ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Student Senate Chamber, SAC East 14 February, 2008

ASCC Minutes
3:00 PM, Student Senate Chamber, SAC East
14th February, 2008
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Call to Order/Roll call
Voting members:
Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1):
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3):
Approval of the Minutes (Benjamin/Nicola)
Approval of the Agenda (Rebeca/Benjamin)
5 Minutes
Sen. Edgar—resigned from senate. Bravely informed senators that he lost his
eligibility. Pres. Marko encouraged him to attend meetings and to remain
Mil Alba—announced her interest for an executive position as either Vice
president or ICC Chair. Experience: 2 semesters as senator-at-large. Semester
at De Anza College. Connections with The Voice. She was finishing her
application. Marko—she was one of the original reasons he joined senate.
Isaiah—visiting the senate for first time. He encouraged the senate to update
10 Minutes
Asked senate: what is our vision for next semester? Outlined his main priorities:
1. To furnish and finish SAC East. 2. To drum real loud about textbooks—“The
most expensive thing for students at Cabrillo.” He also stated that his job as
president was to protect the senate’s revenue streams. The senate can do more
with more money. He predicted an uphill battle with benefits check-off for a
couple of semesters. Personal goal: run more efficient meetings: timely fashion.
Informed senators that there would be a survey later in the meeting about
1. Vice Presidency—BENJAMIN elected
a. Sen. Benjamin—has put lots of time and energy in the senate. He
hoped that he had proven himself in past work for senate. Marko
mentioned his important work with constitution and bylaws.
b. Sen. Andreas—would live to exercise leadership skills and to make a
difference in the senate.
2. Treasurer—RICHARD elected
a. Sen. Richard’s Statement—“I’ve thought very seriously about
applying for the position of treasurer. It’s not about seeking a
position of power or getting a title or getting to sign checks (that’s
overrated), it’s about performing a role. During my first semester as
a senator, I did not fully understand our funding. Consequently, I
was less certain about the voting on issues. I’m hoping to get some
clarification on this and, if elected, help other people who may
choose to know more about the budget.
As for experience, I have a fair amount managing budgets for the
projects I supervised in high tech. So, I can make the columns add
up and move the money around if necessary. Also, when I think
about it, I’ve had years of experience managing my own money
and not falling on my face. It’s a long learning curve.
My feeling is that sometimes we as senators are penny wise and
pound foolish. I see my role as someone who would oversee the
budget so that we spend wisely. We need to plan up front the
issues that we feel our important to the student body and spend
3. Scotts Valley Representative—ANTHONY
a. Former senator Anthony Garza—wanted to be part of the senate
again. Realized after ending first terms that the ASCC senate is one
of the most involved. Wants to help students at both the Scotts Valley
Center and at the Aptos campus. “Cabrillo is an example of what a
community college can be.” Rebeca—met Anthony a year ago when
he was part of Social Justice Club. She considered him one of the key
people that made the social justice conference happen.
4. Senate-at-large—WILL & SOFIA
a. Will—emphasized his extensive network at Cabrillo. Horticulture
center needs someone speaking for them. Richard—Will you be able
to put aside personal issues for the concerns of the student body?
Timmie—Will’s passion is necessary for the senate.
b. Sofia—thanked senators for their support and introduction to the
senate last semester. She spoke about how she has grown from an
art student to a history major at Cabrillo. Marko—blessed the
community for having so many people to fill positions.
5 Minutes
1. Pres. Marko—$130,000 from Student Center to reimburse Cabrillo for
existing new furniture/walls, dividers in SAC east.
(Nicola/Elowyn) 14/0 Approved
2. Pres. Marko—$1800 from Student Center for medical defibrillator for
SAC East. (as per advised by Kate Hartzel)
(Steven/Nicola) 14/0 Approved
3. Leg. Ryan—$1400 from Student Representatives to augment budget for
Legislative Conference.
Sent 5 students and 1 advisor to Sacramento. Considering safety issues and
incredible storm, stayed one night more. Ben—agreed to send 3 students.
Spots approved were all filled. People returned to rave about conference.
(Rebeca/Jon) 14/0 Approved
4. Leg. Ryan—$375 from Student Center for Microwave for Cafeteria for
student use. (as per request by Taher and Food Service committee.)
Ryan emphasized that Taher was taking responsibility for the new
microwave’s cleanliness and maintenance. Sesario—previous microwaves
weren’t commercial grade and so past companies wouldn’t clean them. Taher
however will maintain most microwaves. Rebeca—tiny silver microwave for
$375. Nicola—why didn’t Taher come to us before purchasing the
microwave? Jon—college is supposed to provide facilities. Ben—is the
cafeteria considered part of the student center? Marko—sometimes price
goes over. Elowyn—why is there a new microwave when the previous one
was in decent condition? Sesario—safety and performance are important.
