Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Total on Roster: R 20 Votes needed for simple e majority vote: v 50% + 1 = 11 Votes needed for 2/3 ma ajority: 13 Location: L Apto os Campus 6500 Soqu uel Dr., Aptos, CA SAC East, Room 225 5 Date a and Time: Thursday, Sep ptember 29th, 20 011 3:00 pm m – 6:00 pm Stu udent Se enate M Minutees The C Cabrillo College e Student Sena ate held a meeting on Thursday, Septemberr 29th, 2011, att 3:00pm. Thesse are the minu utes reflective of o that m meeting. Item Motion VIII A Ye eas Nays Abstains Result R 1 16 0 0 passed Ye eas Nays Abstains Result R 1 15 1 1 passed Ye eas Nays Abstains Result R 1 11 5 2 passed urchase supplies for Motion for the approval of $300.00 from the Programs Account to pu economically disadvantaged students. Item VIX B Motion Motion for the approval of $15,000.00 fro om the Capital Outlay Accou unt to purchas e furniture forr SAC East. . Item VIX C Motion Motion for the approval of $500.00 from the Programs Account to ho old an event w where an meet and gre eet the senatorrs. students ca . I. Call to o Order A. Roll R Call Executive Officers Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko--Absent Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez-Pre esent Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila-Tardy y (3:34) IC CC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as-Present Senato ors-At-Large Sttephanie Petrillo-Present Sharon O’Conno or-Present Present Arthur O’Reilly-P esent Chris Steele-Pre Sage Goncharofff- Present aura Hunerberg g- Present La Presiident: Charlotte e Achen-Prese ent Trusttee: Joseph Wa atkins-Present Watssonville Repressentative: Joshua Riparetti-Prresent Scottts Valley Repre esentative: Ste ephen Venegass-present Kathyybelle Barlow-P Present Darw win Constantino o-Present Jenn ifer Venegas-P Present Jesse e Collins-Prese ent Jame es Williams-Pre esent Summ mer Maiorino- Present Advisorrs Sesario Escoto-Present Fllor Chacon- Present II. hing Exercise Breath 2 Minutes Sttudent Senate MINUTES 1 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c III. Adopttion of the Age enda 3 minutes Bylaws s item tabled, fax f machine ite em tabled. Senato or Barlow move es to approve the t Agenda; Trreasurer Gome ez seconds. Ag genda passed u unanimously. IV V. Appro oval of the Min nutes A. September 22nd, 2011 atkins moves to o approve the minutes; m Senato or Constantino o seconds. Trustee Wa Minutes pa assed unanimously. V V. Public c Comments This tiime is reserved d for members of the public to o address the S Senate on issue es not already appearing on tthe agenda. There will be a limit of o five (5) minu utes per speake er. A reprresentative from m the Governin ng Board was present p to repo rt on the Emerrgency Studentt Loan Program m. Last year the e Senate e voted to sweep their remain ning funds into this fund, and this year alone e 83 loans have e already been n given out, with 33 alre eady having be een repaid. Much of these em mergency loanss are used to he elp students wh hile they wait o on their financial aid to go thrrough. The Gov verning Board looks forward tto the Senate’ss contribution a at the end of the school year, hey want to rem mind us that as a Senate, we do d a lot to enha ance the life off our students. and th A stud dent expressed concern about balloons that were used durring the Health and Wellness fair that took p place this mornin ng in the Cafete eria. The stude ent was frustratted that this clu ub was not awa are that we had d passed a ban n on balloons on cam mpus, and wan nted to be sure that we notified the club to prrevent them fro om using them in the future. S Senator Barlow w volunteered to contact the Health and a Wellness group. V VI. Comm mittee Reports s 3 minutes s per committe ee Hallow ween Committe ee will be meetiing tomorrow at a 3pm. No one e came last wee ek, and we will have pizza, so o please remem mber it is imporrtant to show up p to the commiittee meetings. Thank ksgiving Committee will be me eeting tomorrow w from 1:15-2:4 45pm. The Fa aculty Senate meets m Tuesday ys at 3pm. The SA AC Committee e met on Monda ay, and the SA AC challenge de eadline is next Thursday, Octtober 6, 2011. The Bookstore Comm mittee met with h the interim ma anager and ma any interesting discussions ca ame up in rega ards to the Printt on Demand service. There are man ny issues otherr colleges are h having with the e service, and they will continu ue to discuss these reviews. In add dition, the book kstore is formin ng a taskforce ccommittee thatt will be looking g into additiona al revenue options including a café. See Truste ee Watkins if you y would like ffurther informattion. V VII. Special Items A. V VIII. SSCCC Presentation She is absent- tabled Info. / Discu ussion G. Avila 3 minutes nutes 10 Min Old Business A. Supplies for Ec conomically Disadvantaged D d Students Info. / Action J. Watkins es 5 Minute This item is up for discus ssion / possible e action regardi ng the approva al of $300.00 frrom the _____ Account to purchase supplies s for