Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 16 Votes needed for simple majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10 Location: Watsonville Campus in Room A130 Date and Time: Thursday, April 19th, 2012 3:20 pm – 6:00 pm Student Senate Minutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday April 19th, 2012. These are the minutes reflective of that meeting. Item Motion Yeas Nays Abstains Result VII B Motion to approve $1000 from the Student Rep Fee for a donation to be made to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) 13 0 0 Passed Motion to approve $300 from the Programs Account to hold an event at the Scotts Valley campus 7 5 0 Passed Motion to approve $300 from the 83 Equipment Account to have surveillance over the SAC East area in general 13 2 0 Passed Motion to approve $5000 from the 73 Account for the purchase of IPADS for the student senate and senate advisors with the stipulation that the rules and procedures must be brought up to the senate next week, prior to the purchase of the IPADS 11 4 0 Passed Motion to approve moving forward with the project plans to place a marquee on campus and have it be in conjunction with the cafeteria project 14 0 0 Passed Motion to approve the addition of Article VI, Section 1, Letter K to the bylaws. (see agenda item below for details) 8 7 0 Not Passed Motion to approve the addition of Article IX, Section 2, to the bylaws. It would read: The treasurer from every club should give a written report to the ICC chair at the end of every month 13 1 0 Passed Motion to approve adding this constitutional addition to the ballot for the student body to vote on: no executive officer may run for a consecutive term in the same office unless there is no other candidate for this position 12 3 0 Passed Motion to add to the ballot the option of removing the Watsonville and Scotts Valley representatives from the senate 7 7 0 Not Passed VII C VII D VII E VII F VII H VII H VII H VII H I. Call to Order at 3:30pm A. Roll Call President: Charlotte Achen- Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present Watsonville Representative: (vacant) Senators-At-Large Stephanie Petrillo- Present Sharon O’Connor-Present Chris Steele- Present Steven Culver-Present (Tardy @3:45pm) Kyle Logan- Present Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present (Tardy @3:45pm) Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant) Laura Hunerberg-Present Darwin Constantino- Present James Williams- Present Sarah Davies- Present Aimee Cornett- Present Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Advisors Sesario Escoto-Present Flor Chacon- Present II. Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Treasurer Gomez moves to approve the Agenda, and Senator Constantino seconds the motion. The agenda is approved by a vote of 12 yeas. III. Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes A. April 5th, 2012 Senator Williams moves to approve the minutes from April 5th, 2012, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. The minutes are approved by a vote of 10 yeas. IV. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker. V. President Announcements VI. Special Items A. Donation of Tables to Allied Health Info. / Action S. O’Connor 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the donation of two of the outdoor tables, located on the terrace outside the Cafeteria, to be placed outside of the Health and Wellness building. Allied Health would like two tables from behind the cafeteria or between SAC East and West to be moves to near their area so they have a place to sit and eat. Senator Hunerberg moves to approve the donation of the tables from the cafeteria to the Allied Health department and Trustee Watkins seconds the motion. This is approved unanimously by a vote of 13 yeas. VII. New Business. A. Appointment of New Senators 1. Scotts Valley Representative 2. Watsonville Representative 3. 2 Senator-at-Large Positions 5 Minutes 3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions B. Donation to the SSCCC Info. / Action S. Escoto 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the ___ Account for a donation to be made to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC). These funds are primarily used for travel costs, a parliamentarian to facilitate orderly and productive meetings, and meeting facilities for the SSCCC. The funds are also used to support annual orientation and leadership training for Council members. The SSCCC is also suffering from severe budget cuts and they are struggling to meet the expenses of the members of the senate, and are appealing to community colleges to receive donations. Gaby thought of bringing this up but with a larger quantity. Senator Davies moves to approve $1000 from the Programs Account for a donation to be made to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and Legislative Representative Avila seconds the motion. Senator Davies then moves to amend the main motion to have the funds come from the Student Rep Account, and Senator Petrillo seconds the amendment motion. The Student Rep Fee has a balance of over 18,000. The senate approves the amendment of the main motion by a unanimous vote of 13 yeas. The senate then unanimously approves $1000 from the Student Rep Fee for a donation to be made to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) by a vote of 13 yeas. C. Scotts Valley Event Info. / Action S. Davies 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $300.00 from the ___Account to hold an event at the Scotts valley campus. This money was approved previously for Welcome Week but was never spent. The money has to be reapproved. This would be to bring pizza to the Scotts Valley campus classes on an evening, when classes are being held. There are only a few classes at that campus, and they are all during the evenings. This would be done within the next two weeks, and Sarah, Ivan and Aimee volunteered to go pass out the pizza and promote elections too. Maybe we could find a Scotts Valley representative. Oleksii thinks that with everything going on right now, and with the low amount of student that go there, that this is a waste of our time and our resources. Gaby feels that even though there are a small amount of people Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 attending classes there, they are still paying for their SAC card and it is not a waste of time. There are a lot of people that are not involved in the events currently going on. Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve $300 from the Programs Account to hold an event at the Scotts Valley campus and Senator Davies seconds the motion. Alex does not think this event is appropriate, as he thinks we are here to advocate the students and their rights and does not think doing this does that. However, the student senate passes this motion by a vote of 7 yeas, 5 nays. D. Surveillance over Front Desk Info. / Action J. Watkins 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $300.00 from the 73, Equipment Account to have surveillance over the front desk. Trustee Watkins moves to approve $300 from the 73 Equipment Account to have surveillance over the front desk, and Senator O’Connor seconds the motion. There have been issues with theft in the area near the front desk. People have been rummaging through things when staff is not there. The staff, according to Joseph Watkins, is comfortable having a camera on them. Stephanie is curious if there is a reason things that can be stolen are left in those areas, and whether things can be moved to places where a camera is already monitoring? Or could the cameras be moved? Sesario advised the senate that there is already surveillance there that was paid for by a previous student senate. He believes the front desk is covered, and that most areas are, except for one exit. In the past when theft occurred, there was surveillance that captured footage of the individuals, but having the camera does not mean the people will be identified. Sesario advised that we determine from Lois is this is actually something that is needed before we approve it, or that if we do approve this we do so contingent upon the need. It could be discussed to place surveillance in other places on campus in the future, as there is a need from theft in other locations as well. Sesario advised that if this is passed, we should assess what the next step would be. Trustee Watkins moves to amend the motion to approve $300 from the 73 Equipment Account to have surveillance over the SAC East area in general, and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. The senate approves the amendment by a vote of 13 yeas. The senate then approves the motion by a vote of 13 yeas, 2 nays. E. iPads for Student Senators Info. / Action O. Chuiko 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $5,000.00 from the 73, Equipment Account to purchase an iPad for every student senator. Once a senator’s time on the senate has ended, they will return the iPad for future senators. Vice President Chuiko moves to approve $5000 from the 73 Equipment Account to purchase an IPAD for every student senator and senate advisor, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. The idea was to purchase the IPADS for every member and advisor to use and check out for the term. This could be used for trips, general assemblies, meetings, to do presentations, or whatever you want. It would bring efficiency and a chance to work with new technology. Kyle thinks this is a cool idea bringing technology in, but wants to know what happens if someone drops one or they get stolen. This motion does not discuss the details of what we will do with these situations. Alex says one thing about an IPAD is that they are hard to break. Joseph Gomez mentioned that there was another agenda item before that was approved for an IPAD for presentations. Laura thinks this sounds like a good idea, as we won’t have to print out extra things and we will all have access to things at all times. It was discussed that we could use these to communicate at retreats, and that binders wouldn’t be needed, and that minutes and agendas could be accessible. There is also an application that creates agendas on the IPAD. The IT department, according to Oleksii, likes Apples a lot, so we should not have concern about them being able to maintain them if need be. Joseph Watkins says this would be helpful because he feels he wastes a lot of paper cleaning out his desk once a month and that we should figure out the technicalities about theft and breaking. Sesario advises the senate to answer the question about theft and irresponsibility, and also to consider providing training to every user. He thinks a minimum training should be required, and to consider how we might offer the training in the future if the current person you select to provide it leaves the senate. Sesario also mentioned that the Board thought of this idea, and turned it down recently, and that also he believes we are not quite ready to make the change but maybe it would be an incentive if we did it. He suggests we establish what we expect the use to be out of the IPAD. He also advised that we do not purchase 20, as rarely do we have a full senate. Senator Steele moves to extend time by 5 minutes and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. Time is extended by 5 minutes by an approval of 11 yeas, 3 nays. Stephanie says she likes the paper saving aspect of this, but is very uncomfortable with the idea. She can’t believe our constituents will be okay with us buying IPADS for ourselves. It was discussed that the minutes and