Taher paid for the microwave at the Gazebo. Senate—How would we pay for
one of these? Sesario—buy it, the senate will probably approve the funds. If
you don’t approve it, I will find a way to pay for it through another funding
source. According to the committee, the microwave was a reasonable
request. Ryan—coming from an enormous budget, students were constantly
complaining how long previous microwave required. The money is coming
out of a large account. Gabe—students complained that there weren’t any
microwaves. Marko—this happened during break. Anthony—agreed with
Ryan’s comment that the microwave could have been further researched. He
was impressed with Taher. Thought it was responsible of them to purchase a
microwave. Marko—Taher giving away a mountain bike and a flat screen TV.
Eric—in order to get cost down—you must invest time. Time was probably
more valuable to Taher than price was. Jon—don’t care about thrift, just the
process. I think people need to be asked
(Ryan/Anthony) 11/3, Katie abstained, Approved
5. Pres. Marko—$3757 from Programs for Second Harvest. (total of
(Sofia/Steven) 14/0 Approved
6. Pres. Marko—$2500 augmentation for book loans. ($1500 extended to
Watsonville) from Program account.
Ben—how quickly can funds be transferred? Immediately. Ryan—do we need
to approve minutes before check? Marko—No, we would just need to wait for
the account to be replenished. Anthony—Scotts Valley doesn’t have access
to book loans. Is there a way for this to be approved? Sesario—who will
process loans at the Watsonville and the Scotts Valley centers? It’s a matter
of personnel. We can figure it out for Watsonville but not as easily for Scotts
Valley. Rebeca—Scotts Valley staff already burdened with current
responsibilities. Consider the situation before adding more responsibilities.
Suggested Scott Trippel as a good person to approach. Able to advocate for
students. Katie—there could be a referral for SVC students to get a book loan
at Aptos. Ryan—students can’t enroll until debt is paid. Marko—we won’t be
able to give anyone more money unless we approve money for it. Right now
students have to pay back loan or else they need to put a hold on
registration. We give a voucher.
(Katie/Rebeca) 14/0 Approved
7. Sen. Katie--$200 from Programs for letterhead/envelopes for Senate
To be used during Welcome Week—letterheads are professional. Student
senate. Marko—last semester letterheads passed? Richard—purchased
letterheads last semester. Marko—business cards next week. Katie—existing
Cabrillo format.
(Katie/Nicola) 14/0 Approved
5 Minutes
1. VP Benjamin—another look at merging VP and ICC positions.
Eric—Two excellent ideas. Car ride to conference. Problem with ICC chair is
the title. If we changed the name to vice president, things would change very
well. Vice President of Student Organizations, Vice President of ICC Chair.
Benjamin—against, we should get clear names. Not to discuss any further
without too much discussion. Jon—if the order were changed—the treasurer
wouldn’t be sharing meetings. Katie—more people is better.
2. Leg. Ryan—Grassroots Leg. Conference in Sacramento
April or March. Idea to get student body agitated about budget as priority.
Last time this happened: 2003. Sesario—200 students didn’t show up, 4 or 5
buses turned down. Many students showed up and students rallied at the
capitol. Will have more information at next meeting. Katie—what is the state
of our budgets. Sesario—2 buses would be enough.
3. Pres. Marko—augmentation of library’s textbook endowment.
Timmie—this is an incredible service to have books available to everyone.
Elowyn—was proud when asked about senate’s contribution. Katie—senate's
job is to serve the students. This is one of the most important things the
senate could do. Rebecca Smith recently advertised the program. Ryan—
status of rental program on reserve. Had experience with Biology instructor.
Instructor uses 7th edition. Bookstore sells the 8th. Why is the bookstore
stocking the newest book? Marko—when the edition goes out of print the
bookstore can’t buy the new edition. Rebeca—as one of hundreds of
students without textbooks. Only 10 percent of students had textbooks. The
more money we can allocate to helping students with books. 70% of charges
incurred to students from books at Cabrillo. Anthony—some teachers had
texts that he liked, others didn’t. Marko—academic freedom for instructors.
Anthony—definitely agreed that helping students get books was very
important. Endowment for the library: in favor. Ryan—$15,000, we could ask
the bookstore if they could pitch in some money. Ben—newsletter to all
teachers about textbooks.
4. Sesario—Senator feedback forms for next week.
Commentary about leadership. Important for leaders to check-in with
constituents. Survey intended for students. How can Sesario, Marko and
Gabe improve? On back of feedback forms; questions such as: how do you
feel about weekly meetings? What can you do to ensure that the senate has
a great performance next semester?
1. Welcome Week—Sen. Katie
Different days for different issues: National Day. MLK Day. Sustainability Day.
