ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll call @ 3:00 recess until quorum Resume @ 3:01 President Leflora Cunningham-Walsh Vice President David Stearns Student Trustee Nicole Moreno late 3:15 Treasurer Melissa Angulo Absent Legislative Rep. Mario Wyon 3:20 Watsonville Rep Kristina Console Interim ICC Chair Dawn Hernandez Senator Nicki Baer Senator Ryan Kaplan 3:03 Senator William Kojak Senator Luz Maravilla Senator Lysette Marshman Absent Senator Jason Pineda late 3:03 Senator Chante Santana Senator James Unger Senator Cris Vasiler Senator Shannon Welch Advisor Gabe Gutierrez Advisor Sesario Escoto Voting members: 16 Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 9 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 11 2. Approval of the Agenda Motion to hold information items before action items Motion carries Motion to approve amended agenda second by Chante November 10 2005 Motion carries 3. Approval of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes from November 3 2005 second by II. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3 Minutes (each) Sasquiana(?) Lewis Requesting ASCC support of bicycle education on campus. Suggested bicycle safety workshop with guest speakers. Jason Pineda Student asked about study space for students lounge type comfortable study area III. SPECIAL PRESENTATION No special Presentation this week IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT three executive board members were not present during roll call - disappointing Self evaluation today 1 ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 Don’t know what’s going on with fish Calsac meeting tomorrow but because of veterans day no place to host. The meeting may be postponed Fees might be raised to 33 dollars a unit Read emails labeled important V. REVIEW AND VOTE ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW SENATORS VI. ACTION 1. Ad in the Voice James 5 Minutes Action on allocating no more than $250 from the Student Rep account for a half page adds in the next addition of the voice featuring our pictures. Motion (James) to allocate no more than $250 from student rep account for ½ page ad in voice second Mario Motion carries 2. Trustee Conference Nicole/Leflora 5 Minutes Action on allocating no more than $5,000 from the Student Rep account to send 8 students and one advisor to the Trustee conference at the Marriott in San Francisco. We will also confirm the list of attendees and rules. There will be a more detailed information sheet at the meeting. Motion Jason No more than 1200 to send Shannon Leflora James Kristina all day Friday second Nicole Motion carries 1 against 3. Thanksgiving Nicole/Sesario 3 Minutes Action on allocating an additional $500, to total $3,500 from the Programs for the Thanksgiving dinners. Motion (Nicole) to allocate an additional $500, to total $3,500 from the Programs for the Thanksgiving dinners .second David Motion carries VII. INFORMATION 1. Peace Library Mario 10 Minutes Information on allocating no more than $1,500 from the Programs account for the peace library in the Children's Center. The peace library is a powerful resource created completely by volunteers in the ECE department. Books must connect with one or more Peace Education Strands, and are a contradiction to the ocean of biased media available to children. Providing this alternative is one objective way we can provide important tools to our young children for growing up in a diverse and troubled world. The peace library is used by children in the Child Care Center, Early Childhood Educators in the classes “Peace Education and Children’s Literature” and “Anti-bias approaches to working with young children”, and members of the community involved in ECE. Move to upgrade peace library to action second Nicole Discussion Jason : I don’t think it’s a good idea because people don’t feel informed enough Leflora: our information items should cover all aspects of information about issue - don’t feel this is being done Jason: is written information required and how much? Leflora: yes needs to be on agenda public needs to know, the Brown Act requires a minimum 20 word description Motion fails Many colleges have lost their children’s centers Free child care crucial to many students ability to be a student Kristina : can we fund something for the childcare center through programs account and how would this benefit children’s center Mario: peace library has potential this grant is to improve existing infrastructure James: how many kids in children’s center Mario: 5 classrooms, 100-150 students, free for students, community childcare center Leflora: cost breakdown? 