2.11.15 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 2/11/2015 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Time on topic Introduction of new members: Colton Willey, VP Student Senate Sarah Doub, CCEU rep Ian Haslam, Dean HAWK, Administrator Rep Robin McFarland, Faculty Senate Rep Budget and Integrated Planning Info Victoria/ Terrence 2 hrs Action Items and Timeline Discussion Laurel opened the meeting reminding members of the three focus areas in February: 2/4: Enrollment education 2/11: Budget and Integrated Planning 2/18: Strategic Plan update All meetings will be taped and uploaded to the website. These minutes are meant to capture salient topic points only. Integrated Planning: Terrence presented a power point presentation on Integrated planning: What it is? Why do it? Opportunities, Challenges and Process. All planning is data driven. Highlighted the new Resource Request form 2015. Link to website: Primary Effectiveness Link Institutional Effectiveness 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/pro/request/index.html Budget Planning: Graciano Mendoza presented a slide presentation on budget planning. Topic points: Unrestricted general fund: 14-15: We are close to a balanced budget 15-16 thru 17-18, projected: Trend is declining due to our declining enrollment Questions/Comments: When were we in a structural deficit? 07-08 state budget began declining; we had to plan for that. We planned for structural deficit in last few years, but it didn’t occur. We are projecting a deficit in later years, but we don’t know if that will really occur. Need to plan for what we know now so we don’t experience any gaps in the future. SSSP & Student Equity: 11-12: actual revenue was 4% 15-16 is projected to be 8% Categorical one time funds are increasing – but a large majority is going to instruction, not all the money is staying in student services. Money is restricted; limits our flexibility. Some money comes with a required match; don’t have the specifics yet – no final decisions have been made. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion If we have 2-1 matching requirement, we would need to pull money from general fund to cover. We do have a choice to accept or not accept the funds. Risk Tolerance Survey: Victoria asked members to complete a risk tolerance survey, based on their own personal situation. Based on responses most members were in the 23-28 risk category, which is moderate risk taking. How would the answers change if people were looking at the College’s money? 2015-18 Budget Planning: 14-15: Will reach 10887 ftes (enrollment cap) and deficit reduced from $1M to $.5M 15-16: State budget is very good including a 1.58% cola and increased allocation in base revenue. Project increases in expenses FON is linked to our enrollment We are typically over our FON number by 2-4 positions. 15-16 we are projecting a decrease in 6 positions. Counseling positions have shifted from general fund to SSSP. STRS & PERS increases are dramatic. Only projected at this time, we don’t have the final percentage increase yet. 15-16: Projecting a balanced budget 15-16: Allotted one time money to help with PERS/STRS 16-17: Enrollment is declining on a permanent basis. Ftes is going from 10887 to a projected 10500: We will need to learn to live with a smaller college. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Permanent loss of revenue is approx $2M Although we have had valiant efforts, we haven’t been able to increase enrollment Questions/Comments: Can we find a way to show how shifting spending from General Funds to Categorical funds are reflected in the GF budget categories. (e.g., Counseling positions that have shifted to SSSP and Equity funding.) Shouldn’t those GF savings appear in the 2015-16 budget data? When faculty contract positions are taken off General fund, that is reflected in the line item that show savings compared with adjunct backfill of eliminated contract positions. Are there any updates on the growth formula? New parameters haven’t been defined yet. What changes can we expect in the May revise? Nothing has been determined yet. If we go over 10887 would be receive more money? Yes. Is 10500 a reachable target? We believe 10500 is attainable but will be hard. We need to identify programs that are successful and promote those. Have cut reserve funds in 15-16. We will not schedule sessions that are not full. Need to put our efforts on where we know the students will enroll. What is the return on our efforts of putting one time money to the problem? Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion It’s a spiral that is almost impossible to get out of. Our growth money will eventually come back. 10500 is based on balanced summers. Do we know which programs are potential targets? Can we get that info? PRO website has data available; data is very detailed however. Will share at next CPC meeting. Is there a planned target for each division? Will need to develop a reduction plan based on the decreased trends. Victoria posed a question for each CPC member: How much money should we keep in our reserves? What is the best use of our operating reserves? Answers: Barbara: Can’t answer right now – need time to think about it. Ian: $6M in reserves – what do we do with reserves? Can we buy ftes to get us back? Sarah: Important to keep reserves, otherwise the college is in jeopardy. Dennis: Equal to 2months worth of salaries. Use operating reserves for one time needs or deficits. Tatiana: Align with Dennis. Alta: Our reserves should cover more than salaries. Need to have money set aside for unforeseen circumstances. Conrad: Wouldn’t look at payroll as a marker for reserves. Think about 2 things: (1) what is past practice, (2) look at projected enrollment. Need a consensus and commitment to Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion reductions that need to be made. Operating reserves should be in place to cover deficit. From the audience: Carl: What kind of answer are you looking for? Numerical? What is our uncertainty? Questions/Comments: Payroll is around $5M per month. Even when we had an $11M balance, we still were borrowing $4.5M. State only pays us about 99% of what they say they will. What does the state say we need to have in reserves? 5% What happens if our reserves go below 5%? Our bond rating will change as outside agencies look at our balance sheet. Could make borrowing money more difficult. If we go below a 5% reserve this raises red flags with the League and the state. If we go below 10500, we could be in trouble. Do we use our reserve on an ongoing basis to balance the budget? At times we have dipped below on our cash balance, but our fund balance did not. A lot of our fund balance is committed. Laurel: Have talked with leadership about this. It would be nice to have a consensus, but not everyone will agree on how to spend our money. If we could have an agreement on how to spend the dollars that would be helpful. Need to have open and honest conversations. If we can get to 10500, the next step is how to innovate and capture more dollars. Our formula funding is in Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link question. Speculation that this will change from the way we were funded in the past. Have asked cabinet to put together a restructuring plan that will be brought to CPC for review. You will have an opportunity to review and discuss next steps. One time Operating Reserves: Final 14-15 is $1.7M Victoria will be recommending to the board that we increase our reserves by 2%: One percent this year and 1% next year. As well as an increase our retiree benefit fund. Agenda Building & Summary Takeaway Info Laurel 5 Min Parking Lot: Information Requested 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Reminder of board study session on 3/2/15 from 4:00-5:00 in Hort. All are welcome to attend. None 2.11.15 CPC Minutes Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 6. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan 7. Technology Plan 8. Program Plans Student Equity Plan 3. 4. 5. 9.