Date and Time Main Purpose Sept 16

Date and Time
Sept 16
Oct 7th
Nov 2nd
Cluster Project
Dec 1st
Cluster Project
Main Purpose
The purpose of the PLAN phase is to:
• establish a group to lead health and wellbeing improvement in
Where are we now?
•St. Andrew’s current health and wellbeing (HWB) priority/ies based on
School Audit
What are we doing now? Hold fast that which is good!
• define the outcomes we plan to achieve, and identify milestones
along the way;
• identify activities/interventions.
•Discussed what we are doing now at St. Andrew’s …
•Identified which outcomes our present plans match and also identified
•Meeting arranged to discuss project outline and aims
•Discussion took place around the proposed experiences and
outcomes and how this could be taken forward
•Discussion took place about using the planning booklet and how to
involve partners in planning the project
•Consider for the next meeting what we currently do in school in this
area of the curriculum
•Consider what partners we could use and how
•Date and time of next meeting – 1 December, 3pm, St Andrews
•Discussion took place on how many lessons would take place per
•Decided that there will be three lessons per level: early, first, second
and third
•Teachers will have to meet and plan with each other to ensure there is
a clear line of progression, continuity, breadth and challenge
•Agreed that lessons will be taught end of January/February and write
up will take place in March
•Staff to meet and plan activities in each of the levels, once agreed,
early level and first level staff, and so on, must meet to ensure
progression, depth and challenge in learning
•Once agreed, staff need to meet to involve planning lessons with
partners and what they can offer to enrich lessons
•Date of next meeting – 22 February, 3pm St Andrews
Nov 17th
We found that Emotional Health was an area to look at in more depth
Basic Emotional Needs:•
To value and be valued
To be socially connected to the wider world
To have a sense of meaning, a sense of purpose and goals
To have status and to be emotionally connected to others
To be creative and to be stimulated
To have a sense of autonomy and control
In addition the area of Physical Activity and Health was an area
which could be an interesting aspect for development.
Jan 12th
Chair explained that the chosen outcomes were very simple and
straight forward. An enlightening discussion ensued about how many
lessons were required , resources and time for planning
Group split into P.4 Classes, P.6 classes and Nursery
Parties discussed seamless transition involving P.7’s,SI P.E. and
Home Economics department
Feb 21st
Feb 22nd
Feb 22nd
Feb 22nd
Cluster Project
Feb 28th
March 2nd
9.00a.m -12noon
March 8th
March 9th
March 11th
March 18th
9.00a.m.- 12 noon
Discussed how staff at the college would visit the Primary School and
enhance the First and Second Level Outcomes.
Agreed on a power point presentation to classes with follow up
sessions in the gym and classrooms.
Set up pro forma for a Health Diary to suit Primary and Secondary.
Agreed they would have to be different. Active Schools to agree times
with our P.4 and P.6 classes
•Two of the three lessons have been taught in early, first and second
•Planning with partners in second level to progress work from P7 but
only one lesson has been taught so far
•Partnership working in primary school going very well – chef from
Braehead cook school involved, player from Kilmarnock FC and
dietician also came in to work with pupils
•For next meeting all lessons taught and some of the write up
completed to keep us on track to ensure a clear line of progression
and skills development
•Date of next meeting – 22 March, 3pm St Andrews
Meeting with Sports and Nutrition Graduate.
Set up dates to enhance our 3 lesson programme to deliver chosen
Joint planning meeting
•Review and evaluate lessons completed so far
•Examine how best to use our outside agencies to enhance learning
and teaching experiences
Select and implement activities/interventions that will help achieve our
• monitor progress towards our milestones and outcomes; and
• make any necessary adjustments to milestones and outcomes.
Sports and Nutrition graduate taught the classes in our gym
hall…excellent inter- active lesson on food groups and balanced diet to
enhance lesson three in our programme.
• Health and Well Being Co-ordinator from Kilmarnock College visiting
P4 classes.
•To enhance a healthy and balanced diet for all…{Lesson three main
teaching points emphasized} Excellent powerpoint presentation and
well presented!
Early Years and Primary staff meeting:
•Agreed on what worked …what could be better and future
approaches…Wrote up all their plans
March 22nd
Cluster Project
•All lessons in primary school taught and two out of three lessons in
secondary school
•Staff brought together to assess and moderate evidence.
•line of progression between early, first, second and third level
•St Andrews have completed most of the work booklet but this needs to
be typed up
For 30 March all write up to be complete:
•Evidence of meetings and telephone conversations
•All minutes of meetings updated and shared
•Evidence of how we planned with partners and involved pupils in the
learning process to be evidenced too
•Write up using headings of: Aims of project, how we did it, what the
impact has been.
April 19th
April 20th
Cluster Project
Early Years and Primary staff meeting:
Review the whole process
Aims met?
Planning useful?
Impact on Learning?
Review and Reflections:
Effect on Transition
Nursery –P.1
Transition through levels!