Soapbox—some time devoted to what students want to say. Bata Yogi
people to supply food. 25th—28th. Nicola—where can I sign-up? We really,
really need people to help and to participate. We need people there to ensure
that things go well. Will—how large will the area be? Spoke with Mike the
power guy. Steven—Wednesday, when we collaborate—will snacks and food
be provided? Wednesday, 10am, meeting.
2. MLK Day—Sen. Steven
Colored Ink to perform—spoken word, performing arts, present powerful
message, one speaks and the other talks. We have Mangula, an African
drummer. Sesario—she’s a drummer storyteller, if her itineraries work out
perfectly. Food—we could put in perspective—trash cans full of plastic. Food
giveaway would be bring your bags. Present pictures of ecosystem: north
pacific gyre.
3. Bike Co/op—Sen. Timmie
to manifest the bike co/op—we are going to make sure that it stays on track.
Plethora of spaces. Looks good. Ben—do we have back-up for Andrea?
Timmie—we have 3 or 4 more qualified people.
4. Conference Recap—Sesario, Jon, Ryan, Rebeca.
Cabrillo students got to mingle with CEOS and others from around the state.
One of the facilitators mentioned Cabrillo for having so many students. Sitting
down with Trustees. Opportunity for students to have a direct dialogue with
people affecting student body the most. Jon—the conference was inspiring.
Received great information to return with. Jon Laird was a keynote speaker.
Clear then that Prop 92 would fail. There were holes. There was no security
to K-12, CSU, UC. Huge cute to everyone. Inappropriate for community
colleges to ask for security when entire state in need. Seeing capital and how
things were done was motivating. Advertised Sacramento State program to
receive a masters. Working 11 months. Lot of state legislators went through
program. Rebeca—amazing, had opportunity to network with influential
people in education and in government. Learned about government.
Conference was instrumental to her. Learned about state national Latino
organizations. How the Dream Act—how students of undocumented
immigrants are being assisted or not. Higher education—tour of the capital.
Happy to make connections with legislatures and their teams. To have
someone say yes to coming to Cabrillo and giving a talk=amazing. Speaking
with Rebeca Garcia=amazing. Proud to represent demographics. Eric—
asked senators to raise hands for how much the budget of California is? $100
billion. When we go and have propositions. Helpful to making decisions. We
keep talking about state deficit? $14 billion. We spoke with important people.
Budget stuff is vital to understand. Jon—for the senators who will continue
next year—hopes that more students are sent to conventions. Not
appropriate to send hundreds of reps. But a couple is good.
Jon—textbooks—got a book loan from Onya—could only afford to buy books for
one class. Will need to borrow books and do something. Textbooks are huge.
Marko—will be addressing CPC about textbooks.
Ryan—campus art, climate commitment (rounding up engineering students),
events (social justice, earth week), students have say in curriculum at other
Ben—textbooks, keeping senate energetic, outreach, forming election
committee, website.
Elowyn—textbooks, textbook rental program, open education resources—
textbooks that can be edited online (creative commons foundation), spending
time with Print Smith (independent publishers).
Will—compost situation improved, changing habits of college, Horticulture
Department to having say in landscaping, education about plastics.
Hugo—review of what we thought of doing at retreat: have we done from
retreat? Finish what we started. What’s happened with our t-shirts, etc.
Richard—more presence with students, mentoring system, promoting the arts—
integral part of education.
Anthony—textbooks, bike racks.
Andreas—recruitment, to be of service.
Steven—speaking at SVC on March 4th, interact with community, keeping youth
directed to education, similar programs.
Nicola—textbooks, bulletin board—what are we doing.
Rebeca—promoting the senate in classes and in affiliations, connecting Latino
clubs with senate, participating in external committees, working for Dr. Chen,
voice for students, mentoring, learning a lot from semester.
Eric—to do a lot less in every aspect, several semesters committing too much
time, senator reports on agenda.
Katie—to survive welcome week while being appreciative of everyone who
Sesario—stop making promises, starting to debate, risk is increasing, debate,
elections are a top priority, one or two senators working, constitutional
amendment, identify goals, what are your 1, 2, 3 team goals together. What’s the
update with benefits check-off. How will you spend your money? The message
you give will be make or break. What do we expect the revenue to be? We have
a credit card—in Sesario’s name. Second—in Gabe’s name. Retreat center—
asking for a deposit—it was well spent money—good location, adequate, this
senate shouldn’t be making a commitment for the location of the next senate.
Staff development committee—same time—meets only once a month.
Isaiah—like what you guys do, improving the life of students at Cabrillo.
Mil—this is an amazing group, there was a lot of drama at first
Anthony—should we give ourselves a round of applause?
6 Minutes