eco onomically disa advantaged stu udents. Trustee Watkins W moves to t approve $30 00.00 from the p ount to purchasse supplies for economically programs acco disadvanta aged students. Senator Barlow w seconds thiss motion and it is open for discussion. Normally, there t is a stock k pile of school supplies that a are available fo or EOPS stude ents, and this ye ear that is not available due d to budget cuts. c These stu udents must ab bide by certain ccriteria, including qualifying fo or a BOG waiver, being enrolled in 12 units and also they must m meet monthly w with a counselo or/advisor. It’s at those meetings that t these students would be eligible to rece eive some scho ool supplies if n needed. At a vote of o 16 yeas, 0 na ays, this motion n passes. B. ax Machine fo or the Library Info. / Action n J. C Collins 5 Minu utes Fa This item is up for discus ssion / possible e action regardi ng the approva al of $300.00 frrom the ____ A Account to purchase a fax machine for f the Library. This would be e for student’s u use. This item has h been tabled. Sttudent Senate MINUTES 2 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c IX X. New Business B A. Bylaws Revisio ons Info. / Action O. Chuiko 10 0 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of several bylaws changes. Th his item has be een tabled B. Info. / Action urniture for SA AC East L. Hunerberg 5 Minutes Fu Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $15,000.00 from m the ___ Acco ount to pu urchase furnitu ure for SAC Eas st. Senator Hunerberg moves to approve a $15,00 00.00 from the Capital Outlayy Account to pu urchase furniturre for SAC East. Interclub Council C Chair Sumano-Vargas S s seconds the motion and it iss opened for discussion. We W need the approval before the t committee can c start gettin ng quotes on th he furniture. Re emember that b by approving th his, we are not required to purrchase anything g, nor are we rrequired to spe end the full amo ount. The Capittal Outlay ac ccount is specifically for this type t of improve ement, and anyy money not sp pent will be brought back overr. This item pa asses by a vote e of 15 yeas, 1 nay, 1 abstain n. Recess R from 3:2 28-3:38pm by unanimous u app proval to get foo od. C. Meet 5 Min M & Greet Info. / Action A. O’Re Reilly nutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $500.00 from th he ____ Accou unt to hold an ev vent where students can mee et and greet the e senators. Senator O’Reilly y moves to app prove $500.00 from f the Progra ams Account to o hold an even nt where studen nts can meet nd greet the se enators. Interclu ub Council Cha air Sumano-Va argas seconds the motion and d it is opened to o discussion. an Th his event would d be an opportunity for the se enators to meett the students iin a more casu ual setting than welcome week. w This mone ey would coverr the cost of foo od, including h amburgers, ho ot dogs and a vveggie option th hat would be giiven out for free e to students at a all three campus locations. The outdoor cllub has volunte eered to help m man the event, es specially consid dering not everryone will be able to commit tto this. Th his item was pa assed by a vote of 11 yeas, 5 nays, 2 absta ains. D. Sustainability Plastic P Bag Pu urchase Propo osal Info. / Ac ction S. Petrillo 5 Minuttes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $300.00 from th he ____Account to provide th he necessary fu unds to enable the Sustainability Council to purchase the rremaining plasttic bags sold on Cabrillo ca ampus, so that they may recy ycle the bags th hemselves. Th he Sustainability Council approached Senattor Petrillo abo ut their desire to have funding g to purchase tthe remaining plastic bags from m the bookstore e so that they are a able to recyycle them them mselves. There was an ordina ance passed in Santa Cruz coun nty banning pla astic bag distrib bution everywh here in the coun nty starting in M March 2012. In addition, each h bu usiness will be required to charge 10cents per p bag for the first year, and 25cents per ba ag the second year. The Susatinability Co ouncil actually would like to ask for additiona al money beca ause they would d like to also pu urchase re eusable bags to o use as a prom motional item to o distribute to sstudents the firrst week of the spring semestter. Senator Petrillo moves to exten nd time by 5 minutes m and Sen nator Constanttino seconds th he motion. By a an approval of 10 0 yeas, 7 nays, 0 abstains, tim me is extended d. Senator Petrillo moves to apprrove $300 from the Programs Account to pro ovide the necessary funds to enable the Sustainability Co ouncil to purcha ase the remain ning plastic bag gs sold on Cab brillo campus, sso that they ma ay recycle the ba ags themselves s. Senator Gon ncharoff second ds the motion a and it is opene ed for discussio on. Th he fact that the e Sustainability Council is not contributing an nything themse elves was discu ussed, and it w was also diiscussed wheth her it was appro opriate for this item to come d directly to the S Senate before being brought