Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Approaches to learning: What do you


Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Gymnastics

Approaches to learning: Cooperative learning, individual, pairs, trios

Level/Sector: Fourth

Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): While learning together, and in leadership situations I can:

experience different roles and take responsibility in organising a physical event

HWB 4-23a

Learning Intentions: What do you Success Criteria: How will you Activities/Experiences: want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os?

We are learning to plan, perform and modify an eight move sequence using complex actions showing changes in direction, flow and level using floor and/or apparatus, with control, accuracy and fluency.

 We are learning various leadership roles required for an event

We are learning to contribute to a supportive environment

We are learning to make success criteria for sequences/competitions

We are learning to describe, explain and know/what are you looking for?



Learners demonstrate an eight move sequence with control, accuracy and fluency

Learners understand their responsibility within their role in planning and organising an event

Learners take a lead role in organising some parts of their practise


Link, at least, 8 actions together and change the context – slow, fast, high, low on their own or with partner

Develop Acro-gymnastics routines combining simple and complex skills

Judging competitions

Learners will be involved in differentiated competitions

Learners analyse performance suggesting improvements to their own and peers performance (SAY)

Learners will justify the design and effectiveness of theirs and others’ sequences


Apply new skills to their own sequences and evaluate the effectiveness (SAY/DO/WRITE)

 justify strengths and areas for improvement in performance

Learners reflect and recognise improvement

Learners take responsibility for improving own performance based on recognition of personal strengths people’s suggestions to practise and improve performance

Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities?

Write: Peer assessment sheets- target setting, whiteboards and posters

Do/Make: Class teacher observation/ peer observation of sequence, video footage.

Say Learners can highlight their and their partner’s strengths and areas for improvement about their performance and the role that they undertake.


/Attributes being developed:

Through performing and observation of movement they are developing thinking skills of

Remembering- show and tell about sequence

Understanding –explaining parts of sequence

Analysing-assessing what is involved in the process of improving performance of self/others

Applying-demonstrating sequence

Evaluating-recognise what needs to improve and how to improve

Creating-plan and select skills

Able to work groups –lead, plan, organise

Literacy skills of listening and talking

Confident Individuals-relate to others and manage themselves. Assess risk and make informed decisions

Effective Contributors-resilience/work in pairs.. Take the initiative and lead

Responsible Citizens-respect for others

Successful Learners-use literacy and numeracy skills. Think creatively and independently and make reasoned evaluations

Understand your responsibility within your role in gymnastics

Apply leadership skills in new/ differentiated competition/events

Solve problems, work with others, make informed choices and decisions on own and as part of a group

Meeting Learners Needs:


Differentiated resources – list of movement skills


Acknowledging worth of others.

Checking for understanding. Clarifying ideas.

Contributing ideas


Port Glasgow High School and Newark Primary School
