ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Sesnon House Rm 1804 23rd of March 2006 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll call @ James Chris Chante John Laura Tom Tom Joel Mil Voting members: 9 Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 7 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 6 Approval of the Agenda Move to add info item Club Day by Chante second Chris Move to add action item Running Start by Mil second Chris Move to add info item Pictures Move to add info item ICC Bylaws by Allison second Mil Move to add info item Finals Week by Tom second Tom Move to add info item Debit Card by Tom second Chris Move to approve minutes Motion Carries Unanimously 2. 3. II. Approval of the Minutes Move to amend minutes to read “minutes” not “agenda” by Laura second John Motion Carries Unanimously PUBLIC COMMENTS 5 Minutes (each) None III. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5 minutes 1. Discussion of Agenda Building Proposed items must be submitted in writing or via email before the following Monday. 2. Minutes Minutes will be posted on the ASCC groupsite in addition to a printed copy in the Senate office and Student Affairs office IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT V. REVIEW AND VOTE ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW SENATORS VI. ACTION ITEMS 1. Laptop for Wireless Technician Chris 5 minutes Information on possible purchase of a laptop for our new wireless technician. 2. Running Start Mil Asking for $400 from the programs account for supplies and food to recruit high school students to attend Cabrillo College. Move to approve no more than $400 for Running Start by Mil second by Chante 10-1-0 Motion Carries VII. 1. INFORMATION ITEMS SB 840, the California Health Insurance Liability Act Ryan 10 Minutes Information on possible endorsement of grassroots effort to support California State Senate Bill 840 which provides healthcare for all Californians. Guest speaker Bill Linford of “Healthcare for All” Santa Cruz chapter will provide info. SB 840 would make health coverage a state run program and eliminate private health coverage in California. It would be paid for by revenue generated from taxes. 2. HR 4437 Ryan 10 Minutes Information on the effect that this Federal bill would have on Cabrillo students. This bill would “criminalize those who provide basic aid to illegal immigrants”. The bill would also deputize local law enforcement to report immigration violations to INS “ruining decades of efforts in community policing”. It would also “militarize the border”. 3. Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization and Student Fee Reduction Act Ryan 5 Minutes Information on the effort to qualify and pass this proposed initiative which would rollback fees, protect community college’s revenue stream, and otherwise support community college education from our leg rep. The act proposes (among other things) to separate the funding of community colleges from K-12 schools. 4. Club Day Chante April 6th in the quad to promote clubs and elections and to raise money for Joe Matthews to get a heart transplant 5. New Senator Photos Mil The new Senators need photos. It will cost approximately $20 per photograph. 6. Bylaws Regarding ICC Allison ICC wants to change the bylaws to allow one person to represent two clubs but only have one vote on ICC. 7. Finals Week Tom There is an article in The Voice about the push to change finals week to the same schedule as regular classes as opposed to a finals week. There was much more momentum behind this movement, it seems to have died. EVENT UPDATES Chante It’s Shannon's birthday March 24th - yay! 3 Minutes Tom Transfer Lunch I need people to help with set up and cleanup on may 11th VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS AD HOC COMMITTEES Carpool No report Reentry Committee first meeting next monday 2:00 in senate office INTERNAL SAC tuesdays at 2:00 meeting times 3 Minutes Ryan Laura Budget absent Daniel Legislative hope my presentations were informative i will follow up with more indepth information Ryan Networking and Communications need volunteers to help write Chante Constitution & By-laws meeting soon will be posted to groupsite David Watsonville office in watsonville needs supplies Chante I.C.C. people seem to be more excited and it's encouraging Mill Campus Sustainability working on getting a biodiesel class at cabrillo edible landscaping class starts april 10 at UCSC ecospection group will be organised soon David/Ryan Wireless Internet we retrieved the server and we're giving it to CR Cris Elections it's approaching meeting tonight after meeting there are applications for students who want to run for office David EXTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS James faculty senate last week meet at the brittania arms pub there's no drinking during meetings award for excellence to faculty and teachers john herg award student has to nominate a person for it i have the form for anyone who wants to nominate someone VIII. SENATOR REPORTS David no report Allison no report Tom i feel like i've been slacking the last couple weeks i'm sorry i became president of a club i'll be getting my act together sometime tomorrow Joel no report Ryan finally got some sleep last night Laura i really want a sweater Tom besides still being wanted i now supposedly added a class and didn't get it in until the 22nd John i can't possibly follow that no report Shannon It's my birthday tomorrow and my birthday party is tonight if you want to come let me know 3 Minutes (Each) Chante happy birthday shannon i was supposed to be snowboarding 'but i'm working this weekend i'm excited and scared about my first trustee meeting Mil i woke up with the worst headache of my life so i drank a half bottle of daydquil i'm still woozy but at least i'm happy Cris we should get a banner like the ags banner something like that daniel's not here last i saw him was monday he had a hernia he'll be back i'm sure what's up with the visas? James i've enjoyed being presiedent it's stressful people are picking up parliamentary procedure it's 4:25 and we're almost done this is way better than first semester IX. ADVISOR REPORTS Sesario winners are: Chante, mystery box John, water bottle Laura, water bottle petitions to graduate need counselor deadline is april 7th if you miss the deadline go after spring break but your name won't be in program do not chalk campus if you plan to bring bands on campus you must plan it with me gabe i need you to vote on the student senate member of the year is based on leadership and service you'll find out graduation day X. AGENDA BUILDING info mil fotos tom art show ryan hr4437, sb 840, tent university solidarity, cclc action gabe sashes/awards allison sweaters cnb david XI. ADJOURNMENT cris moves to adjourn meeting second joel @4:38 XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING 1 Organizational Items i. Call to Order @ 5:23 ii. Roll Call Directly Following the Regular 3 Minutes (Each) James David Daniel (absent) Mil Chante Ryan iii. Approval of the Minutes iv. Voting Members: v. Voting Members needed for quorum: 2. 3 2 Public Comments 5 Minutes (Each) This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Executive Board of the Student Senate on any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. 3. Action i. Discussion of future duties ii. Meeting review How did the meeting go? Anything else we want to talk about? efficient, fast, good ryan move to create ad hoc committee for transfer lunch second mil Motion Carries unanimously Mil move to create ad hoc running start committee second Chante Motion Carries unanimously Senators up for re-election Joel - treasurer Tom - trustee or senator at large (short) Cris - vp Ryan - reelection as leg rep Mil - trustee, icc rep, president Laura - senator at large, treasurer Shannon - undecided will create a groupsite for candidates possibly revive cabrillo forums and an ASCC myspace James: what can we do to make the ASCC more popular Chante: beach party here at cabrillo. we could get an inflatable pool. if we offer people free food. James: but beyond club day...i was thinking facebook - students like facebook Sesario: i think you should merge an activity with elections and make it clear that it's a student senate sponsored event. maybe if you vote you get free food. giving away food is a good way to get students to like you. James: $1 with sac card, free if you vote mil: and a raffle for voters 4. Officers’ reports 5. 3 Minutes (Each) Advisors’ reports 3 Minutes (Each) Sesario one of my issues is being addressed is the minutes and though you are not required to show the vote count i think it's a good idea would also like the minutes to reflect when you take the names of volunteers the more candidates you have interested in voting, the more awareness you build and the more voter turnout gabe i agree with sesario 6. none 7. Agenda Building Adjournment Mil move to adjourn second David motion carries unanimously 5:48pm