ADN-BSN Collaborative Program PATHWAY California State University, Monterey Bay Department of Nursing Cabrillo College School of Nursing Years 1-2: Prerequisite Courses Fall Biology 4* English 1A or 1AMC#* Library 10 Math 12* Units: 13 4 3 1 5 Winter Session (if available) Units: Anatomy* (Area B2/B3) College Reading and Composition I (Area A2) Information Research Statistics (Area B4) Spring Chemistry 30A* English 2 or 2MC#* Political Science 1 or 5* Arts Course* Inorganic Chemistry for Health Occupations (Area B1) Critical Thinking (Area A3) CSU U.S. Constitution Req. (Area D8 & US2/3) CSU GE (Area C1) Units: 14 4 4 3 3 Summer Session (if available) Communications 1 or 2* Communications (Area A1) Communication 6* Listening Lab Units: 4 3 1 Units: 10-12 4 3 3- 5 Winter Session (if available) Units: Units: 10-12 4 3-5 Summer Session (if available) US History* CSU U.S. History Req. (Area D 6 & US1) History 14,15,17,21 or 29 Units: 3 3 Fall Biology 5* Psychology 1 Humanities Course* Spring Biology 6* Humanities or Arts* Lifelong*Learning/ Self Development Physiology (Area B2/B3) General Psychology (Area D9) CSU GE (Area C2) Spanish 1 Recommended Microbiology CSU GE (Area C1or C2) Spanish 2 Recommended CSU GE (Area E) Waived for Cabrillo ADN 3 Additional Requirement for AS: #Multicultural Studies Requirement – Can be double counted *CSUMB requirements for BSN degree. Students with a previous bachelor's degree, see a Cabrillo Counselor for Cabrillo graduation requirements. Years 3-4: ADN Nursing Courses at Cabrillo College Fall N14 Units: 10 4 Foundations of Nurs Practice: Theory 1 Clinical Skills/Nurs Practicum 1 Basic Nursing Skills/Medications Lab 1 Pharmacology N15 N16 N17 Winter Session (if available) Units: 0 4 1.5 .5 Units: 15.51 Summer 1 – CSUMB Semester 5 NURS 301 Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice 4 NURS 302 Health Assessment and Promotion Across the Life Span 1.5 .5 Spring N24 N25 N26 N27 Nursing in Wellness/Illness: Theory II Clinical Skills/ Nursing Practicum II Advance Nurs Skills/Medications Lab II Pharmacology B Fall N34 N35 Nursing in Wellness/Illness: Theory III Clinical Practicum/Nursing Care Management III Units: 10 5 5 Spring N44 N45 N48 Nursing in Wellness/Illness: Theory IV Clinical Practicum/Nursing Care Management IV Clinical Nursing Preceptorship Units: 8 3 3.5 2.5 Units: 6 3 3 Winter Session (if available) Units: 0 Summer 2 - CSUMB Semester NURS 300 Professional Nursing Proseminar NURS 321 Information Management for Nursing in Healthcare Units: 6 3 3 — Pass NCLEX — — GPA ≥ 2.75 — — GE Certification — -- BSN Prerequisites Complete — --- Formal CSUMB Matriculation — Year 5: CSUMB BSN Courses Fall - CSUMB Semester NURS 306 NURS 310 NURS 430 NURS 350 Case Management/Care Management Coordination Lifespan Healthcare Policies and its Impact on Population Health Research/Evidence-based Practice for Nurs Profession Health Assessment within the Latino Population Spring – CSUMB Semester NURS 440 NURS 499S CHHS 302 NURS 370 (Elective) Health Care Delivery Systems/Nursing Leadership Community/Public Health Nursing with Clinical Professional Communication Palliative Care Across the Lifespan (Elective) Units: 12 3 3 3 3 Winter - CSUMB Intersession NURS 365 Global Health and the Socio-cultural Constructs of Health/Illness Units: 3 3 Units: 12-16 3 6 (3+3) GE Area D4 4 GE Area A4 (If required) 3 ● Students with a previous bachelor's degree, see a CSUMB Nursing adviser for CSUMB graduation requirements. ● Courses subject to change ● Students interested in this collaborative track should see their Nursing advisor at Cabrillo College for details. If demand exceeds capacity, other admission criteria may be put in place. ● An ADN degree does not guarantee admission to CSUMB. Students beginning the final year at CSUMB should maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average in all of their Community College coursework, have passed the NCLEX, be GE certified by their CC, and have completed all BSN prerequisites. Version: February 2016