Cabrillo College HONORS STUDY CONTRACT Semester: Student’s Name: E-mail address: Telephone number: Student ID#: Course which this Contract Study will supplement: Instructor: Section: Honors Contract project description and requirements (e.g., research paper, laboratory work, readings and demonstrations, portfolio, etc.) beyond standard course requirements: THIS MUST BE FILLED IN WITH DETAIL! To be filled out by the Student: 1. Number of units completed to date: 2. Final semester at Cabrillo will be: 3. Honors courses completed to date (list): Student: I have read the Guidelines for Honors Contract and I agree to the terms of this contract. Student signature: Date: Print name: Professor: I have read the Guidelines for Honors Contract Seminar, and I agree to direct this Honors Contract Study during semester, 20 . Professor’s signature Date: Print name: Honors Program: Honors Program approval: Date: Student submits signed contract to the Office of Instruction, SAC West (Assessment Building) Room 213, by the end of the 4th week of the semester covered by the contract. Both instructor and student receive a copy of the contract. Thanks to Katharine E. Harer of Skyline College for the template for this contract.