Document 12991302

ASCC Agenda
3:00 PM, Room 1804
23rd of February 2006
While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope
to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or
accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or
Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time
Call to Order/Roll call
David stearns
James (3:05)
Mil (3:05)
Lysette (absent)
Shannon (3:08)
Ryan (absent)
Voting members:
Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1):
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3):
Approval of the Agenda
Info item 5 budget allocation Daniel
Info item 6 dvd player 2 minutes
Correction of titles to Watsonville and ICC rep
Info item 7 region 4 dues 2 minutes
Info item CnB 30 seconds
James move to approve amended agenda second
Motion carries unanimously
Approval of the Minutes
Cris move to approve minutes second Chante
12 in favor
5 Minutes (each)
This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Student Senate on any
matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future
No special presentations this week.
I’m passing out a contact info sheet let me know if anything is incorrect please
1. Dig It!
7 Minutes
Action on the Society of California Archaeologists conference that the Dig it! Club and Arche 113C are hoping to attend in
March. They are requesting no more than $1,000 from the Conferences account. See attached information. See attached.
James motions to table item until John arrives second Tom
15 in favor motion carries
James moves to allocate no more than 1,000 from conference for digit to attend conference second john
John from digit: for clarification this is a required class for a degree and there are nineteen students. the Cabrillo
archaeology program is the best possibly in the country and we are depended on by this program for volunteers and we
have a very large presence.
Laura: how many students will this cover?
John: 15 of the 19
James: this is a requirement for a class they have to take and they’ve also raised funds I move to the previous question
James moves to allocate no more than 1,000 from conference for digit to attend Society of California Archaeologists
conference second by John
14 in favor
1 abstention
Motion carries
2. Latina Leadership
5 Minutes
Action on the Latina Leadership Conference. They are asking for no more than $1,720 from the Conferences account. They
are willing to accept at least half of it as a loan.
Nicole motions to postpone until Rebecca shows up
Motion carries unanimously
Nicole motions to (item) second by John
Daniel motions to change amount of 1720 to 400 as loan and 400 as grant to the latina leadership conference second
by David
Rebecca : that severe of a cut would make it very difficult for us which would only permit us to send 2 people instead of
the intended 7
James: what does the budget look like because this is the drastic cut
James motions to table item until after info item about the budget second Mil
15 in favor
motion carries
James motion to move budget item to info item # 1 second by Nicole
Motion carries unanimously
Rebecca: focus of this conference is student advocacy and so I think that our conference may fall within the
funding from the student rep account
David: what is the amount that you think is needed?
Rebecca: 1920 would be ideal but we could raise 200 between us if you award us 1720
Mil: could we perhaps split the funds from student rep and conferences?
Daniel: yes
Alison: have you done fundraising?
Rebecca: we will have fundraising events but we have not done so yet
James: do we ave a specific number in terms of what we have in student rep?
Daniel: I have not looked at that account yet
James: I tink it’s a good idea to give money to other students since we have spent money on ourselves
Mil: it is the latina leadership conferences
Tom: do we get any feedback from the club after this?
Rebecca: everyone attending will complete a report of what they learned and the experience
Daniel motions to allocate $800. $400 as a loan and $400 as a grant second by David.
4 in favor 11 against
Motion fails
bounds of
James motion to amend motion to 1400 from student rep account 700 of which would be a loan second
by Cris
Laura: you mentioned that the four of you are single mothers how do you expect to pay back the loan?
Rebecca: we currently have fundraising events planned
Tom: what about money from both accounts
James: some events can be justified as student rep where we have spent thousands of dollars on ourselves sending 9 or 10
senators where 3 or 4 have gotten something out of it so while we can permit funding from this account for students I think we should
James motions to remove other motion
James motion to amend motion to allocate no more than 1550 from student rep account 850 as a loann for latina
Daniel moves to previous question
10 in favor
5 against
0 abstentions
Motion carries
William: I don’ t like the fudge room I think it’s very grey area it doesn’t seem like it fits
Nicole: Rebecca, what’s the highest amount you’re wiling to take as a loan?
Rebecca: 700
James: in regards to student rep we have sent students on the senate to much sillier things than latina leadership
James moves to amend motion to 800 dollars granted and 750 as a loan to total 1550 second by David
9 in favor 4 opposed
0 abstentions
Motion carries
John: I think we should spell out our expectations as sesario said
Chante: I think this is a great opportunity because a large portion of students at Cabrillo are latinas or latinos
Jason: some of the things we approved funding for set a precedent that we can give money to students from this account
12 in favor 3 against
Motion carries
3. Black History Theatre
5 Minutes
Action on getting the Rainbow Theatre Troupe to perform at Cabrillo during Black History Month/Women‘s History
Month. No more than $500 from the Programs account.