2 ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 Mario: average 25 dollars per book, digital catalog, grant for student to work at peace library to keep it open more often 2. Budget Report Gabe 10 Minutes Discussion on the current budget of the ASCC, what we have spent so far, what has been taken out of our account, what we need to think about, and how this relates to the approved projected budget of this year. There will be more written information about this at the meeting. Predicted $11,00 raised $9,064 Need to make $12,000 for rest of year or adjust budget Spent approx 5,000 in Programs Account $3,500 deficit Next week sac card committee meeting presenting fund raising options Formal budget report next week 3. Young Democrats Conference James 5 Minutes The Cabrillo College Democrats want to go to the Young Democrats of America National Fall Conference! We ask for no more then $1,200 from student rep or conferences. See attached information. In Phoenix, AZ. Give students experience in national politics DNC is also having their conference that week Sending 4 or 5 regular attending participating members 4. Voice Article James 5 Minutes Discussion of the article we have in the next addition of the voice, how we hope for it to continue, and what we want it to say. Column to publish monies spent by student senate and what issues discussed 1st issue next week, ½ page w/ what student senate does and what the column is for with the aim of encouraging students to get involved with their school 5. Statewide Update Leflora 2 Minutes Discussion of what is going on with the Statewide Student and what our role in this will be. Meeting yesterday regarding fee raises 2 student reps on committee Minutes emailed to everyone Held brainstorming meeting on statewide student senate Next weekend going to Sacramento with region 4’s rep to show what Cabrillo has devised 6. Instructional Supports Jason, David, and Leflora 10 Minutes Discussion on the Instructional Support Grants for this fall. Attached is the committees report. Budgeted 10k Submitted by faculty/staff for improving student experience at Cabrillo 19 proposals Only one grant this year was not fully funded Possibly no grants in spring because of budget crisis Budget permitting spring may be possible 7. Self Evaluations Leflora 20 Minutes The ASCC will be taking a self evaluation to see where we are as individuals, as a team, and how we can improve from here. An evaluation will be given out to the members and filled out during this time. VIII. EVENT UPDATES James Science and the philosophy of evolution tonight 6:30 rm 454 Mario 3 3 Minutes ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 Brown beret meeting in Watsonville Zapatista presentation at center for nonviolence Leflora Voting rally, best it could be for what it was got out good info. Money well spent, time well spent, read resolution against prop 76 Sesario Billee paul event is Monday. Need help with flowers, tablecloths, show up at 5 to help Jason Went to college night and it was pretty cool Maybe next year we can table. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS 3 Minutes AD HOC COMMITTEES Carpool Ryan interested in helping with carpool Thanksgiving Nicole M. Trustees on board. By Monday need figures Instructional Supports Jason Putting report about committee on group site to be more informed next week Special Elections Vacant (Jason) The activities went well, informed students about resolution. Rally was very positive. Thank you everyone who participated. Helped set up computers to find their polling places. Thank you Sesario and Gabe for food. Black History Month Melissa Not present INTERNAL SAC Next meeting Monday 14th 10am Working on price of SAC Also publicizing card Working over winter break Budget No report Legislative Tuesday 3:30 pm meeting Networking and Communications Skipped Constitution & By-laws Meeting today Handout on potential modifications Watsonville Man entering elevator and molested woman Gathering more info on incident ICC Changing meeting place possibly Campus Sustainability Preparing statement for voice Any ideas forward them to me Another meeting soon Wireless Internet still talking to computer resources Meeting next week Leflora Melissa Mario James David Kristina William David Cris EXTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Cafeteria Task Force Working with Lysette to get in touch with Doug Governing board Continuing construction. Approved 180,000 dollars for printing services for blueprints. Latino enrollment is increasing. Continuing to focus on improving enrollment. 