to the ICC firstt. Le egislative Reprresentative Avila moves to am mend the motio on to read the a approval of $30 00.00 from the Programs Account to supp port the Reusab ble Bag Initiativ ve. This motion n was seconded d by Trustee W Watkins and ope ened for diiscussion. Sesario advises the Senate tha at the motion has h to address what we poste ed to our constiituents, and tha at we are not ab ble to change the t motion at th his time. Le egislative Reprresentative Avila moves to tab ble this item un ntil next week. S Senator Petrillo o seconds the motion, and it pa asses by a vote e of 10 yeas, 6 nays, 0 abstains. E. Info. / Discussion I. S C.C. Budget Review R Sumano-Varg gas 1 10 Minutes I.C Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r the current Interclub b Council (I.C.C C.)’s budget. Th he ICC had a budget b of $32,5 581.45 as the start s of the scho ool year, and ccurrently have a an encumbered d balance (a already planned d to be spent) of o $28,081.45. This leaves th e ICC’s remain ning budget at $32,417.95. Sttudent Senate MINUTES 3 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c F. Videotaping ou ur Meetings Info. I / Discuss sion S. Maiorino 10 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r havin ng our meeting s broadcasted live or videota aped so that stu udent’s will be ab ble to view our meetings, eve en if they aren’t present. Senator Maiorino believes thatt we would ben nefit from video otaping our mee etings and provviding them either online or in n n archive for ou ur future senato ors and also fo or the public to view. It was disscussed wheth her a teleconferrence idea an would w be more beneficial, b and whether any students or the general public would find inte erest in viewing g the meetings if available to strream. It was als so discussed whether w watchi ng ourselves o on video would help us to beccome more prrofessional and d thoughtful witth our response es in meetings . We do want tto consider the amount of input put into an ac ctivity versus th he outcome, an nd also want to o look at differe ent options, inclluding teleconfference or videotaping, and whether w live-stre eaming, you-tube, or other such services wo ould work best for us. Also disscussed was w whether a prromotional vide eo of the senate would be mo ore interesting, and whether w we would want to include a va ariety of senate eba ased activities. Trrustee Watkins s moves to bring back Item A;; amending the e order of the day. Legislative Represenative e Avila seconds th he motion and it is approved by b a vote of 17 yeas, 1 nay. Informa G. Computers & Passwords P ation C. Achen 5 Min nutes Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r moving computers, and the chang ge to the senate e passwords. See Flor if you do d not know the e computer pas sswords, and rremember not tto display the p passwords anywhere or give th hem out to othe er people. Also, you cannot move m computer or printer equipment. If you n need to relocate e an item, th here is a work order o that mustt be processed and the IT dep partment must move the equiipment themse elves. B. X X. Info. / Discussion SCCC Presenta ation G G. Avila 10 Minu utes e SCCC agenda a is council rep ports; when an individual or co ommittee had a an item on the agenda, they Changed on the et to speak first. Proposition 80755 8 allows colleges to fine students for sm moking in comm mon areas on ccampus or in ge no on-smoking are eas, and as of last month this s was sitting on n the governor’ss desk to be ap pproved. It is possible we co ould conduct business via tele econference, but b we would ha ave to change our bylaws to reflect that and d we would ha ave to determin ne whether we would allow a senators’ pressence to be acccounted for if th hey attended o off campus but via teleconference. There has also been rece ent discussion a about additiona al fees that stu udents were having to pay in ddition to their registration/enrollment fees fo or classes, esp pecially with the e Math Labs. A Attending these e meetings is a ad grreat experience e and everyone e is encouraged to go. See G Gaby if you wou uld like to join h her. Reporrts (Every othe er name is Bold d for Easy Read ding) Execu utive Officers, Senators, S Advis sers report on Senate S Activitie es. A. 3 min nutes ea. Ex xecutive Offic cers President: Charllotte Achen: Ne ext week there will be an evalluation form for you all to fill o out regarding th hings I can do o improve myse elf and my posiition as Preside ent. I will read yyour feedback and take it serriously and will work to to im mprove on yourr suggestions. The T food didn’tt come down to oday- so everyy meeting if the food hasn’t co ome down by 2::50 I will send someone s to ge et it. Dennis willl be here next m meeting to talkk about the bud dget. Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko – absent; no report eh Gomez – no o report Trreasurer: Jospe Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila- I hop pe everyone ha as been contaccting your exterrnal committee chairs- also if yo ou are internal committee cha air you need to submit report tto Alex by toda ay. Please go o over and learn what “point of information” mea ans and also about other proc cedures. Whatt I need to do b before each me eeting is do my research on th he agenda issues- meetings should s be more e discussion the en asking quesstions. It makess me uncomforrtable and makes m me feel uneasy u when I consider that someone s may h have been dish honest and takken extra t-shirtts. It leaves a la ack of trust in our group, and it is upsetting. I do want to co mmend Stepha anie for taking the initiative to o take care of th he shirts and fo or handling all th he issues that have come up with them. Sttudent Trustee e: Joseph Watk kins –I want to specify s that wh hen you abstain n, you should d do so only if you u have a co omplete conflic ct of interest- yo ou are expecte ed to have a sta ance on items w when you are h here. I felt like there was a la ack of informatio on on certain agenda a items and a I felt like pe eople threw secconds and mottions all over th he place – please research your items and the other item ms on the agen nda and find ou ut what the acccounts are speccifically used fo or. You are adv vised to meet with w your adviso ors and your se enators and fam miliarize yourse elf with the acccounts. If you want w to get more e involved, plea ase just come to t us! In nter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as- ICC meetin ngs are going g great, 19 clubs are chartered a and there is sttill more interes sted! Not only that, t but I have trouble somet imes bringing tthe food down and we’ve got lots of vo olunteers to he elp with that; the ey are even ma aking food for m meetings; AGS S is requesting more money fo or their teacherr Sttudent Senate MINUTES 4 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c ap ppreciation eve ent, which mak kes me conside er discussing cl ubs double-dip pping. If you fee el like you need to get more involved please come to us and ask anyone! Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii - no report Scotts Valley Re epresentative: Stephan S Veneg gas- no reportt B. Senators-at-Large Sttephanie Petrillo - Thank yo ou for your support. I apologizze for not being g totally preparred and want yo ou to know I’m go oing to try not to t spread myse elf too thin. I really care aboutt you all and yo ou are great exxamples. Je ennifer Venega as- Stephanie did d a great job with the t-shirtss and I comme end Ivan and Chris Sharon O’Conno or – no report A interes sted in the BBQ Q or PR in gene eral please com me to the meetting tomorrow a at 2pm- I will Arthur O’Reilly- Anyone ha ave food (choc colate cake!) Also, the Faculty y senate Tuesd day 3pm. Kathybelle Barlo ow - I learned something s in le eadership classs- anytime som meone says “po oint of information” or such we e must m be recognized by the cha air before anyth hing else is disccussed. The se enate is invited d to come to tea acher staff co ommittee that will w meet Friday ys from noon – 1pm here in th he senate officce. I have conta acted my external committee an nd am just waitting on our mee eting. Everyone e is going such h an awesome job. Darwin Constantino- Thanksgiv ving and Hallow ween committe ee meetings arre coming up and I recommen nd helping outwe w have a good time. I just want to commend d you people- w we are a familyy- we do hard w work! Ivan has very well sttructured ICC meetings, m and Chris C is doing an a awesome jo ob with the SAC C stuff. Keep up the great wo ork! And Laurash he is in a lot of committees an nd is even chairing! It’s her firrst semester; great job! Josep ph Watkins is w working on so ome big stuff and we are goin ng to see some e big things com ming from him ssoon. We are w working really h hard this se emester so kee ep up the good work! Chris Steele - I would w like to give up the basic c committee, e external committtee; I contacte ed them but the ey still haven’t go otten back with h me and I am doing d too much h so if you wou uld like to take tthis on please come see me. The Student Activity Challeng ge ends next week w and there will be prizes sso get in your ccontracts! Je esse Collins- no report Sage Goncharofff no report Ja ames Williams-- I would like to o try to join an external e comm mittee and Tuessdays and Thurrsdays are my free days. I am m go oing to try to ex xtend myself an nd am inspired d by seeing eve eryone’s hard w workLa aura Hunerberg g - the furniture e committee wiill be meeting n next week. Tha ank you for eve eryone who hass taken me un nder their wings. It has been really nice and helpful to me and I feel like I am a part of this. Thank you u very much Summer Maiorin no- I appreciatte everyone being open and h honest. 