Motion to move black history theatre to info item nine second Nicole
15 in favor
Motion carries
4. Committees
15 Minutes
Information on the committees that have yet to be filled, and assignment of who is going to take them on.
External Committees
Academic Council rep Shannon and David
Transportation and Bus Pass Committee rep Tom
College Master Plan rep David
Cafeteria Task Force rep Laura
Council on Instructional Planning rep Mil
Curriculum Committee rep John
Facilities Master Plan rep David and Tom
Financial Aid rep Laura
High School Articulation Council rep Nicole
Institutional Research rep Shannon
Matriculation rep Chante
Occupational Education Council rep Tom and Daniel
Running Start rep David and Mil
Sexual Harassment rep James
Staff Development rep Mil
Student Discipline rep Dawn
Health Services rep Alison
Watsonville Center Administration rep Chante
Library Learning Resources rep John and Tom
Accreditation Committees
Standards 1
1a Mission rep Ryan
Standards 2 institutional improvement Laura
Instruction rep John
Student Support Services rep Tom
Library and Student learning Services rep Tom
Standard 3 Resources
Human Resources rep
Physical Resources rep Shannon
Technology Resources rep Dawn
Financial rep William Luz Leflora
Standard 4 leadership and governance
Processing Mil
Admin organization Nicole and James (alternate)
Theme Team rep William
Internal Commitees
CnB david Leflora daniel alison
Budget chair daniel alison james david laura
Campus sust david and ryan and john and mil and Shannon
ICC chair mil
Netcomm chair chante and james and shannon and nicole and mil and tom
Legislative chair james and leflora and nicole and laura and john
Watsonville chair chante, nicole, leflora
SAC david, laura, shannon daniel alison Leflora (chair)
Elections committee james john daniel Nicole
Wireless William cris (chair) james david
Carpool ryan (chair) leflora mil
5. Funding
Revenue from SAC/bus pass are down $5,000. Revenue from the vending machines is down $5,000.
Problem accounts are programs and conferences which have the least amount of funds but are used most frequently.
James: where is there flexibility in transfer of funds?
200 from athletic budget
2500 from instructional support
330 from misc
185 from printing
500 from supplies
100 from hospitality
1. ICC Money
Information on the ICC and its funds.
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
Information regarding Action in Defense of Education, and how the Senate can get involved in larger statewide activism
protecting all forms of Public Education.
Leflora postpones until Ryan arrives second by James
3. AGS Conference
3 Minutes
Information/Action on the AGS spring conference to be held at the Double Tree in San Jose. They are asking for no more
than $2,500 from the Conferences account.
Dawn motions to upgrade to action item second Nicole
14 in favor 1 against
Dawn motions to approve 2500 from the student rep account for AGS to attend the spring conference
second by
Dawn : we have 21 people going and 3 advisors`
1 abstention
14 in favor
Motion carries
4. Copier for Lower Campus
3 Minutes
Information on spending no more than $6,000 from the General/Saving Account for a copier for the lower campus (CTC?).
Sesario: this item is not in your operating budget I hope you don’t get into this habit
Daniel: perhaps put half of your revenue back into the savings account
John: what if it breaks down
Cris: we have maintenance
Laura: why is it necessary to get a copier?
Cris: the CTC doesn’t have a copier right now
Back as action item next week
6. DVD Player
Information on acquiring a DVD player and sound system for student lounge.
Elizabeth in ICC says she can donate a DVD player
Back as an info item next week
3 Minutes
7. Region 4 dues
The ASCC owes 75 dollars for region 4 CalSACC/Statewide Student Senate dues. The funds are used to put on events like
the rally in San Jose on the 24th. The dues will stay within the region.
Leflora: we’re going to do calsacc and statewide student senate as one thing these dues will just stay within our
James dues would come from student rep
8. Cnb david
Final copy of cnb willl be out next week
Sesario: last date?
David: it will be back to ratify that amendment
9. Black history theatre
Don is asking for between 4-500 to perform in the cafeteria for 45 minutes Tuesday through thursday
I’m told this is a really good show
it’s about African american and next month is women’s history month
Leflroa: the money would go to a scholarship and it goes to 3 students working on the production and the whole
production votes on who the money goes to
Daniel: it would come from programs?
Shannon: yes
Wiliam: will the perform more than once?
