dan Borges Diane Goody Oscar Guillen Michelle Donohue X X X X Hart Hancock Victoria Lewis Loree McCawley Graciano Mendoza Item Topic and Discussion 1. 2. 3. Introductions/Adopt Agenda Approve Meeting Minutes: August 5, 2014 Review Action Items from last meeting: None. Dean Donohue presented See Something, Say Something, Do Something folders which gives guidance on how to help distressed students. There were 183 cases last year. Conduct appears on the rise and the cases are more complex. It appears the red folders help people feel more comfortable to report. 4. 5. Smoking Policy: Effective January 1, 2015, the campus will be a no smoking campus. The policy was vetted through Safety Committee and Board approved on 10/6/14. We will note where the trouble spots are and will respond as needed. The policy was vetted through the student senate. There are stop smoking workshops in October and November. A peer cessation support group is forming. Vaping is included in the no smoking policy. The challenge with disciplinary follow up is that students do not want to disclose their name. Sheriff can issue a citation at 20 feet from any public building including community colleges. Sheriff will look to us for guidance on where to push people to discipline or issue a citation. That is the next piece to get in place. X X X X Topic Lead Time on topic Victoria Victoria 3 Mins 3 Mins 3 Mins Michelle 5 Mins Joe Nugent Roy Pirchio Michael Robins Shelley West Action By Whom/ When Primary Effectiveness Link Approved Victoria Encourage participation in 10/24/14 training in dealing with distressed students. All Strategic Plan 4&5 Strategic Plan 2 Victoria 10 Mins O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Managers\2014-15 ASM Meetings\100714ASMminstb.docx Page 1 of 3 Minutes Item 6. 7. 8. Topic and Discussion Updates: Hart is currently working on XP updates. IT will support Windows 7 even though it is somewhat out of date. Tech Refresh was approved by the board last night. Departmental Program Review Schedule The template is simple—2 pages—and has flexibility to include or separate sections in a department. Some Administrative Services plans are not completed. Please try to get at least one done this year. Victoria will send the template for the plan. It is not an annual update template. Terrence will remove the section for AUOs. Board Policy/Administrative Procedure Updates: Victoria noted that we are distributing the draft policies as an FYI to the managers. We will continue to send these APs and BPs. Please raise questions if you have them. 9. Classified Prioritization Process Recommendations were supported by CPC and were approved by the Board last night. Carry over allocations were approved. Spending may begin. 10. Other: As part of the governance structure accreditation recommendation, the Safety and Sustainability Committees will become subcommittees of FPC to close the reporting loop with the College Planning Council (CPC). Auditors will be here next week. Please submit your information. The deadline is shorter than before. Michael thanked Loree and Diane for the mandated reporter training request due by 11/1/14. The risk management pool required compliance by 12/31/14. The HR effort will meet the deadline. Oscar working on van checkout video for faculty. Spring is working on a google parking pass document. Topic Lead Time on topic Action Victoria 5 Mins Victoria 5 Mins Victoria 5 Mins Victoria 5 Mins O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Managers\2014-15 ASM Meetings\100714ASMminstb.docx Give Tatiana dates if not correct in the table. Get the new form and template on the P drive. By Whom/ When Primary Effectiveness Link Program Plans Institutional Stewardship and Responsibilities Program Plans Institutional Stewardship and Responsibilities Program Plans Institutional Stewardship and Responsibilities Program Plans Institutional Stewardship and Responsibilities If interested in Keenan Safe Colleges training, contact Michael. Page 2 of 3 Minutes Item 11. 12. Topic and Discussion Topic Lead Time on topic Action By Whom/ When Primary Effectiveness Link Summary/Agenda Building Next meeting date: Meeting Summary/Take Aways: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. Effectiveness Links 1. 5. Facilities Plan 6. Technology Plan 3. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) Strategic Plan 1. Professional Development and Transformational Learning 2. Sustainable Programs and Services 3. Community Partnerships and Economic Vitality 4. Institutional Stewardship 5. Institutional Responsibilities Board Goals 7. Program Plans 4. Education Master Plan 8. Student Equity Plan 2. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Tatiana Bachuretz O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Managers\2014-15 ASM Meetings\100714ASMminstb.docx Page 3 of 3