notes could be projected in front of us, that this was not a necessity to view them. In addition, not everything is available online, and this would restrict things to accessing online items only. Would personal use be acceptable with these? What about providing something that more than just senators can use? Oleksii says to think about it like how any corporation makes purchases for tools that can help you do things much faster and better than you were doing them before. He says this would be for the senators and would change hands from senate to senate as the members change, and that we need to stay up to date and encourage use of newer technologies. Oleksii thinks being leaders of the school you should be able to know how to use the tools that people in the ‘real world’ are using. Charlotte advised the senate that no communication could be sent on the IPADS during the meetings, as it would be a violation of the Brown Act. Gaby is also concerned about these going missing and wants to know if the senate has the power to put a hold on someone’s account if they do not return them? Legislative Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Representative Avila moves to amend the main motion to add that the rules and procedures have to be brought up to us by next week, before the purchase of the IPADS, and Senator Davies seconds the motion to the amendment. Gaby wants to know why we are approving so much money without any rules or procedures. The senate approves the amendment to the main motion by a vote of 10 yeas, 4 nays. The senate then approves $5000 from the 73 Account for the purchase of IPADS for the student senate and senate advisors with the stipulation that the rules and procedures must be brought up to the senate next week, prior to the purchase of the IPADS, by a vote of 11 yeas, 4 nays. F. Student Senate Marquee Info. / Action J. Watkins 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of project plans to place a marquee on campus and have it be in conjunction with the cafeteria project. Trustee Watkins moves to approve the project plans to place a marquee on campus and have it be in conjunction with the cafeteria project, and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. It was discussed whether this would put the same restrictions on both the marquee and the cafeteria, and Joseph Watkins stated that he put this on here at the request of Joe Nguyen and Dennis Bailey who believe this would be better to be able to use the same contractors and other hired help to assist with the marquee, as well as the cafeteria. Flor advised the senate that both items came from the 73 Account and would have the same restrictions anyway. Sesario advised the senate to be sure not to assume the cost of the marquee will be merged with the cafeteria project, as this does not apply approval for the funds of the marquee, only to move forward with the plans. The senate approves moving forward with the project plans to place a marquee on campus and have it be in conjunction with the cafeteria project by a vote of 14 yeas. G. Service Dogs on Campus Info. / Action S. O’Connor 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding Service Dogs on Cabrillo’s Campus This item is removed from the agenda. H. Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Info. / Action O. Chuiko 15 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding constitution and bylaws amendments. Article VI, Section1, Letter K: This would be an addition. "No Senator may be appointed to the Senate until the first official meeting of the fall semester, unless they participated in the Spring elections and did not win the position they sought."This was already discussed, and is an idea to encourage people to run in the elections. Some senate members expressed frustration that these amendments were not emailed out directly to everyone, and Joseph Watkins explained that they were available in dropbox, and that it is everyone’s responsibility to constantly check it. Sesario told the senate he understood the intent of this amendment, but did not like the idea that the person would not be able to go to the retreat. It is an interpretation; however, as Oleksii points out that they can still come to the retreat, they just can’t have a vote until the fall. Stephanie says she is really confused of the wording of this, as it applies different things than what it says. What about people who don’t know about the senate until after April 20th? They will not be able to run until August? It was argued whether we could suspend the rules if we wanted to in the future, and there was differing opinions on this, as Joseph Watkins believes we can and Gaby believes we cannot suspend the bylaws. Steven believes that we don’t fill enough positions as it is, and is curious why we are trying to restrict it more, when we should be trying to bring more people in. Chris thinks we should be promoting elections more and getting more people involved, and says he didn’t know about the senate until he was actually voting for it, but also says he doesn’t have a problem with this. Stephanie found frustration that this would not allow us to appoint someone once they were ready to join, and reminded us that this is about our constituents, and not about us. Joseph Watkins argued that these people could still be involved helping out with events, in the senate office, and still get training from other senate members in the meantime. Trustee Watkins moves to approve this specific bylaws amendment, and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. This motion fails by a vote of 8 yeas, 7 nays. Trustee Watkins moves to extend time by 15 minutes, and Interclub Council Chair Sumano-Vargas seconds the motion. Time is extended for 15 minutes by a vote of 14 yeas. Article IX, Section 2. Will now read: The treasurer from every club should give a written report to the ICC chair at the end of every-other month. Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve this, and it is seconded. This is all about money transfers, and to help keep track of the money that clubs ask for, as a while back there was a club that was asking for money after they already have been given $1000. This would provide reports to we would know what was being spent. Sesario advised the senate that this should already be happening, that he has asked for the reports and even made a form for each club to fill out. He stated that he would simply ask the advisor and the ICC chair that if the reports are not turned in, you do not approve money for that club. Sesario said it is their jobs as advisors to monitor this, and that it does not need to be added to the bylaws. Vice President Chuiko moves to amend the original motion to so that the item will now read: The treasurer from every club should give a written report to the ICC chair at the end of every month, and it is seconded. The amendment is approved by a vote of 13 yeas, 1 nay. Sesario and Flor will discuss this together, as there is Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 some work the advisors need to do in this area. Even clubs that don’t have activities need to provide a report that states no money was spent, and that nothing has been done thus far. The senate approves this addition to the bylaws by a vote of 13 yeas, 1 nay. The following items will be put onto the ballot for the student body to vote on, if passed by a 2/3 vote of the senate: Oleksii proposes to add Section 4, an item that would state no executive officer may run for a consecutive term in the same office unless the position is unfilled. Vice President Chuiko moves to add this to the ballot, and Trustee Watkins seconds the motion. Sesario advised there was confusion about the statement, and wanted to clarify that this would be the case unless there were no other candidates for the position. Vice President Chuiko moves to amend the original motion to state no executive officer may run for a consecutive term in the same office unless there is no other candidate for this position, and it is seconded. The amendment is approved by a vote of 11 yeas, 3 nays. This item is called to question by Senator Davies, and seconded by Interclub Council Chair Sumano-Vargas, and the senate approves going to vote by a vote of 14 yeas. This will not affect the outcome of this election. The senate approves this moving to the ballot by a vote of 12 yeas, 3 nays. Oleksii proposes to drop the Scotts Valley and Watsonville representative positions and the senate will become 18 instead of 20 people. This would then be a requirement for all senate members to represent all campuses of Cabrillo College equally, and there would be an internal committee made as well. Trustee Watkins moves to extend time by 5 minutes, and it is seconded. Time is extended by 5 minutes by a vote of 14 yeas, 2 nays. Vice President Chuiko moves to add this to the ballot, and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. Laura said it was discussed that one person on the senate would be the internal committee chair. It was discussed whether it would be a requirement for someone to be responsible for those campuses, and what type of guarantee would be made to ensure the other campuses were not forgotten about. Flor advised the senate that this model has not been working and that there has not been success doing things this way. She states she will moderate this to ensure we have events at all campuses. She encourages everyone who is really concerned to attend the planning meetings. Legislative Representative Avila moves to extend time by 5 minutes, and Senator Steele seconds the motion. Time is extended by 5 minutes by a vote of 12 yeas. Sesario advised the senate that the amendment should include the language to enforce the student senate to represent all three campuses. He warned the senate that heavy protest from Watsonville may occur. Oleksii disagrees, and Gaby thinks we should amend the bylaws to allow more people to run for those positions. She believes that we are creating more barriers and that we should not get rid of the positions. Stephanie agrees with Gaby. Trustee Watkins moves to extend time for 6 minutes, but we have exceeded time limit extensions for this item. Stephanie believes this should not be passed until the wording is solidified. Oleksii ensured the senate that he will make sure the wording is described precisely to let the person voting know what this will do, and that we will be spreading the responsibility among everyone to cover those campuses. This motion fails by a vote of 7 yeas, 7 nays. I. VIII. IX. Accessibility and Safety on Campus Info. / Discuss. J. Williams 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding accessibility and safety on campus. There are a few problem areas James has taken upon himself to clean up and find a solution for. One is near the theater. There is a lot of broken glass and a big mass of paint that is a hazard. James has spoken with Debbie, the Director of Maintenance and Operations, and is waiting to hear back from her about cleaning up this area. In addition, there is a large overhang that is a danger to students, as they could get hit in the head. James will be working with Debbie to get more garbage cans and increase maintenance cleanup in that area. Gaby advised James to forward these requests to Brian King, as some janitorial positions that were unfilled were just cut. Delta Representative Report 5 minutes Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading) 5 minutes ea. Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities and their respective Committees. A. Executive Officers Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-5 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 President: Charlotte Achen SPRAC meeting tomorrow- discussing VAPA positions- forwarded student concerns and will be voicing them. Miss Rep met yesterday- for helpers arrive April 30th at 5pm- helpers will receive their name announced and you can come on stage and take a bow. Remember to take care of yourselves- midterms are over- finals are 5 weeks away- school and ourselves come first- take care of yourselves Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko no report Treasurer: Joseph Gomez this is not including what we passed- 2899 in programs- no changes—equipment no changes 28956.48 actual balance, 72 account 18391.98 actual balance- available 5111.00—with that I will pass out current budget without things from today—before we went on spring break I made a spreadsheet for senators that have not completed purchase recs- some events have not come back yet. Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila midterms aren’t over- I had 2 today! The item for the IPADS was greatsometimes I conflict with myself because the specifics of some motions get to me- I believe we are here to discuss the items and hear each other’s opinion- if not we would just come here and vote. I don’t appreciate it when someone has spoken and someone else responds to that- don’t try to put people down- it gets to me- it’s not okay- we have a short institutional memory- this is my 3rd year- sometimes I forget we did approve money to do something- which is why specifics are so important- we forget- and then we don’t –social justice- just told Sarah I can help her- then going to the gala for region 4 Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins we are pressuring people to second things- I would advise against that- if we could recommend to listen to other peoples perspectives- we need to listen – I felt it added to conflict- social justice- please be there- a lot of people presenting- Sarah will be presenting- Laura, Darwin and myself, and Sharon will be there- please attend- great event to get involved- encourage people to pursue avenues of leadership- Miss Rep- committee is Flor, Charlotte, Laura, Stephanie and myself- working really hard- SEMILLAS- these students normally perform in front of 1000s of people in huge halls, and they talked about trash muddling their streets- trying to create communication amongst their community- it was interesting talking with them and translators- they are advocates like ourselves- thank you for bringing that here- I hope it comes back with a larger crowd- earth week is happening- I hope you are involved with the clubs- they have smoothies and stuff- we are coming towards the end I hope you are doing good managing your sleep and your emotionsInter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas ICC was short- approved 2000 to pay for our secretary salary (Stephanie)- no more request for money- I would suggest we have candidates running- come to the meeting and I will have a special item for the candidates to talk to the ICC reps- suggestion about ICC treasurer- would be a great idea to have a senator at large to be designated to do that next year- I have managed it this year but it was a lot of work to keep track of both things-Scotts Valley event- I will help you Sarah! Sorry I won’t be able to make it to Social Justice- going to AGS spring conference instead Watsonville Representative: (Vacant) Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant) B. Senators-at-Large Stephanie Petrillo will be at AGS conference with Ivan, Charlotte, Alex, and Kyle- productive meeting- efficiency and having our voices be heard is a little different things might take more time to do that but this is the time to do that- we shouldn’t rush through things much and I applaud you all for doing that- I missed you all during spring break Laura Hunerberg we spoke few weeks ago about making sure we review the agenda items before the meetings- I feel I am personally slipping up on this- if we do this, talk to chairs and senators, we can come to these meetings more informed0 when we do get into these important debates, we will be able to more readily listen to each other- we did not have cohesive listening—things to announce outside of the senate to announce- I will send out a revised edition and check your email and announce them in class next week- it will help promote things- we are here for the students and it is important to represent them Sharon O’Connor come to SJC- will need your support as I will be speaking- got an award last year and it is really cool to go to Darwin Constantino Steven, Sesario and I met to prepare to meet Angela Aiken to prepare our pitch for the bus pass proposal- went to the senate meeting last week and mentioned we need a rep for the cafeteria- they also gave an ACE report- very interesting how they model their program- one item that had debate was withdrawal date- right now it is 4 weeks from the start of school- they are thinking of moving that forward to 2 weeks- because if you drop from 2 weeks or 3 weeks, you won’t have a record but it will count as one of your three tries and there was another reason because if you do drop the 2nd or 3rd week, the census is affected. There is a lot of debate that 2 weeks is not enough to decide if you want to be in the course or not. Be at the SJC Chris Steele will be at SJC-I get extra credit for the events I attend James Williams had to rebuild the Sammy the Seahawk logo-artwork we were using everywhere looked pixilated- what I did was put it into illustrator- made it cleaner- took signature – will upload it to dropbox- so we have a database- looking forward to SJC- Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-6 