Researching COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES CALIFORNIA COLLEGES.EDU offers a well-designed pathway to breakdown specific majors and where to find them offered by state or region. To begin, click on Community College students, then choose “Select a Major” to start your exploration. Very helpful site when searching for a specific major by state: EUREKA.ORG is a nice database when seeking what majors private universities offer. Using the Cabrillo College User log-in select the Education section, then by using the link Colleges/Universities you can filter or browse or search the database which includes out-of-state and private universities. Lots of good search parameters. Cabrillo College user log-in: jnshons Comprehensive list of all US colleges and universities by state (no additional info unless selected): Quick look up by state, but you may need to subscribe for more information: To find an online or distance learning course throughout the CA Community College system try the California Virtual Campus for resources: Consider checking into the CSU Mentor website by choosing the “Explore Campuses” and “Planning for College” tabs to find out more about what the CA State University system has to offer: The University of California “Transfer Admission Planner” is an invaluable resource to communicate with multiple UC campuses and track major prep. Create an account today! SOME RESEARCH QUESTIONS FOR TRANSFERRING INTO PRIVATE, OUT-OF-STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES You may find some of the answers on the schools’ websites (try “admissions”, then “undergraduate”, then “transfer”). You may have to visit, call, or email to get some of the answers. You don’t need to ask most of these in a specific order. What are the minimum eligibility requirements for transfer admission? What do I need to be competitive for transfer admission? Is there a minimum number of units required for transfer admission? Do you require any standardized test scores for transfer admission? Is there a maximum number of units you will give credit for? Is there a minimum GPA for transfer admission? What is a competitive GPA for transfer admission? Does your school recognize the IGETC or CSU GE patterns? If not, what general education courses should I take to be competitive? Is there a minimum level of English and Math required? If I have an associate’s degree from a community college in California, will that waive GE requirements for purposes of transfer admission? Would I be more competitive for transfer admission to my major if I have completed some of its lower division courses for my major before I come to you? If so, which lower division courses should I have completed? For students in the arts, ask about portfolios, demo reels, and auditions.