Running head: PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE Program Trends in Early Childhood Education Rick Fillman Institutional Research Analyst Planning and Research Office September 2012 PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE Introduction In preparation for writing their Program Plan, Early Childhood Education (ECE) faculty were looking to validate certain observations. The faculty have observed that: 1) the ECE program has shifted from Watsonville to the Aptos Campus. 2) education levels among students in the core foundation course, Childhood Growth and Development (ECE-31 and ECE-131) have been increasing. 3) the age of students in these two courses are decreasing. It is further observed that the profile of students at the Aptos campus differs significantly from that at the Watsonville Center, and thus any trends should be examined separately for each location. This report will investigate the extent to which enrollment data support these assumptions. Has the program shifted from Watsonville to Aptos? Twelve years of ECE enrollments were separated into two groups: enrollments in sections offered in Watsonville and enrollments in sections offered at the Aptos main campus1. The two charts shown below are drawn from this data. The first chart illustrates how overall program enrollments have declined, from a peak in 2007-08. 3,000 ECE Enrollments by location 2,500 2,000 1,500 Watsonville 1,000 Aptos/other 500 0 1 A few enrollments at community locations or at Scotts Valley were included in the Aptos/other grouping. PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE The second chart represents the same data, but with a focus on the percentage of enrollments at the Watsonville Center as compared with Aptos/other. This percentage has been fairly constant, hovering around 30% over the last five years. Prior to that, in 2005-06 and in 2006-07, something like 35% of ECE sections had been offered in Watsonville – the same years as had the largest number of ECE section enrollments. Percent of ECE Enrollments in Watsonville 100% 80% 21% 26% 24% 23% 27% 34% 36% 29% 32% 31% 32% 29% 60% 40% 20% Watsonville Aptos/other 0% During the years of program growth, from 2004-05 through 2006-07, proportionately more enrollments occurred in Watsonville, increasing from about 23% of ECE enrollments (in 2003-04) to 36% of ECE enrollments (in 2006-07). Then, as enrollments were reduced starting in 2007-08, the balance shifted back, reducing the proportion of enrollments in Watsonville. However, as overall ECE enrollment has dropped back to levels seen twelve years ago (in 2000-01), the Watsonville proportion today (at 29% of enrollments) is greater than it was at that time (21% of enrollments). Has the education level of students in ECE 31/131 increased? To evaluate education level of students in these two courses, it is possible to leverage the assessments performed at the beginning of each semester by the ECE faculty themselves. It is the custom in the ECE program at Cabrillo to utilize assessments and then encourage higher performing students to take the course at the ECE-31 level (a transfer level course) and the remaining students are recommended to take it at the ECE-131 level (a PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE degree-applicable but not transferable course). The final decision is made by the individual student. From the pool of students enrolled in either course, the percentage who are found in ECE-31 as opposed to ECE-131 can serve as a proxy for the educational level of the incoming students. The next charts show the balance of ECE-131 (at the bottom of the bar, in darker shade) as compared with ECE-31 (at the top, in lighter shade), shown over twelve years. Aptos ECE students 100% 80% 60% ECE31 40% ECE131 20% 2011‐12 2010‐11 2009‐10 2008‐09 2007‐08 2006‐07 2005‐06 2004‐05 2003‐04 2002‐03 2001‐02 2000‐01 0% Watsonville ECE students 100% 80% 60% ECE31 40% ECE131 20% 2011‐12 2010‐11 2009‐10 2008‐09 2007‐08 2006‐07 2005‐06 2004‐05 2003‐04 2002‐03 2001‐02 2000‐01 0% PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE The balance is markedly different between Aptos and Watsonville locations. Overall, there is a gradual increase over time in the number of ECE-31 (higher performing) students which can be observed at both locations. In recent years, however, this trend is particularly obvious for students in sections located in Watsonville, where the balance of higher performing students went from approximately 15% of ECE-31 enrollments to about 50% over the most recent five years. Are ECE students getting younger? Birthdates of students are used to calculate students’ age at the time of their enrollment. The enrollment records were split, as before, according to the section location. The chart that follows illustrates the average age of ECE131 and ECE-31 students at each location over time. 40 Ages of ECE 131/31 Students 35 30 25 20 15 Aptos/other 10 Watsonville 5 0 The chart shows that the age of students (at time of enrollment) is generally higher in Watsonville sections than in Aptos. Considered over time, there is a gradual decline in the ages of students who are taking these courses at both locations. However, this trend more pronounced among those enrolled in Watsonville sections, where the average age of students enrolled in ECE31/131 has declined from around 36 years-old to around 30 years-old over twelve years. PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE Appendix The following data were used for the charts in this report. ECE enrollments (duplicated) Aptos /other Wa ts onvi l l e 2000‐01 2001‐02 2002‐03 2003‐04 2004‐05 2005‐06 2006‐07 2007‐08 2008‐09 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 1578 1814 1854 2015 1946 1815 1763 1725 1667 1535 1450 1454 419 642 578 586 723 953 991 706 771 690 697 588 Aptos ECE 131/31 Students ECE131 ECE31 2000‐01 24 175 2001‐02 30 180 2002‐03 40 273 2003‐04 85 255 2004‐05 25 228 2005‐06 15 255 2006‐07 22 229 2007‐08 18 253 2008‐09 10 266 2009‐10 13 235 2010‐11 12 194 2011‐12 4 250 PROGRAM TRENDS IN ECE Watsonville ECE 131/31 Students ECE131 ECE31 2000‐01 63 2 2001‐02 71 4 2002‐03 90 4 2003‐04 83 5 2004‐05 72 19 2005‐06 112 21 2006‐07 118 15 2007‐08 137 15 2008‐09 116 19 2009‐10 83 27 2010‐11 67 43 2011‐12 64 56 Age of ECE 131/31 students Aptos /other Wa ts onvi l l e 2000‐01 2001‐02 2002‐03 2003‐04 2004‐05 2005‐06 2006‐07 2007‐08 2008‐09 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 26.7 25.7 25.7 25.1 25.5 25.3 25.7 25.6 24.9 24.4 23.9 24.1 36.2 33.1 33.8 37 32.1 32.4 32.3 33.1 34.7 29.5 28.9 30.6