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Steven Culver love debates- I could have talked better, exhausted- IPAD thing- complete against- totally outrageoushappy that we are back from spring break Sarah Davies I am excited to go to Scotts Valley! I am disgusted about the IPAD thing and wish I could have expressed my concerns. I am looking forward to the Social Justice Conference this weekend! Remember to stand up for people if they are getting bullied. Have a good weekend! Kyle Logan apologize for running out before meeting last week- had pneumonia- back to normal now- next weekend AGS is doing rummage sale- may 5th is oceanography department biannual beach cleanup- take over KSCO radio station- if you want to be involved- we can have table or booth- running start is may 18th – I am the rep for that committee- will choose a location for our table and will be able to attend and table the event- if you want to join that is great and we need volunteers to help students Aimee Cornett me and Darwin have been working on elections- getting photos and video- will be at SJC- will help with Sarah at the Scotts Valley event. C. X. Advisors 5 minutes ea. Sesario Escoto You mentioned some of the things- your budget- business office got back to me- they didn’t like line item for the bus pass program because every time we do that it forces them to create a new account number- I told them if they needed to they could move it into programs- the advisors will work with the next senate on this- other than that the budgets are approved- Watsonville rep committee idea- just crucial- I really like it- you are always responsible for the whole district. Club budgets- exactly what I was thinking- it’s more complicated- if you change your structure to appoint someone here to help- I would put it on the vice president- or someone to assist ICC chair. IPAD approval thing- you approved it with the condition the guidelines come back next week- and you didn’t say you needed to approve that so I guess you are getting them. SJC- I am a volunteer also- if you don’t like breakfast or lunch blame me- help me after you help Sarah- I guess I will be helping anyway possible. Graduation- if you haven’t yet petitioned there is still time- your name won’t be in the program- I didn’t suggest you approve snacks but you should approve about 200 for snacks for the graduates-I want to tell you that the debate today- this is a strong lesson in civics- I see it as healthy as long as you remain mutually respectful- your votes are not 14-2, 18-0, 18-1 anymore- it is healthy because you are individuals and you are starting to take a stand as an individual and not voting as a group- we try to minimize pressure here- doing a great job Flor Chacòn really want to thank Alex and Laura and bylaws committee for their hard work- they spent hours getting things together for you to debate. Congratulations to you guys for that—it gets you to test your critical ability. Watsonville and Scotts Valley- if you are really concerned as you seem to be- then I tell you to come to bylaws meeting next time there is a meeting and be a part of that process if you are concerned. I want a new plan that will push you forward to a better place for the senate for next year in terms of that area- maybe the ICC treasurer could maybe be an ICC club member and not only a senator- or maybe add it to the secretary duties? I like the idea of monitoring them better and holding them accountable, making sure ICC rep is not doing the treasurer’s job- you guys—tomorrow is April 20th- it is the last day to run for elections. I need your written statements- by tomorrow so the ballot can be made- need your picture too- by tomorrow!! If you know anyone running- please remind them- I am being really strict- must be done by 5pm. Let’s make a meeting for the IPAD. Agenda Building 3 minutes Sesario- we cannot move those tables- it is not up to us- sorry I was too late to get into this debate— We need sponsors for things- traditionally at end of senate, current and incoming senate have a luncheon dinner, Chris will be the sponsor for this—discussion about where to have it also—(charlotte said this will not be able to come on right now) update on PR—rules and procedures for the IPADs (Oleksii) graduation snacks (Darwin) library furniture (Sarah) – constitution (Oleksii); tables for allied health (Sharon) XI. Adjournment 5:36 pm Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda (To be held after the Student Senate Meeting) XII. Call to Order A. Roll Call President: Charlotte Achen- Present Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present Interclub Council Representative: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present Scotts Valley Representative: Vacant Watsonville Representative: Vacant 5:43pm Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-7 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Advisors: Flor Chacon- Present Sesario Escoto- Present XIII. XIV. XV. