Student Senate Elections 2015 - Candidates President (2 Candidates)

Student Senate Elections 2015 - Candidates
President (2 Candidates)
Martín Vargas Vega (Incumbent) – Team Unity
My name is Martín Vargas Vega and I will be running for
my second term as president. During my term as president, I
have represented you the students at the college planning council
and have been able to provided $30,000 dollars’ worth in grants
that have helped students and programs here at Cabrillo College.
For my second term my concentration will be in developing our
student center, student senate services, along with student
representation during the budget cut process. Cabrillo College
will be moving to a time where they will cut 2 million dollars and
I will make it my job to make sure that this will have the least
impact on you the student at Cabrillo College. It has been my
honor to represent you and I will continue to represent you at the
best of my ability as your president for the 2015-2016 academic
Dru Glover – Dream Team
One of my primary goals as President will be to ensure
administrative transparency. We, the students, must have open
access to and inclusion in the decision-making process
regarding alterations to the schools policy, practice and
mission. Educating the student body about the inner workings
of the school will empower them and encourage them to get
involved in student government and leadership
roles. Additionally, I will be an advocate for diversity and
inclusion not only in student leadership roles, but also in
student activities. Fostering a sense of community and
solidarity between students, faculty and administration are
paramount issues to myself as well as my running mates. This
includes bridging the Aptos and Watsonville campuses in
order to maximize involvement of ALL students and break
down the invisible barriers that inhibit us from interacting with
each other. In addition as Sociology major, making sure that we
understand each other and can operate respectfully and peacefully while providing necessary
resources and services to students will be my ultimate goal.
Vice President (2 Candidates)
Essy Barroso-Ramirez – Team Unity
I would like to serve my Cabrillo constituents by being
their voice. I believe I am capable of the leadership,
communication and teamwork skills that this position calls for;
in addition to the aforementioned skills I am motivated to fight
for the betterment of Cabrillo for all students. I will always
make decisions with careful consideration while maintaining
my integrity and striving for justice. I am confident in my
abilities and I humbly thank you for your time and
Evgeny Yakushev – Dream Team
My name is Evgeny and I am an international student from
Russia at Cabrillo.
I am participating in the Senate for the past two semesters.
In my opinion, experience is the most valuable asset for this
position. Therefore, it is important to have an experienced team of
senators present for the coming year’s Executive Board to pass the
knowledge to the next generation of Senators. I am currently
working close with the most experienced on the Senate and
learning as much as possible from them.
I am willing to integrate international students into the
social life of Cabrillo College. I believe all of us have a lot to
bring and share with the Cabrillo community.
My main idea is to continue defending the interests of
students at all levels and provide as much help as possible. In
particular, I am in full support for implementing the Transportation
Fee ($40), which will benefit many students at Cabrillo.
Student Trustee
Austin Yungmeyer – Team Unity
In order for a student senate to be effective, they need to
listen and understand the concerns of their constituents. My name is
Austin Yungmeyer it is my personal goal to become your balanced
and informed student trustee. For the past year I have been an active
member of our very own senate her at Cabrillo. In that time I have
chaired the Halloween event, been a part of the team that
implemented the Thanksgiving event, and have served on several
diverse committees around the campus such as for public relations
and the campus book store. In addition to serving on the senate, I
am currently residing as the President of our school's academic
honor society, Alpha Gamma Sigma. I genuinely enjoy ating as a
voice and conduit for my fellow students and promoting important
issues that pertain to their interests. If you personally entrust your vote
to me, I will honor that decision as your student trustee and I promise to fulfill my role with the
up most responsible.
Legislative Representative
Mauricio Rivera – Team Unity
As the ASCC Legislative Representative for Cabrillo College,
I will try my best to be a useful link between Cabrillo, the California
Community College System, its board of governors and legislators,
and the students. As your representative, I will bring my perspective
and ideas, as well as the input I will get from the student body to
make a stronger institution. As an international student I will ensure
as well to aid in whatever way I can to build a better support structure
for new and continuing international students in order to make
diversity a standing idea.
Senators-at-Large (5 Candidates, 12 Positions Available)
Rex Resa (Incumbent) – Dream Team
Free-style; Tea-style…
I'm super down for being a Student Senator; like
subterranean, beneath the surface down, on the level, where all
the roots kick it and thrive into the complex and beautiful plants
they were destined to be.
A few things about me:
In addition to being a political science major, I am an active
member of many clubs on campus. Tea-style: you might have
heard of us…
I’m the student rep. for the Sustainability Committee and
were currently planning Earth Week; with solar, compost, and
plastics-to-oil all on the agenda. Also, we’ll hold a forum about
the student bus passes that is going to be on the spring ballot.
In addition, the candidate for ASCC President, Dru
Glover, and I are going to start a forum and a committee on
homelessness at community colleges. Keep your ears to the
streets for that; or like, the forests’ or what-have you…
So anyway, if you see my face around campus, don’t
hesitate to introduce yourself; and feel free to talk about pretty much ANYTHING…
Peace and Love,
-Rex Resa
Liber McKee
I am new to the governmental process. Because of this I have
an untainted idealistic take on the process. I am known for my
practicality and bluntness, both of which I see as important aspects
of problem solving and communication. I will always try and keep
the students around me updated with the current agenda of the
senate. I am currently a biological sciences major, but my interests
far exceed the sciences. Having said that, I am the vice president of
the Natural History Club and have gained leadership and planning
experience from the ordeal. Also CLOCK IN THE CAFETERIA.
Jaqueline Mendoza – Team Unity
For the position of Senator-at-Large I envision to
serve as a voice for the underrepresented students of
Cabrillo College with the integration of my unique
experiences to ultimately seek solutions for the greater
good of the students. I plan to gain the necessary
information regarding relevant issues that would thus
impact our community in order to exercise the right to vote
on such issues. As well as maintain communication among
my peers in order to understand their varying needs and
ensure their concerns are at the very least being known
among the student senate so as to find solutions and/or my
support in seeking rectification. As Senator-at-Large and as
an underserved and underrepresented voice in my community I will seek to connect with those
from adverse backgrounds and circumstances to understand and learn their stance on issues they
face as students of Cabrillo College to establish a more equitable community.
Sierra Sutherland
As a Senator-at-Large, I plan to promote, and fight for, school
services that will promote the academic success of all students at
Cabrillo, such as tutors in the Math Learning and STEM Centers. I
promise to voice all student concerns and issues that arise at Student
Senate meetings; it is my goal to make sure that the students of Cabrillo
have a voice in how their academic assistance is affected. I want the
students to feel like they can directly participate in the changes and ideas
that occur at Cabrillo.
Eric Lamb – Dream Team
As a student representative I will be a voice for concerns
of the student body as a whole. I am confident that I will
continue to build connections among our diverse student
population. I will be an accessible resource to implement
suggestions for improvements for our current students, as well as
looking into the future for the next generations here at Cabrillo
Thank you,
Eric Lamb