4 ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 VIII. SENATOR REPORTS Nicole Not enjoying myself lately Thank you those of you who have been supportive 80 sure I am going to resign after this semester Mario Elizabeth is passionate about getting brown rice in cafeteria I recommend everybody try and empower students Apologize for awkward entrance Thank you for correcting me on info/action item ECE committed to spreading awareness on issues affecting pre-school Nicki B Enjoyed voter rally Surprised how many people didn’t know about elections Thank you Sesario Maybe organize senate potluck Ryan Couldn’t be at rally because of class Did best to educate students Still bothered that felons in California can’t vote Green fest was very cool Imagine two Costcos filled with crazy hippies with amazing ideas Want to get a free box put together Cris Business cards are coming in today Important we set a positive tone Great idea to have a potluck or other get together Weather sucks College night was awesome Chante Hope you feel better Nicole Sense a really negative vibe Maybe do some group meshing Jason I hope you feel better, Nicki I think rally was interesting Feeling burned out Kristina Glad felons can’t vote William All propositions failed Good job everyone who worked on the voting rally Luz Good job everyone Have a great weekend James I’ve noticed people being glum It’s unfortunate I have a tendency to be critical And I feel like people clash and it becomes personal Veteran’s day tomorrow Worried about fee raise Printer is being worked out 5 3 Minutes (Each) ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 It’s coming - I’m sorry Shannon Grandpa just got out of surgery Dealing with a lot of family things Hope everyone has a great weekend David Hope everyone feels better Concerned about fee raises Looking forward to seeing results of self-evaluations Leflora Pleased with outcome of elections Very concerned about fee increases Please give me feedback on statewide student senate Self-evaluations will yield great info Feel that productivity of senate needs to improve IX. ADVISOR REPORTS Sesario Event planning has been difficult for this group I’m putting together a timeline for event planning Business office will front the cash I think the advisors should do a self eval too This information will be useful for us and the accreditation committee Please give me the ASCC roster Opt out SAC well organized, well justified Gabe Keep up the good work Thanksgiving everyone should spend a little time in Watsonville or Aptos It’s a great event Have a good weekend 3 Minutes (Each) X. AGENDA BUILDING Self evaluation report into Leflroa Instructional support grants action Jason Peace library action Mario Budget info Leflora/Gabe Democrat conference action James Free box info Ryan Billee Paul recognition info XI. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned @ 6:04 XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING 1 Directly following the regular Senate Meeting. Organizational Items i. Call to Order 6:10 President Leflora Cunningham-Walsh Vice President David Stearns Student Trustee Nicole Moreno Treasurer Melissa Angulo Absent Legislative Rep. Mario Wyon Watsonville Rep Kristina Console ICC Chair Vacant ii. Roll Call iii. Approval of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes (David) second by Nicole 6 ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 Motion carries iv. Voting Members: v. Voting Members needed for quorum: 2. 5 3 Public Comments James When do we do absences? 3 Minutes (Each) Jason You have been talking about bylaws and side conversations It’s explicitly in bylaws to not have side-conversations David motions to excuse James from 11/3/05 second Kristina Motion carries Nicole move to excuse David tardy last week 11/3/05 second Kristina Motion carries 3. Action/Information i. Review of Evaluation How did it go? What can go better? Any ideas? Think we should have been able to write what we lack in A comments section would be nice More open-ended evaluation would have been nice Maybe mini eval next week 5 strengths and weaknesses Should have been emphasized importance as personal growth motivation tool Talk to every senator for next week - divide between executive board David Dawn Jason Ryan Leflora Cris James Niclole Luz Lysette Kristina Chante Nicki B Mario Shannon James William ii. Review of Meeting Review of the meeting, what we can do better? What did we like? What did we not like? Feel that meeting tone is off I think that that’s reflected in that people are uncomfortable putting their names on Effort should be put into running meetings in a less confrontational manner Approaches need to be changed to make meetings structured but still conducive to group harmony More communication to help senators achieve goals Maybe list of previous senate’s accomplishments Executive board is not working very well together Acknowlegement is crucial and very motivating 4. 5. 6. 7 Officers’ reports (skipped) Advisors’ reports (skipped) Agenda Building 3 Minutes (Each) 3 Minutes (Each) ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 10th November, 2005 (skipped) 7. Adjournment Meeting adjourned 6:55 8