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Approval of the Executive Minutes Regular Business A. Attendance from Last Meeting Gaby, Ivan and Kyle all were out due to illnesses/sickness and are all excused. B. Discussion of Meeting 30 Minutes Joseph Watkins is serious about the fact that we don’t need to force people to make seconds. Mediation on the part of the President should be enforced. It was then discussed that when someone chairs an item, they should get to speak first and last, and respond if there is a direct question to them, but they should not be able to respond to every statement as it takes up all of the allotted time for that item. It should be done from now on that those who have not spoken will move to the beginning of the queue. Yet again people are not researching the agenda items prior to the meetings. In addition, people are not listening to the advisors. Come to the bylaws meetings and other committee meetings if you don’t understand something. Oleksii expressed frustration that only Laura and Joseph Watkins responded to him via email regarding the bylaws. He asked at the last meeting that everyone read over them and contact him if they had any concerns. Since only the two of them did, Oleksii is under the impression everyone is fine with the bylaws as they are written. Oleksii finds this disrespectful that not everyone responded and would like us all to respect each other in the future. It was discussed that some people were very frustrated they were not able to speak on an item before it went to vote, when they had opposing views from those that were being discussed in depth by what seemed to be the same people continuously. Joseph Watkins found is unacceptable that people who did not like how a turnout came about spoke about these things in their reports, even if they were unable to speak during the item. It was discussed that the chair of an item can always bring the item back if there is a lot of discussion happening. It was also mentioned that someone needs to be facilitating to ensure that people do not get off topic. Additionally, a time limit per person when speaking on an issue was also considered. For reports, we still have not clarified what guidelines, if any, we are going to have. Since currently we do not have any, people are able to say whatever they want in their report. Anyone can call a Point of Order if they find it necessary. Oleksii believes the concerns you have need to be addressed before these meetings, in committee meetings. Many people in today’s meeting used words like “I believe,” or “I think.” We need to remember that we are not here to represent our own formulated opinions, but those of the entire student body. Do you think what we are doing will help our constituents or help us improve? Steven expressed frustration about not getting a chance to speak on some items as well, and also noted that Sesario was skipped over a few times during the meeting also. Sesario advised the senate to go back to the terms we discussed--- is it discussion or info and what does it mean. In a discussion, if new info comes up you can talk about it. Sesario also likes the idea that new people can talk first once the queue is going since time will run out, and does not think limiting discussion is a good idea. He believes we need to resolve what ‘discussion’ means. There was frustration expressed about the bylaws and constitution items not being emailed out. Even if they are in dropbox, they should be sent out beforehand, and Gaby has asked for this before and it has been listed in the minutes. How can a council be expected to come to a meeting with an opinion and not ask questions without being able to see these things ahead of time? At least 5 people in the room presently showed interest in having anything pertaining to an agenda item emailed directly to the senate members prior to the meeting. The senate was then advised by Sesario that we need to determine if the use of dropbox means that we have had access and been sent something ahead of time, or if it needs to be emailed to be considered sent out. He thinks it is a good idea if members of the group consult about something, but says it will never eliminate the discussion and debate in the meetings. Sesario believes sometimes we need to be talking about things, even if we discussed them before. He also says that although at this time we don’t have a big audience; it is their right for them to be present when we discuss these things. C. Discussion on Internal Committees 20 Minutes This item is to discuss if Internal Committees should follow the brown act and action items within these meeting. Sesario- who makes an issue of this? When you ask me whether or not you use the Brown Act- if you have a subcommittee that is required to report back to you, that committee is required to follow the Brown Act. Each year the senators have dealt with this differently- structurally, every committee you have in your bylaws is expected to meet as the way is described and to follow the Brown Act- the ones established for adhoc and special committees are not. It is structural, it’s in your bylaws and you have a certain expectation. Report & Assignment of Mentors 5 Minutes D. 5 Minutes Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-8 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 XVI. Advisors Reports 5 Minutes ea. Sesario Escoto no report Flor Chacòn You are a team- seriously- when a committee meets, whatever they are planning- they are putting at least an hour outside to come up with a plan, when they come here you should value their work, not trash it. These people got together in their own time to talk about things that are important. Yes, you can criticize it and add to it and build to it, but remember you are a team, and if you are not able to attend a meeting- it’s okay- just make sure that once you check the agenda, if you do have questions you can ask them or come to the advisors with those questions- but the point of the team is working together to construct something, not to destruct whatever the committee did- if a particular subject is that something that you are really passionate about, you should make time to go, and if the time doesn’t work for you talk to the chair and let them know you want to be involved- today I got the sense we were moving away from working as a team by arguing with each otherthere is a democracy- once you lose, you have to support with the majority- you say okay I will make it work for me, because obviously the majority voted for it, and we need to respect that. XVII. XVIII. Executive Agenda Requests Adjournment 6:23 pm Student Senate MINUTES 4.19.12-9