Shannon: it hasn’t been discussed
10. More digit money John
It is a required class and student burden is pretty high 330 is minimum due
Daniel : so how much are you asking for now?
John: an additional 2,000
Mil: would you be willing to accept part of it as a loan?
John: no
Back as action item next week
ICC will have another club week
6th through 10th
More publicity more signs
Clubs looking forward to adding members to clubs
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
Black History Month
Thanks for coming to my meeting
James: I was there
No you weren’t
Showing an autobiography on Monday
It’s hard to do it all by yourself
I also sent emails
We have 5,000 left in conferences
Need to have a meeting to make a universal funds request form
Rally tomorrow is in downtown san jose
I will leaving from Cabrillo tomorrow and so will Leflora if you need a ride
It should be fun and we’ll be in san jose it’s a happening city sort of
It’s in Caesar Chavez park
Networking and Communications
James and I need to meet and I’m glad to have people on my committee and need to talk to mil about club week
Constitution & By-laws
Watsonville gets nothing so I’m going to post agendas there
I’m working on our advertisements and they mention nothing about our Watsonville campus
Chan te
Club Week March 6th - 10th
ICC rep Elizabeth farmer planning on donating DVD player for club room
May 20th Latino graduation from OLA
May 20th grey wolf society intertribal gathering
Campus Sustainability
Wireless Internet
Let them know that no member of ASCC can attend meetings on Thursday at 2:45
Accreditation 3c is meeting tomorrow from 10-12 Dawn
Luz and I are getting married
We unfortunately will not have time to contribute on senate
But we’ll still be on campus
It’s still a year and a half away
We got engaged on Monday
Thank you everyone for giving us the opportunity to be on the senate
William: thank you for my wife
Shannon: I called it! I said you two would get married
Nothing to add
I’m really excited about this semester
I really do want to take it up a level at ICC
Wow, this is amazing
I can’t comment sorry
Well, it was nice to see you on one meeting
My brother owns a triathlon company
He runs events out of san jose
I got an email saying that he’ll take 10-15 volunteers
Who he will then give us a bunch of money
I put it to mil to get volunteers from clubs which will go to clubs
Pirate walks into a bar the bartender says “steering wheel in pants” arr it’s driving me nuts
Working on article in the voice
Congratulations William and Luz
It’s my mom’s birthday this Saturday and I still haven’t got her anything
I have some committees I’m getting some ideas about getting some technology
I know someone who has a non profit that gives tech to non profits
Today is my wife’s birthday and I have to find her something
I just stopped working on a restaurant that puts on weddings
So talk to me if you’d like
I’m excited to be here and I’m excited ot be on my comittees
Holy %$@#!
3 Minutes
I never saw that coming except for today when I saw the ring and even then I didn’t see it coming
Please come around
You’re honorary members
I don’t know what to say
I’ve been very upset since last week
And I’m going to resign as of today
Very hurt
This is the first time anyone’s gotten married on the senate
And people have gotten together and we’re like that’s cute
But this is like “wow that’s cute”
I’m really happy that our new senators
First of all that everyone showed up
Everyone who is sitting here today is doing a great job
I think everyone seems really concentrated and really paying attention
Please show up to the rally tomorrow if you’re available
We have a lot of basic skills students and a lot of ESL students and they are not properly funded and they are just as important as other
I’m behind on my homework
That sucks
3 Minutes
Sesario: part of my job is to promote student government and you can really get a lot out of it and you can even get a wife or a
husband out of it. The elections committee get started quick! Deadline for graduation form is due soon get it in or your name will not
be on the program.
Leflora: we need the keys back from resigning senators
Gabe: I was gonna mention the keys cos george is on my back too. I appreciate all the work that’s going on. Have a good weekend.
CnB action david
James action region 4 dues
James digit action digit funding
Cris copier action
David info sound system
Daniel budget action
Mil info club week decorations
Sesario transfer lunch action
Meeting adjourned at 5:29
Directly Following the Regular
Organizational Items
i. Call to Order
ii. Roll Call
iii. Approval of the Minutes
iv. Voting Members:
v. Voting Members needed for quorum:
Public Comments
5 Minutes (Each)
This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Executive Board of the Student Senate on
any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting.
i. CalSACC
Information on CalSACC. What do we think our roll should be? What else do we need?
ii. Elections
Talk about elections.
iii. Meeting review
How did the meeting go? Anything else we want to talk about?
Officers’ reports
3 Minutes (Each)
Advisors’ reports
3 Minutes (Each)
Agenda Building