M ore Quot tes from s students

More Quottes from sstudents
From C. Hart,
HTP trransfer to UC
C Berkeley, Sociology
“I just wan
nted to tell you.... I got 100% on
n my first midterm. Cabrillo pprepared me weell for Cal, especially Kim Carddilla
my psych teacher and abso
olutely Jaquie Logg
in the sociiology dept. Heer Soc. 2 Honorrs class fully prepared me for m
essay exam
m last week. Thaank you for havving such an aw
wesome honors program!!”
Rene Siqu
ueiros, UC Berkeley
- from Watsonvville High Sch
…about th
he Cabrillo Hon
nors Transfer Prrogram. Financcially it is the sm
martest choice yyou can make iff you want to attend
a UC. Two
o years ago, I haad the same chance to apply to
o that program
m, but I didn't. W
Why was that? I had already taaken
numerous classes
at Cabriillo, so why wouuldn't I use it ass a hub for gettting into a univversity? For me personally, it w
because I didn't
want to be
b a transfer stuudent. Rather, I didn't want thee stigma of beinng a transfer stuudent. I didn't w
the other sttudents thinkin
ng that I couldn
n't get in withouut going throughh a Communityy College first. However, as a
current und
dergraduate at UC
U Berkeley, I can see now th
hat (HTP) is thee right choice. U
Universities can
n be very
intimidatingg, many of the students aroun
nd you will alreaady carry resum
mes glittered witth prestigious tiitles and
awards. However,
at a un
niversity, respecct is earned thro
ough hard workk. It doesn't maatter whether yo
ou transferred,
applied direectly, or were guaranteed
admiission through a family endow
wment. The onlly thing your peeers and superio
will give a damn
about is how
h hard you are
a willing to wo
ork. Each one oof you has alreaady proven to tthe people in ouur
communityy that you are a hard worker, and
a that is whyy we hold you inn such high reggard. The academic communityy at a
universityy is no differentt. As long as yo
continue fighting for youur dreams, peop
will recoggnize your efforrts.
I know yoou will each earrn the respect o
many, as yyou continue p
pursuing higher
educationn. I strongly urgge you to apply to the
Cabrillo H
Honors Transfeer Program andd I
wish you the best of luckk on all of yourr
applicatioons ahead!
keley, US Histtory Major From Amaanda Martinezz, HTP transffer to UC Berk
" Because the
t HTP is filled with like-min
nded, driven, an
nd dedicated stuudents, it is undderstandable that I made
lasting and genuine friend
dships in the pro
ogram. The succcess-oriented aatmosphere of tthe program th
hrived on health
n, as we all pushed and contin
nue to pushone another to do w