5 minutes A s ea. C. Advisors Sesario Escoto o - I forgot to tell t you last week w that you m must leave yo our offices by 10pm. The cu ustodians have e aid they have been given atttitude when they ask you to o leave, and th he deputy to a ask you to sa hey will call th le eave if it is pas st 10pm.This is i about safety y and ideally tthe administra ation wants yo ou gone by 9p pm but I’ve allready gotten it extended to o 10pm. Secon nd issue: you talk about acc cessibility to y your constitue ents and you want w them to get to know you; I recommen nd you put a s sign out “Stud dent Senate m meeting in prog gress- come jo oin us- free foo od!” I like the joint project idea with the p plastic bags- iit’s a great adv vertising tool!! Whats going on n with the ICC C requesting fu unds and tryin ng to determin ne if the clubs s need to come here or go there to get money? m You ne eed to clarify this. t When yo ou are present ing, please try y not to touch h the screen as s it gets dirty when w you touch it. And how about the hea alth fair irony… …everytime I h have gone the e weather was s good but I’m gllad we didn’t do d it outside! It was drizzly,, wet, windy a nd cold. You’re doing good d work and yo ou are a modell. Don’t judge you urself on othe ers; but on where you are, w where your he eart is and wha at the next ste eps are for ou. yo Flor F Chacòn- I think the vide eo recording is a good idea a because I wa ant you to look k at yourselve es. One of the to ools you use for f interviewin ng is you video otape yourselff to see things s you didn’t even know you u were doing (b body language e etc.) I think it would be go ood to do it on nce so you can n go home and watch it and d self-analyze;; what w is your bo ody position, your y tone of voice, v what we ere you saying g etc.In terms of clarifying ffunds…clubs arre always confused between what we say y and what the e ICC says. It doesn’t matte er who puts on n the event, it alll comes from the same sou urce. What ma atters to you is s, is this an ev vent you wantt to support an nd is this so omething thatt fits you- if so o, vote on it. IC CC is an exten nsion of the se enate- you are en’t separate a and you abide e un nder the same e bylaws so do on’t separate it. Think abou ut that – if this s isn’t something that works s to be su upported by you, y you can te ell the group to t take it back k to ICC. Senate logo on the e bags is a gre eat idea if we ge et the reusable bags. As forr hanging pos sters- we’ve be een damaging g the paint on the railings w when we hang th he posters bec cause we have e been using the t wrong tap pe. You have b blue tape to use, so please use it. The pa ainting on the e railings on th he library was ruined, so ple ease, if you arre posting a p poster, use the e blue tape! Also, A the fish ta ank has to be taken care of. Sttudent Senate MINUTES 5 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c X XI. Agend da Building 3 minutes s B Bylaws, emerg gency funds, Bhatki B Yoga fo ood, sustainab bility/resolutio on contracts, teleconferenc ce presentatio on, resolutions s p presentation, video v conference. Be sure to t be here on time! X XII. Adjou urnment 4:59 pm Student Senate Executive E Mee eting Agenda (To be b held after th he Student Se enate Meeting)) X XIII. Call to o Order at 5:09 9pm A. Roll R Call Ex xecutive Office ers President: Charllotte Achen- Prresent Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko-- Absent esent Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez- Pre Trrustee: Joseph h Watkins- Pres sent Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila- Present Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii- Present IC CC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as- Present Scotts Valley Re epresentative: Stephan S Veneg gas- Present Advisors Sesario-Presentt Fllor-Present X XIV. X XV. X XVI. Adopttion of the Exe ecutive Agend da Appro oval of the Exe ecutive Minute es Regullar Business A. Attendance A from Last Meetin ng 10 Minutes Motion M to excuse Sage from last meeting due d to a healtth center appo ointment Absence A excus sed by a vote of o 3 yeas, 2 na ays, 0 abstain ns. B. Discussion of Meeting 30 M 0 Minutes n the future, an n executive bo oard member will chair one e or two items during the ge eneral meeting g so that they In ca an get a feel fo or chairing an n item. Parliam ment procedurres need to be e addressed an nd everyone n needs to re eview them. We W should refra ain from putting people on the spot and saying their n names, and stiick to more ge eneral statements. It is also o a concern th hat we are morre prompt abo out beginning our meetings s on time. We sh hould try to be e more busine ess-structured d and more fo cused. It shou uld be clarified d that informa ation/action ite ems must hav ve a motion be efore discussiion can occurr. It was also d discussed thatt senators who speak less offten than othe ers will have priority p when there are multiiple senators wishing to sp peak on an item m. Be sure to do o your researc ch on agenda items prior to o the meeting,, and feel free to email Ivan if you have questions pe ertaining to th he ICC. X XVII. Advisors Reports ood work, good job! Sesarrio Escoto- Go Flor ChacònC Good d job! X XVIII. Execu utive Agenda Requests R 5 Min nutes ea. Adjou urned at 5:39pm Sttudent Senate MINUTES 6